MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 112 First snowman

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Seeing Gu Xizhou ignoring him, Si Yu was not angry, but leaned quietly against Gu Xizhou, his eyebrows twisted slightly, seeming to be thinking about something, his eyebrows frowning.

Lying in bed, Gu Xizhou did not continue to ask Si Yu, and he was relieved. He was actually worried that Si Yu was chasing after him. He didn't want to admit that he mistakenly thought that the female ghost was Si Yu. He couldn't say.

Gu Xizhou slept for a while with his eyes closed. The light that had previously hit his eyes did not appear overnight.

Gu Xizhou slept into the middle of the night, feeling a bit uncomfortable with his breathing and feeling uncomfortably hot, as if deep in the fire.

Finally, Gu Xizhou was awakened directly by the heat. After he woke up, he discovered the reason.

Si Yu leaned too close to him, and his back rested on Si Yu's chest.

A hand was placed on his waist, and there was a uniform breathing sound, which was very close to him, and his breath was blowing across his neck. Gu Xizhou thought of the female ghost before, he moved his body subconsciously, and then he lightly Gently turned over and made sure that it was Si Yu who was holding him behind him.

In the darkness, Gu Xizhou calmly looked at Si Yu's face.

The man beside him lay on the bed, naturally and stretched, the handsome features were more distinct in the dark, the corners of his mouth were slightly drawn, the whole person was handsome and extraordinary, this person really looks good, no wonder that every time those npc are fascinated by him The soul lost six souls.

The room was quiet and there was no sound. Gu Xizhou stared at Si Yu for a while, then closed his eyes, turned his back to Si Yu with minimal movement, and did not want to wake the other person up.

After Gu Xizhou rolled over, the people behind him slowly opened their eyes, and there was a slight flash of imperceptible light in those deep eyebrows. The eyelashes, like crow feathers, flickered slightly, and the thin lips curled into a line.

Si Yu held Gu Xizhou's, gently held the person, and slowly changed his movements.

That night, after the incident of the female ghost, I heard no sound overnight.

The next day, Gu Xizhou woke up and found that he was leaning on Si Yu's arm, and Si Yu closed his eyes slightly as he did last night.

Gu Xizhou's movement awakened Si Yu. Si Yu saw him awake, glanced at him slightly, then smiled at him, slowly looking away.

After the two washed, Gu Xizhou was planning to ask Si Yu to go to the restaurant for dinner, and he glanced at the hanging picture in the room casually. He always felt that the hanging picture was strange.

Si Yu saw him staring at the hanging picture, and also looked over, saying clearly: "One snowman is missing."

Gu Xizhou froze, and finally wanted to understand why he thought it was weird: "Yes, there were nine snowmen in yesterday, and only eight today."

He secretly said that something happened last night.

Just then Gu Xizhou heard a scream of exclamation from outside the door.

Gu Xizhou and Si Yu looked at each other and hurried out immediately. They also heard Fang Zhi and Fu Yiran coming out of the screaming. Several people rushed over, only to realize that it was one of the rooms where the hanging painting was taken out. child.

The companion Shen Bo fell into the aisle and shivered. Gu Xizhou rushed over and asked about the situation. Shen Bo pointed his finger in his room. "Blood, a lot of blood ... bed ... a lot of blood ..."

When Gu Xizhou heard this sentence, he pushed open the door of Shen Bo's room and walked in. There was no body in the room, but one of the beds was covered with blood, and the bed was soaked with blood.




Drops of blood fell to the ground along the sheets and sputtered.

The white sheets and duvet cover were stained red with blood, and the pungent **** smell was overflowing.

No corpse was seen, only blood.

Gu Xizhou frowned, apparently the male companion in the room with Shen Bo was dead.

The two girls hid outside ... Fu Yiran followed, and her eyes already contained sloppy water vapor.

"What happened last night?" Li Yan dragged Shen Bo up and asked.

"I don't know, I don't know anything." Shen Bo said ashamed, he shook his head.

"Shen Bo, do you recall carefully what was abnormal last night?"

"Last night the two of us took off the paintings and fell asleep. It was nothing special. I slept very well last night. As soon as I fell asleep, I knew a few minutes earlier than you ..." Shen Bo Mianlu recalled I thought about it for a long time, and then said, "As for whether he heard any sound running away to death at night, I really don't know."

Shen Bo is also a person who has experienced six missions in the world. He knows that it is easy to die alone when going out at night, but it is reasonable to say that everyone except the beautiful girl Fu Yiran has experienced several worlds. His companions should not commit this. Shen Bo's low-level mistakes were right. Speaking here, Shen Bo couldn't help frowning.

"Is it related to hanging pictures?" Gu Xizhou frowned. "I don't know if you have noticed that there is a snowman missing from the hanging pictures. I just glanced at the hanging pictures just before I came out."

