MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 133 , snatching plans, negotiating with unintelligent gods

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This position is obviously in order to accommodate Keel's moving items and finally put them on the carriage and lock the prepared position.

Pollau swallowed and nodded.

"Be careful, the streets between the buildings here are too narrow, they can't be called streets at all, they should be called lanes in back alleys. You have to get here before the incident starts, and use the fastest speed after receiving the signal Arrive at the designated location. At the same time, pay attention to the orientation, there is no chance for the carriage to turn there, and the front of the vehicle must be facing the outside of the town."

Knight Crowe carefully reported the details that he and Kiel noticed during the investigation. The position of the carriage driver is very important and must not be lost.

He went on to say: "After Jire and I finally left our things on the carriage, we will get down and ride the carriage together."

The knight turned to a powerful town guard under Kongwu: "Finley, you sat on the seat of the carriage before you acted, guarding the carriage and ensuring that the carriage will not be blocked by others. If a local person says that your carriage is blocked, Instead of Boer Lao, get out of the car and entangle with the locals. Make sure that the carriage can move when you hear the signal. You also remember to keep up. This operation is after the army leaves tomorrow morning. After it falls, we will never come back It’s gone, don’t let it fall.”

The guard named Finley responded fiercely: "Yes, my lord, I will not fall!"

Seeing that his subordinates are in good spirits, Knight Crowe is obviously very satisfied.

Don't say that your subordinates are pretending. The atmosphere before any action is very important. If your subordinates are listless and weak, they will respond casually when Knight Crowe assigns tasks, not to mention other people, Knight Crowe will feel that his actions It won't succeed, and before he makes a shot, he loses by three points first.

This is very undesirable.

Therefore, among the 30 guards under his command in the town, Knight Crowe specially selected these three guards. It is difficult to say how powerful these few are, but at least they are the most loyal to the knight himself. Not only will they not talk nonsense afterwards, And it will also create a sense of unity before acting.

Then Knight Crowe looked at the other two town guards: "Venila, Cordoz."

The two puffed up their chests: "I listen to your orders, my lord."

"The task of the two of you is to guard the horses that everyone rides and another horse added to the carriage outside the town. Make sure they are safe and in good condition. After this operation is successful, we will have to rely on all the horses to ride. Speed ​​up and enter the grassland, and at the same time get rid of the chasing soldiers who may come from the town. Finally, you have to catch up with the large troops half a day to a day earlier in the strange wind grassland. They will not come to wait for us, so the safety of all of us is here On some horses."

"Promise to fulfill your orders."

The two responded in tandem.

Afterwards, Knight Crowe repeatedly told the four of them the details of the mission to ensure that they all understood their mission and importance. There are also possible troubles and coping methods.

Among them, Boerlau only drove the carriage through the narrow road between buildings, and ignored everything else. Finley, on the other hand, just ensured the completion of the former task until Knight Crowe and Kiel rendezvoused with the carriage.

Vinila and Cordoz only cared about the horses used by everyone, and ignored the others.

"Finally, I need you all to go back now and exchange for a normal attire, especially without the characteristic items and clothing of our Kendals. As for the weapons, well, you all come here empty-handed. Keel, I remember you still have some western Provincial weapons? Give each of them a suitable one."

Keir nodded, and then asked what the four of them were going to write about.

Finley's mission entailed certain risks and force demands, so Kongwu's burly guard said he needed two hatchets, a conspicuous weapon to deter possible trouble.

This is a good way, and hand axes are very common. They can be used not only for fighting, but also for chopping wood and meat in life. Carrying two on the body makes it appear majestic and not to be trifled with, but not too eye-catching.

Vinila and Cordoz thought about it. In addition to asking for a long sword for self-defense from Kiel, they also asked for a few throwing guns commonly used by locals to carry behind their backs.

Claw Knight happened to have the throwing gun at hand, and it was a local product bought by Kiel. Now it is impossible to tell whether it is a local or a foreigner.

