MTL - Master Pei’s Wife is a Devil Concubine-Chapter 906 Master Pei: Get in the car by yourself, or should I hug you?

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  Chapter 906 Master Pei: Get in the car by yourself, or should I hug you?

  Cars with various horns and alarms came from all directions, and at the same time concentrated in the direction of the venue.

  Jin Fengze winked at Long Dahai, and Long Dahai winked at the staff. Soon, the staff surrounded the reporters.

  The reporters looked at the smiling staff members and covered their cameras tightly, "..."

  The staff conveyed the request from above, but it wasn't too much.

  To sum up one sentence: Post what should be posted, and what should not be posted, so don’t post blindly.

  Because of this episode, the wrap-up dinner ended early, Zhu Yiyi AKA "Qingqiu Jue" No. 1 shit-stirring stick, a sinner through the ages, and a stigma for thousands of years.

  Dandan silently logged into her Weibo, unsubscribed Zhu Yiyi, and deleted a Weibo post two days ago about shopping with Zhu Yiyi.

  Su Ji left early under the **** of bodyguards. The reporters wanted to take more pictures but they didn't have the chance.

  While walking out of the venue, she received a call from her fiancé.

   "The hospital's car will be here soon," this was the first sentence Pei Huai said after the call was connected.

  Su Ji stuck his mobile phone to his ear, pocketed his other hand, and walked down the stairs, "Don't waste your money, I'm playing with her, she can't push me."

  Brother Dreadlocks glanced at his wife calmly.

   "I know," Pei Huai said in a serious tone, and said the two words coldly.

  Of course he knows the skills of his fiancée.

  In fact, when the bodyguard told the scene on the phone, he already guessed what happened.

   But he still arranged the most detailed inspection.

   No matter what the reason is, whether he fell down or was pushed down by someone, as long as his fiancée is lying on the ground, he can't calm down.

   "Really..." Su Ji stopped outside the door of the venue, raised his eyes and looked ahead, the hospital car had already arrived.

  She compromised, "Okay, then I will do the inspection, but you don't need to use it..."

   But this time she didn't finish speaking.

  The hospital's car door opened before her eyes, Pei Huai got out of the car, and put the phone to her ear in the same posture as her.

   "Get in the car by yourself?" Pei Huai looked at her from a distance of five or six meters, and gave her two choices, "Or should I carry you into the car?"

  Su Ji hung up the phone and made a friendly international gesture to him.

  Pei Huai pursed his lips, slipped his phone into the pocket of his trousers, turned sideways, and gave way to the door for her in a gentlemanly manner.


  The reporters are pretty obedient.

   Appeared in the news articles of the major entertainment headlines at night, writing what should be written and what should not be written, and it is really not blind.

  For example, the part where Zhu Yiyi was splashed with wine was not written. It doesn't matter who did it.

   Journalists don’t want to get themselves into trouble either.

   But what is certain is that Zhu Yiyi will never turn over.

  The video of her yelling "Sensible ass! I'm just pretending!" with a white face on her face was virally circulated on major short video platforms, and analyzed in slow motion.

  Any screenshot is an emoji, and her words became a popular Internet slang overnight.

Baidu Encyclopedia's definition of this sentence is: a new type of Internet term, which comes from the amazing remarks of the actress Zhu Yiyi at the "Qingqiu Jue" finale banquet, which was later widely quoted and used to satirize or imply green tea bitch, little white flower and other characters. collapse.

   It can be said to be quite sharp.

  Through her unremitting efforts, Zhu Yiyi finally helped herself to leave the most impressive stroke in the entertainment industry!



  The mighty finale press conference came to an end.

   And on the day when "Decision of Qingqiu" was scheduled to air, Su Ji just finished her second pregnancy test.

  The results of this inspection are still all normal.

  Su Ji is still in the first trimester, and the items that can be checked are limited.

  Leaving from the hospital, Pei Huai drove, and Su Ji sat in the passenger seat.

  The man was in a good mood, and a song was playing on the car speakers.

   It was the song he asked Su Ji his favorite to listen to on the day he wanted to propose to Su Ji in Di Zhai.

  After Su Ji returned to Dashang, Pei Huai couldn't listen to that song for a long time.

  Even if he heard a melody similar to the prelude, he would feel uncontrollably anxious. Now it seems to be better, Su Ji hummed softly along with the 3D car sound effects.

  Thinking of this, she also felt relieved.

  At the moment, she is busy on the phone, sending the results of today's inspection to several elders.

  Because she and Pei Huai each have a scumbag father, the two parents were originally divided into four families. Su Ji tried his best to share the rain and dew as much as possible, and sent out the results to the four families every time he checked.

  After posting, it is not finished, or just started.

  The elders of the four families below will reply very enthusiastically. Su Jiguang replied that his fingers were about to snap off.

  Pei Huai felt sorry for his fiancée's finger. He glanced over and said, "Just reply to Ms. Xu well, and I'll take care of the others."

  Su Ji looked at him like a savior, and expressed appreciation for him, "It's interesting."

  Pei Huai, "You're welcome."

  The car drove to the fork, drove to the left to go to Pei's house, drove to the right to go to Xu's house, and went straight to return to their apartment.

  While waiting for the traffic light, Pei Huai asked Su Ji where he was going.

  Su Ji thought for a while, "Go to the apartment..."

  The word "居" in "apartment" has not yet settled down, the red light turned into green light, Pei Huai kicked the accelerator and went straight, Su Ji was gently pushed back and felt pulled back.

   Turned his face and glanced at his fiancé.

  She said the answer Pei Huai wanted to hear the most, and Pei Huai didn't give her a chance to regret it.



  Forty minutes later, the car parked in the above-ground parking lot next to the apartment.

   "Is there an online interview later?"

  Pei Huai closed the car door, opened the call with Pei Xi, he asked Su Ji.

   Just now, Pei Xi asked him to remind Su Ji of the time on the phone.

  Su Ji nodded, rolled around with a bag of donkey under his arm.

  The bean paste stuffing is still hot, and it tastes particularly springy.

   They all say sour and spicy, but Su Ji especially likes to eat sweet after pregnancy.

  I don't know what this is pregnant with.

   "I'll use your study for a while," Su Ji always spoke sincerely to his fiancé, "It's quite impressive to be the background of the video during the interview."

  Pei Huai had no objection, and threw the phone to Su Ji, "Sister still has something to tell you."

   Su Ji caught it with one hand.

  Pei Huai added, "Just listen to what you want. There is nothing important about her."

  Pei Xi on the phone, "..."

   She heard it all!

  The phone turned half a circle briskly in Su Ji's hand, turning to the right direction.

   Pei Xi was aggrieved for a while before she straightened her mind.

   "Siblings, what's the result of today's prenatal checkup?"

   Facing cute younger siblings, Pei Xi can forget her bad brother in a second.

  Su Ji replied that everything was fine, and briefly explained the situation.

  I just said this set of words four times to the elders of the four parents, and now I am familiar with it.

   Then, Pei Xi talked about the online interview for a while.

  Su Ji was listening, Pei Huai asked her what she wanted to drink, he deliberately parked the car on the ground, there are many convenience stores here.

  Su Ji covered his phone and asked him, "Where is there a seller of canned cat food?"

  (end of this chapter)

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