MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 127 I just like it a little bit

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Do drive?

Gu Xizhou saw the words sent by Si Yu, hesitated a little, and hurriedly replied: Don't bother, I can just call one.

Si Yu ignored him and only issued two words: wait for me.

The noise in the bar was loud and noisy. Gu Xizhou rubbed his eyebrows and looked sideways at Mudge sitting next to him. This man who made drug dealers embarrassed by tears burst into tears, his eyes flushed, and a glass followed by a glass of wine.

When the waiter at the counter saw this, he couldn't help showing his sympathy and worry, and he didn't know what happened to the man, what kind of things could make this spine look straight and even some military-aged middle-aged people. The man cried like this.

March's original sharp eyes were weeping at this moment, his throat twitched slightly, but speechless.

Forty minutes later, Gu Xizhou looked sideways at Maki, who had been drunk on the bar. Maki had been drinking just now, so he was drunk quickly.

Gu Xizhou took away the wine glass that Ma Qi was holding in his hand, then he lowered his head to pick up the wine glass in his hand, his lips were in a line, and his smooth forearm outlined his beautiful muscle line. He lowered his head slightly. He took a bite of wine in the glass, and at this point he was a little drunk.

He rubbed his eyebrows lightly with his hands, rotated the position of the bench, his body was facing the dance floor, and he scanned the men and women dancing in the middle of the dance floor with extremely lazy eyes.

Gu Xizhou was originally handsome, with sharp lines, sharp eyes, and dark-colored hair in this place seemed to be a little dazzling. He slightly looked down, his eyes were deep and bottomless, attracting many people's attention.

"He's mine, don't grab it." One of the beautiful women in a **** backless outfit was staring at Gu Xizhou, holding a wine glass in her hand to the sisters beside her.

"Sister Yan has gone one step ahead of you."

Hearing the voice of a friend, the woman called Sister Yan lifted her left hair, moved her gaze, and saw a girl with a sweet and completely different style talking to a **** man she wanted to chat with, she picked slightly eyebrow.

Because it was too noisy and noisy around her, she couldn't hear the voice of the people there.

The man shook his head at the girl who talked to him and said a few words. The sweet-looking girl seemed very disappointed, and looked at the man's eyes before leaving.

"It seems that he is still mine." Ye Yan said happily, but just after she finished speaking, she suddenly found that her goal today was beckoning in the direction of the bar's admission, and she seemed to be greeting someone.

"Fuck, so handsome!"

"It's the boyfriend who just came!"

Ye Yan heard the words of her friends next to her and gave her boss a slightly indifferent look. This man was very dangerous! This is her first feeling. As for the appearance of the man, she does not need to sigh, because her sisters are already whispering.

"Oh my god, this is too handsome, right?"

You must know that these six are rich second-generations, and they look pretty. The standard of the word handsome is much higher than ordinary people. Because the standard is very high, it is naturally difficult to find someone who makes them feel good. She It was also today that I inadvertently saw the man who was drinking lazily but was a bit decadent. He had an inexplicable feeling.

The heartbeat throbbed as if she wanted to jump out of her chest, into the man's hand.

In the noisy environment of the bar, Si Yugu Gu Xizhou beckoned to him lazily, his eyes smirked, and his pace accelerated a bit.

At this time Gu Xizhou was sitting on a swivel chair, and Si Yuben was almost as tall as Gu Xizhou. Now he is more than half of his body higher than Gu Xizhou. He glanced over the wine glass aside, then glanced drunk. Mudge, he squinted and looked at Gu Xizhou, "Do you want to drink?"

Gu Xizhou lifted the wine glass in Yang's hand. There was only a little wine left. He drank it directly. When he drank, the throat knot rolled, showing a strange sexyness. "Xiaodang", Gu Xizhou put his wine glass in On the bar, Si Yu whispered in his ear: "On behalf of the driver, here it is."

Si Yu met his gaze, shook his head helplessly, and smiled at the bottom of his eyes: "Well, the driver you called is here, and I will take you back."

"Okay," Gu Xizhou jumped from the bar stool and patted his finger on the side of Mudge, and said, "First he sends it back, I know where his home is. I'll show you the way later."

"it is good."

