MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 105 Righteousness

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Gu Xizhou glanced across the car and was very new.

It smelled a little cologne, it was complex and delicate, sometimes bitter, sometimes silky and unique.

Gu Xizhou felt a little strange. He remembered that when Si Yu came over, he didn't have this unique fragrance, but it smelled of tobacco.

In the early morning of the next day, before Gu Xizhou got up, he heard a 'wow', the curtain of the entire room was pulled away by the ghost instantly, and the sun was falling directly on his face in a sloping manner. Frown.

Is that the ghost film that ghosts are afraid of sunlight? This one in his own family is not only not afraid of light, and his alarm clock is not on time all day.

After Gu Xizhou got up and washed his face with cold water, he took a long breath and finally expelled all drowsiness.

I received a message from the police station at midnight last night and found that Liao Jun transferred money to a person named Bao Guanlin more than a month ago, and transferred another 50,000 yuan to the other party through mobile banking last night. Account, the accumulated amount is 350,000 yuan.

The 350,000 yuan has made some people take risks and kill more people.

Since the message was sent late last night, they need to conduct further investigations on this person named Bao Guanlin, so they did not act last night, but just determined the other party's address through bank level information.

After Gu Xizhou drove to the police station--

A slide is projected on a projection cloth, and a female colleague is introducing the situation:

"In the past few days, we have checked all bank transfer records of Liao Shuang's family, colleagues, and friends over the past year and found that his brother Liao Jun has repeatedly transferred money to a man named Bao Guanlin with a total amount of 350,000 yuan.

"After investigation, the man named Bao Guanlin, 32 years old, a foreigner, did not work in Ningqing and had no source of income, but he has three houses in his name, a car, whose income does not match his actual income. The important point is that his body and shape are very similar to the killer.

"This person likes playing cards and plays Mahjong in the chess room downstairs every day."

Gu Xizhou listened to the introduction and looked at the person in the photo. He stood up for a moment and said, "Go and see him, stare at Liao Jun, don't let him run away."


After speaking, Gu Xizhou took everyone away because the other party might be a suspect. Gu Xizhou and others did not drive a police car, but instead drove a van with Land Rover Gu Xizhou parked outside.

"Gu team, your car is repaired? Very fast." One of the criminal policemen who saw Gu Xizhou was hit by a car was surprised.

Gu Xizhou did not explain, but just smiled. He was worried that he said that the car was Si Yu. His colleagues should have strange associations.

Walking on the road, the journey was not smooth this time, because they encountered a traffic jam, they did n’t know what was happening in front, and they were so blocked. Gu Xizhou rolled down the window and looked out, only saw a woman holding a The one-year-old child walked slowly in the middle of the traffic stream with a few strings of Huang Guolan in his hand.

The woman went to knock on the window in front of each car, and let the people inside buy flowers in her hand. Gu Xizhou saw that many people in the front shook the window and gave money, and some ignored her at all.

The woman wore a white-washed t-shirt with various holes in the t-shirt. The lower body wore an old-white skirt, and Gu Xizhou would be scrapped as soon as he gently tore the skirt with his hand.

"Buy a Huang Guolan." The woman sold Huang Guolan one by one with good income. At this time, the other person walked to the car next to him and bent down and knocked on the glass window. Gu Xizhou noticed that the young girl was driving. The girl rolled her eyes at the woman, ignored the woman, and did not roll down the window.

The woman knocked again. At this time, the child in her arms was crying. The woman muttered a few words. Gu Xizhou heard only a few words ‘no compassion’ and ‘no money is given’.

The woman turned around and saw Gu Xizhou's car window opened, her eyes lit up, and when she came over, the child in her arms heard the sound of the car horn, and was sobbed in tears, like a weak kitten screaming.

"Brother, buy Huang Guolan!" Said the woman eagerly.

A few colleagues in the car were planning to pay for it, but Gu Xizhou saw her without raising a glance and raised the window.

The woman was squeezing her hand on Gu Xizhou's car window. The soft woman turned her face, and she cursed, "You **** something wrong? You do n’t look at the child. How pathetic! If you do n’t buy it, you will almost get it. Hurt me! "

Gu Xizhou ignored her scolding, and a sympathetic female colleague frowned, looking at Gu Xizhou hesitantly: "Gu team, or ... just buy it, that child is very poor."

The female colleague was about to go to the drive window, but was held by Fang Shi, "You bought it, this child will only be more pitiful!"

