MTL - Max-Level Comprehension – Face The Wall For 80 Years-Chapter 151 Letter from an old friend

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Li Qingshan sat and talked with monk Foyin, but most of the time, monk Foyin was talking and Li Qingshan was listening.

The monk Foyin told the rules, the great way, the nature of the world, and explained all kinds of things he had understood. For Li Qingshan, it was exactly what he needed now.

Li Qingshan only broke through the emperor. Although his combat strength is good, he is still too immature compared to an old antique like the Buddhist monk who has lived for millions of years. He needs more time to enrich himself.

And this time, Monk Foyin showed everything he had learned in the past, no matter how big or small, to Li Qingshan, letting him choose to comprehend.

Li Qingshan entered the sea like a fish and saw the vast world.

Talking with the monk Foyin, Li Qingshan seemed to have entered the legendary Daleiyin Temple, and saw a Buddha, the ground swelled with golden lotus, the tongue blossomed, the sweet spring descended from the sky, and the flowers of the avenue fell, covering the surroundings.

Li Qingshan was fascinated and intoxicated, unable to extricate himself.

At this moment, time is infinitely stretched.

The time between Li Qingshan and Monk Foyin was not at the same level. Monk Foyin calmly told that it was very difficult for Li Qingshan to understand, so it took a long time.

Time is like running water, and Li Qingshan's persistent comprehension has finally yielded a huge harvest.

Monk Foyin has been comprehended for millions of years, and it took Li Qingshan a thousand years to comprehend one by one.

When Li Qingshan dissipated for an extended period of time, the Daleiyin Temple, the golden lotus gushing from the ground, and the sweet spring from the sky disappeared.

What appeared in front of him was the ancient Buddhist temple, the gray stone table, the dead leaves scattered all over the place, and an old monk who was sweeping the floor.

"You're awake." Monk Foyin looked at Li Qingshan with a smile.

"Senior, how long will I be in retreat?" Li Qingshan asked suspiciously.

"Not much, you stretched the time, only three days have passed." Monk Foyin calmly said.

Li Qingshan nodded, this time the lengthening time is not so limited, three days and a thousand years have passed, and there are many more rules under his control.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior." Li Qingshan folded his hands together and said gratefully.

"I also hope that there will be another peerless genius in the immortal world, breaking through the embankment blockade, and shining on the road to the supreme. I thought this era was hopeless, but your birth has made me see hope, and I can help you, but it's just Why not do it?" Monk Foyin said with a slight smile, holding a broom and sweeping the fallen leaves.

Li Qingshan looked at Mount Sumeru. This is a land of Buddha. After many years, it has already been filled with various Buddhist rhymes, which is different from other areas.

"Senior, do you still know anything about Hua Xianzi?" Li Qingshan asked, he still wanted to find Hua Yun.

"When Hua Xianzi entered the Supreme Road, I was just born. I really don't know much about her. If you want to find Hua Xianzi's reincarnation, you can only rely on your efforts." Monk Foyin shook his head and said.

Li Qingshan walked under a huge banyan tree, sighed melancholy: "I have been looking for her for more than 20 years since I entered the fairyland."

There has always been news about Hua Yun, but it has never been found.

I thought I had understood the rules, and with the help of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, I would be able to find Hua Yun, but when I came to the Western Land, I found that the origin of Hua Yun was extraordinary, and it was empty again.

Maybe it was Hua Xianzi who realized World Avenue and brought Li Qingshan here.

"Everything happens in the world, and now may not be a good day for you to meet." Monk Foyin persuaded.

"Senior, you have lived for so many years, do you know the Fountain of Life?" Li Qingshan asked curiously.

This is for Daoist Long. If he finds the fountain of life, Daoist Long will have hope of resurrection. Seeing the current situation in Xianting, he should be able to realize his dream.

"The Fountain of Life, on the Supreme Road, many people are looking for the Fountain of Life, and everyone has regrets, so they all want to find the Fountain of Life to make up for their regrets," said Monk Foyin.

"It's the Supreme Road again!" Li Qingshan murmured, thinking about it carefully, it is indeed possible.

After all, in ancient times, a long time ago, the Fountain of Life appeared briefly, but no matter how many people searched for it later, there was no news, and the world was very puzzled.

Now it is said that it is on the Supreme Road, which is understandable, after all, the Supreme Road does not appear often.