Pollau asked for a short sword for self-defense, and Kiel also lent him a short hand crossbow that he had seized before, allowing him to deal with possible troubles.

After the plan was set up, Knight Crowe told everyone to go back and prepare as soon as possible. When they were ready, they would come here to gather for repairs. From before the operation started to the final completion, everyone temporarily left their original positions and listened to orders under Knight Crowe.

In fact, these words were also said to Boer Lao, and the others were originally the staff of Knight Crowe.


Kiel returned to his carriage first, found the strong net that could catch monsters that he bought earlier, and dug out the weapons and equipment that others needed in the dream, and brought them back to his carriage in the real world.

Seeing Kiel busy, Xueyasite wanted to help, but Kiel refused.

Seeing that the water here is very deep, the old caravan guard consciously didn't join in, and went to bed early honestly.

Keel put a lot of things by the fire at the entrance of Knight Crowe's tent, and then gave the knight the net that Knight Crowe would use, and he found the thick rope that the knight said from the carriage parked at the camp entrance. With metal hook.

He sat by the fire and connected the hooks and ropes together, and saw the scattered operatives return here one after another, inspecting and repairing weapons by the fire.

Finley swung the two hatchets on the spot. Looking at the opponent's appearance, it was obviously not the first time to use them. Although it was a bit jerky, he quickly regained his feeling and became proficient.

After Vinila and Cordoz put on the short-throwing spears commonly used by the western provinces, they really looked like local caravan guards. If there were more mottled wind and frost on their faces, they would probably look more like I have been staring at people who trek through wind and rain on the commercial road all year round.

Boerlau curiously played with the hand crossbow that Kiel lent him. This thing has only one palm open wide. If you are skilled, you can string and fill arrows with one hand. It is also very useful in close-range combat.

After obtaining the consent of Kiel and Knight Crow, he found a wooden suitcase for the knight, happily used the wooden box as a target, and went to practice on his own.

After yawning, Kiel lay down on the ground, with his back against the fire that was burning at the right temperature, and lay his body in a comfortable position on the dry and hard adobe bricks, with a big leather bag on his head, and fell asleep silently .

The big leather bag on Kiel's headrest contained his two-handed axe, but because the blue axe of this thing was too conspicuous, he found a bag to put it in, and took it out when he used it tomorrow. You have to put it on again so that no one else can see it.


Although Keir's schedule is not regular, and he just carried out an exciting covert investigation just now, and will carry out a snatching mission tomorrow, it should make him so excited that he can't sleep.

But when he silently told himself that he was going to rest, he was going to rest.

Soon, he fell into a deep sleep.

The wood carving on Kiel's chest seemed to know that Kiel was asleep, so he couldn't wait any longer, and couldn't wait to get slightly hot. The wooden bird's beak on the wood carving opened and closed, and the wooden eyes shone with light.


It is still deep in the woods surrounded by large shadows.

Keel got up from the ground and checked his body under the dim light.

He is still unarmed, even if he deliberately rests his head on his spiritual weapon when he sleeps. But the attire on his body was different from last time. Last time, he only wore simple linen clothes for sleeping. This time, Kiel slept in the clothes he wore for night investigation, but took off his shoes before going to bed.

Now he came here again, wearing exactly the same clothes as before going to bed.

The corner of his mouth is raised, which is very funny, so what will he look like wearing armor next time he comes here?

"Gah, gah. You young human, what kind of rude thoughts are you thinking?"

The big pitch-black bird flapped its wings and flew from the depths of the woods, landed on a small branch beside Kiel, tilted its head and said to Kiel.

Although Keir is not afraid of this outdated god, but this time he came here, he actually had the idea of ​​making friends. After all, the priest said that this **** can provide him with some special abilities and powers.

These things are exactly what Keel needs.

