MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 149 Your soul

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Gu Xizhou did not expect that after the creak disappeared, he would investigate such a result. The idea provided by Si Yu is entirely reasonable. The spiritual world is beyond human cognition. If the concept of heaven is introduced, this explanation will be transparent.

The question now is-who will God use to kill him?

Gu Xizhou turned his head subconsciously to Si Yu.

Taking note of Gu Xizhou's gaze, Si Yuwei took his lips and asked, "Are you okay?"

Gu Xizhou asked for a moment, asking: "Don't you find it strange? The spiritual world links reality."

"It's okay," he may realize that his response was too bland, Si Yu explained, "I had this feeling before, I investigated the world of the mission I experienced, and some of them are similar to the world after the customs clearance. I This speculation came after I heard you say the concept of 'chain'. "

Gu Xizhou heard Si Yu's words, and Si Yu had thought of this possibility before him, but he could n’t prove whether the spiritual world had anything to do with reality until Gu Xizhou said the resurrection of Gu Gu, Zhou Xinyue, and Tong Jia. Si Yu was able to fully determine his conjecture.

"Chain represents destiny, then our destiny is under its control. It can completely control our destiny and let us do certain things." Gu Xizhou's face showed anxiety for the first time. Life and death are under its control. "

Si Yu Shenmou did not answer Gu Xizhou's question. He took a step forward, put his chin on Gu Xizhou's shoulder, hugged him, and whispered, "Are you afraid?"

Gu Xizhou heard Si Yu's words, thought it over, and replied: "Yes, when you think of your fate being controlled by others, you can't decide for yourself whether you are alive or dead, because people are afraid."

Si Yu held him without speaking.


Back to Ningqing smoothly, just after leaving the airport, the sky suddenly gloomed.

"I went home and I suddenly left yesterday. They may still worry about me." Gu Xizhou considered for a few seconds and said to Si Yu.


A low laugh came from his ear, and Si Yu's deep eyes stared at Gu Xizhou for a moment, and said, "Okay, take a good rest. Call me if you have any questions. I'm here anytime. Now I'll drive you back. "

Gu Xizhou heard the words and nodded earnestly to Si Yu, and suddenly found that this time it was controlled by ‘it’ to be resurrected. It was not entirely a bad thing. At least he knew Si Yu.

Gu Xizhou sat in the position of the co-pilot, clutching Si Yu's collar sideways, biting his lips together. The breathing of both of them aggravated at the same time, Si Yu's kiss was stronger and his hands supported Gu Xizhou's jaw.

The breathing became hotter and deeper, the deeper the kiss, the breath gradually became heavier, the neck intersected, and the wet and sweet breath between the lips approached. In the small space in the car, Gu Xizhou felt hot and wanted to do something, suddenly I saw myself in the rearview mirror.


He shoved Si Yu violently. Si Yu was pushed by him, and his head hit the roof of the car. A confused and innocent expression: "What's wrong?"

Gu Xizhou: In the end, what does this item like?

"Nothing ..." Gu Xizhou stiffly looked away, and said, "Hurry up."

Si Yu rubbed his head and was about to be suffocated by Gu Xizhou. "Xing Xing Xing, take you home first."

The car was not fast enough, Si Yu drove the car downstairs to Gu Xizhou's house.

Gu Xizhou hesitated, and said, "Then I will go up first."

Si Yu said, "OK."

Upon returning home, Zhou Xinyue, who retired at home, saw Gu Xizhou, said Gu Xizhou in two sentences, and then said loosely: "You child, if Wang Ao called me, I don't know which killer you dealt with the previous two days. Case, son, have you been under too much pressure recently? If you don't want to do it, resign quickly, your mother will support you! "

"You call me an old man?" When Gu Xizhou came back, he immediately heard the words of Zhou Xinyue.

Zhou Xinyue saw him laugh and mistakenly thought that Gu Xizhou suddenly left home yesterday because of a work problem. She opened her mouth and said, "Isn't your mother's inherited property from your grandfather enough to support you?"

