MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 158 , fruit-carrying babies, numerous spirit beasts

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Kiel was floating in the air, as if he had lost the gravitational pull from the earth. He was swaying, his arms were swinging, and his feet were pedaling, all of which could not change the position of the whole person with force.

He himself didn't panic, but found it interesting to make a breaststroke in mid-air.

Not far away, Priest Batar at the gate of the central ceremony hall covered his face with his hands, feeling that the young man Keir seemed to be vacillating between reliable and unreliable.

When I first met yesterday, he looked very ordinary. Although he was the one I was waiting for, I was still a little disappointed in my excitement. When he saw Kiel fully armed this morning, he was very excited. After all, the more powerful Kiel is, the greater the possibility of saving the villagers. At that time, he felt that the arrangement given to him by the gods was really reliable.

But now, under such a solemn situation, especially in the presence of the great Saturnalia, Kiel, who was being blessed by the ceremony, unexpectedly made funny moves in such a boring ceremony.

Priest Batar thought so, not to mention the other priests watching at the door.

All of them opened their mouths silently in surprise. They never expected that the witness who was so honored to experience the blessing ceremony led by the gods at this time would be so indifferent, self-loving, and serious.

It is simply not to put the great Saturn in his eyes, but in his heart.

But they thought so, but no one at the scene dared to disturb the ceremony. After all, the gods didn't say anything.

But at the scene, the vice-principal himself curled the corners of his mouth amusedly.

Powerful invisible divine power and pure divine power from the gods surged around him, but his own eyes glanced upwards.

God didn't say anything.

Because the gods are not human beings with a limited lifespan, they have seen all kinds of human beings for thousands of years. Faced with Keir's floating in the air under the cover of divine power at this time, and his funny imitation of frog swimming, Saturn didn't say anything.


The divine power of the **** of agriculture around Kiel increased more and more, and the divine power was like a ball, or an ungerminated seed, wrapping Kiel, a living being, in it.

The powerful and high-level power also spontaneously produced some influence on the surrounding environment.

In the green grass in the entire central ceremony hall, clusters of illusory wheat seedlings grew rapidly without knowing when.

These wheat seedlings imaginatively grew and matured from the ground quickly, and within ten breaths, a large amount of imaginary mature wheat 'grow' in the ceremony hall.

The golden wheat swayed without wind, forming waves.

Those who saw this scene, even though they knew that those things were illusory, seemed to really see the gentle sound of the wheat being blown by the wind.

A fragrance mixed with the smell of the earth is also lingering on the tip of everyone's nose.

At some point in time, the sky was filled with blue light, and babies holding huge fruits emerged from the blue light of divine power.

They giggled and flew around with various ripe fruits in their arms. When they saw someone present, they boldly leaned over. Their stubby, white and fat hands generously raised the fruit, intending to give it to those present.

Another one flew in front of Keel.

This little guy with soft hair, clear and lovely eyes, and a smile on his mouth is holding an orange, and he lifts up the fruit in his hand in a friendly way, and wants to give it to Kiel to taste.

It is obvious that Keir is surrounded by a large amount of invisible divine power at this moment, but all of this seems to have no effect on this illusory baby with fruit.

Keel wondered if the kid in front of him was the real thing, or just a phantom spontaneously generated wherever Saturn's divine power went?

Confused, Keir subconsciously stretched out his hand, but accidentally pinched the orange that the other party gave him with a few fingers of his right hand.

"Cluck cluck~"

Seemingly realizing that Kiel had caught the fruit, the baby smiled and let go, and flew away cheerfully.

Keir had a strange expression on his face, and subconsciously brought the translucent orange in his hand to his mouth.

I have not yet used my teeth to bite through the orange peel and eat the pulp inside. The illusory orange sent to his mouth directly turned into tangible and intangible power and slid into his mouth.

Nourishes his body.

A sense of satisfaction came from the stomach, as if he had eaten something good.


Not only was Kiel at the center of the ceremony fed fruit by phantom fruit-bearing babies, even two or three fruit-bearing babies flew past the young priests watching the coming of the gods and the ceremony at the gate.

There are not many in the past, so it is very difficult for these little ones to give the fruit in their hands to which human being present.

A small girl squeezed out from among the priests. She was wearing a clergy robe, and she boldly stretched out a hand forward, opened it, and then waved her palm, as if calling the fruit-carrying baby to give it quickly. .

Seeing such a 'foothold', the three fruit-carrying babies crowded over together, wanting to give their own fruit to the girl who dared to ask for it.

But as soon as the three of them flew over, the girl took the initiative to grab a bunch of grapes in the hand of one of the fruit-bearing babies.

With a retracted hand, even the fruit and the baby were caught at once.