"Bribrabu, what's the matter? Anyway, it's you, right, God, let's be direct, what do you want me to do, what do you give me, let's make it clear, how about solving it today, now?"

Keir kept in mind not to answer the other party's words, so he turned his back on the customer and responded to questions with questions.

The big bird was very unhappy, and quacked several times in a row, and every time he called, the shadows of the surrounding forests were about to move, making the corner of Keel's mouth twitch.

No way, he really couldn't remember the name of this big bird god, it would be great if he could remember what it was.

"I'm sorry boy, my name is Budolib Dorab Yika, I'm a dark nightmare, I'm the hunter, I'm the wings, I'm the shadow. I'm also the ancient messenger of the wilderness, the patron saint of the hunters, I'm the wings I am the protector of you, the whimpering ghost in the night, the protector and hunter of flying species, and the proud hunter who can hunt flying eagles. In the end, I am the cry of crows. Ga—”

After hearing him finish calling out the long names, Keel clasped his ears with his fingers, and said perfunctorily, "Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes."

The **** bird opened its mouth in a spirited manner, and began to rattle.

Really like a giant crow.

Thinking of this, the **** stopped barking immediately, and instead started talking about business.

"The bird you saw before has magic power, and it belongs to my job. It is a flying species, nocturnal, and its wings can be a messenger of the wilderness. Quack!"

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Gere looked up at the big bird as he began to blah blah.

"The messenger of the wilderness?"

The big bird said as it should: "Ga, if you sacrifice it to me, you should follow the ancient ritual, dismantle its body and offer its head. The head rests on it, the rear wings spread out and overlap, and the body is down. With its two claws, my messenger does not need to land, its mission is always in the sky, and it travels swiftly across the earth, leading me among the birds and announcing my return."

Keel sniffed and was silent for a while.

The big bird moved uneasily on the branch of the small tree, stared at the silent Kiel, and then couldn't bear it any longer, and asked, "Human beings who are rude, why are you silent?"

Keir clicked his lips and said, "It seems that your current situation is not very good, should you develop insignificantly for a while? Wait until you accumulate some strength, and then declare your return?"

To be honest, he had felt it before, obviously this **** had been 'rescued' many years ago, but for such a long time in these years, this emissary with him, that is, the previous archer Rand, What did both do?

Why did this man become so strapped for money once Ron De died.

Although he kept talking about how Keir was rude and disrespectful, there was no key punishment at all.

Obviously, the other party either has no means to restrain Keir, or has not accumulated much, and has already sat on nothing.

It seemed that this **** could know what Kiel was thinking, so although Kiel didn't say what he said above, the atmosphere around him became weird at this moment.

No, it can't be called weird, because the dark and gloomy forest is very weird. In addition, the surrounding area is quiet, there is neither wind nor insects, and the environment here is very weird.

A wordless embarrassment filled the surroundings at the moment.

Facing Keir's question and his thoughts, the big bird on the branch was stunned for a moment, and then mechanically combed its shadow-like feathers with its huge beak.

Hey, please, you are a god, why do you have to groom your feathers like a bird?

In the shadows under the wings, there are no feathers for you to comb, right?

The big bird scratched its neck and continued to comb its feathers.

"Gah, anyway, it makes sense."

The big bird gave a strange cry and reluctantly responded in a low voice.

"Then the ceremony is slightly changed, find a flat ground, draw a pattern as follows, sacrifice the bird that I protect, use a little bird blood mixed with ink to draw this pattern, burn the bird in the center of the pattern, and sacrifice it Give it to me."

The big bird waved its wings, and the stones and grass blades made of shadows on the ground twisted and deformed, turning into a circular complex pattern with various symbols and unknown ancient characters.

This time it was Keel's turn to be embarrassed.

The complexity of this thing is even more than asking him to solve a high-level math problem today, laughing to death, it is impossible to do it.

"Ahem, can you choose a simpler one?"