Gu Xizhou asked, "So how much property is there?"

Zhou Xinyue frowned, and seemed to be seriously considering Gu Xizhou's problem. After considering it for a few seconds, she said, "I don't know the specific market value of shares, but there are still two or three million dividends a year. I also I have n’t studied much about what your grandfather left when I left. "

Gu Xizhou: The squeakish Land Rover was bought with a one-year dividend, and the liar squeaked and donkey me.


the next day.

Gu Xizhou was lying on the bed stupidly, and suddenly the door opened.

Gu Xizhou, lying in bed, frowned, and subconsciously said, "Squeak, I want to drink water."

As soon as Gu Xizhou finished speaking, he turned around and saw Zhou Xinyue standing at the door, frowning slightly at him, then stepping out of the door of the room, picking up a glass of water with a cup, and handing it to Gu Xizhou.

Gu Xizhou took the water cup and scratched his head stupidly. "Thank you."

Zhou Xinyue touched Gu Xizhou's head with his hand. "Stupid boy, you're welcome with your mother. Get up and eat."

"Huh!" Gu Xizhou nodded.

After Zhou Xinyue left the room, Gu Xizhou glanced into the empty room, and again confirmed that the creak had disappeared.

Gu Xizhou should have had a good rest at home, but in the police station today, Lao Guo ’s 49th birthday, because he did n’t plan to celebrate his birthday, said a few days ago that everyone would have a good meal after work, even if the birthday is over.

So Gu Xizhou looked at the time to get off work, greeted Zhou Xinyue and drove directly to the police station.

Sitting in the car, Gu Xizhou waited for a while, and saw several colleagues coming out of the police station. Obviously everyone knew Gu Xizhou's car, and Xiang Yuan came directly and knocked on Gu Xizhou's window with his hand.

Gu Xizhou pressed the door, and it was rude to Xiang Yuan. He pulled the car door directly to the position of the co-pilot, and stretched out. He did not forget to jokingly said to Gu Xizhou: "What's going on with you these days? And take time off to take a break. It's not like you, you're a workaholic. "

"A little tired, just no case, rest, what happened?" Gu Xizhou glanced at Xiang Yuan.

Xiang Yuan shook his head. "Strange.

"Hurry up and follow Lao Guo's car, don't lose it," said Xiang Yuan, pulling out his cell phone and flickering in front of Gu Xizhou's eyes, and said, "Look at my daughter, wearing a small skirt, cute ?!"

"Um." Gu Xizhou kept his face flat and continued driving. Fang Zhi, who was sitting in the back seat, clenched his fist, rushed to his lips, and coughed.

"Khekeke," Fang insisted, "Let's show you one by one, you might as well send it directly to the circle of friends."

After listening to Fang's words, several colleagues suddenly covered their mouths and laughed. Today, when Xiang Yuan arrived at the police station, he showed them one by one the art of his daughter. Who would have thought that this amusement in front of him turned out to be a forensic doctor. Kind of?

Xiang Yuan's dismissive expression, "How stupid!"

When they drove to the place to eat, Gu Xizhou took out his mobile phone and talked with Si Yu casually. Turning his head to the circle of friends, he saw that he had sent a circle of friends to Yuan, accompanied by a picture of his daughter. Pumping is really stupid.

The criminal police rarely have such a leisure time to eat. Generally, some cases are always busy. It is not easy to get free today. So many people get together. In addition to Wang Ao meeting in the city, even Mudge came.

Ma Qi sat beside Gu Xizhou and saw everyone eating hot. He said, "Receive the information? What did you find?"

Gu Xizhou glanced at him, and briefly stated his findings. He did not mention changing the past and resurrecting Gu Qing, and then mentioned Si Yu's speculation.

"This, this is possible," Mitch easily accepted Gu Xizhou's existence of "Heaven". He looked around and whispered, "I don't find it strange."