The girl 'Sunny' blinked her eyes with a smile, and used her left hand to tug at the translucent and seemingly illusory face of the baby. The chubby, playful little face was kneaded into several shapes.

The frightened baby gave up the bunch of grapes he was still holding in his hand, kicked his little fleshy feet in the air a few times, and immediately flew away to escape from the 'claw' of 'Sunny Sky'.

This scene frightened the other two fruit-carrying babies, and hurriedly threw the fruit in the direction of the crowd, no matter who they gave it to, hurriedly caught up with the one who had escaped, and flew back to the central ceremony together In the blue light of gods that filled the sky above the arena.


The two thrown fruits were caught by two lucky young priests. All of them knew what they were, so they all sent the illusory fruits to their mouths, and they turned into nourishing divine power and sent them into the mouth. In the stomach.

The girl Qing Tian was different, she broke off the grapes one by one and distributed them to the other priests present.

First, the old priests who followed the vice-principal, each of them got the most plump grape, and then the male and female young priests who usually had a good relationship with her, and finally the smaller grapes were distributed among the same diocese, but Priests I don't know very well.

She fiddled with the empty grape branch from side to side, and tentatively brought it to her mouth. Unexpectedly, this illusory branch also turned into nourishing power, and it was thrown into her mouth, nourishing her stomach.

Everyone got a part of the fruit, so they all respected the adopted daughter of the headmaster of this parish, 'Sunny Sky'.

Only the two young priests who shared the whole fruit by themselves blushed and lowered their heads in shame. But everyone didn't say anything about it. In another situation, if they got the fruit from the fruit-bearing baby, they might have the same performance.


Not long after Kiel swallowed the fruit, some of the fruit-carrying babies flying around gave the fruit away, while some failed to find anyone, so they gave up giving the fruit away and dropped the translucent fruit to the ground.

As soon as the fruit touches the ground, it nourishes the lawn on the ground and the equally translucent and illusory large pieces of wheat on the ground.

Without the fruit, the babies flying in the air quickly circled around Kiel.

Then they flew up into the sky, got into the blue light of divine power, and when they reappeared, they held cute petite animal dolls like dolls in their hands.

Each is no more than the size of an adult's palm. There are strong and mighty lions, slippery and cold poisonous snakes, strong galloping horses, tough donkeys, black-eyed crows, and mysterious black cats with secretive actions. , there are fat and greedy mice, there are vigorous and powerful cattle, there are alert hares jumping endlessly, there are huge river fish swimming with tails, there are fierce griffins soaring in the sky, there are grotesque multi-legged chameleons, there are thirst-resistant Tall dromedary camels that are resistant to hunger, honest and majestic giant brown bears, gluttonous skuagulls, big-tailed squirrels that climb nimbly, gray wolves that hunt for long distances, and forest short-horned deer with vigilant leaps , the shadow spider that weaves traps, the hardworking ants that work together, the dangerous dragon that dominates the sky, the fast-flying velociraptor, the sky falcon with divine eyes and farsightedness, the calm tortoise with a thick carapace, and the docile and cold-resistant long-sighted dragon. Wool sheep, cliff-climbing stunt goats, gladiatorial panhorn sheep, responsive hunting tabby cats, loyal hounds sniffing and galloping, commanding shepherd dogs, parrots with ever-changing voices , a bipedal giant bird with a tall and straight figure, a giant swamp frog with a long tongue swimming, a terrifying flying mosquito with blood-sucking invisibility, a weevil beetle with a hundred times more strength, a giant crocodile hiding in a pool waiting to be hunted, and a foul-smelling acid liquid Slime monsters, simulated shapeshifters with rare changes, deadly tigers roaring in the mountains, stupid civet cats with honesty and luck, fiery red foxes with extreme cleverness and cunning, mountainous giant elephants with huge cloaks, giant-nosed moose with wise walks, There are also extremely cold white bears with cold breathing and so on.

These fruit-carrying babies are flying in the air with these spirit beast puppets of different styles, spinning and flying around the divine power around Kiel.

Under Kiel's curious gaze, they flew faster and faster, faster and faster.

Soon, from being able to clearly see what puppet he was holding, it was so fast that there was only an afterimage left.

Afterwards, the afterimages with various flight trajectories gradually merged together. Perhaps the fruit-carrying babies themselves are the product of illusory divine power, so they are not restricted by the laws of the world's reality, nor are they considered by ordinary people's perception. They spin rapidly, And gradually merged into a rotating orbit at high speed.

Right in front of Kiel, the large track of the palm changing the colorful and shaking light and shadow seems to have gradually slowed down after the fusion.

The colored beam of light seems to have fused all the previous images of spirit beast puppets, and even those babies with fruits seem to have merged from dozens of people into one.