Si Yu nodded while holding his hand to Xizhou, and the two of them walked out while holding Mudge.

Ye Yan saw Gu Xizhou about to leave, and when she was about to step forward, she accidentally turned on a pair of slightly cold eyes. The owner of the eyes seemed to know her intention, and brushed her cheek as if the knife was retracted. The invisible pressure of sight then dissipated.

"Oh my god, he's so handsome."

"Sister Yan, why didn't you just go up and talk to them?"

"Yes, Sister Yan, the two were pretty good just now, in fact, the one who was drunk was also good, just a little older."

Ye Yan shook her head and didn't speak, she just felt that if she did talk in the past, bad things would happen.

Out of the bar, Gu Xizhou grabbed Mudge's left half of his body with one hand, and looked at him across the unconscious drunk and Si Yu, asking, "Where's your car?"

"Have you seen driving over on your behalf?" Si Yu smiled and asked.

Gu Xizhou: "Hmm ... no."

Finding his car, Gu Xizhou and Si Yu placed Mudge on the back seat. Gu Xizhou handed the key to Si Yu, then opened the position of the co-pilot and sat up, looking at Si Yu who was opening the door slightly.

After Si Yu got into the car, he frowned, not very used to Gu Xizhou's car ...

Gu Xizhou leaned on the position of the co-pilot, half-closed his eyes, glanced at him, and said casually, "Not used to driving this kind of car?"

Si Yu replied, "Well, I haven't driven much."

Gu Xizhou looked at him with interest and teased, "Don't you have a top-of-the-line model?"

"Well," Si Yu started the engine and explained calmly. "Buy it doesn't mean I will drive."

Gu Xizhou glanced at him and was really able to pretend, "OK, when I went to get the car, the car repairman told me that on the day of my car accident, someone bought a matching model in the 4s shop."

Si Yu did not take up Gu Xizhou's topic and continued to talk. He fell in front of the road and looked at the car with a serious and focused look. When Gu Xizhou saw that he was not talking, he leaned on the chair, and the street lamp quickly pulled from his side Too.

Black and light alternate with each other, mottled light and shadow staggered on Si Yu's cheek, light and shadow cut his face, thin lips curled into a line, clear and beautiful hands on the steering wheel, the outline of the side face is fine After sculpting the lines, the delicate and **** neckline is pulled down to the neck fossa.

After sending Mudge home, Gu Xizhou finally got drunk at this time, his brain gradually became less awake, he suddenly broke the silence, the first one said: "Mage's companion is dead, you Who said the three of us would die first? "

Si Yu heard Gu Xizhou's words, and while driving, he glanced at Gu Xizhou, silent for a moment, and answered his question, "No one will die."

Gu Xizhou chuckled, as if a silent mockery. He was not optimistic. He was a bug in himself, but in the world of Yeti, he almost died. Today, although March is out of order, March is unexpected. What to say ... Gu Xizhou thinks it makes sense.

Death is not terrible. No one knows who will come first tomorrow or accident.

But they are different taskers, and the countdown in the sky reminds them of death.

Gu Xizhou's dreamy night view, ‘Death is not the end now, so do n’t be afraid of death’ Gu Xizhou thought of the female ghost and muttered to himself: “Death is not the end ... Is it the beginning?”

Gu Xizhou couldn't figure out. Si Yu on the side didn't take the conversation. He just drove the car quietly and drove the car to the parking space below Gu Xizhou's house.

Gu Xizhou rubbed his eyebrows, confused, and was about to unfasten his seat belt and got out of the car. He suddenly saw a handsome face rushed in front of him to help him unfasten his seat belt.

The man's unique breath suddenly came close, covering him, all around him, Gu Xizhou faced those deep eyes and saw himself in those eyes.

Gu Xizhou leaned forward, and his soft lips touched Si Yu's mouth softly. As soon as he saw Si Yu's expression, Gu Xizhou smiled at him, "You want to kiss me."

"Um." Si Yu did not deny his thoughts. He reached out and touched the corner of Gu Xizhou's mouth, and kissed him again.

Unlike Gu Xizhou's pro-Si Yu, Si Yu's kiss is more like a storm invasion. At the same time it swept, the tip of his tongue was soft and soft, and he could hear the sound of heartbeat and feel the burning breath. Make people forget to breathe.

