MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 250 Bo Yun treacherous

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  Chapter 250 Bo Yun is treacherous

   "Peter Mitchell, Tom Kazansky, uh...codename 'The Lone Ranger' and 'Iceman'."

"Yes, sir!"

  Peter Mitchell, who is of medium height, but with black hair and black pupils and facial features, is exceptionally handsome and handsome, hastily responded.

  He felt that his throat was very dry at the moment, turned his tongue and swallowed subconsciously, and quickly glanced sideways at Kazansky's "ice lump".

  Mr. Mitchell, a young naval captain and pilot, for the first time in his life envied the guy around him who seemed to have no emotional ups and downs at almost any time.

  The gentleman on the opposite side is Steve Rogers. He is a real person in the "Captain America" ​​comic story that Mitchell's father has treasured since he was a child.

  But the first time he saw Mr. Rogers in person today, he couldn't help showing a flustered look, which seemed uncool.

  Peter Mitchell looked at the legendary huge silver-gray round shield on the table behind this gentleman, and continued biting the bullet:

  “.is our fighter code name, sir, it sounds very similar to the mutant’s real name, doesn’t it?”

Steve was wearing the dark gray uniform of the Aerospace Forces, not the uniform or combat armor he used to wear in the "Whip of Order". Looking at the young man in front of him who was a little out of character but not annoying, he vaguely remembered that he still had Life in the American Army.

   "Tell me why you doubt the tactical arrangements of the combat command, and at the same time think carefully about the consequences of disobeying orders."

   "The Iceman" Tom Kazansky, with his tall nose and deep facial features, still didn't even blink his eyelids, straddling and looking forward.

   Facing the questioning of the highest officer of the entire "Aerospace Forces Training Base", only the light blue eyes trembled slightly.

  Just as he was about to speak, the "Lone Ranger" Mitchell beside him rushed to say:

"Sir Rogers, after three years of training and screening, we finally know that what we may be facing... is the threat of a legion from an alien planet! As for this unprecedented space war in human history, the combat command, IMHO, they Still stuck in my own guessing fantasy!"

  Steve sat on a high-back chair and looked at this pilot who was less than 30 years old seriously. It was not only the 28 "Aerospace Fighter" pilots selected by the American Air Force.

  Among all the military ace pilots and a small number of mutant pilots from all over the world who were finally selected and confirmed in the entire base, the two facing each other had the best results.

   "Keep talking."

   Seeing that there was no displeasure in the eyes of Chief Rogers, Peter Mitchell took a deep breath as if encouraged, and continued:

"Through previous intelligence studies, we know that the alien Kree people we are about to face are a super technological civilization with a history of thousands of years of interstellar navigation and space combat. Their understanding of such a war environment and combat mode is not ours at all. In a short period of time, relying on limited information to deduce the level that can be contended”

   "—Only the 'Pegasus' fighter."

   "Iceman" Tom Kazansky said abruptly, and a pair of light blue hawk-like eyes looked at Steve without flinching.

   "The Lone Ranger" was choked off, but he had no choice but to pick up the conversation.

"...Yes, yes, Sir Rogers, only the 'light speed engine' fighter that surpasses the enemy in the field of technology and performance can bring victory! Only relying on theoretically the same level of aerospace fighters and the current rather limited number of fleets, We, sir, we have no idea of ​​the scale of the warships and planes that the enemy will bring."

  Steve's burly body leaned forward slightly, and the inexplicable pressure came. The two ace pilots looked at the seriousness of this gentleman's face, and asked loudly:

   "Do you two boys think that the command has never considered these obvious problems?"

  Steve was extremely uncertain about the task assigned to him by his teacher James Howlett at the beginning.

Facing the panic and oppression of the Kerry Empire, by intercepting a large interstellar cruiser and several Kree Glorious Fighters, the Howlett family and group exerted all their strength, and at the same time, they were holding the interests of the entire United States and other major countries in the world. energy.

