MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 155 , the central ceremony venue, the "Blessed Bread" blessing ceremony

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Keir and the others still walked through the streets they walked the last time they came.

Along the way, Kiel was still surprised by the prosperity of the city, not the prosperity here, please, the prosperity of the city in his previous life surpassed that of this place countless times, what really surprised him was that in the relatively backward society of the other world as a whole, It was a surprise to him to meet such a bustling city in such a place.

"How many cities are there in the western provinces for such a big city?"

Facing the question of the warriors of Kiel, Priest Batar rubbed his chin and said a little embarrassedly: "We don't know about the western provinces, but the southern provinces are similar in size to Montorca City, and only the capital of the province is fine." Right? But the terrain in our area is not flat enough, and it is impossible to build the city in such a regular way as in Montoka City. You know, in places with many mountains and rivers, no matter how large the city is, because of the obstruction of the mountains, it will look It’s also much worse than a city where you can overlook the whole city from a high place.”

But the priest Batar went on to show a smiling face: "But our city there is also unique, with winding mountain roads, undulating street buildings, and layers of trees. Ha, you will like it there."

Keir also smiled: "Maybe so."

He felt a little uneasy. Coming all the way from Cavin, the Kendalls have seen too many people from the southern provinces who fled here. If the local situation is good, how can anyone leave their hometown?

Judging from the Changmai Village where the Batar priest lives, the situation in other places is estimated to be very bad.

Just how bad it is, you have to experience it yourself, and you can only know by observing it in the past.


They came to the gate of the Saturnalia Church in Montoka City again. The two got off their horses and walked in with the horses.

Of course, there is a place on the inside of the gate to temporarily park the horses on the stone pillars and low wooden beams. There is no need to worry about possible theft here. Go inside the church.

When Priest Morel saw Kiel, he observed Kiel's face. Perhaps he recognized that this young man in iron armor was the one from yesterday. Kiel warned: "Although you will not temporarily collect your weapons and equipment, young people, when you pull out your weapons in the church, you are against the God of Saturn and the Church of the God of Saturn! Before you take any action, the last It’s better to think it through in your head before you do it.”

Of course, the Church of the God of Saturn is not afraid of a 'knight' attacking at the church headquarters in their parish. After all, even if the priest of the God of Saturn is not good at attacking, it is not Kiel alone who can make trouble.

Click, click, click, click.

Kiel was wearing a metal armor, and every time he walked, the metal boots would make a clicking sound on the stone floor of the church.

Many young priests or trainee priests who were attracted by this sound curiously poked their heads out at the corner of the aisle or inside the building windows to see what was making the strange sound.

But when they saw that it was an unknown knight in iron armor, these people retracted their heads bored.

The economy of Montoka City is developed, and there are of course many knights belonging to the Viscount of Montoka in the city. Occasionally, local knights will come to the Saturnalia Church for business, and these priests are naturally not surprised.

On the road, he randomly found a priest he didn't know and asked where the vice-principal was, Priest Batar took Kiel straight to the place where the vice-principal was.

It was a small garden.

Speaking of gardens, the priests of the Saturnalia Church seldom planted ornamental flowers. Most of the so-called 'gardens' specially planted some special crops from other places.

Not fruit trees, fruit trees are planted in special orchards, and this smaller garden is dedicated to cultivating relatively low crops.

As soon as Kiel approached, he saw several elderly priests bent over and busy doing something in the small knee-deep pond.

These small ponds are only two meters by two meters in size, and the whole body is built with long strips of stone bricks. It looks like each of the small ponds is like a miniature ornamental pond.

However, Keel noticed that the plants planted in each pond are different. Some are similar to lotus flowers, with small round leaves floating on the water, and vertical stems protruding from the water, pointing to the sky, and the top The flower buds have begun to take shape.

There are also square-shaped leaves floating on the water, but the stems grow from the surface of the leaves, and there are small flowers blooming on them. Some flying insects are buzzing around the flowers, as if they are eating and tasting the pollen and flowers in the flowers. nectar.

There are also ordinary-looking rice seedlings densely growing in small ponds, and the top leaves sway automatically in the absence of wind.

One of the strangest plants in the pond is a plant similar to a small tree or shrub. The spherical crown emerges from the water and is more than one meter high. There are several pocket-like things hanging on it. Just as Kiel looked over, a branch several tens of centimeters long protruded directly from the green plant pocket organ, and quickly waved it in the air facing the pocket. The flying insects were swallowed into the pocket.

"What is that?"

Keel was surprised. This is a carnivorous plant, right? But why is it planted in the Church of the God of Saturn? That thing doesn't look like a crop that can be cultivated, no, it can be planted?

Priest Batar couldn't answer Kiel's question, and he didn't know that plant either.

"Both of you, that's Soth Snake Insect-eating Wood. It's a relatively rare rare plant that comes from a distant elf forest. Don't think it's strange. In fact, the pockets of this plant are edible, and because there are more mosquitoes And in disease-ridden areas, planting this plant can also effectively suppress the number of diseases caused by mosquito bites!"

