MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 149 , 'clear weather', fruit forest

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Spring is the time when flowers are in full bloom. On the streets controlled by the Church of the Saturnalia, the flowers in the surrounding flower beds are not only numerous, but also carefully arranged and maintained.

Keel walked slowly past the flower beds where flowers were planted by species, breathed gently, and tasted the different fragrances that were rich and fragrant.

"How? The street of our church is not bad, right?"

At this moment, Priest Batar became more confident. When he passed by the streets of other churches, he really had nothing to say. I am afraid that people will look down on me when I speak, so it is better not to say anything and appear grand.

The priest wanted to give a good impression to the 'comer' whom he had finally waited for, so he did not urge Kiel at this time, but tried to show his elegance, and told Kiel the names of these flowers with different fragrances behind his back and the story behind it.

"This is blue solanum, a plant discovered by Lady Joy of Spring in the wilderness more than 300 years ago. Not only is the flower fragrant, it has a special feeling that is different from other flowers, and the flowers it blooms after It will also produce small round eggplants, which can enhance people's disease resistance for a few days."

Priest Batar sighed: "Our church has been trying to recommend the planting of this plant to the residents. It is enough to grow a few plants in the yards of farmers' homes, but it is not easy. Many believers still rely more on the priests in the village. However, the small eggplants produced by the people who planted them are often neglected to take care of them, and they are often eaten secretly by the cats and dogs in the farmers’ homes.”

He smiled and shook his head: "This is unexpected. The lady is not happy about it."

Keel looked curiously at the small blue flower with a special fragrance beside him. He didn't expect that there was such a story behind the ordinary, seemingly decorative flower.

The three walked slowly, and Kiel and the two enjoyed the pleasantly scented street, while Priest Batar was on the sidelines telling what he knew as much as possible.

Supported by the fragrance and the stories behind it, the short street looks wonderful.

Keel knew that several seemingly ordinary flowers had special edible and external application effects. Not to lose the various strange mushrooms he collected during these days.

Speaking of his mushrooms, army cooks brought him many weird mushrooms these days whose names and effects were unknown.

Kiel found one of each of them and sent them to the dreamland, to the elf companion who was playing alone in the dreamland forest. The old goblin seemed to like Kiel's gift very much, and always hugged a mushroom bigger than it with excitement and disappeared with a pop.

It didn't take long for Kiel to see those mushrooms reappear intermittently in Ms. Apolfina's dream forest.

Along with the mushrooms, many wooden boxes and barrels were missing from his supplies by the pond. At first, Kiel didn't understand what was going on, but after he observed secretly, he discovered that it was the old goblin who took apart Kiel's wooden box, and then planted mushrooms on the fragments of the wooden box.

This made him smile wryly, and he had no choice but to bring in a lot of wood from the dreamland for the goblins to use while Calvin was replenishing a batch of wooden boxes.

Now, but not for a long time, in the corners of the glowing moss near the pond in the dream, there are some special mushrooms planted in it, growing healthily.

The old and young fairy took good care of the favorite mushrooms.

For the other mushrooms found by the cooks, Kiel and Bloodyaster dried them one by one, and Kiel drew pictures on the books and recorded them in the book. After drying, they were ground into powder and collected.

Kiel wouldn't dare use them without testing, but there's always a chance, isn't there?


No matter how slow you walk on the street, you will still reach the gate of the Saturnalia Church.

At the entrance of the church, two entangled trees form a natural arch.

Of course, the plant tree arch is just a decoration, the real gate is the solid wooden gate embedded on the tall wall later.

The outer walls of the church building are very high, and there is a special place for planting plants on the top of the walls, and a plant that Keel has never seen is planted.

He guessed that it might be a plant used for defense or early warning, just to guard against someone climbing into the church from the wall.

Other churches seem to have them too, but Keir didn't pay much attention to it just now.

There was no one outside the church gate. It was already afternoon. The spring sun was warm and mixed with the fragrance of flowers around, making everything around the Saturnalia Church look so lazy and sweet.

Under the leadership of Priest Batar, the two of Kiel walked into the gate. After entering, they found that there were people guarding the inside of the gate.

