MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 245 Sirius Legion (Part 2)

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  Chapter 245 Sirius Legion (Part 2)

  “.Is it that obvious?”

  As if to relieve the embarrassment in his heart, Scott blushed and sprayed two laser shock waves with increased intensity, sweeping away the **** creatures within nearly a hundred square meters in front of him in one breath.

The area around the three of them temporarily cleared out an empty area without demons. Kurt turned into a cloud of smoke and teleported to "Cyclops", and danced a knife flower between his wrists, shaking off the demon black on Edman's knives. Blood, the silver-white blade is still flawless.

   "Hey, I think I've successfully concealed it, buddy, but everyone can't see it, isn't it Peter!"

Kurt took a breath with a smirk, and the back of the knife banged against Colossus' arm. Peter Rasputin stepped on a little Balrog's head that was still flowing out of lava and sparks, and turned around and said solemnly. :

   "Funny Summers, is this your new joke?"

  Looking at the silver-gray metal face of Colossus, with a vivid grin revealing a mouthful of steel teeth, Scott unloaded his energy and slammed down on the demon corpse sitting on the ground, complaining that Colossus is still so good at talking to death.

   "You don't need to worry about Laura, hey! Those three aunts. I don't want to find a girlfriend who can beat me up at any time. I can't chat with you anymore. It seems that Orolo is going to make a 'big move'!"


As soon as Nightcrawler finished speaking, he disappeared into the blue-black smoke again, and appeared next to Orolo Monroe, the "Storm" who floated up in mid-air with white pupils, and instantly backstabbed three batwings that rushed forward demon.

   The few mutant fighters with the ability to fly gathered towards the most central position above the battlefield, and the demon army seemed to be aware of the celestial changes in the **** world and the reasons.

  The locust-like demon creature covering the sky and the sun flapped its fleshy or feathered wings, and rushed frantically towards the dark-skinned and vigorous young woman in the air.

  The sky in the **** dimension does not have the thunder and lightning phenomenon of the human world. The clouds here are not water vapor, but burning black smoke.

  Storm's body is no longer surrounded by flashes of lightning that can be gathered by manipulating weather changes when she is on the earth, but instead there are wisps of crimson fire and gunpowder smoke.

Short hair mixed with black and white is neat and unrestrained, and a short white cloak is draped behind the black full-body battle uniform. He stretches his fingers towards the blood-red dome. Covering the light that is not much in this land.

"Archangel" Warren turned around and threw out more than a dozen steel wings more than half a meter long. A large group of demons in front of Orolo.

  Fire rain, lava, dust storm.

  The most terrifying natural disaster in the Hell Dimension, "The Scourge of Flame", came suddenly under the call of Storm!

  After the legion battle, James stared at the black and red dome falling down with boundless rain of fire and lava debris. Facing this vast and powerful ability, he couldn't help but marvel at it.

   "Little Monroe probably hasn't had a second mutation yet."

  James asked softly, and Eric, who was standing by his side, picked up the ocher red cloak, and responded with a slightly muffled voice while wearing an oxygen replacement mask:

"You can tell by looking at her hair. This child originally had black hair. With the training of the evolution technique, her ability gradually increased and her hair became more and more gray. She has become what she is now. It should not be far from the second mutation. .”

  Although he is not a teacher of the academy, as the marshal of the "Sirius Legion", Eric Lanshere is well aware of the corresponding abilities and characteristics of each group of soldiers who join the legion, and continued to say seriously:

".Storm's ability to manipulate the weather, until today, the scientists under the family have not really analyzed the nature of this power. On the earth, this little girl can create hurricanes, lightning, ice and snow showers, and to the border of hell. The unique meteorological disasters here It's even scarier"

  Countless **** demons fell under the flaming meteor rubble in large swaths, and the strategic-level lethal mutant ability quickly blasted and killed almost endless demon creatures on the wasteland.

Scott Summers looked enviously at Storm's reaping of military exploits. Except for a few young masters and ladies of the Howlett family, Orolo's "Wolf Gold" was the only one in the entire army. rich woman!

  He looked at the front of the battlefield from a distance, and the three girls, Jean Gray, Laura, and Sharon Rogers, were constantly charging and rushing in the endless rain of fire.

  Sharon's left sword and right shield, dressed in silver and black heavy armor, are much larger and heavier than ordinary one-handed long swords and shields, like a heavy armored knight in the Middle Ages.