When the band of light finally stopped, a baby with a ball holding a changing shape appeared in front of Keel.

The divine power around Kiel seemed to have a purpose, frantically pouring into the baby and the changing light ball it was holding.

The speed is fast, but only a dozen or so breaths. Except for a small amount of divine power that keeps him afloat, all the other powerful divine powers in Kiel's body have entered into the little baby holding the ball in front of him.

Afterwards, the little dot that glowed with blue light became flattened, as if it was squashed or turned into a two-dimensional image on its own initiative.

The image shrunk down in size as it approached Kiel, and finally stuck to Kiel's abdomen and stomach, and stuck to Kiel's body.

With a bang, Kiel lost consciousness.

Because countless messages poured into his brain from the blessing pattern pasted on his body.

But I don't know if the gods have intervened, the information flooded in, and then shrank back, only a small amount of information on how to use this powerful blessing was printed in Kiel's mind.

Other information about various spirit beasts was locked inside the blessing and was not really shared with Kiel.

Therefore, even if Kiel uses it in the future, he will not be able to understand the blessings clearly, and he can only find out by himself. Every spirit beast is unknown to him, maybe some seemingly cute or stupid spirit beasts also have some extraordinary abilities.


Keir's body gradually fell to the ground. When the boots touched the lawn ground, Keir's whole body went limp, and he fell backward into the lawn and the illusory wheat field.

A smile appeared on the face of the **** statue, and then it turned into a white stone statue again.

The beam of light disappeared, and the **** of agriculture left.

"Farewell to my lord, the great **** of agriculture, Opprochen Didine, may you take care of all the farmers on the earth."

The priests, no matter who they were, knelt down and worshiped the statue, sending Saturn away respectfully.

The illusory scene of wheat fields in the central ceremony field has not dissipated, and they make the rustling sound of wheat ears colliding automatically without wind.

It scratches people's ears, but it also gives people a sense of practical satisfaction.

The vegetation coat on the vice-principal's body receded, the blades of grass retracted back to the lawn on the ground, and the young branches and leaves retracted into the knobby long staff that he had been holding high.

He walked towards Kiel, and when he came to Kiel, he bent down and wiped Kiel's face, and Kiel woke up from his coma.

"Deputy Head, Your Excellency, was the ceremony successful?"

The look in Keir's eyes gradually recovered, and he asked the vice headmaster.

The other party nodded and pointed to Kiel's stomach: "Look for yourself, it's very interesting. This ritual blessing is the first time I've heard of seeing and participating in it. The knowledge of the God of Saturn is like a boundless field, endless, forever plowing Inexhaustible."

Keel raised his body slightly and looked at his stomach. It was really amazing that the blessing pattern was still changing on the skin of his stomach.

It was a picture of a baby smiling and holding a ball of light, and the whole gave off a glimmer of light. If you didn't pay attention to it, no one could predict how much powerful divine power was hidden in this inconspicuous blessing.

The images of various spirit beasts are constantly changing in the light sphere, and it changes every time Kiel breathes. When Kiel caressed the pattern with his finger, the transformation of the spirit beast pattern in the light ball slowed way to use blessings and some other less information turned in his mind.

The amount of this information was small, somewhat beyond Keir's expectations.

After all, the previous blessings of 'Food of Grass and Trees' had more information than this 'Summoning Spiritual Beast', but he didn't faint from the previous blessing, but he fainted from this blessing, but the information was extremely little.

He didn't know the slightest bit about how many spirit beasts there were, and what each spirit beast's ability and appearance was like.

This discovery left Keir scratching his head.

"Your Excellency, I don't know the message of the spirit beast summoned by this blessing?"

If you have any questions, ask someone who understands it, and Keir directly asks questions.

The vice-principal stretched out his hand and pulled Kiel up. The strength of the skinny arm in the sleeve of his gorgeous short robe was far beyond Kiel's imagination. The young soldier was easily pulled up by the old man with one hand.

"Perhaps, the **** wants you to explore the information of these spirit beasts by yourself? After all, it is a powerful ritual blessing that I have never seen before. It may exceed the limit you can bear, so the **** slightly modified the final result."

This answer put Keel at ease.

He looked around. Although the lawn of the central ceremony field was still there, it was blocked by layers of illusory wheat fields. But outside the gate, dozens of priests of the **** of agriculture wearing various robes gathered.

There were men and women, old and young, and the female priest named 'Sunny Sky' whom I had met before was also looking at him curiously.

Being stared at by so many people, Keir didn't feel that much. He waved at these people generously and smiled. Keir nodded to the deputy dean and thanked him again.

Then he came to the place where he had placed his weapons and equipment before, and searched for his own weapons and equipment in the illusory wheat, and equipped them one by one on his body.

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