  The best scientists and researchers are frantically analyzing and studying, and doing their best to create weapons that can deal with this interstellar war.

   But no matter what, it is impossible for the air and space force, which has just taken shape, to compete with an empire that has entered the interstellar civilization for thousands of years in just a few years.

  The "Tianma Project" had a huge change at the beginning. The test driver's body was gone, and the fighter plane was destroyed. Although the relevant research technologies are still well preserved, and they have been continuously improved.

  But the command team didn't know what happened to Captain Carol Danforth when he faced the Kree fighter plane that day, and he had always been skeptical about the power of "Pegasus".

  Steve is not from the Air Force, so he does not have the slightest experience and confidence to be in charge of the training of these space battleship fighter units, but it is just like what James said.

   Faced with this war, it is the first time for all human beings.

  The two pilots were speechless for a moment when they were asked, even the "ice bump" blinked rarely, turned their heads and looked at the "Lone Ranger" for a moment, with a look of "it wasn't planned like this at the beginning".

"From the perspective of data performance, the Pegasus fighter has an overwhelming advantage over the captured Kree fighters, and it is not even at the same level and magnitude. I know that you have also seen some research, so I wonder why they are not equipped with this weapon. Create a strategy for the core."

  Steve took out a stack of files from the drawer, flipped through and took out the photo taken at the crash site of the Tianma test plane.

  The two looked at the scene in the hands of Chief Rogers. Various shapeless fragments were scattered in the deep pit like a small meteorite impact, and the scorched ground had turned into a large glass-like lens.

  Around the fragments of the fighter plane, there was no remains of flesh and blood or corpses.

   "Judging from the explosion energy index at the scene, the driver should have been gasified on the spot. Even with such a risk, do you dare to try this weapon?"

  Peter Mitchell suddenly smiled mischievously, showing a mouthful of neat and beautiful teeth, and Tom Kazansky beside him even slightly hooked the corners of his mouth.

   "Mr. Rogers, this is a battle against aliens. Ha, I never waited for the day when I was a mutant awakening. Now such a 'cool' opportunity, I can't slip away!"

  At this moment, at the home of the Rogers couple.

  Peggy stopped writing, straightened her body and tilted her head to look at her husband. She held her cheek and thought for a while before continuing to write and draw at her desk. She shook her head in a strange way and said softly:

"I'm more curious about the whereabouts of Professor Charles than you are. Not only the professor, but also Maura disappeared. She didn't even talk to me. Even Raven didn't know what happened. This kind of situation has never happened before. I guess the biggest possibility is related to the Sirius Legion."

"... This war is facing an interstellar empire. No matter how cautious you are, sir, he always does things closely. He is a man. On the surface, he is sophisticated and stable, but there is always an indescribable madness in his bones. It also makes many of his actions unpredictable."

  Steve looked at his wife silently for a moment, thought for a while and nodded heavily, seeming to agree with his wife's speculation very much.

"It's very possible to say that. The legion is currently closed in the wolf's lair and does not have contact with the outside world. Professor Charles is likely to cooperate with the teacher to complete some plans to deal with the Cree. Since his old man did not raise any objections to the disappearance of the professor, it must be Nothing will happen."

  Peggy closed the folder with some annoyance, pinched the bridge of her nose and frowned tightly. She always felt that she was almost able to grasp this period of time, which made her feel that many messages had some kind of weird tail.

  The husband and wife chatted for a while, Steve glanced at the time, got up, kissed his wife, and left in a hurry.

  Peggy watched a "Whip of Order" aircraft hovering in mid-air slowly descending outside the window. After her husband walked in, she rushed into the sky at high speed, and disappeared in an instant.

  After thinking about it, she opened the folder again, looking at a bunch of irrelevant event intelligence and information, she planned to sort it out again.

   "Put it away, that woman's hair."

  On the flat and long blue-black aircraft, "Steve" in the cabin handed two dark brown hair strands to a pair of blue-green hands, who carefully put the hair into the glass tube and labeled it.