The wheezing sound gradually aggravated, and there was a burning breath in the ear.

Gu Xizhou wanted to follow his heart to the man in front of him, to do more intimate things, when his eyes inadvertently swept across the entire body of the seventh floor and froze.

It was already late at night, and the only light on the seventh floor suddenly hit his face like a slap, waking him with a slap.

Gu Xizhou grabbed Si Yu's hand that stretched to his waist, bowed his head, his voice was slightly suppressed, and said, "I'm too tired to go home to sleep."

Si Yu heard Gu Xizhou's words, and he paused his hands on Gu Xizhou's lower limbs. After a while, he slowly released his hand, leaned his head on Gu Xizhou's shoulder, and whispered, "OK."

After waiting for a while, Si Yu helped Gu Xizhou to go upstairs, and sent Gu Xizhou upstairs. Gu Xizhou opened the door low. The lamp in the house was on. After Gu Xizhou went in, he said to Si Yu behind him: "Go back first, I can do it myself."

Si Yu stared at Gu Xizhou, took a deep breath, and suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Gu Xizhou's hand, gently hugged him, and lowered his voice in Gu Xizhou's ear: "I won't let you be troubled. "

"Huh." Gu Xizhou murmured, pushed Si Yu away, and turned into the room to change clothes ...

In the living room, Gu creaked his hands against the wall and frowned, and his gaze fell on Si Yu's body.

Last time it was this man who sent Moxiu back, his heart sank slightly.

Gu Xizhou asked him the question before, just for the man in front of him.

Gu Xieque thought about the problem. His eyes fell on Si Yu's body recklessly, and he looked around at random. At this moment, Si Yu looked back, two eyes, four eyes facing each other.

Gu Squeak's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, his mind was blank, this was the second time he felt that the other party could really see him!

At the same time that his heart was pounding, Si Yu and his eyes on the upper line of sight naturally moved away from them, as if they were just on the line of sight just now.

After Si Yu left, Gu creaked his brows. One time may be accidental, but twice? Every time this teammate of Moxiu arrives at his house, he can always look into him!


Gu Xizhou took a long bath today, and when he came out to see Si Yu had left, he seemed to be relieved, and then returned to the room and lay down.


Gu Xizhou lay down on the bed and couldn't help but despise himself.

Then Jiu Jin wanted to sleep, and when he took the initiative to finish preparing for the gun, he saw the light on the 7th floor, and then interrupted what should have happened. He couldn't finish it, he had to turn off the fire ...

Gu Jienan Xizhou collapsed on the bed and silently despised himself in his heart, but at the time, Gu Gusque was in his mind ... thinking that his body was creaking, he was like being poured into a basin of cold water on his head. All that's left is water.


The next day, Gu Xizhou staggered to open his eyes and fell asleep until dawn.

Gu Xizhou rubbed his sleepy eyes and went to the bathroom to wash. Then he went to the living room and raised an eyebrow on the sofa. "Squeak, you got up early to watch the news?"

Gu Squeak: No?

Gu Xizhou shook his head and said, "It's not impossible, but I think you are too boring, like a retired old man."

Gu Squeak: ...

Just then Gu Xizhou's cell phone rang, the cell phone on the table flashed, and Si Yu's name jumped in front of the screen.

Si Yu: Is the hangover good?

Gu Xizhou picked up the phone and tapped his long fingers on the keyboard gently: better.

Si Yu: What would you like to eat after dinner?

Gu Xizhou heard a bang, and the remote control on the sofa fell to the ground. He looked at the remote control on the floor and was picked up by a ghost soon. Gu Xizhou hesitated, and replied, "If you don't eat today, I also want to take a break.

After waiting for a long time this time, the opposite person replied him with a word ‘OK’. Seeing that Si Yu did n’t ask much, Gu Xizhou breathed a sigh of relief, and incidentally despised himself even more.

There is an extra line on the note pad on the table: Si Yu, who brought you back yesterday, has a good relationship with him.

It was creaking.

Gu Xizhou stared at the words on the book. He couldn't see where Gu Jianzhe was, didn't see Gu Jianzhe's expression, and didn't know if Gu Jianzhe was uncomfortable. He had to watch him use his body to fall in love with others. He asked, "What happened?"