The fierce energy of the spurt turned into a fierce red light, as the tip of the triangular formation, he slashed the shield all the way, and the martial arts and fighting skills at the top of the second level of the killing technique made Sharon's every movement the most precise and perfect style of play.

  Even if she has enough physical strength, Sharon will not have any extra moves, and every sword will be just right to deal with the enemy.

On the other hand, Laura, the wolf's daughter on the left, casually wears a light waistcoat-like armor, her black hair has long been scattered, and the four diamond bone blades in both fists shoot out a half-meter-long "fierce light", with a Two blood-red energy arms.

  It seems that the endless vitality gave Laura endless energy to squander. Each claw sent out a sharp edge three or four meters away, jumping from time to time to cut off the head of a giant demon.

   On the other side, Qin Gray hangs low in the air more than one meter high, her slender and graceful figure is wrapped in a blue tight battle suit, and there is a golden phoenix emblem cast in the center of her chest.

  Compared to the two teammates who "bathed" in the sea of ​​demons and slashed with swords, shields and sharp claws, Qin gracefully manipulated the telekinesis and the energy manifested like flames, and easily divided an empty area around.

  The elegant and dignified eyebrows in the past followed the continuous killing of these **** demons, and the raised eyebrows faintly revealed a bit of heroism and domineering.

   "Damn it! Why don't you come out? I'm here for this big devil. Could it be that it's hiding?"

Laura exhaled two dark gases from her nose depressedly, and her face was not equipped with corresponding life-support equipment. With her extraordinary self-healing physique, the air that is enough to poison ordinary life in the border of **** is just a bit pungent to inhale. .

   "It's still that little girl who likes to blow hair. I guess that demon lord didn't realize that in just twenty minutes, its legion showed signs of defeat, and it might still be sleeping soundly in its lair!"

  As soon as Sharon finished speaking, she suddenly set up her shield to block a black stone-like warhammer, and passed through it sideways. The demon in front of her was more than two meters tall, with no palms on her arms, just two warhammers.

  The greatsword made of adamantium alloy cut the torso horizontally with the hammer, and smashed the head with the shield while the demon fell over.

Laura was arguing with Sharon in dissatisfaction, looking at the "horn mountain" which was still a few kilometers away, Jean Gray pushed her palms forward, and her thoughts pulled the fire and meteors scattered in the sky, Gathering together, they instantly emptied hundreds of demonic creatures in front of the three of them.

   "Phoenix" landed lightly on the ground, raised its delicate chin and said proudly:

   "Then we will break into that devil's lair!"

   "Hey, I've had a lot of actual combat experience in the past two years. Qin's personality seems to have changed a lot. I wasn't so belligerent before!"

Laura still has some wounds corroded by lava and devil's blood, which disappeared in the blink of an eye. Although she is no longer as fleshy and cute as she was when she was a child, the little wolf girl with a silly smile is still more real than when the two met for the first time .

   "Hey, you two, do you feel it?"

The big sword pierced the ground silkily, and the huge triangular shield with sharp edges smashed out a deep hole. Sharon moved her ten fingertips with gauntlets casually, staring at the dark red "horn mountain" that seemed to be connected to the dome. ".

There was a constant rhythmic tremor from the ground, fine gravel jumped up on the dark brown rocky ground, and the conical mountain peak exploded. One with four wings on its back, but its body was extremely bloated, like a human-shaped toad The demon lord roared and flew out.

  The approaching demon army seemed to be extremely afraid of their lord, and when they ran a little slower, they were trampled under their feet by the big demon, turning into a puddle of stinky mud.

  Wait until it fell from the sky, the three women really saw that this demon, which was a bit late, was more than ten meters high, and its dark yellow vertical pupils like windmills were staring at this very small group of intruders.

  Looking at the demonic creatures that covered this wasteland of hell, with countless casualties under his command, the great demon stomped his feet, shaking the ground again.

   "Bartos Salonzo. Whose legion dares to come here to make trouble for me! Hiss, no, this taste is wrong!"

  The big devil leaned forward and looked at the three little figures closest to him, took two deep breaths through his nasal cavity dripping with thick juice, and brought back a large cloud of thick liquid with green smoke.

   ".This taste. The earthly dimension? Human?"

  Compared to the cosmic space and endless stars that are easy to understand in the material sense, the dimensional world seems to be a branch that sprang out from the trunk of a big tree.

  Whether it is the "Dark Dimension", "The Borderlands of Hell" or countless mysterious and treacherous magical dimensions, none of them can be reached by sailing on an ordinary space plane with an interstellar spacecraft.

