MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 141 Having trouble, find the police!

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"You don't know me?" Gu Xizhou frowned slightly. He looked at the little boy in front of him and asked in a low voice.

Gu creaked his head, his expression blank, confused, and asked, "Should I know you?"

"Uncle, are you my dad's friend? My dad is also a policeman!" Gu Xieque asked three questions, asking Gu Xizhou.

And Gu Xizhou's brow froze, and now Wang Shu is not there. Gu Zhejian did n’t need to call his uncle, said three words, called him two uncles, with Gu Zhezhi's character, if you know who he is, absolutely not It would be so sweet and soft to call his uncle.

At this moment, a man and a woman walked into the gate of the community. The two men walked and talked in a low voice. The woman's face smiled slightly. The man's eyes were also slightly curved. I didn't know what the man said, and the woman creaked. He chuckled, and flicked his hand against the man's chest.

Just by looking at the eyes of the two, Gu Xizhou knew that the two must love each other deeply and have a good relationship.

The men and women who came in all wore police uniforms. When they came in, they looked up at Gu Xizhou's eyes, nodded politely to Gu Xizhou, and their eyes fell downward, and then they saw the little boy facing away from them.

The lines on the side of a man's face are just like the cut out. The outline is just right. Looking at the stars, the handsome features outline a slightly harder line, the back is straight, and wearing a police uniform is just a model of abstinence. .

The woman's hair is ponytailed, her skin is fair, her facial features are beautiful, her quarters are beautiful, her sixths are beautiful, and she blends perfectly into this face.

Gu Xizhou recognized the man and the woman as creaking parents at a glance!

The squeaking father is Gu Qing, and the mother is Zhou Xinyue.

Zhou Xinyue's beautiful black eyes stared at Gu Xie's back, shouting, "Xiaozhou?"

The squeaked Gu Squeak turned around and saw his parents, he grinned suddenly, turned around and ran over, as soon as he tried to help the woman to get things, he shouted, "Mom."

"Why didn't you go home upstairs? What are you doing downstairs?" Zhou Xinyue lowered his voice and taught his son not to talk to strangers.

"Mom, what do you think ... it was this uncle who helped your son and Wang Moumou drive away those three seniors," Gu Xie pointed at Gu Xizhou, and said what happened just now, " If it were not for this uncle, Wang and I would be beaten today! "

Gu Qing bounced on Gu Xing's head and said, "What Wang Moumou, how many times have I told you, people have names!"

Gu Xie squeaked his head and didn't speak, just rubbed his head, and after Gu Qing went to Gu Xizhou, he turned his head and made a face at his dad.

When Zhou Xinyue saw it, he gave him a stern glance, and the naughty child suddenly put away the grimace on his face and sneered at his mother.

"Hello, thank you for your help!" Gu Qing stretched out a hand to Gu Xizhou, his eyes were bent, his lips were slightly pulled, he grinned, and said softly in a low voice.

Gu Xizhou took Gu Qing's hand, "You're welcome, it should be."

Just to say a few words, at this moment, Gu Qing's mobile phone rang suddenly, "Hey, um, you say, it's okay, I'm not busy ... um, okay ... the specific situation is ..."

Gu Qing's body is long and well-proportioned, and the lines between the eyebrows are very hard. Although he is extremely handsome, he has a very serious feeling. When he speaks, Gu Xizhou stands by the side and waits for him to finish the call.

"Okay, I'll come now!"

Zhou Xinyue saw her husband answer the phone and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"I found an unknown female body by the river, and I'm going back," Gu Qing frowned. "You take Xiaozhou home for dinner, don't wait for me."

Zhou Xinyue nodded slightly, saying something like this, at this time her cell phone rang.

The gentle female voice seemed to repeat itself as Gu Qing's experience just now. Zhou Xinyue answered the phone and said, "I still can't run the technique, I have to go back."

Gu Xiekui heard his parents' words, just bulging his cheeks, anxiously like a goldfish.

Zhou Xinyue patted Gu Xie's shoulders. "Sorry, Xiaozhou, I can't have dinner with you today. You should take the dishes back first. I'll tell you Aunt Kong and go to Aunt Kong's house for dinner."

