MTL - Master of Science and Technology-v2 Chapter 1419 : Da Zi Zai Zong actually has great plans

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How many Immortal Emperors are there in Xianting?

Ye Zan did not get an accurate answer, although he met five heavenly emperors including Qing, Bai, Xuan, Huang, and Chi when talking about "cooperation".

These five heavenly emperors are the five heavenly emperors in the legend. In addition to the simple five colors, there are other titles, but there is no need to say more about them.

But in Immortal Court, "Emperor of Heaven" is just a kind of position, that is, five immortal emperors hold the position of "Emperor of Heaven".

Therefore, outside of the position of Heavenly Emperor, it is not that he has not reached the level of "immortal emperor".

There may even be a more transcendent existence.

Ye Zan's magical powers are not based on people, at least not based on strangers, otherwise, you don't need a token when you come to see the White Emperor.

Therefore, it is not an easy task to rely on the magical power of this quantum shuttle to find out all the cards of Xianting.

As for the detectors, such as electronic flies... Will there be flies in Xianting?

Some people may say: Didn't you claim to be able to lead the immortal emperors to behead the demons outside the sky? So you can't or don't want to?

Then you have to think about it. If you really want to have a beheading operation, can't you collect information before the operation?

You collect intelligence, determine the position of the "enemy head", and then the decapitation can be carried out?

And there is one more point, at the level of the Immortal Emperor, the fight is to the extent of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, and there is no need to be precise about which room the target is in.

In short, Ye Zan didn't go to inquire, because it was meaningless to himself, and secondly, he didn't want to make Xianting feel bad about it.

After all, they are partners.

That's right, after seeing all five Heavenly Emperors, the cooperation will soon come to an end.

They have already reached this level, and naturally it is impossible to do business in the mortal world, and to negotiate a business will have to go back and forth.

Basically, the conditions are mentioned here, and the conditions are mentioned there, the two sides make a decision, and then the final decision is made.

There is no contractual oath, it is purely a verbal promise, and there is no fear that the other party will go back on it or something.

The content of the cooperation is also very simple, that is, Ye Zan is responsible for finding the target, Xianting is responsible for attacking, and then you and I are divided into the results.

As for who comes first, and who is big and who is small, there is no need to say more, everything can be said without saying anything.

Then, Ye Zan said goodbye.

Not long before and after.


Ye Zan returned to the Lin family sister and brother.

But this time, the Lin family's sisters and brothers also have their master, the big dream... senior.

"I've seen senior!" Ye Zan hurriedly stepped forward to greet him.

"Little friend is polite, I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, little friend has already achieved such good fortune, it is really gratifying!" Senior Big Dream returned a salute and congratulated Ye Zan for his achievements.

"This junior's good fortune is also thanks to the treasure presented by the senior." Ye Zan thanked him sincerely.

That's not wrong. If it wasn't for the Dream Tapir Brain given by Senior Big Dream, Ye Zan wouldn't have made a clone in the Holy Ruins, and he wouldn't have given the clone a chance to return to the original world.

If the clone can't return to the origin world, it is impossible to guide the origin world to be upgraded to the extraordinary, and it is naturally impossible for him to "invest" smoothly when the world is upgraded to the extraordinary.

Therefore, Ye Zan's thanks are really not perfunctory.

After a few words of greetings, Senior Big Dream started talking about business.

He came to see Ye Zan, of course, not just to congratulate him, but on behalf of Master Zizi Supreme to invite Ye Zan.

As for the purpose of the appointment, Senior Dream didn't say it, but Ye Zan had already guessed that it was similar to Xianting.

But... do you want to grab business with Xianting?

With this question in mind, Ye Zan, along with Senior Big Dream, went through layers of illusions to see the Supreme Being.

"Senior, this junior just went to Immortal Court and talked about cooperation with Wufang Tiandi. I don't know why the senior invited him?" After seeing the ceremony, Ye Zan asked his question simply and directly without being too polite. .

That means: I have already cooperated with Xianting. Although you are not directly under Xianting, you are also fellow practitioners in the cultivating system. Is there anything that needs to be discussed with me separately?

"I've already talked to Xianting, and it means that you need your permission, so I invite you to come here." Zi Zi Supreme didn't hide it, and spoke to Ye very calmly. Zan said.

Now that he has talked with Xianting, it seems that he is not robbing Xianting for business.

After thinking about this, Ye Zan didn't have any worries, and said, "If that's the case, then what the senior wants to talk about, you might as well say it bluntly."

"I hope that my little friend will allow me. During your cooperation with Xianting, my sect can go to various worlds to collect spiritual products such as desires and dreams." Zizi Supreme said with anticipation.

Obviously, this matter is very important to Zizai Supreme and even Da Zizai Sect.

"Spiritual product?" Ye Zan was a little puzzled at first, but suddenly showed a sudden look.

Yes, Ye Zan already understood.

Not only did they understand the "spiritual product" mentioned by the Supreme Being, but also the meaning of this matter to them, or the "Tao" that they really pursued.

The Da Zizai Sect, from the founder of the patriarch Zizai Supreme, to the predecessors of the big dream, to the brothers and sisters of the Lin family, all cultivated the way of "spirit".

Ye Zan knew this for a long time.

And Ye Zan now understands that the "Dao" they really pursue is the way of sanctification.

Although, seeing Ye Zan's expression, he understood, but Zizi Supreme took the initiative to explain and said:

"With the achievements of the little friend today, I think I have already understood that the sanctification of the saints has exhausted the potential of this world, and future generations can only find another way out.

And this way out, the little friend has found, and it should be said that he has already embarked on it.

But the chance of little friend is not something that ordinary people can expect. "

Ye Zan came back to his senses and followed the words of Zizi Supreme: "So, senior thought of taking the spiritual path, and wanted to condense into a new world with spiritual products..."

At this time, it should be said: The Supreme Zizi has a great plan!

"This method was not created by me. I also inherited the wisdom of my predecessors and perfected it to the current level." Zizi Supreme said quickly and modestly.

"...This method seems to have insight into the origin of the heavens and the world!" Ye Zan said with emotion.

At this time, Ye Zan's heart was as if the sun had cleared the clouds and the sun was suddenly enlightened.

Once, the question that I didn't care about, but always haunted in my heart, at this time, the thread was found like a ball of wool.

Just like in the exam, facing the last big question, suddenly thought of the method to understand the question.

It's like tearing off the tape, going back and forth a few times, and the nail finally gets stuck on the tape end.