"Um ..." Gu Xizhou narrowed his eyes.

"Cough ..." Fang Zhi also listened, and coughed slightly. They were not propaganda feudal superstitions ...

After eating, everyone went to the bar to drink again. In fact, everyone went to the bar, but they mainly went back when law enforcement. They chose a bar with a relatively good environment and a few started drinking.

Xiang Yuan yelled and let Gu Xizhou play dice and drink together, Gu Xizhou slanted Xiang Yuan at a glance.

"Oh," Gu Xizhou put on a look like "You are looking for death again", and then cast the dice, which was unexpectedly a "double 6".

"Lao Gu, what's wrong with you these days? It's getting better and better." Xiang Yuan drank a little, and his hands pulled Gu Xizhou's hands, "You little golden hand, a little bit powerful."

Gu Xizhou pushed away Xiang Yuan's hand on his hand, and said, "Well, you are disgusting, don't you like me?"

Xiang Yuan almost rolled his eyes to the sky, "Hey, Gu, what did Secretary Si do to you to make you like this, I'm a straight steel man! Straight man!"

Gu Xizhou raised his hand and patted Xiang Yuan's forehead, this time obviously hurt Xiang Yuan, and Xiang Yuan subconsciously covered his forehead.

Xiang Yuan rubbed his head, "Why?"

"People say that they were stupid for three years. I now suspect that your daughter was not born by your wife, but was born by you. You have embroidered your brain. I'm kidding. You are serious."

Xiang Yuan said with a straight face: "Don't say it, I really want to help my wife!"

Gu Xizhou was so tempered by Xiang Yuan's answer.

One after another, everyone around them drank more or less alcohol. No one noticed that Gu Xizhou, Fang Zhi, and Mudge slowly retreated in the corner. After the three of them talked about something at random, Gu Xizhou frowned. Head, took a note from the bag and handed it to Mudge.

"What is this?" Mudge, who took the note, narrowed her eyes.

"A person I met in a mission world before, I want you to help me investigate him, but don't contact him. This is the phone number he gave me. I should be my last name."

Mudge did not see the hesitation in Gu Xizhou's eyes, nodded, and said positively: "OK, I'll let them check."

"Be careful. He has a prop on his body. That prop is very special. I don't know if it can be used outside."

Gu Xizhou deliberately reiterated that although he believed in Machi's character, he did not directly mention the role of Li Yan's props. Li Yan's props were too special.

"Okay, no problem." Ma Qi nodded Gu Xizhou in detail about the props, and still nodded and answered Gu Xizhou's words.

After waiting for a while, Mudge took a look at the time, and came out to let everyone go home. It was 11 o'clock, and it was time to go back. Today, I don't know how many people go back to kneel and wash the clothes.

Gu Xizhou's car was parked outside. He pondered to call a driver, and after a while, Gu Xizhou saw the driver, who was a young man.

Sitting on the co-pilot, Gu Xizhou's eyes narrowed slightly, and the whole man was dizzy.

"Brother, give me your home address, I'll set sail." Said the younger brother.

"Oh ..." Gu Xizhou said quietly with an address.

"Brother, is there anyone in your family?"

Gu Xizhou glanced at the other person closely, perhaps because he had a sharper look. The other person raised his hand and whispered, "I see you drunk. If there is no one at home, I can help you upstairs."

"Some people, no trouble, I can go upstairs by myself." Gu Xizhou said quietly.


Gu Xizhou didn't notice the other party's slightly disappointed tone, and then leaned against the window for a while.

"Brother, you wake up, you're better off drinking some water."

Gu Xizhou squinted his eyes for a moment, squinting, thinking about where the water came from, the other person seemed to have mind reading, and then said: "I just got off the car to buy it, I don't think you feel well."

Gu Xizhou said: "Oh, thank you."

