MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 242 The third family that is gradually appearing

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  Chapter 242 The third family gradually appearing

  The "Wolf Capsule" III spaceship slowly landed in a near-Earth space. James looked at the emptiness outside the hanging window, and glanced sideways at Eric Lanshere.

   "That's right, Dad, it's here."

  Eric stretched his hand forward, a wave of floating lines appeared in the void, and a huge Kree star cruiser like a hill appeared in shape.

  The spaceship that Mar-Will has been staying in the extraterrestrial space is the same model as the ship driven by Yong Roger and others that day.


  When the red devil heard his father's greeting, he bared his teeth and sensed for a moment, then smiled and opened a space portal. Opposite the black and red portal was a quiet and cold blue-black alloy road.

  James stepped in first, followed by Steve, Eric, and Hank the Beast with a few scientific and technical personnel who looked like researchers excitedly.

The sound of everyone's footsteps disrupted the tranquility in this interstellar spacecraft. The science and technology of the Cree people have long been able to make such a large interstellar aircraft fully automatic and maintain daily maintenance. The ship is enough.

  Hank wore his gold-rimmed glasses and walked with his beast-like paws, while discussing the various aspects of this exotic spaceship with several scientists in the field of large aircraft and fighter jets.

  Under the control of Eric's magnetic force, everyone entered without hindrance, and the thick metal doors opened automatically until they came to the central control hall of the spaceship.

In the ring-shaped main control room, there are many cardboard boxes for storage and various "strange" things. Asazo exploded black and red smoke everywhere, and the bone blade at the tip of the tail cut through each box. Set of cosmetics in a gift box to wow.

   "Father, if the alien you disabled let her stay on Earth for a few more years, she might be really reluctant to leave."

  The boxes in the room contain all kinds of modern women's dresses and accessories from the earth, as well as canned and various human delicacies preserved by special fresh-keeping techniques, all of which were brought in by Mar-Well before preparing to execute the mission plan.

  Professionals such as Hank McCoy are already studying the related driving operations of the launch ship, and they can't help but marvel at the simple induction console.

   "How about it, can you drive it back, this ship can perfectly make up for our technical obstacles in interstellar navigation, and go back to concentrate the main energy and strength of the scientific team."

  James was exhorting Hank, but there were a few cat meows behind him.

   "Ouch! This alien woman even wants to take away the kitten, come here~"

   "Meow. Meow~"

  Asazuo squatted down, reached out and scratched the top skin of a fat orange cat.

The cat "Gus" who didn't know where it came from, hesitantly took two steps forward and one step back, saw a strange red creature stretched out its paws, bared its fangs and stood up its tail. It was dressed in orange. The black fur exploded and hissed vigilantly.

   "You still dare to blow your hair with me, tsk tsk tsk, come quickly—Fack!"


  The giant octopus tentacles with dense tooth-like spikes shredded a cloud of smoke and dust. Asazo teleported to a corner of the ceiling of the hall, dressed roughly with lingering fear, and cursed indiscriminately.

The chubby and cute orange cat below is scratching the ground with four paws, scratching the scratches on the metal floor. Its mouth opened and closed at 180 degrees like a snake. The "huge mouth" the size of a palm is More than a dozen ocher-red tentacles as thick as arms spewed out, dancing wildly and wantonly.

The changed cat "Gus" seems to be annoyed that he caught nothing. His small body is like a portal to a different space. The giant tentacles protruding from his mouth stretched wildly to more than ten meters, rolling and pounced into the hall of the people.

   Instantly grabbed a few ordinary researchers, rolled up their bodies, and stuffed them into their mouths.

  Puff Chi, Pu Chi.

  A series of muffled sounds of raw meat falling on the cutting board came, and James walked towards the "orange cat". Occasionally, the bone blades of his fists trembled for a moment, and several tentacles were cut off and fell off.

  The researchers who were caught in mid-air fell down one by one, sweating coldly, and didn't even realize what happened.