  In order to face the upcoming Kree Empire, James has used the power of mystics to open several dimension gates with a large number of powerful and dangerous creatures in the past two years, and has truly trained the soldiers of the "Sirius Legion" with one knife and one gun.

  The **** dimension is the place they have been to the most times, and this battle is also the largest since the legion's training.

   "My dad said, you can't talk nonsense about fighting!"

   Bang bang bang.

  Standing on the blood-red secret art array, Laura charged up like a ladder, and Sharon and Qin beside her also rushed towards the head of the big devil without hesitation.


  The giant webbed palms suddenly closed in front of him, trying to smash these annoying little bugs, but there was no strange feeling in the palms, and the hands were spread out, and the inside was empty.

The great demon suddenly roared in pain, and there was a sharp pain in her shoulders and arms. Sharon stepped on her ridge-like arms, and Edman's golden sword pierced the steel-like solid flesh more than one meter deep, dragging and running all the way up!

  Laura raised both fists together, the secret art shield covered her whole body in a cone shape, bursting the sound barrier and rushing straight past the demon lord's shoulder, creating a penetrating wound.

  The demon Urano couldn't remember how long he hadn't felt pain, but besides being angry, he suddenly felt a strange sense of pleasure.

   Its blood is more corrosive than any demon. Laura, who pierced out of the demon's body, frowned in pain, and soon healed herself with festering flesh that was emitting green smoke.

  Even the secret technique "Blood Clock" for self-protection could not resist the corrosive properties of the devil's blood.

  The big devil just wanted to roar a few words habitually, when the tower-like thick neck was suddenly tightened by an invisible force, and even the huge tumor-like bumps densely covered with it were swollen a bit.

  Laura and Sharon took advantage of Qin's chance to control the demon lord with her mind power, and rushed to the sides of the head from left to right.

   Fierce life energy exploded unreservedly, and the two of them were about to pierce through the hideous demon head as huge as this house.


  Black-red lava ashes exploded out of thin air, Urano shook his body, shook his fat cheeks, and the three women were blown away like small bugs that had been shaken off.

  The demon lord was surrounded by the manifestation energy of the **** dimension, and the wound healed in an instant.

After dawdling his **** twice, Urano was a little too lazy to chase the three little things that flew away. A pair of dark yellow vertical pupils swept across the entire wasteland battlefield with vigilance, staring at the back, sitting on the head of the demon dragon. Several figures clustered in the middle of the men.

  It recognizes the demon dragon. Although it has not yet reached its own level, it is already considered the topmost powerful demon in the boundless border of hell, and no lord-level demon will easily provoke it.

   It seems that the man with black hair is the leader of this group of humans.

   "This big demon is a little bit closer to the dimension lord."

   James' eyes lit up, and he seemed to sit up straight with great interest.

  Different from most dimensions where there is only one or a few dimensional lords, "Boundary of Hell", as the largest dimensional world, has several dimensional lords who are constantly born and exist forever.

  In addition to the veteran devil Mephisto, who was jointly sealed by James and Ancient One, there are also Satan, Torg, Satanish, etc. that are familiar in the religious classics of the human world.

   Moreover, among these lords who are also the dimension of hell, there are also certain divisions of strength and weakness.

  In their endless years of life, fighting each other is the mainstream. Only a few devils like Mephisto who like to peek at the real world and grab souls will put their energy outside the dimension of hell.

  The three of Laura, while dealing with the creatures swarming up from the sea of ​​demons, chased after the great demon who flapped his wings and flew straight to the rear of the army formation.

  Qin Gray gave a coquettish cry, and the bright yellow energy flame faintly merged into a phoenix form behind him, rolling up a tornado-like pillar of fire and rushing towards Urano screaming.

  The great demon just tilted his head and glanced at it, flicked his giant tail to evoke the energy of the billowing **** dimension, and pushed it back with all his might.

  Although he has not yet become a real dimension lord and can use the power of the **** dimension endlessly, the great demon Ulano can already call a small part of the world's energy.

   In Limbo, this is enough to wipe out any alien creatures.

   It was the second time in her life that Qin Gray exerted her full power but was defeated head-on. The last time was privately in the mirror world of the mystic, and was defeated by Mr. Howlett after demanding a full shot.

   "Huh? Tsk tsk tsk, you should be clear, this is not your real strength"

  The voice that hadn't appeared for many years came out of Jean Gray's mind again.

  (end of this chapter)

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