A middle-aged pastor priest wearing a flexible tunic led several teenagers and girls to sit and pray on the inner side of the gate. The object of prayer is a wood panel painting hanging on the wall.

A wood panel depicts a vague-faced farmer parading through the fields with a hoe.

Kilford was so spiritual that he immediately guessed that the farmer who didn't draw his face must be a concrete appearance of the God of Saturn.

Why a farmer?

Keir doesn't know, but it is estimated that the church must have something to say, but he doesn't care about it.

Seeing the three of Kiel coming in, the middle-aged priest guarding the gate turned his head and saw that it was brought in by Priest Batar, so he nodded to Priest Batar, and then didn't look at Kiel and the two of them again.

But Keir keenly noticed that the middle-aged priest was actually looking at himself from the corner of his eye.

Just himself.

not someone else.

Kiel thought in his heart, it seems that as long as he is a priest of the Saturnalia Church, he can see the difference at a glance.

'What a hassle. '

Fortunately, ordinary people and people from other churches can't see it, and those teenagers and girls who are obviously fifteen or sixteen years old can't see anything either.

It's okay, it's okay, if anyone can see the divine power of the **** of agriculture in him, it will be really bad.

He was somewhat involved with the Saturnalia Church, but he didn't want to get involved any deeper.

Keir thought so, but as the two followed Priest Batar along the quiet trail under the shade of the tree into the depths of the Saturnalia Church, Kiel felt that he was deeply involved with Saturnalia.

This discovery made him twitch the corners of his mouth, a little upset.


The three of them crossed the trail, bypassing the garden with food crops, passing a tall domed stone church, and finally came to a large group of simple-looking townhouses.

As soon as he and Xueyasite saw this building, they knew that this was where the priests of the church lived.

"Two, please do it here, I'll be back soon. Please wait for me for a while, please."

Priest Batal bowed down and apologized, and arranged the two of them in a rest and conversation area with stone chairs and wooden benches at the main entrance of the residential area.

Here is facing a relatively open fruit tree garden. It is obviously spring, and these several kinds of fruit trees that I don't know have produced a lot of fruit.

Keir and Xueyasite sat on the chairs, quietly guessing whether the fruit on that piece of fruit tree could be eaten by people.

"It is possible."

A crisp voice sounded behind the two of them.

Kiel turned his head and saw a girl about his age wearing a robe standing aside, looking at the two of them curiously.

Keel, to be exact.

With just one glance, Kiel knew that this girl, like other official priests of the Saturnalia Church, had immediately discovered the divine power of the Saturnalia in his body.

"Really, are they delicious? These fruits."

The girl looked curious, but she was not curious about the identities of the two of them, but was curious about why Kiel was not a priest of the Saturnalia Church, but why did he have more divine power in his body than normal shepherds? Divine power.

And it's even more strange that Keir doesn't have any decorations and objects related to the Saturnalia Church.

But it's strange, it's strange that Keel can come in here, it is obviously related to a certain priest in the church.

"I like pears, they are crunchy. Which fruit do you like? If you want to eat them, you can get them yourself. Eating them is good for your body."

When the girl said this, Blood Yaster immediately pointed to his face and asked, "What about me, can I have one?"

The girl covered her mouth and smiled: "You can eat as much as you want, but you can't take it away. And please put the core of the fruit after eating in the stone basin on the top of the short pillar next to it. There will be trainee shepherds practicing the magic of growth with those fruit tree seeds." of."

She muttered: "It's obviously easier than the seeds outside, and those little idiots can't always do this simple magic."

Keir sat without moving. Of course he would not be uncommon to eat a few fruits taught by others. He felt that this girl was on par with the Batar priest who was in her twenties. She was so powerful at such a young age, and her status was obviously extraordinary. Just to chat with her.

After getting the permission from the girl in the official priest's robe, Blood Fang immediately rubbed his hands and couldn't wait to get up from the chair, his eyes roaming over the fruits of different fruit trees.

His injuries were barely healed, but he was still a little weak. Maybe these fruits that the Saturnalia Church planted at the door of his house could provide him with a little help.

It's worth a try.