   After all, a cute pet cat suddenly turned into an "abyssal mouth", which violated the basic laws of material volume and spit out ferocious sharp teeth and tentacles thousands of times its own size, which is hard for anyone to understand.

  The shield infused with fierce energy slashed past James in an arc, and broke off four more tentacles. Finally, the "orange cat" closed its mouth sobbing in pain, shrank its head and hummed in aggrieved voice.

  James didn't seem to be worried that the creature would suddenly explode again. He grabbed the back of its neck and put it in front of him, staring at "Mr. Gus" rather fiercely.

  The cat lowered its head, and its meow became softer.

   "Good guy dad! Did this female alien experiment with animals, Shet, my scalp is still numb"

  Hank walked up to Asazzo, who was telling James all kinds of guesses about this bizarre creature. "The Beast" pushed his glasses and growled in a muffled voice:

   "Sir, I have seen this cat at the engine research base. It is a pet kept by that woman. Of course, we have never seen it like this."

  James grabbed the cat and shook it twice. As if he understood his situation, "Mr. Gus" put his two little palms together and waved them up and down in a very humane way, as if he was clasping his fists and begging for mercy?

   "I suspect that this thing is not a cat. Who knows what kind of pet an alien will keep. Charles and I still didn't look carefully enough, and didn't dig deep into the relevant memories of this pet raised by Mar-Will"

With five fingers, Eric peeled off a piece of alloy wall on the cruiser, and fashioned a small metal headgear and tied it on the small head of the "orange cat". The cat whimpered aggrievedly, but did not dare to make any resistance .

   "Father, this thing is not easy to deal with. Ordinary superhumans can't escape that mouth. Hehe, can it be locked in the Wolf Tower?"

  Eric joked aloud, stood beside James and watched the orange cat carefully, then manipulated the metal with his own hands, and built a cage.

"Huh? I really want to see what Bucky's expression will be like when he receives such a 'prisoner'. Forget it, there is a suitable person who can take care of this thing. After enriching the relevant information of the Cree people, we can proceed." deal with it."

  James threw the cat into the cage casually, and walked to the huge French window of the cruise ship, silently looking at the blue planet.

  Looking at the earth from this angle, it seems to have a bit of an illusion of being a stranger in a foreign land.

Leaving the relevant researchers behind, James returned to the old house through the space portal. After Hank mastered the control method, the cruiser of Mar-Vell will drive back to the Wolf's Lair base in Greenland. The family's scientific team will Thoroughly understand the science and technology about interstellar navigation and various Cree people.

  The sunset in the evening shone on the old house and castle and the town of Langshan at the foot of the mountain. James strolled in the field with a cat cage in his hand. Looking from a distance, the little wolf cubs were conducting actual combat training again on the school grounds.

   "Angel" Warren Worthington still wore the same gray linen exercise suit, but he no longer had the pair of huge wings on his back.

  He raised his arms obliquely, with his fingertips slightly raised, and sprinted past him in a strange way, making a slight sharp sound. Cut a big hole in the clothes on the opponent's chest, leaving a long, bright red bloodstain.

  James nodded lightly to look away, sucked his nose twice, and strode towards the mountainside.

More and more birds and small animals in the forest gathered in a clearing in the forest. Eric's eldest daughter, Anya Lanshere, was wearing a light green long dress and her hair was draped softly, sitting on the grass superior.

  The sun shone on Anya, but the moist and gentle light seemed to emanate from her own body. Beside her were herbivores such as deer and antelope, as well as ferocious beasts such as pumas and bobcats.

   Food and natural enemies live together peacefully at this moment.

The cougar with shiny fur occupied Anya's thigh domineeringly, whimpering and enjoying her caressing and stroking, it smelled some uneasy and terrible smell, raised its ears and raised its head, but still did not leave this "good position" ".

   "Grandpa, why are you here?"