The big bird gave a strange cry, obviously full of joy.

"Gah, so this?"

The shadows changed.

"This one is a bit weird, let's change it again?"

"Quack, what about this? Human beings."

The shadow changed again.

After thinking about it, Keir still had a bitter face, and the complexity of the pattern was beyond his expectation.

"Can you remove the characters I don't know, those symbols that refer to unknown things, can you also reduce some of them? It's better to be circles and lines. And will the patterns stay on the ground after the sacrifice? No What kind of clues should some forces hostile to you find?"

The big bird opened its mouth wide and froze.

Keel noticed that Big Bird's eyeballs were moving slowly, as if revisiting past memories in his mind. If only this shadow-controlling giant bird had brains.

"Ga, then don't use ink, just use blood, yes, only use blood! Quack quack quack, no wonder! No wonder, Langde is always being targeted secretly, here, there, here and there. If it wasn't for something happening at home, Or the original deal was destroyed. There are always traces of being followed in the deserted forest, and there are often people provoking trouble in the city."

Kiel finally figured out why he had been 'rescued' for many years, although he had plenty of time, but why Lund's strength was limited, and this one also had limited accumulation.

It is estimated that behind the scenes, the members of the Church of the God of Hunting have long been secretly eyeing one person and one god.

Everywhere hit a wall, everywhere deflated.

The **** who has been out of breath for a long time and can't keep up with the times, and the tenacious young man who is forced to wander away from home, the social experience of the two may not seem to be very much.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Ga! Ga! Ga!"

The big bird screamed strangely again, and Keel shrugged, acting like I'm sitting here, waiting for you to work.

The big bird flapped its wings a few times, and its huge bird head turned left and right. After racking its brains, it still gave Kiel a 'super concise' ritual pattern that met his requirements.

Big Bird didn't want to look at the simple pattern, for fear that his work would become the laughing stock of other gods.

"Hurry up, remember this pattern, just draw this, hurry up and memorize it. Ga!"

This pattern is indeed simple, with multiple rings surrounding it from the outside, and inside are two triangles representing the wings on the left and right, and another triangle representing the head. The body is an empty space, obviously to burn the colorful bird here.

As previously agreed, there is only one point where the bird's paws are not represented on this simple pattern.

"No paws?"

"Quack, you can't have claws. With claws, the resurrected spirit after the sacrifice will always be lazy and can't fly far. Quack."

Keir scratched his head, UU reading www. has some knowledge.

"I remember, there is another question, why burn such a beautiful bird? Can't I just hit the bird's head with a wooden carving and you go in and control it?"

After listening to Kiel's words, Big Bird had a bird face, but showed a shocked look, as if he realized the ignorance of human beings for the first time.

Keel is super embarrassed, he doesn't know what's wrong with the question.

After being stunned for a moment, the big bird wiped out the pattern on the ground with a wave of its wings. Later, when faced with Kiel's question, he endured the discomfort and answered, "Such a small human being, can you squeeze it into your coin pocket?"

Realizing that he might have asked a stupid question, Keel rolled his eyes and replied: "I can't, I know Baron Kendall can definitely, his money box is not small, and it must be no problem to put a person in it. Or , would you like to try it?"

"Quack! Stupid! Stupid! Compared with that kid, Ron De, you rude human being is not much smarter! And you are not obedient, cute! Ga! Ga!"

While scolding, the big bird jumped up and down on the branches of the small tree.

After negotiating this 'deal', Kiel ignored this not-so-smart god.

He lowered his head and knitted the sleeves of his clothes to check his condition.


It's very interesting, judging from the arm, the **** blood that made him sticky and uncomfortable last time has disappeared.

And the tiny mushrooms that used to fight against those unclean things are gone.

It was as if those mushrooms had appeared specifically to fight against what was haunting him.


In this regard, Keir pursed his lips, not knowing what he was thinking in silence.

Read The Duke's Passion