MTL - Marvel’s Death Merchant-Chapter 736 Memories of the World (14)

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Francis found a crowbar from the stairwell and said: "This old guy is not coming in, I will seal the road to death. Pen" Qu "Pavilion ww.qu." Zoe turned back and said, "You can't do this!" Louis said nervously, "Did you want to kill all of us for him alone?" Bill then quickly drew his gun and ran back towards the stairwell. Francis went to the door and shouted, "Hurry up! I Close! "Bill shouted loudly," Close! "Francis was about to close the door immediately, and Bill made a tumbling tactical action and rolled into the stairwell. Francis Mali stuck the crowbar on the door and locked the stairs. The door to the room ...

The four found a safe hut and sat there. Louis and Francis sat together. Bill and Zoe sat together. The four of them remained speechless. Louis finally couldn't bear to say lonely, "My name is Louis. He is Francis. "Louis pointed to Francis, who was sitting on a chair, and Zoe pointed to Bill." This is Bill, my name is Zoe, hello. "Luke smiled and said," I finally saw other survivors. It's really a Exciting news. "Zoe dialed his messy hair on his forehead and said," Yeah, what's the next step? Bill? "Bill rested with his eyes closed and said," We still have to pass this. Iron fence gate, we must find the survivor camp on the other side. "Louis said happily," There is a survivor camp here? Great, this is really great news. "Francis asked Bill with a bitch:" Old man, you also see how many infected people are underneath, how do you let us pass? Let us fly with long wings? Do n’t know if the other side is true Survivor Camp, what if your news is wrong? "Bill still closed his eyes and said," If you doubt my decision, you can stay. "Louis continued," Thank you very much for saving us, and of course I hope Can I leave this ghost place with you, don't you? "Francis got up and walked towards Zoe with a frivolity and said," I don't know if this beautiful lady can have a drink? "Zoe shook her hand and said no, Bill flew. M16 on his back pointed at Francis and said, "Dude, stay away from her, do you understand?" Louis didn't understand why it suddenly turned into this situation and got up to mediate, but Bill quickly moved his muzzle to Louis, Louis. Nervously said, "Man, we are not malicious, can you calm down? A shot will cause unnecessary trouble, willn't it?" Francis spit into Bill's shoes indifferently before passing Bill, Francis never I don't like soldiers, I think they are all jerk. Bill suddenly took Francis in his arms. Francis didn't react slowly, and he wanted to wave his elbow. Bill seemed to foresee Francis' movements. He grabbed Francis's arm and pulled his foot forward to kick Francis. Calf, Francis is about to fall when his center of gravity is unstable. Bill quickly turned over and grabbed Francis's hand to make an over-the-shoulder fall. When Francis was beaten, Bill's m16 was aimed at him. Head. Louis hurried to Francis and said, "Calm down, we were wrong." Just as Bill wanted to continue the next lesson, the pager on his waist returned a voice ...

"This is the Baker Supermarket Survivor Camp. Are there any survivors outside? Receive, please answer, over." The pager on Bill's waist rang, and Bill took the pager and said to the pager, "There are survivors here. On the other side of the fence, can you raise the iron fence in the middle? "" Excuse me, how many of you? Has anyone got an infection, or a bite or scratch from an infected person? "Louis heard the tension, He looked at the wound of his arm being bitten by a zombie. Bill glanced up at the bandages on Louis ’s arm and the bandages on Francis ’head and said,“ No. ”Louis heard what Bill said and suddenly his body relaxed. If Bill was thinking about the little things just now, maybe he You have to stay in this ghost place with Francis. "I see. I will send my team to meet you. I will meet at the iron fence. After my team is sure there is no problem, they will turn on the supermarket power. At this time, you must evacuate to the other side with all your strength. Understand. "I know, please bring some m16 and mp5 ammunition, and we will protect ourselves." "... Do you have a gun?" "Yes, is there a problem?" "Hoo, No problem, but do n’t expect much ammunition for you. "" I know, then the call is over, over. "Bill put the pager back on his waist ~ ~ and watching Francis and Louis on the ground said," Are you walking with us now? Or are you staying in this place looking for other ways? "Louis said anxiously," Let's go with you. "Bill first walked out of the hut into the darkness, and Zoe followed closely. Behind him, Louis walked slowly carrying the injured Francis and said, "Hell Francis, I saved you twice. If you don't return, I won't let you go as a ghost."

The door of the stairwell was opened again, and the infected people outside had wandered around aimlessly. Suddenly, an infected person noticed that there was movement in the stairwell, and immediately returned to the stairwell. Seeing that Bill was holding the stab Piercing the zombie's jaw directly penetrated his head and kicked it away, Bill took the army stab step by step out of the darkness, followed by Zoe holding mp5 to alert the surroundings, followed by Francis and Louis. Suddenly a few tactical flashlights appeared on the iron fence. Bill quickly approached the iron fence. A police officer came out from behind the iron fence. Bill looked at him and said, "Are you the squad to help us open the door? Hello, I Survivor Bill. "The police officer said with a m92f pistol." Hello, my name is Carlisle, and I am the head of the security team here. "Bill nodded and said," Sergeant Carlisle, what do we want? "Carlisle Waving, a young man with a bullet bag appeared to throw the bullet bag to Bill. Bill checked, there are three magazines in mp5 and two magazines in m16, no more and no less. It is enough to protect himself. Bill asked, "Sergeant Carlisle, what are we going to do with you?" Sergeant Carlisle smiled and said, "Bill, protect your squad, as long as you can come back after we start the generator and you are still alive. . "

(To be continued.)

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