  He leaned over to open an alloy box and carefully put it in. There were rows of more than twenty identical sealed glass test tubes in the box, most of which were hair strands of different lengths or tiny debris.

   "Hurry up and send this plane back first. Such a conspicuous physical change will attract attention after a long time. That woman has already discovered something."

"Steve" loosened the collar of his uniform, and his tall and strong body shrunk a lot quickly. Not only did the bones and skin on his face become a narrow "lizard face", even his clothes were changed into a whole body Lavender looks like some kind of uniform, dressed like the other three figures in the aircraft.

"If you want me to say that there is really no need to obtain Peggy Rogers' pheromone, and her ability is nothing special, but the position of the intelligence department in charge is relatively important. If you change it casually, no one in the royal family will be interested. "

  A Skrull who was slightly shorter and a little fatter sat on the side with a trembling ear and said casually.

  Mutas, who had changed from "Steve Rogers" back to his original appearance, tilted his head and stared, his voice was low and hoarse, and the strange rustling sound was like a snake spitting out a letter.

   "So you might as well just kill this woman, so that we can save us a lot of trouble by becoming her again."

   "Huh! If I want to be able to do that, you have to kneel in front of me now. The power of the royal family is the real perfect Skrull."

   The pudgy Skrull turned over the folds on his face, crossed his arms and crossed his legs, and stopped talking.

  The "California Pretty Widow" Tessa who was driving the aircraft abducted from the "Whip of Order" turned her head and asked briefly:

"How about it?"

  Mutas looked at the eyes that were cast on him, and shook his head slowly.

"She doesn't know that Peggy Rogers' 'pheromone' is just incidental. The point is that she should be the person who knows the most about the family's various intelligence information besides 'Wolf Emperor', but even she doesn't know about 'Professor X' whereabouts."

   "Could it be that they have noticed it?"

  A figure who also looked like a female Skrull with the thinnest figure asked, speaking with a bit of unsure of confidence.

  Mutas rubbed his chin, picked up the boxes containing various "pheromones" and looked at the labels on them one by one, shaking his head firmly.

"Our shape-shifting ability is a talent unmatched by that 'Mystique'. Although it cannot involve the deep or subconscious memory of the target, the general memory content can be reproduced intact, and every action of obtaining pheromone is impeccable. "

". Appearance, movement posture, voice, smell, and even genetic matching, except that the changed behavior will inevitably bring about a certain abnormal trajectory, I can't think of factors that may be exposed. Maybe it was really to deal with the Cree, hiding the bald head .”

Tessa, who was flying the fighter plane in front, blinked, and then transformed into a thin young male order executive. She used this identity to drive out a standard aircraft, so that the identity of "Steve Rogers" was not in doubt. .

   He murmured and said:

   "Professor Charles Xavier and the White Queen's strength are the only shortcomings we may expose, but they are also abilities that must be obtained. The arrival of the royal family is getting closer, and we have little time to prepare."

".From the analysis of the White Queen's personality, this woman has been with the 'Wolf Emperor' for decades. She has done many things behind the scenes that cannot be seen on the bright side. She is far less easy to get along with than Professor X. Appearing in front of her The danger is the greatest"

  The other three Skrulls also turned into "Whip of Order" members with different faces, discussing the operation arrangement repeatedly in the cabin.

  Finally arrived at the order headquarters in Manhattan, parked the aircraft familiarly, and chatted freely in the empty training ground.

   "In this way, it seems that the 'Wolf Emperor' is the safest. Although his power and thoughts are always invisible, but based on the information for so long, he himself must not have the ability of telepathy."

  Mutas walked in front with his arms around his shoulders, and the four walked slowly out of the gate of the "Whip of Order" base.

  Tessa, a Skrull who has turned into a black woman with an afro, turned her thick lips, seeing that Mutas, who even brought up this idea, remained silent for a long while, and finally said helplessly:

   "Hey, I don't even want to gamble on the result of facing James Howlett, why don't I learn from human beings and let's draw lots?"

  (end of this chapter)

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