"Senior, I'm going back to Immortal Court. In the days to come, I will comprehend the rules, practice, and wait for the Supreme Road to come." Li Qingshan said seriously.

"Okay, see you on the way to the Supreme." Monk Foyin nodded.

Li Qingshan stretched out his hand, the space split open, and the other end was Immortal Court. Li Qingshan turned around, stepped out, left the Western Land, and came to Immortal Court.

Seeing Li Qingshan leave, the monk Foyin lowered his eyes and swept the floor gently, regardless of his age or past.

fairy garden.

Li Qingshan came back again after a few days.

When he came back this time, he found that Xianting was more framed than before, and that the intellectual brain that was highly praised by Dean Muran also played a role in Xianting and played a supervisory role.

This intellectual brain, with a halo flowing all over the body, like a huge eyeball, is placed on the Xianting Nine Heavens, overlooking the entire Xianting.

Li Qingshan's spiritual sense swept away, this intellectual brain is full of all kinds of machinery, all kinds of technological products, and it is incompatible with the world of practice.

Li Qingshan didn't understand why there was such an era in the history of Xianting.

But this trip to the West Land has relieved many of his doubts, and Li Qingshan understands why there is such a thing as a brain in the immortal world where the wind of cultivation is so strong.

"Before the ancient fairy garden, the fairyland and the universe were connected. At that time, people in the fairyland could raise their heads and look at the vast universe."

"The universe is colorful and there are different civilizations. These civilizations have had a great impact on the fairyland, so that's why that glorious era was created. Mechas, battleships, and railguns have all been researched."

"But later, there was a conflict between the immortal world and the civilization behind the dam, that era was destroyed, and the dam was born, and that civilization wanted to block the immortal world, so the technological civilization behind did not continue, and became a cultivation civilization. This is how Immortal Court was born."

Li Qingshan looked at Zhinao and drew the timeline in his mind.

Ancient Immortal Court is a pure cultivation style. With personal strength, it can tear apart the stars and master the stars. It is very powerful.

Under the blockade of the dam, the ancient immortal court has successfully created thousands of emperors, relying on the emperor space.

But the upper limit of the emperor's space is also there, and it is impossible to break through the supreme, so at that time, the ancient immortal court drained the fairyland, gathered all the forces, and fought against the forces behind the dam. The fight was very fierce, with heavy casualties.

After that time, the ancient Xianting was divided into two factions. One faction did not want to fight, but wanted to maintain the status of the fairyland. Chaos world.

The battle suffered heavy casualties, the resources of the immortal world were drained, the ordinary immortals complained, and the ancient immortal court had reached its final stage.

Afterwards, Emperor Gouchen and the others came into being. After the defeat of the ancient immortal court, they overturned their long-standing high-pressure policy and swept the ancient immortal courtyard into the garbage.

Later, the new immortal court was established, and the civilization behind the dam also placed a chess piece inside the new immortal court, the Great Emperor of Longevity.

However, the Emperor Changsheng fell unexpectedly later, and the emperors in Xianting disagreed and gradually fell apart.

During this period, many top masters chose to seal themselves in the restricted area, stopping time and waiting for the appearance of the Supreme Road.

Ancient Immortal Court did everything to exhaust the potential of the Immortal Realm, but did not overturn the dam, they could only pin their hopes on the Supreme Road.

Therefore, many ancient, powerful, and potential emperors gradually disappeared to find traces.

There are fewer and fewer top masters in the fairy world, and the origin of the fairy world is slowly passing away. Those hidden emperors know it, but they can't do anything about it.

Supreme Road!

This is the way out that everyone is looking forward to.

This expectation, until now, many top emperors are waiting.

Li Qingshan looked at Zhinao, sorted out the past history of the fairyland, and felt very melancholy: "Can you really find hope on the road to the supreme and save the current fairyland?"

Li Qingshan is not sure, everyone regards the Supreme Road as hope, but the Supreme Road is full of dangers, and it is not so easy to go.

"Whether it's a thousand years, ten thousand years, or a million years, I have to hurry up and comprehend the three thousand rules. When the time comes, I will have the confidence to enter the Supreme Road. Now that I am the Lord of the Immortal Court, I will naturally be the Immortal Court and even the Immortal Realm. , looking for a way out." Li Qingshan's eyes were firm, he was not looking at the brain, turned around and entered the emperor's space, and began to comprehend the rules.