Kiel reached out his hand to signal the girl to sit next to them and chat with each other. The girl was not afraid of strangers, so she sat down naturally and looked at Kiel curiously: "You are not from the church, are you? Although your body is shiny and warm, but with The church divine knights I have come into contact with are different."

She turned her head and looked at Kiel: "The divine power on your body is very similar to ours, isn't it as dangerous as the divine power knight's?"

Kiel blinked: "The divine knight you mentioned, what is that?"

The girl waved her hand and didn't explain Kiel's question. She sniffed Kiel's nose like a puppy, and then frowned: "It's weird, you obviously have supernatural powers, but why do you make me feel dangerous? Like Is it like a tax official I have seen who killed many farmers?"

Keir frowned. He didn't know what to say, so he interrupted and said, "I haven't introduced yet, I'm Joe Keel. I'm from Kendall County in the Northwest Province, and I'm a knight apprentice who is in training. .”

"I don't have a name, everyone calls me by my Christian name." The girl blinked: "Sunny, my name is Sunny."

The girl still looked at Kiel, hesitated for a while, and said, "Have you ever done something bad? Otherwise, it wouldn't give me a dangerous feeling."

Kiel touched his nose and said bad things. He seemed to have done some big and small things, but the first thing that really reminded him was the merciless killing in Pine Needle Town not long ago.

Closing his eyes, he sniffed the rich fruity fragrance here, as well as the fragrance of the girl wafting faintly, and he could still clearly remember every one he killed that night under the orders of the Baron and Knight Crowe. people.

The men and thugs of the chamber of commerce, the thin and flustered young farmers of Dead Leaf Village, the mercenaries who were killed and the desperate faces that were still killed after surrendering.


He swallowed. Keel suddenly felt that the neckline of his clothes was a little tight, as if an invisible pair of hands were tightly around his neck, trying to pull him into the place where the dead souls were.

"Oh, mushrooms! How come there are mushrooms growing out of your neck?"

The crisp voice woke Keel up, and he was in a daze.

With the other party's clear and curious eyes looking down, Kiel was also taken aback. For some reason, a ring of mushrooms grew out from under the skin on his neck.

Moreover, these mushrooms looked familiar, as if they had been seen in the dream when the shadow bird **** pulled him into sleep.

Barely maintaining his composure, Kiel pulled out an extremely reluctant smile: "It's okay, this, this is a special skill of mine. Look."

He tapped it with his finger, and sure enough, the little mushroom fell off the skin as soon as he tapped it, like a rootless weed, without a root.

What's interesting is that as soon as the mushroom left Kiel's neck, it turned into ashes and melted into Kiel's fingertips in one breath.

Kiel was embarrassed for a while, but the girl was quite excited: "Are you the human servant of the Mushroom God? Or something else? Some priests said that mushrooms are not plants. Although they are also covered by the vocation of the Great Saturn, they will be with other people." There is a conflict between the priesthood of the gods!"

"No no no no, I'm nothing, I'm me, Keir, young human, from Kendall."

Kiel waved his hands in a panic, as if his buttocks were being picked up by fire, he jumped up from the stone chair in a hurry, muttering that he wanted to eat some fruit, and hurriedly walked towards Bloody Fang who was eating fruit in a panic ster side.

At this time, Xueyaste was eating several melon-like fruits together with their skins, and only the seeds in the middle of the fruits were squeezed out one by one, poured into his hands, and then carefully placed them in the fruit forest. In the stone basin on the top of the stone pillar.

"Kiel, come and taste this. The skin is also crispy. I didn't expect it to be so sweet. Although I haven't tasted honey, this is the taste of honey, right?"

Keir shook his head, casually picked a pink apple-shaped fruit from the fruit tree beside him, rubbed it on his body casually, wiped off the fruit wax on the surface of the fruit, and put it in his mouth.

Kacha, one bite, the juice flowed in Kiel's mouth, and the sweet taste filled the mouth, it was so delicious.

Kiel's eyes widened, and he didn't care about the embarrassment anymore. He chewed and swallowed the delicious pulp continuously, and then ate it in big mouthfuls.

The girl who was a Saturnian priest didn't chase after her either. Instead, she sat on a stone chair beside her, raised her feet, rested her head on her hands, and sized up Kiel with her slender eyebrows furrowed.