On hearing that, the female colleague showed a blank expression and did not understand what it meant. The woman was still cursing outside: "If you drive such a good car, you do n’t even want to spend five dollars, huh, no sympathy, Sure enough, the hearts of rich people are black! ... "

The woman scolded for a while, because the car in front didn't move, Gu Xizhou was too lazy to care for her. At this time, the owner of the car next door, like Gu Xizhou, who refused to buy flowers suddenly rolled down the window. Rich people ’s heart is black? I think your heart is black. Where is this? Do I want me to tell you? Well? The car lane! Do you recognize the “motorized lane”?

"You scold others for being compassionate, what about you? You are holding your baby on this road every day, and I can see you every day when I go to work or go out. It ’s okay to be a traffic jam today. When there is no traffic jam, you are here 80 How dangerous is it to hold the children back and forth on the way to the yard?

"I've always wondered if you're the mother of this child. Can you say that your mother can do such a thing?"

The girl rolled down the window and faced the woman, scolding her head and covering her face, and the woman was speechless. Many drivers around her shook the window. Someone said, "Yeah, I've seen you. Second time, the last time Santara almost hit you and your child. "

With these two words of controversy, the woman could not hang on her face, she simply turned around and left the traffic.

Gu Xizhou glanced at the owner next door and nodded slightly, expressing his gratitude.

The female colleague in the car glanced at the back of the woman holding the child through the window and suddenly turned her head and asked quietly, "Willn't the child come here? Should we catch her in the police station?"

"No, it's her own child," Gu Xizhou explained softly. "She shook the child and shook, and the child stopped crying, but kept touching her chest with her hands. Maybe she was hungry, child." He is neatly dressed, he looks so chubby, and he should take good care of him. "

After hearing Gu Xizhou's analysis, the female colleague frowned: "Well, this child is so pitiful ... I hope she won't do this in the future ... How dangerous it is to cross the road."

Gu Xizhou smiled and just listened to the intentions of the owners. The woman holding the child has done this for a long time. The biggest possibility is to hold the child for sympathy and continue to sell flowers.

A bunch of Huang Guolan is one dollar. She is holding a child and selling it for five dollars. Most people think that the amount is not large. This woman obviously tasted the sweetness and would not give up easily.

After waiting for a while, the traffic police cleared. About twenty minutes later, they finally passed the crowded section and rushed to a chess room where Bao Guanlin often went. They just arrived at the door of the chess room and found the boss.

"Hello, is Bao Guanlin here today?" Fang Zhi didn't reveal the police officer's certificate, but just asked casually.

"What are you asking him for?"

Guo of the Interpol responded, "Oh, we are his friends playing cards."

The boss frowned, and said, "I haven't seen you, wait, I'll help you ask, I just came from home."

At this time, a young man came out of the chess room with a kettle, and the boss quickly stopped the young man. "Xiao Li, these people are looking for the old bag."

Xiaoli heard the words of the boss, and looked at Gu Xizhou again, and his eyes turned. He didn't seem to think about anything good, he said, "Bao Bao didn't come today."

"Don't come? Didn't he come here to report every day? Are you sure?" Gu Xizhou looked at this small force that was half a head shorter than him. His hand holding the kettle was shaking slightly, and seemed very nervous.

"Ah ... I misremembered. Brother Bao has just arrived. I'll go in and help you get him out." Xiaoli said suddenly.

Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows and looked at the several criminal policemen who followed him. They all knew that this guy had a problem. Gu Xizhou commanded: "Follow him in."

Just two minutes into the aisle, Gu Xizhou heard the sound of the kettle slamming to the ground.

Then a loud voice shouted, "Run!"

Several people outside rushed in at the same time, and saw the two criminal policemen who followed them burned in a small area of ​​boiling water. The small force turned and ran, and ran out directly through the window.

Gu Xizhou pushed open one of the rooms, and some red banknotes were spilled on the ground. The people in the room ran out of the window long ago. Gu Xizhou froze. "Lao Guo, you lead the team. The rest are chasing after each other! "

After finishing the arrangement, Gu Xizhou went straight out of the window. He only glanced roughly. He found that a person was almost the same height as Bao Guanlin. Although he could not see his face, Gu Xizhou had a hunch that this person should be Bao Guanlin. At the same time, there were three other people running away.

"Catch up and stay safe!"

"Police, don't run!"

Bao Guanlin's entire body broke out at an unprecedented speed. Those two feet were like the legendary Scud, so fast that they could even see the afterimage.