No matter how the future changes, only by strengthening yourself can you stand firm in the face of wind and rain.

In the Emperor's space, this place is better than the Immortal World, and it is easier to understand the rules. For Li Qingshan, he lives in seclusion here, swims in the Dao world, comprehends the rules quietly, and activates his full-level comprehension from time to time, which is very comfortable.

In this trip to the West, he did not find Hua Yun, which made Li Qingshan give up the idea of ​​continuing to search.

Hua Yun is the reincarnation of Hua Xianzi. If they are destined, they will meet at some point in the future.

Li Qingshan continued to comprehend the rules, the 3000 Great Dao rules, a rule that contains six subdivided rules, which is a huge project when comprehended.

It takes countless time, Li Qingshan simply stretched the time, one to ten thousand, with the help of the emperor space, crazy comprehension.

One day has passed from the outside world, and 10,000 years have passed on Li Qingshan's side. The emperor has a long time, Li Qingshan is a new emperor, and his life is long, but he can't resist such consumption.

"My current lifespan is more than two million years. In addition, it took hundreds of thousands of years to realize before, and now there are only two million years left. At this rate, in less than a year, I will start to learn how to live the first time. Second life." Li Qingshan couldn't help but smile when he thought about it sometimes.

He is invincible in the immortal world now, and the biggest enemy is time.

The time is too long. For Li Qingshan, even the emperor's lifespan can't stand his consumption.

It is really the three thousand rules that he wants to understand. It is too huge, but once he understands it, he will enter the Supreme Road with three thousand rules in his hand, and Li Qingshan will be full of confidence.

"The top masters of the Immortal Realm are all waiting for the Supreme Road, and the opening of the Supreme Road, not only the ethnic groups behind the dam, but also the top geniuses from the universe. They contend, I have full-level comprehension, as long as my lifespan is sufficient, I will be able to completely control the Three Thousand Dao before the Supreme Road appears." Li Qingshan thought firmly in his heart.

No matter what, he must understand these three thousand rules.

Ten thousand years a day, Li Qingshan continued to comprehend the rules one step at a time. Fortunately, he had a full-level comprehension. Every time he comprehended half of it, his full-level comprehension would appear and help Li Qingshan complete it.

In this way, two hundred days have passed, two million years have passed, and in the extended period of time, Li Qingshan has realized the power of five hundred kinds of rules.

His emperor's lifespan has also come to an end.

When the time passed, Li Qingshan looked at the desolate emperor space, his eyes were very unfamiliar, and it took a long time to recover.

"It took less than a year for me to break through the emperor, and I came to the end of the emperor..." Li Qingshan looked at the wheel of life in his body and smiled bitterly. I am afraid this will also create a history. The master of the fairy garden, who saved the fairy garden, has come The end of the emperor's life.

In his body, the wheel of life has been exhausted, exuding death energy, and it will soon spread throughout the body, but he has only comprehended five hundred kinds of three thousand rules.

"I'm going to prepare to live the second life." Li Qingshan looked up at the sky with twilight in his eyes. This was a sign of Shouyuan's approaching, but he was not worried at all. With the power of five hundred rules, he could borrow from the sky. A generation.

"But at this rate of comprehension, I'm afraid I won't be enough for one lifetime." Li Qingshan smiled bitterly. Others comprehend a rule, and comprehend a rule to the extreme, that's fine, but he wants 3,000 rules, and his ambition is too big.

Li Qingshan got up, walked out of the bamboo house, and looked at the vast land.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on Li Qingshan's face. His skin was young and he had always remained young, but the old age exuded from his bones declared that he had reached his twilight years.

After more than 200 days of seclusion, Li Qingshan did not immediately borrow another life from the sky, but left the space of the emperor and came to the outside world.

The previous Jiuzhongtian was empty, Xianting was defeated, and people in the world of Jiuzhongtian fled one after another, looking very deserted.

But now, in Jiuzhongtian, it is very lively. After almost a year of hard work, New Immortal Court has eliminated the drawbacks and gradually restored the prosperity of Immortal Court.

The beautiful scenery of Xianting has once again gained brilliance. The new leadership of Xianting is all young people, focusing on innovation. Under the leadership of Dean Muran and the head of the Zhang family, they forge ahead and regain the sphere of influence they once lost. .