"Strange mushrooms, a flustered look, and the smell of blood. He really is a bad guy!"


"Sorry, sorry, both of you. Keeping you waiting."

Priest Batar walked quickly from the depths of the courtyard of the residential area next to the orchard.

He changed his clothes, although they were still old clothes, but at least they didn't look as worn as before. Compared with the previous one, the one he is wearing now seems to be more solemn, with wide and flowing sleeves, and a tassel-decorated robe hood at the back of the neck. The ear-like tassels on the top can cover most of the face.

At first glance, this clothing looks like it would be worn formally at a festival or ceremony.

After Priest Batar walked in, he noticed the young priest who was hidden by the back of the stone chair. He froze for a moment, then leaned over to salute. Although he showed respect, he still ignored etiquette.

After all, Priest Batar is not a priest of the Montoka Diocese, he is a priest of the southern province, and the local Saturn priests have nothing to do with him.

"Hello, Your Excellency, Goodbye, Your Excellency."

After a simple and perfunctory salute, Priest Batar finally showed a smile on his expressionless face, and quickly walked towards Kiel and the two: "How is it? Are these fruits okay? I heard that they are all pastors of this parish When I was young, I collected precious tree species from various places. It is not easy for the priests here to raise these fruit trees.”

"That's right, by the way, who is that guy? He just popped up and said this and that."

The mushroom on Kiel's neck had long since disappeared. If he hadn't actually removed one with his fingers, he wouldn't have believed that there would be mushrooms growing on his body just now.

Obviously he still loves cleanliness?

Just kidding, Keir actually vaguely understood what was going on in his heart. He was just a little nervous and panicked. He was obviously fine. mushrooms.

very strange.

I don't know if it has something to do with that girl.

"She is the daughter adopted by the head priest here. She has an affinity for the divine power of the church since she was a child, so I heard that she has a high status here. She is very popular with other priests and believers. But it has nothing to do with me, I just borrowed Here. Alright, I’ve packed up here, let’s find another old priest to inform the other party, and I’ll go with you to your barracks, and I’m sure I’ll be able to convince your knight teacher and the nobles under your jurisdiction.”

Priest Batar seemed confident in persuading the two. It seemed that after seeing Kiel, he changed his previous hesitation and disbelief. If God had given him news that a hundred suns would fly in the sky the next day, Priest Batar would probably believe it.

Keel shrugged his shoulders. Although the girl who looked at him from a distance was good-looking and young, Keel felt that it was a troublesome thing, so he didn't want to provoke him.

After waving his hand to bid farewell to the girl named Qing Tian, ​​Kiel took Blood Fang and left behind Priest Batar.

The girl also waved goodbye to Kiel.

Then, she raised her head and closed her eyes as if listening to something.

"We'll meet again? Really? Don't, he looks so dangerous. UU Reading Oh, it wasn't recently, when was it? You can't tell? Hmph, isn't that the same thing? Say the same thing. Ignore you."

The girl frowned and opened her eyes. There were dots of light scattered and falling around her, as if something had hidden again.

The girl named Qingtian approached the fruit forest, and used the small metal shovel next to the stone pillar to scoop up the fruit tree seeds left by Kiel and Bloodyaster, and went to a nearby open space to bury the seeds one by one. .

Then she covered the soil again, patted the dirt on her palms, and turned around with a small shovel.

While turning around lightly, she hummed a song softly.

"A little more air, a little more moist water."

"We quietly poked out the buds in the warm and soft soil."

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp—"

"Break the soil above your head, and everyone meets each other again!"

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp—"

"Drink more water, let the wind blow, it is best to have some gentle sunshine."

"La la la la la la la."

"Year after year, the earth is revolving around the sun, but we have no feet and cannot walk."

"But stretching the branches and leaves towards the sun is also revolving around the sun?"

"Mother Earth holds us all, flying in the endless void."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have feet, la la la."

"Because Mother Earth will hug everyone and fly in the endless void."

"It's okay, la la la—"

The girl jumped and turned, and gradually walked away.

And the tree seeds she just buried have sprouted in the song.

quietly grow up.

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