The pen moved aside and wrote: I saw him kissing you downstairs.

Gu Xizhou drew the corners of his mouth and said, "You can see them in the car ..."

Gu Squeak: Not with eyes, but with feelings, I can feel what people nearby are doing.

Gu Xizhou: "Oh ..."

One person and one ghost suddenly fell into a kind of silent silence. It was only after lunch that Gu Xizhou broke the silence and said ‘Sorry’ to the empty room.

Gu Squeak: ...

Gu Squeak wrote: It doesn't matter.

Gu Xizhou gave a faint hum, stared at his cell phone for a while, but did not continue to reply to Si Yu's message, and the information of the two people stopped on the word 'good'.

The day was hot, the sun was empty, and the dog was lying down in the shade of the tree, letting out his red tongue, panting, and everything around him seemed to melt away.

But in the conference hall, the temperature seemed to be below a dozen degrees below zero, and everyone in the meeting couldn't help shivering.

As long as the big boss glanced at it, it was as if going around the ice cellar, his body was cold.

Yu Yang was under pressure to report the sales situation of the mall in the recent period of time. When he saw the big boss occasionally looking at himself, he couldn't help but swallowed his mouth and felt that his back was cold.

The big boss is in a bad mood today, they all see it.

Everyone was afraid that they would make a mistake and the big boss was dissatisfied. The big boss was obviously about the same age as their son, but the aura was so overwhelming that everyone couldn't speak.

"My report is over." Yu Yang exhaled a sigh of sigh and tried hard to remember if he had made a mistake just now. He secretly said: No.

The big boss looked down at the documents in his face, and said nothing.

Yu Yang: ... Are I getting cold?

Everyone who came to the meeting today also quietly looked at the big boss, secretly you looked at me, I looked at you, and felt the invisible pressure that really made them breathless. What happened to the big boss?

There was a anger in his heart that made Si Yu irritable and a little uneasy.

His gaze fell on the phone on the table.

Yu Yang also looked at the phone, and touched the cold sweat on his forehead. Who is this! Do not return the news of the big boss, see the big boss angry ...

After waiting for a long time, Si Yu withdrew the report in his hand. He raised his eyebrows slightly, his tone was slightly irritable, and he said, "A meeting."

Finally, the meeting rose.

The horrified crowd couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at the same time, and they finally had a safe day.

The big boss had already inspected all the companies in the industry this year, but I don't know why he suddenly said that he would conduct another inspection, so that all of them were frightened, and they were afraid of making mistakes ...

"Secretary, eat together ..." It was already noon at this time, and Yu Yang saw everyone leaving, and had to bite his head, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Don't worry about me, I'll sit for a while, you go." Si Yu rubbed his eyebrows tiredly and said quietly.

"Okay, okay ..." Yu Yang felt relieved when he heard Si Yu's words.

In the empty office, only Si Yu was left. He picked up his cell phone and looked at the time.

Gu Xizhou didn't say anything when he heard the news slowly, and killed him and didn't answer his call!

The man who was slammed out that night was not angry, and the pigeons were released the next day, but the **** still ignored him?

He has always been very restrained, and it was Gu Xizhou who kissed him first, why now he feels that he should not, and regrets it?

Why are there such people, fuck!

Si Yu couldn't help swearing in his heart, he had never seen such unreasonable Gu Xizhou, and after he was disturbed, he turned and forgot about him again!

Find him when you have something, let him play while you're fine?

Doesn't that make sense?

"Fuck!" Si Yu lost his quality and couldn't help but whispered something, leaving the conference room and going straight to the parking lot.

The leaves hang on the tree, with the gray soil hanging on it, the ground is bright, and the figure is close to the person, and the sun above him cannot breathe.

On the way outside, Gu Xizhou felt that his feet were a little hot.

Everything around him seemed to be melting. The hot wind blew on him. It didn't bring coolness, it was all heat waves.

"Gu Brother, Ma asked a few of his teammates. The numbers they cast with the dice are the same as mine, and the numbers are between 1-6." Fang Zhi fan fanned the mosquitoes that came on his face, Gu Xizhou said on both sides, but did not get a response.