No matter how fast the opponent runs, Gu Xizhou can catch up, but this guy is familiar with the laneways in this area.

Gu Xizhou was about to catch up, and after a turn, Bao Guanlin was gone.

Gu Xizhou looked around the street. He couldn't run so fast. Most likely, he hid in a nearby business store. He lived nearby and it was not strange to meet one or two people. Gu Xizhou pulled out his documents and asked, " I'm the police! A guy in a red t-shirt just came over, where did he go? "

At this time, the owner of the grocery store gave a stunned gesture, he hesitated to point to his home, Gu Xizhou rushed in without seeing anyone, but instead saw an open side door!


Gu Xizhou hurried to follow, and saw a figure in the distance, the man was running frantically.

Bao Guanlin was so tired like a dog that he opened his mouth and gasped heavily. He looked back and found that he hadn't thrown away the other person. His whole face was ugly. He swallowed and wanted to be quick, but this was already his fastest speed. Already.

The next moment Bao Guanlin lost his balance and gave a harsh scream from his mouth. He fell on the ground and slid three meters away, and his arms and arms were all worn by the ground.

"Who the **** tripped me!

"I **** | you | Mom!"

Bao Guanlin was furious, trying to kill the **** who tripped him. When he got up hard, there was a sudden cold on his wrist, and his hands were directly cuffed with a click.

After Gu Xizhou grabbed the man, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the man who had just stretched his legs. He asked in amazement: "How are you here?"

The man stood with his hands against the light, as if glowing on his body. He pointed to a building not far from him, "donating money for the benefit of society."

Gu Xizhou looked in the direction he was pointing at. It turned out to be a child welfare home. Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow at the handsome guy in front of him, and uttered a word for no reason: "I didn't see that you were so loving ..."

He just finished speaking, a middle-aged lady with glasses came out and brought a few children to the man: "Mr. Si, thank you for your long-term help to our orphanage."

"Uncle, this star is for you." A shy little boy held in his hand a glass jar filled with paper stars and handed it to Si Yu. "There are a thousand!"

A thousand stars can fulfill a wish.

Gu Xizhou thought about it, this little boy should be trying to express this meaning.

"Thank you." Si Yu thanked the child for sending him something, and then he looked back at Gu Xizhou, with a look of ‘I ’m very hurt’, “I have always been loving.”

Gu Xizhou: "Do you treat me blind?"

Si Yu: "..."

At that time, Bao Guanlin, who was suppressed by Gu Xizhou and faced the ground, cried: "Comrade police, can you give me two pieces of paper if you chat? Prisoners also have human rights? I have a nosebleed!"

Bao Guanlin just fell down, his nose was on the ground, his nose was bleeding, and it looked a bit miserable.

Gu Xizhou frowned and asked Si Yu: "Is there paper?"

"Here." Si Yu took out a pack of paper from his pocket and handed it to Gu Xizhou.

After rubbing his nosebleed, Bao Guanlin lost his vitality instantly. Several other colleagues rushed over and reported: "The six people who ran away caught four and two did not follow."

Gu Xizhou said a few words, others can be found slowly, Bao Guanlin is their main goal.

"I still have something to do and I won't talk to you," Gu Xizhou said to Si Yu aside.

Si Yu nodded to understand, his eyes were slightly curved, "OK."

Before leaving, Gu Xizhou looked at Si Yudao again: "Thank you for 'seeing justice and reaching out'."

Si Yu: "You're welcome."

Jin Luo Police Station, interrogation room——

Gu Xizhou was furious. He patted the data in his hand and scolded: "You said you didn't kill anyone, so what are you running?"

Bao Guanlin was frightened by Gu Xizhou's filming. "You chase me, of course I run away!"

"I chase you, you just run?" Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow. "You will run if you are okay?"

Bao Guanlin didn't squeak directly. He interrogated the other suspects Gu Xizhou who had been arrested. Then he figured out why these people ran—gathering, gambling, and a thousand cards, which already constituted fraud.

"Don't think that you don't speak, we can't find out. Gathering gambling, playing thousands of games, your associates in these chess and card rooms have already explained."

Bao Guanlin: "Since you all know, what else do you ask me?"

Gu Xizhou took out a photo of Liao Shuang and placed it on the table, asking, "Does this person know?"

Bao Guanlin took the photo and glanced at him and said, "That innocent surname Liao has a big head, know, what's wrong?" 2k novel reading network

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