Hearing that several people immediately returned to their room to check the situation, after a while, several people came out in a hurry.

Fang insisted, "Gu brother, you're right, there is one snowman missing from the hanging picture in the room."

Li Yan also nodded and said, "I have one less painting in my room."

"Hanging, hanging pictures are gone!"

Shen Bo hurried out and shouted.


"Yes, it's gone. I didn't throw it away after I took it out yesterday. I just buckled it up and put it on the table. But I just went in and found that the hanging picture was not on the table. The two of us rummaged the room again. "

"What should we do now?"

Upon hearing that, Gu Xizhou frowned and asked the other two girls, "Why didn't you go to look for hanging pictures?"

Tang Jiajia nodded his face and replied, "I lost it. After we took it down, because we were worried about the situation, we threw the hanging picture outside the window."

Helplessly, Gu Xizhou and others had to accompany the two girls out to find the hanging paintings that had been discarded.

Gu Xizhou was digging snow with a shovel, and suddenly heard a scream from a distance.

Gu Xizhou and Si Yu rushed over and realized that it was Tang Xiaoshi who was pushed into the snow pit.

The person pushing her is Tang Jiajia, another girl who has been with her.

But Tang Jiajia did not admit it, she explained: "I didn't really push her. I have been looking for hanging pictures in the snow. How could I push her?"

"There are only you and me here, not who you are? You are not happy because you lost the painting! But don't forget, you lost the painting after discussing it with me yesterday! Can't blame me? "

"I really didn't push you, what did I push you for?" Tang Jiajia grieved. "Yesterday it was the two of us who negotiated before throwing away the painting. I didn't blame you, after all, I made the decision myself."

Tang Xiaoshi stared suspiciously at Tang Jiajia. There seemed to be a little faith in Tang Jiajia, and she frowned: "Who pushed me just now?"

Li Yanshen said: "Did you trip over yourself?"

Tang Xiaoshi shook his head firmly, biting his lower lip with his teeth, and said, "I'm sure someone pushed me from the back, whether someone tripped me or someone pushed me. I can tell."

"Find a painting first." Li Yan interrupted and asked, "Are you sure you just left here?"

The cold wind whistled and hurt his face. While Gu Xizhou rummaged in the snow with a shovel, he always watched Fu Yiran following Fang Zhi.

But Fu Yiran's action is relatively slow. If other people are really looking for something, then Fu Yi Ran is playing with snow.

"Xiao Ran, what do you and your snowman do?" Tang Jiajia noticed that there was a snowman about slap in front of Fu Yiran. The snowman actually looked very cute, but after listening to the legend of the snowman and a companion this morning After disappearing, she now has a shadow on the snowman. When she saw the little snowman in Fu Yiran's hand, her face turned white and she became pale.

Instead, Fu Yiran's eyebrows were slightly curved, with innocent smiles on his eyes, and the corners of his lips pulled slightly, saying, "Don't you think it's cute? This snowman gave it to you."

"You walk away!" Tang Jiajia opened Fu Yiran's hand, and the snowmen on Fu Yiran's palms were scattered instantly. Tang Jiajia cursed, "What's cute? Stay away from me!"

Fu Yiran stood up and wept with some grievances. He cried so much that Shen Bo and Li Yan apparently hurt him, especially Li Yan, the unsatisfied satyr, who frowned, "Xiao Ran was here to help Are you two girls looking for hanging pictures?

"Tang Jiajia, all right, no matter what, you apologize to Xiao Ran, and see how she cries."

Tang Jiajia's face was incredible. "Why should I apologize? She made a snowman to scare me first!"

"Sister Jiajia, I didn't want to scare you, I'm sorry, I live in the south, I haven't seen such heavy snow, so I will make snow, sorry ... you don't get angry." Fu Yiran said in tears, "I continue Help you find hanging pictures. "

"You ..." Tang Jiajia watched two male companions maintain this white lotus flower, and her face was dark. Why was she so unlucky today? When she thought of helping Fu Yiran to speak yesterday, Gu Guran, she hated her teeth. pain.

She subconsciously turned to look at Gu Ran, who Fu Yiran did not deal with, hoping Gu Ran could say a few words.

And Gu Xizhou noticed Tang Jiajia's sight and stubbornly removed his sight. It wasn't that he didn't want to speak for Tang Jiajia, but now Li Yan and Shen Bo were obviously blinded by Fu Yi's pitiful looks. No matter what, Neither of them listened, it was better not to say.

"Oh, it's too gentle for Xiao Ran, anyway, it's not me who lost the painting, so I don't need to help find it." Li Yan also seemed to want to brush Fu Yiran's favor and said something.

Shen Bo did not continue to say, after all, there were no paintings in his room, and the paintings in his room were not lost, but they were gone.