An old priest happily stood in the pond, holding a wooden pole with his hands and explaining to the two of them.

And the vice-principal that Keir and the others were looking for also got out of the busy pond, walked out of the pond with a foot of mud, and walked towards Priest Batar: "It is still a relatively precious plant now, but when we These old guys figure out its mass reproduction method, and they can plant it in many villages with rivers passing by. By then, it should be able to effectively reduce the spread of several mosquito-borne diseases, but, ahem, in the future Inevitably, we have to fight a few times with the Church of the God of Sickness that is secretly developing everywhere."

Priest Batar immediately bowed his head to salute the vice-principal, and Kiel also clenched his fist and hit his left chest, performing a formal ceremony when wearing armor.

Kiel's etiquette is common everywhere, and it can be regarded as a unified way for soldiers in armor to salute.

Even when facing the king or other great nobles, this way of saluting can be used without being considered rude.

But if you don't wear armor, the etiquette is varied. A warrior who uses a long sword needs to hold the long sword in his abdomen, hold it with both hands, and press his forehead close to the sword body. Warriors using long weapons hold the weapon in their right hand, make a fist with their left hand and strike their right chest, and bow their heads. In addition, there is the etiquette of kneeling on one knee and holding weapons upside down. Or if you don't have a weapon in hand, kneel on one knee, put one hand on your knee, and make a fist with the other hand to hit your chest.

These are common warrior etiquettes, and different methods are used to deal with different levels of superiors.

It's much easier to wear armor.

"Shepherd Batar, you have found the comer, why don't you set off immediately to rescue the trapped believers and people as soon as possible? Why do you come here to find me?"

The vice-principal took his knobby staff from another old priest beside him, and walked over while talking.

As he walked, the mud on his feet spontaneously dried and cracked and fell off, which quickly made the deputy headmaster's feet clean again. Many pairs of sandals made of animal skins and vine branches were placed on the edge of many ponds. The old man put on the shoes briskly before approaching Kiel.

Keir had thought that the Vice-Principal that Priest Batar was looking for had no intention of helping, but he soon changed his mind.

"My lord vice-principal, there will be no delay in preparing for the rescue operation. I have come this time to hope that you can provide some help. And it is necessary, the great Saturn guides the matter, and the diocese has to provide it anyway. Some help isn't it?"

Priest Batar spoke directly, but the vice-principal was not angry, but a smile of "you finally understand" appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, it should be so. You have fewer people, so you deserve some blessings. So, do you have anything you want? Tell me."

Several other old priests also came out of the pond, put down the farm tools they had used before, and after a little tidying up, they all gathered behind the vice-principal, put their hands in the sleeves of their short robes, lowered their heads and closed their eyes, and Did not speak.

But they just stood behind the vice-principal, which showed the power and influence of the vice-principal who was also an old man.

Because although Kiel couldn't see the strength of these people, but only from the pattern decoration of the robes on the opponent's body, he could tell that among the opponents, the lowest level was the same as the Batar priest, and there were even higher ones.

And even if they are at the same level as the Batar priest, that is, the shepherd level, these old priests are also embroidered with decorations representing merit.

Before coming here, Priest Batar discussed this issue with Kiel. If possible, they would try their best to ask for benefits, but of course the help of the local diocese is not unlimited. Even if the deputy dean provides help, it is impossible Really try your best, everything should be done in moderation.

"I don't know what help the Master Master can provide? Both I and the Kiel warrior need at least one powerful blessing, and some other blessing props. I personally hope to obtain a certain increase in force, so as not to be injured by force during the operation. To be the lame of the warriors of Kiel."

Changing his breath, Priest Batar saw that the vice-principal was still listening to him, and continued, "The Kiel warrior is the main force in this operation. So there is a special need for a batch of blessing props to assist the battle."

After finishing talking here, the deputy headmaster on the opposite side did not speak, but smoothed his long gray and black beard with his hand.

"A powerful blessing, so you don't like the general blessing ceremony, right?"

Priest Batar looked as if he should, obviously he thought that was it.

"Heh, you guy, it's not impossible to have powerful and effective blessings, but not everyone who is blessed can afford it. For example, you can only bear one blessing at most. No matter how many, the power of the blessing will affect you. It depends on your ability as a priest. And this, Mu, the warrior Keir, right? His situation is more complicated, and the two are no problem, but the choice of the specific blessing ceremony has to be considered, and it cannot be inconsistent with the power in his body. positive effect."

After finishing speaking, the vice-principal led everyone out of here and headed for the place where the ceremony could be held.

It's not that you have to find a special place to hold the ceremony. In fact, there is no such requirement. It's just that the success and effect of the ceremony are still greatly affected by the environment in which the ceremony is held.

The place where the vice-principal is leading Kiel and the others is the center of the Saturnalia Church in the entire city of Montoka.

Walking through the quiet and clean masonry aisles and the corridors full of carved holy words and sermons, the towering and shocking church and the square and serious church hall are left behind by everyone. The place in the center of the church might be a very gorgeous and solemn place in Kiel's imagination, but after seeing it with his own eyes at this moment, he was a little disappointed.