Now Xianting has the capital to re-prosper.

Li Qingshan appeared, but no one noticed that he walked around Xianting with his hands on his back.

This year, he basically did not intervene in the affairs of Xianting. Everything was decided by Dean Muran and the head of the Zhang family. He was a hermit with peace of mind.

The glory of Immortal Court gradually forgot about Li Qingshan, and never promoted Li Qingshan, as if there was no such person as Li Qingshan.

This is also what Li Qingshan asked himself. He still likes to keep a low profile. Even if others remember him now, after a hundred years, a thousand years, and ten thousand years, few people will know him.

Hidden power and fame.

This is what Li Qingshan has always been doing.

Seeing the passage of time, everything in Xianting is thriving, Li Qingshan is satisfied, and feels that he is worthy of the care of Long Daoren at the beginning, and he has also fulfilled his dream for him, so he stopped watching.

He came to Jiuzhongtian and saw Hua Xiangrong, Xiaojiu, Awei, Wugui and the others.

Everyone is trying to practice.

Li Qingshan looked at Hua Xiangrong. She and Hua Yun were sisters in this life and had a blood relationship. As long as she took care of Hua Xiangrong, Hua Yun would always appear.

"Brother..." Xiaojiu was in retreat, but suddenly her eyelids trembled, she opened her eyes, saw Li Qingshan, shouted happily, and rushed out to hug Li Qingshan's arm.

"Brother, you are out of the customs, how do you understand the rules?" Xiao Jiu asked with concern.

"Everything is fine, how about you?" Li Qingshan said gently.

"I'm fine too, there's no problem, I just can't compare with my brother, I'm stupid, and I don't have the talent for cultivation." Xiao Jiu smiled embarrassedly, she thought she was a peerless genius in the world, and she was complacent about it, But when she came to Immortal Realm, she realized that there are so many geniuses in this world, and she is just a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning.

"Don't underestimate yourself, you are not a peerless genius, you can also gain the Tao with your own efforts, but the current era is not very friendly, but it's okay, you just need to practice hard, and my brother will break the shackles of this era for you." Li Qingshan said firmly.

As long as he understands the three thousand rules, enters the Supreme Road, and sweeps all the way, then Xiao Jiu and the others will profit.

Li Qingshan doesn't want Xiaojiu and the others to have any accident. These are the people he is closest to in this world. If something happens to them, then for Li Qingshan, for a long time, he is alone, and I am afraid that he will eventually enter a state of unrequited love.

So create a quiet and comfortable environment for Xiao Jiu and the others, let them accompany him, and go all the way until he enters chaos and realizes eternal life, which is what he wants to do.

"Brother, did you find my sister-in-law last time you went out?" Xiao Jiu asked curiously.

"No, your sister-in-law is too naughty, playing hide and seek with me all the time." Li Qingshan smiled.

"I still want to see what my sister-in-law looks like." Xiao Jiu said regretfully.

"Don't worry, there will be opportunities." Li Qingshan smiled peacefully, and walked with Xiaojiu as the sun went down, feeling the rare tranquility.

However, this tranquility did not last long, and soon someone came to break it.

It was Dean Muran. He came to Li Qingshan and handed him a letter.

"Li Xiandi, this was just sent to Xianting. It was sent by a Hongchen immortal. He said it was an old friend. He must give it to you." Dean Muran said.

Li Qingshan took the letter and asked suspiciously, "Old friend, did you say who it is?"

"It seems to be called Xia Wuji!" Dean Muran thought for a while and said.

Li Qingshan's face became serious, and he quickly opened the letter in his hand.

Xiao Jiu on the side also looked at it in Xia Wuji is also her friend. After soaring in the world, she never saw it again. What was written in his letter?

Li Qingshan took out the letter and saw two words written on it.


These two words were written crookedly, and it was obvious that Xia Wuji was not in good health at that time.

These two words also revealed that the **** smell was strong, as if soaked from blood.

Xiao Jiu looked at it in surprise and said worriedly, "This is Xia Wuji asking us for help."

Li Qingshan's face sank, looked at Dean Muran, and asked, "Where is the person who sent the letter?"

------off topic-----

Five thousand words, get back your status, and keep working hard.


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