Fang Zhi shook his hand in front of Gu Xizhou's eyes and asked, "Gu brother, have you heard me?"

"Yes," Gu Xizhou whispered, "I don't know what the situation is, but it doesn't feel right anyway, but as long as the number is not 1, you buy two dice and put it at home. When you are OK, you will lose two. "

"Ah ..." Fang scratched his head. "Okay, okay."

Fang Zhi found that Gu Xizhou's line of sight fell at the gate in front of the police station. He followed Gu Xizhou's line of sight and saw a familiar car parked at the gate of the police station. A man was also on the car.

The man was tall, fair-skinned, with clear outlines of facial features, dark, dark eyes with a faint cold light, and three-dimensional handsome facial features with a faint cold color. He struck the door heavily and walked towards them.

Fang held it aside and whispered to Gu Xizhou, "Gu Brother, Si Brother is here."

Gu Xizhou: "..." He saw it.

Fang Zhi happily raised his small hand to say hello to Si Yu, "Si Ge!"

After Si Yu came over, the other party nodded and said quietly, "I have a problem with Xizhou. Fang Zhi, you go back to the police station first."

"Okay!" Fang Zhi didn't even think about it, and agreed in one sip, with a bright smile on his face, "Gu Brother, I'll go back ..."

Seeing Gu Xizhou glaring at him, Fang Zhi car was at a loss, what did he do? Gu Gu stared at him.

The poor Fang Zhi suddenly felt a little uneasy, leaving Gu Xizhou and Si Yu to go to the police station in two steps.

Si Yu's deep black eyes reflected Gu Xizhouzhuang's silly and tender face, and spit out two words from the teeth gap: "Come here"

"Oh." Gu Xizhou didn't want to compete with Si Yu in such hot weather, anyway ... if he was wrong, he shouldn't move his mouth first!

It's a headache.

If he could change his body and give it back, he wouldn't let Si Yu air dry these days. He would feel uncomfortable, and feel like a dead man.

Followed Si Yu to the shade under the corner, Gu Xizhou waited for Si Yu to speak, but didn't wait for someone to speak, but waited for a kiss.

The man actually pressed him against the wall and kissed him.

The thin lips fell on his lips and were tightly embraced, feeling that the other party's kiss was like crumpling, and a burning breath ran across his neck and bit his lips.

Was he forced to kiss?

After Gu Xizhou showed a little confusion, he finally couldn't resist the temptation and kissed him back.

Those who received the response kissed deeper and the distance between them was closer. Gu Xizhou could even hear the sound of the heart beating in Si Yu's chest. Every time, every time it hit the heart deeply, very heavy, Very hard.

I didn't know how long it took, but Si Yu let go of him, both gasping, with a pair of deep eyes, smirking under the eyes, "You like me too, so why don't you ignore me?"

Gu Xizhou rolled his eyes and hummed softly, "Go to you, who likes you?"

"Oh, how else would you kiss me?" Si Yu looked down at him and continued. "Is there anything I can't admit? You see that I know I like you and I like you especially."


Holding Fang Zhi, who was leaving in an eggache mood, always felt that something was wrong. He hadn't entered the office building, thought about turning around, and then saw an unforgettable scene for life!

Brother Gu was kissed by Si Ge in the corner!

Wait, isn't anyone around?

Fang subconsciously looked around, and after confirming that there were no other colleagues, he looked back at Gu Xizhou's line of sight. Fang subconsciously removed his eyes and pretended to look at something else, then turned his head and did not take away Gu Xizhou. Left alone.

Gu Xizhou: "..." Fang Zhi's boy is too unreliable.

"Don't move your feet and be seen," Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow at Si Yu, "this door of the police station."

Si Yu slightly let Gu Xizhou stand upright and said, "Two days later, it will be my next mission world. I will wait for you at home."

Hearing Si Yududing's tone, he was determined to look like himself, Gu Xizhou could not help rolling his eyes at the cool luxury car that left, "Narcissism! That is, you look good, I can't help it! Who likes Are you? "

Oh, I just like it a bit.

The author has something to say: The next world is about to open! It's a more interesting world. 2k novel reading network

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