After Gu Xizhou took a few sips of the unscrewed water, put down the water, turned his head and supported his chin with one hand, and looked at the night scene outside the window.

I don't know why, Gu Xizhou felt a little hot on his body. After pressing the window, he still felt hot on the cold wind. He pulled the collar to ventilate.

"Brother, are you still uncomfortable?"

"A bit hot," Gu Xizhou pouted, "I don't know what happened."

"Brother," Dai Jia suddenly stopped the car and turned his head to Gu Xizhou Road, "I help you."

Gu Xizhou looked blank: "What?"

"That's it." The man said, putting one hand on Gu Xizhou's small arm, and gently touched, "Brother, aren't you hot? I'll help you, how about it?"

The other party raised his lips and smiled so brightly that he couldn't hide the proud look. Gu Xizhou was surprised, but he could understand what was going on. He was the man who let him find the driver. Give the medicine!

Gu Xizhou couldn't help but curse, "I, fuck, you, mom!"

Who knew that the other person looked at Gu Xizhou with a cheeky face, as if he was in a very good mood, and he blinked and answered, "Brother, you look so cursed!"

"Fuck!" This guy was shameless. Gu Xizhou put up with the dryness on his body and was about to open the door and get off. Who knew that the found driver would lock the car for a second.

Gu Xizhou looked coldly at the pheasant driver, hurriedly undressed, stripped off his skin, and turned around to jump over and touch him. Gu Xizhou pulled his handcuffs out of his bag to cover the pheasant driver. With both hands, he whispered, "Great, give the police medicine?"

"Police, cops?" The man looked aggressive.

Gu Xizhou scolded ‘stupid’, then pulled out his phone and dialed 110.

The nearest policeman quickly rushed over. After hearing Gu Xizhou's description, several policemen sneered, and then they couldn't help it, and finally laughed.

"Gu team, hahaha ... oh, that ... that ... what did you take that medicine, okay? Would you like us to give you a 120?"

"I can't do it ... laughing ..."

Gu Xizhou was originally handsome, and he was a very young captain of the Interpol. He met every year and participated in the Arbor Day. Many police officers knew him. Unfortunately, several of the night police who came this time knew Gu Xizhou.

Gu Xizhou: ...

"No, someone will pick me up," Gu Xizhou said with a lip, "Oh, here he is."

Si Yu rushed to see Gu Xizhou flushed and sat inside the police station. Gu Xizhou followed Si Yu to leave and sat on Gu Xizhou's off-road vehicle. The car drove for a while and went to a quiet place. He coughed and asked, "Are you okay now?"

"What a fart ..."

Si Yu was silent for a moment, and suddenly came closer, breathing across Gu Xizhou's ear canal, "So you asked me to come and help you fight the fire."

Gu Xizhou: "..."

Si Yu stopped the car and got in front of Gu Xizhou. The first kiss was very light and gradually deepened. A slight gasp sounded in his ear. His black eyes reflected Gu Xizhou's calm appearance.

"Gu Xizhou, then I'm welcome," Si Yu held his breath and whispered in Gu Xizhou's ear, "don't regret it."

"Remorse?" Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow slightly and gave Si Yu a sideways glance. "Remorse, in fact, Si Yu really likes you, but I don't know if you like me or ..."

"It's you, your soul." Si Yu replied softly in Gu Xizhou's ear, as if he knew what Gu Xizhou was thinking.

Si Yu stroked Gu Xizhou's soft hair with his hand, with a husky voice and a serious and serious expression, saying, "My life is from you, now I will give it to your hand again."

"Isn't that exaggerated?" Gu Xizhou asked Si Yu with a hand in his fingers and raised his eyebrows with a smile.


The dullness of the low, husky voice can't be said, and the reflection of Gu Xizhou is reflected in the bottom of his eyes.

"I will cherish it." Gu Xizhou thought for a while and said seriously.

The author has something to say: I ... draw a point? ? ? ——My life is given by you, now I give it to your hands again

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