The two couples urged Gu Squeak to say two more words. They wanted to say more, but the ringtone of the cell phone rang, and there was another reminder, and the two hurried away.

Gu Xingyi held vegetables in his hands, standing in the middle of the yard, somewhat lonely.

Gu Xizhou looked down at him and whispered, "Are you all right?"

"Ah, it's okay, I'm used to it."

Gu Squeeze's eyebrows were full of lost feelings during the conversation. "Actually, I didn't understand why my mother had to be a police officer. My dad didn't even care about it, after all, he was poor!"

"Why do you say that?"

Gu Xieyi gave Gu Xizhou a glance, and said his tongue, "I won't tell you!"

After finishing talking, Gu Xie squeaked upstairs, leaving Gu Xizhou alone, Gu Xizhou was preparing to leave, and saw Wang Shu coming downstairs from the opposite side, and Kong Yue held Wang Shu in his youth.

When Wang Shu met Gu Xizhou, he cried in surprise: "Uncle, you haven't left yet!"

Gu Xizhou thought for a while and said, "Well, I don't know much about Lu."

When Kong Yue saw Wang Shu met the handsome young guy in front of him, he took a moment and asked Wang Shu what was going on.

"It's the one I told you to save me and Gu Xizhou!"

"Oh," Kong Yue quickly thanked Gu Xizhou, "Thank you, little brother!"

Gu Xizhou suddenly didn't fit the title, and replied stiffly, "You're welcome."

Because I just received a call from Gu Qing, there was not enough food at home. Kong Yue wanted to buy some cooked vegetables to go back, so she came out with her daughter. When she bought a good vegetable, she found that Gu Xizhou hadn't left the door. It felt strange. A strange look at Gu Xizhou, hesitantly said, "brother, do you have anything else?"

"I'm fine," Gu Xizhou felt the sweat in his head, feeling a little awkward. "I'm gone, bye."

Gu Xizhou rubbed his eyebrows after leaving, but he still hasn't figured out the situation yet, but he asked someone to ask for a time and determined that tomorrow is the day for Tong Jia to jump off the building. On Friday, Tong Jia was tricked by Gu and he went home. Suddenly rushed downstairs and jumped to death.

Gu Xizhou lost his mind, although Gu Xie said that he did not care about Tong Jia's death, but now it seems that he has always been worried about Tong Jia's death.

And this emotion should be very strong, mainly because the time point of the spiritual world he is in now is too subtle, which makes Gu Xizhou can't help but think about it. Is it like those ghosts that caused the broken chain because of Tong Jia's death?

There are two kinds of ghosts in the mission world he has experienced. One is an ordinary ghost without any sound on his body, and the other is a ghost with a door on his body. They are characterized by the sound of a 'wowa' chain.

There is a ghost on the body, and every time you walk, the chain slides on the ground and makes an impact.

When he went to work in the morning, he mistakenly thought that the sound was a noise made by the neighbor next door. Now think carefully that this sound is more like the sound of hitting a chain, but this sound is broken with any ghost chain he feels after entering the door. The situation is different!

The chains on those ghosts were suddenly broken by the accumulation of negative emotions.

The situation of the chain breaking on Squeak was obviously different from those of the poor ghosts.

The question is, if he rescues Tong Jia tomorrow, will he just fulfill his creaking wish?

If ... he completes his creaking wish, will Gu creak disappear like those ghosts?

Gu Xizhou squeezed his palms and sank down suddenly, "Squeak, are you there? You come out! I have something to ask you!"


Squeak was obviously not here, because Gu Xizhou didn't hear any sound, and there was no chain sound around.

No npc, no one even talks to him.

Wait ... will there be no place in this world?

Gu Xizhou suddenly thought about this problem.

The last world asked him to cook by himself. Does this world want him to sleep on the side of the road?

Until about 10 o'clock in the evening, after Gu Xizhou determined that the world really wanted him to sleep on the road, Gu Xizhou went to the police station with his head scratched.

The police officer on duty at the police station saw him and asked, "Are you here to report?"

Gu Xizhou shook his head. "I have nowhere to live and I have no money to eat."

The policeman at the police station gave him a glance, with aggressive expression on his face: "So?"

Gu Xizhou is serious: "If you are in trouble, please find the police!"


The author has something to say: Good night. 2k novel reading network

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