Seeing this, Tang Xiaoshi on the side hurried to the round and said to Tang Jiajia: "Jiajia, you apologize, it is not a big deal anyway."

"I'm right, why should I apologize, you all know the Snowman legend! She suddenly made a snowman, I was scared, opened her hand, what happened?" Tang Jiajia said in tears with aggrief.

"Just a few words. Sister Jiajia didn't mean that, I know. Sister Jiajia helped me talk yesterday, but I was wrong." Fu Yiran gritted his teeth, his lips were slightly red, his eyes were red like a bunny same.

It was also crying, obviously Fu Yiran had more lethality than Tang Jiajia.

"To make you apologize ..."

Li Yan seemed to want to say something, and was directly interrupted by Fang: "Brother Li, Xiao Ran didn't blame Tang Jiajia, why are you aggressive? It is the most important thing to work together in the mission world. This truth is not understood. ?"

Because of Fang Zhi's words, Li Yan didn't go on to say that he glared at Fang Zhi, apparently, the strange Fang Zhi was verbal. Tang Jiajia gave Fang Zhi a grateful glance. At this moment, Tang Xiaoshi pointed in a direction and said: ... it seems like something. "

In the direction of Tang Xiaoshi's fingers, Gu Xizhou looked over and faintly saw an outline, but the snow from the feathers blocked most of his eyes. Several people hurriedly walked through the snow across his knees, and there was a snowman behind the tree.

When Gu Xizhou saw the snowman, he frowned slightly. The face of the snowman was not true to the body, but turned sideways. Gu Xizhou stepped forward and looked along the snowman's line of sight. The snowman's line of sight just fell on them just now. Painting position.

This snowman has been hiding here to observe them?

"Look at the scarf on the snowman's neck. This scarf belongs to him!" Shen Bo was astonished, because the scarf on the snowman was exactly the same as the missing companion!

Si Yu nodded slightly: "It's Liang Ke's. I remember he wore this black and white checkered scarf around his neck."

Liang Ke is the missing companion.

"It, is it Liang Ke?" Tang Jiajia was startled and asked with a trembling voice.

Li Yan pondered for a moment and nodded: "It should be him."

"He became a snowman!"

"That legend ... the legend is true."

Several people's faces were not very good. The missing companion really became a snowman. The only thing that can be determined now is related to hanging pictures.

"Let's go find the hanging pictures, and enter the hotel when I find it. I'm scared." Tang Jiajia said frightenedly.

"Let's go and look for hanging pictures."

The crowd continued to help the two Tang Jiajia and Tang Xiaoshi find hanging paintings, but the snow was getting bigger and bigger. They shove away all the snow there but couldn't find the hanging paintings.

In the end, Li Yanpai decided: "Forget it, it should not be found, and there are three hanging pictures in the room. If you change rooms to sleep at night, we must find clues. We cannot waste time here."

Just before the crowd left, Gu Xizhou glanced at the snow that was already waisted, and said to Li Yan, "You go back first, I'll see if the snowman is still there."

Li Yan gave a strange look at Gu Xizhou and exhorted: "Be careful about safety."

Si Yu, of course, also Gu Xizhou together, the two walked to the tree again.

The snowman was not submerged by heavy snow, as if moving up a section, Gu Xizhou frowned. He noticed that the snowman's face was straight, and did not continue to look at the direction they had just been.

Gu Xizhou noticed that the hand made by the snowman's branch was obviously broken, and then took a closer look at the snowman, and he just started to plan the snowman away.

"There is only snow in it, there is no body." Gu Xizhou Shen Sheng said to Si Yu.

Si Yu looked at all this and reached out to Gu Xizhou, motioning to Gu Xizhou to grab him, "Let's go, the snow is getting bigger and bigger."

Gu Xizhou nodded and said, "Well, okay."

After the two left, the snowman behind them suddenly moved. It rubbed the snow on the ground into a pile and filled it in the place just thrown away by Gu Xizhou.


Si Yu and Gu Xizhou rushed to the dining room and found that the tour guide was also there. The guide saw the two of them with a surprised expression: "Where did you go? How did you get to the dining room?"

The tour guide and six other companions were sitting at a table. There was a steaming cauldron in front of them. Gu Xizhou glanced at it. It should be mutton. This weather is just right for this.

"Walking around and seeing a snowman is very interesting. I don't know who made it." Gu Xizhou narrowed his eyes and said to the tour guide.

"Oh, let's eat," said the guide, wiping his mouth with paper, "I'm full, you go on."

After the tour guide left, Gu Xizhou suddenly felt a cold on his back. It seemed that someone was watching him. He turned his head subconsciously. The guide behind him was talking to the hotel attendant and did not look at him.

Gu Xizhou said it intentionally just now, and wanted to test this npc that looked very normal, but the guide's expression did not change.

