MTL - Marvel’s Death Merchant-Chapter 1 Ambrella in Marvel World

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The Ambrella company was founded in the mid-19th century by the sixth generation heir of the European noble Assyford family, Edward, the American arms trader Oswell Spencer, and the biochemical scientist James Marcus. UMBRELLA's pharmaceutical and part-time arms sales company, and quickly expanded it into a worldwide mega-company within a few years.

In the United States during World War II, the merger of Howard Stark's Stark Industries and Ambrella was called the two pillars of the US military. Osborne Industries is a small company that is focusing on fewer people and is weaker. Among them, Ambrella is also an international super-monopoly of political and economic groups. The fields covered include most high-tech industries such as pharmaceuticals, medical hardware, and defense products.

Umbrella, founded by the three veterans, has its headquarters in New York City. The company logo is a red and white umbrella logo. It also became the only company in the world to use an umbrella as a logo. Stark Industries and the Ambrella Building have also become iconic buildings in New York City.

地下 Underground Research Institute, Ambrella Building, New York City, USA.

B.O.W (Organic Biological Weapons) Program, New York Headquarters, T Virus Biochemical Weapons Laboratory.

"Boss, after three years of research, it has been found that more than most prisoners will be in a stable and mutated state after slowly infecting the T virus in the culture tank. We named T as a tyrant, and now we are monitoring the experimental data. A huge white and rigorous underground laboratory emerged, and a researcher looked at the experimental data and introduced it.

"Very good, we can start. I can't wait to see which of the 30 lickers and the tyrant prototype T-002 is more powerful." Tang Tian squinted and looked at the tyrant prototype in the glassware in front of him slightly. Nodded, only to see that the whole body's skin was gray like a zombie, and was covered with quite strong muscles. The diameter of the arm was about 20 cm. As for the tip of the right finger, a large and exaggerated giant was specialized. The claws, and the nails at the tips of each finger, are many times longer than the saber. It is simply a pile of sabers. The tyrant prototype is synonymous with powerful power.

研究 When studying T virus derived from progenitor virus as a biochemical weapon, many failed varieties were created. For example, zombies, lickers, and trackers are all products of the T virus mutation. Let alone the fighting power of the zombie is 5, let alone the fighting power of lickers and trackers can easily eliminate more than 30 mercenaries. These are all Conclusions drawn from experiments in the African branch.

Heheke, digress, return to the battle scene of 30 lickers vs prototype tyrants. -------------split line-----------------

"嗷." A thunderous voice sounded, and the entire laboratory seemed to be shaking. In the safe area outside the combat range, the 'Red Queen' faithfully recorded the picture in the culture vessel. A giant more than three meters slowly recovered from the frozen state. This is exactly Tyrant T-002.

"Ready, boss." After the Russian East Slavic spoken, his eyes instantly turned blood red, and then a group of skin-like frogs appeared, his eyes deteriorated, his finger joints were thick and his claws were exposed, his brain was directly exposed, A licker with an extremely long mouthpiece.

的 The East Slav who controls the licker is injected with a mother virus similar to the relationship between queen and worker bees to achieve the ability to control biological and chemical weapons at will. Of course, the T virus that destroys the world will not be sold for the time being, and it will only be considered if it can be safely controlled.

The battle was as expected, the licker attacked the tyrant under control and began to be entangled by a large number of tongues. However, the licker still underestimated the power of the tyrant, and was instantly split by the tyrant's horror power to the six lickers. The rest were first wiped out by the tyrant's sharp claws, and the remaining 19 lickers were completely wiped out by the second form of tyrant. 30 lickers vs. prototype tyrants. The prototype tyrants prevail.

"Papapa." With applause, all the stunned researchers were brought back to reality, and everyone celebrated.

"Good job, everyone, you worked hard, everyone has a bonus of 5,000 US dollars this month." Tang Tian said lightly, but the researchers were excited. Don't underestimate the $ 5,000 bonus. The purchasing power of the US dollar during World War II was considerable. Although graduated weapons were immoral, who knows? In the money-based world of the United States, there are few things that money can't do.

"Well, tell Dr. William to speed up the research on G virus and double the research funding to 20 million U.S. dollars. The Antarctica base was handed over to Alexia for processing and also called Wesker." Tang Tian rubbed his temples and relaxed slightly I said after a while.

"Okay, boss." A black bodyguard next to Tang Tian said affirmatively.

"Master God, you are a fairy board, I didn't expect Lao Tzu to come back again." Then Tang Tian, ​​who took care of himself, left with a smile. --------------------split line----------------

Everyone who has experienced the reincarnation world understands the horror of the reincarnation world. After transcending reincarnation, Tang Tian continued to search for various genes in high-tech technology and the story world. In the end, when grabbing through the artifact's own device, the immediate attack of the Lord God was harmed. As a result, the Lord God came to this world with a part of the power of the "Seven Original Devices" and his own soul under the explosion of the super God.

Also, although the power of the "seven organs" representing time, space, energy, mind, taboo, soul, and chaos is only part, but the power of the organs adds up to the power of the little master god, so it can transform the Marvel universe. The power of the part of the law, in Tang Tian took out all his own million cause and effect points with the little master **** with a six-pointed star pattern on his arm, so that he can recover the power of the plane businessman who travels through time and space and own an Ambrella company as his life. capital. The Ambrella company only saved villains and scientists in the Marvel World, and the others have been removed. Now Tang Tian has replaced Ambrella's former chairman Oswell Spencer as the new chairman, and he controls more and more Powerful Ambrella company.

The result is fruitful. Tang Tian's foresight made him more and more powerful in future life. After participating in the "Super Soldier Project" in Ambrella and discovering the mutant Nabas called Sebastian Shaw, Tang Tian knew that this world is the world of the amazing universe ~ ~ also called Marvel Universe. So after knowing this situation, Tang Tian, ​​who has a sense of anxiety, continued to study the T virus biochemical weapon program for three years. So far, the research on the prototype tyrant has been very successful. In the future, the tyrant after adding the mutant gene Strength must go to a higher level.

"Victor and Wolverine should appear during the Vietnam War. The genes of these two immortal bodies are also good, and you can consider transplanting their genes in the future." Tang Tian thought for a moment, but for the time being, Because the time for the story of Wolverine Prequel 1 has not yet arrived, the most valuable thing now is 'Super Warrior Strengthening Serum'.

Now, although the influence of Ambrella has not been developed for twelve years, the high-level governments of western countries have been infiltrated by Ambrella's spokesperson secretly. When necessary, it can reduce some of the trouble and limit the company of Ambrella. The obstacle to entering the world market is World War II. This war with the largest number of deaths in human history has seriously affected the speed at which Ambrella can control the world.

Captain America, Tang Tian, ​​is still interested in knowing it. After the plot of Captain America is the story of X-Men's first battle, it can be described as a very easy and slow development, and can pass through other movie worlds to rob, big technology. Theological development is not so quiet. Only war and robbery should be done by arms dealers. War can promote the development of science and technology.

---------------- PS; Think about it or start with Captain America. During this time, I will travel to other worlds to plunder. I have thought about this new book for a long time. A moment, I will also control the mess, and everyone's support is the motivation for the author to write the book.

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