This is a small piece of lawn, an open space with a radius of more than 20 meters. In the center stood a white stone statue of Saturn, facing the entrance and exit gates, so that Kiel could see the blurred face of Saturn looking at him as soon as he looked up.

Although the face of the God of Saturn was blurred, a pair of human eyes were carved very vividly. The moment Kiel's eyes met those of the **** statue, a buzzing sound rang out in his head.

It was a hissing noise at first, and then the sound gradually changed from vague to clear.

It was a ballad, a distant ballad.

Picked up from the first seed.

Until the first seed is planted.

From the first joy to be bloomed.

Until the first full stomach is enjoyed.

Starting day from the first day of farming.

To the harvest time of harvest every day.

From the first dish is served on the table.

to each mouthful of food being delivered to the mouth.

I am watching.

And look forward to it.

More people enjoy the joy of harvest.

More people enjoy the joy of full stomach.

Congsheng, babbling.

To death, the last breath.

Plowing and toil are with us all.

Cherish every hard-won grain.

Enjoy every bit of hard work.

If you're tired, take a break.

Sing my song.

Gather strength.

relieve fatigue.

The child brought the water bottle.

The wife brought the rice bowl.

Drink some water and eat your fill.

Sing my song.

Pat the dust, start again, start again.


When Kiel came back to his senses, tears flowed down his face unknowingly, but the priests around him all looked at Kiel in surprise. The old entourage of the vice-principal whispered, Priest Batar looked surprised, but the vice-principal himself just watched Kiel, slowly stroking his long gray and black beard.

Keel wanted to open his mouth to ask what happened.

But the vice-principal waved his hand to signal everyone to step on the soft lawn to the empty central ceremony field.

Keir fell silent, so he had no choice but to take out the sackcloth that usually wipes weapons from his waist pocket, pinch it with metal fingers and wipe his face, trying to remove the tears on his face.

Then follow.

But Kiel's combat boots are different from other people's sandals or soft leather boots. When the metal-soled combat boots step on the soft grass, the soft green grass under the soles of the feet is suddenly trampled into tattered grass blades and grass due to the heavy weight. juice.

"Oh, sorry, sorry."

It took several steps for Kiel to discover this, but the vice-principal waved his hand: "It's okay, please come forward."

Having said that, Kiel dared to stride forward.

Beside the legs of the tall white stone idol, Kiel and Priest Batar stood side by side.

The elderly priests around them faced the two of them in a figure-horoscope.

The vice-principal, who was the most powerful and highest-status present, was in front of the two of them, with his back to the stone statue of Saturn, facing Kiel and the others.

"Batar, you can only accept the blessing ceremony once. Considering your task and difficulties this time, I have chosen the blessing of 'Blessed Bread' as your reliance this time."

The old but extraordinarily energetic vice-principal raised his head and spoke to Priest Batar in a proclaimed manner.

Priest Batar was a little confused, but the vice-principal quickly cleared up his doubts.

"If the two of you act quickly, you will surely save most of the believers. What can you eat on the way to escape? Every point of hunger will reduce your strength. Although the people are oppressed and suffering, their strength is very strong. How did the two defeat the enemy? Let’s use this powerful blessing to feed every rescuer believer. The **** of agriculture is watching you two, carrying his wish and leading his life.”

The vice-principal's voice gradually became louder as he spoke. The surrounding lawn was surrounded by a complete circle of tall walls. After repeated echoes, the voice became shocking and majestic.

In the reverberation of the Leaf Shushu swayed slightly.

Keir had no expression on his face, but Batar knelt on his knees and thanked him forward.

The vice-principal turned sideways at just the right moment to let a priest do the homage to Saturn.

After Priest Batar paid homage to the God of Saturn, the blessing ceremony for him began quickly.

Kiel took a few steps back, out of the way of the field.

Priest Batar voluntarily took off his robe and inner garment, and stood there bare-chested wearing only a pair of loose priest trousers.

Several old associates of the vice-principal walked a few steps slowly, and surrounded Priest Batar. They all squatted down, stretched one hand to the ground, and pointed to the air with the other hand.

At a glance, Keir could see that several people were referring to the same thing.

Then the old priests muttered words.

"The food for the full stomach comes from you and me."

"A grain of grain produces hundreds of grains."

"My Lord bless, let him be blessed."

"One grain is worth a hundred, and one grain is worth a thousand."

"Fill the belly, fill the stomach and intestines."

"Scented nose, fragrant tongue, fragrant eyes."

"Not hungry, not hungry, not greedy."

"May the Lord grant this divine power."

"Reward this person."

"This person is the bishop, the people, the congregation, and the believer."

"For the rest of the hardships and difficulties, you should enjoy this blessed power."

"May the Lord reward this man."

"May Great Saturn reward this man."

As soon as the words fell, the cyan divine power of several people suddenly emerged from their bodies, quickly circulated through the hand touching the ground, and reached the tip of the finger that was raised high.

The cyan divine power floated out like a band of light and gradually gathered in midair.

And under the converging spot of light, there is the Batar priest who raised his hands and was shirtless.

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