Everyone sat around the table, waving chopsticks in their hands, and devoured it, probably because they were looking for paintings in the snow without breakfast this morning. Everyone was hungry and felt that the meal was good. eat.

"It's so delicious." At the end of the meal, Li Yanyi touched his mouth and sighed.

After eating, everyone in the group asked about the situation in the hotel.

"Xiao Ran, let's get together!" Li Yan said gently to Fu Yiran.

Gu Xizhou thought that Fu Yi would still rely on Fang Zhi, but he was surprised that Fu Yi actually agreed to Li Yan ’s invitation. "Thank you Brother Li, then I will be with you. Do n’t let it go I'm just stupid. "

Li Yan hurriedly said, "How come? I certainly wouldn't hate you!"

Li Yan felt a joy in his heart, rejoicing in his heart, thinking that he had succeeded, and finally made the goddess interested.

In the end, Fang Zhi and Shen Bo were with Tang Xiaoshi and Tang Jiajia, while Gu Xizhou and Si Yu were with them.

After the other two groups left, Gu Xizhou asked Fang Zhi, "Is the mirror brought?"

Fang kept his voice down, so that Tang Jiajia could not hear: "Bring it!"

"Okay, pay attention to safety, find out what you don't want to explore by yourself, and go in after everyone talks." Gu Xizhou instructed.

"I know!" Fang Zhi nodded.

Tang Xiaoshi left Fang Zhi like this and was suddenly stopped: "Wait."

Si Yumai stepped forward with his long legs, and Tang Xiaoshi, who had been stopped by him, looked blank, wondering what this handsome guy who hadn't talked at all asked her to do, "What happened?"

"You have something in your hat." Si Yu took out the things from Tang Xiaoshi's hat.

Gu Xizhou saw clearly that the thing in Siyu's hand was a piece of broken wood with a little thumb, and Gu Xizhou took a look at the trace of the broken wood.

Tang Xiaoshi froze, touching his hat strangely, and said, "I don't know when it fell into."

"Maybe you accidentally fell in." Gu Xizhou said casually, after Tang Xiaoshi left, he continued to say to Si Yu: "It was the snowman's branch, it was Tang Xiaoshi who pushed it, she was pushed Not an illusion. "

Apparently Si Yu also found the problem, he nodded, and the two were about to leave to find someone to ask for clues. As Gu Xizhou was about to leave, he suddenly saw a familiar face.

"Wait, let's ask the waiter. I saw him chatting with the tour guide just now." Gu Xizhou grabbed Si Yu's wrist that was about to leave, and walked straight to the waiter.

Following Si Yu behind Gu Xizhou, he stared at his hand, his eyes were dim, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Hello, I'm a tourist here, and I want to ask you something." Gu Xizhou asked the barman.

The waiter smiled and politely said, "I don't know what I can do for you?"

"Have you heard of yeti legends?"

The waiter said with a faint smile, "Of course, many tourists come to our hotel now to confirm the legend."

"You worked here for so long, is this legend true?" Gu Xizhou asked.

"Well ..." The waiter glanced around and whispered, "It's true. Since the first group of people disappeared here, every year in our hotel disappears, and every time someone disappears, the hotel There will be snowmen nearby. "

"Before that tour group disappeared? Did something similar happen?" Gu Xizhou asked.

"If you carefully calculate, there is one more time before the group disappears ..."

"The previous owner of this hotel was an old man. After the old man died unexpectedly, the hotel was inherited by his only granddaughter. His granddaughter inherited the hotel and disappeared shortly after. Some people said that there was a snowman near the hotel ... we didn't know True or false ... she's missing anyway. "

Gu Xizhou heard the words, and raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Who is the owner of this hotel now?"

The old man died and the old man's granddaughter disappeared, but now the hotel is still running and there must be a new boss.

The waiter was about to answer. The three suddenly heard a clear cough. Gu Xizhou turned around and saw their tour guide standing behind them, looked at them with a smile and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing ... I still have something to do, I'll go to work first!"

After such an interruption by the tour guide, the waiter said hastily and hurriedly, and turned and ran away.

Gu Xizhou looked strangely at the back of the waiter and turned to look at the tour guide. After seeing the guide, the waiter was as suspicious as the mouse and the cat.

"It's too snowy, and it's okay for a few days. It seems that your travel expenses have been paid in vain." The tour guide regretted that it was not worth it for Gu Xizhou and others.

Si Yuchan said: "It doesn't matter if you can't climb, we are more interested in the legend of the snowman than climbing."

The tour guide dismissed: "What legend, but it is fake, how can a snowman eat someone, and that thing can't move."

Several people chatted two more words, and Gu Xizhou heard from their words the tour guide's disdain for the legend of the Yeti, and apparently he did not believe it at all.

The author has something to say: I expect the following content, you will be crazy about Yiran, let me tell you, everything Fu Yiran does is to save himself. 2k novel reading network

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