   Anya looked in surprise at the handsome man who was walking towards him, carefully avoiding the hares and mongooses.

Her father was James' adopted son, and she grew up by his side. As the children grew older, they gradually became adults. Whenever they called "Grandpa" to a young man who looked about their own age, it was a sign This scene even made James himself a little strange.

   "Meet a little special animal, I think it will be honest with you."

   "Wow little kitten. Why are you trapped like this? Little guy, are you biting people?"

   After taking the cage from James, Anya took out the orange cat indifferently, rubbed its fleshy back, and then took off the metal muzzle.

  James looked at the weird cat blinking its big green eyes with great interest, not worried about Anya's danger at all.

The orange cat fawned over the girl's thigh, bared its teeth and let out a muffled growl. The domineering cougar sprang up and stepped aside, allowing "Mr. Gus" to lie on Anya's lap, revealing his whiteness Belly, obediently flattering.

   "Hee hee, you're even more of a bully than Becky? What's your name, little kitty, what, you're not a cat? What kind of animal is Yuan Devourer?"

  Anya communicated with the meowing orange cat in a way that James couldn't understand. The orange cat, who called himself "Earth Devouring Beast", kept barking, and squinted his eyes comfortably in the girl's arms.

   "Grandpa, this should be the pet raised by the aliens you caught. He doesn't come from the earth. He also said that his stomach can hold anything. Hehe, a funny kitten."

   "That's right, let's stay with you for now, maybe this is the safest choice, remember to let it be more honest, um. Do not eat anything except cat food."

   James smiled and said a few words and was about to leave when Anya Lanshere's ethereal voice suddenly sounded again:

   "We are about to usher in a war. Behind the victory, there are often invisible scars and scars."

  The suddenly constricted black pupils stared at Anya for a moment. James quietly waited for the girl to continue to say something, but Anya's attention was focused on the Yuan Devourer "Mr. Gus" in his arms.

   I don't know if she doesn't want to continue talking, or if she can only talk here.

   "War is never the goal, but we didn't choose to go home Anya, it's time for dinner."

  The girl smiled obediently, got up and patted the grass clippings on her legs, beckoned the animals to leave, and followed James down the mountain.

  The orange cat devouring beast at the foot rubbed against it and wanted to return to Anya's arms. I don't know if it still misses or thinks of its original owner at this moment.

  California has too many small towns described in American folk songs, which are both desolate and lonely with few people, but also have an inexplicable nostalgia for peace of mind.

  This northwest town is three or four days’ drive from Los Angeles, and it takes seven or eight hours to drive to the nearest city.

Andara Jacobson, a well-known pretty widow in the town, parked a Ford Raptor off-road vehicle that the townspeople had never seen before, which attracted the few neighbors around to stand in front of their house, pretending to be cooking After eating and walking, he tilted his head and watched.

A thin, middle-aged man stepped down from the car, pressed his white cowboy hat, his waist was bulging strangely, with an aquiline nose, deep eye sockets, and his sharp eyes glanced cautiously for a week. A man to mess with.

   "Why are you here? Go in and say"

  The woman opened the door. After a moment of panic, she could tell that the person was an unexpected visitor. Without much hesitation, she stepped out of the way and quickly closed the door again.

   "Heh, isn't this appearance of yours very popular among male human beings? Those neighbors of yours just now, as long as they are male, they don't treat me well."

  The man was sitting carelessly on the cloth sofa in the living room, his pointed boots propped comfortably on the coffee table, and he took off his hat to reveal his clean head.

"You have been here for a long time. You should learn more about their culture and life. You can't even tell what they like about their appearance. I really don't know how you've been messing around in the past few years. Let's talk about what you're here for. "

  Jacobsen didn't intend to pour water for the hooked nose, and sat on a wooden chair beside him, lit a cigarette, and smoked it skillfully.

  Her facial features are clear, especially her figure is bumpy and plump, and she has indeed always attracted the attention of single or married men in the town.

"That's boring. I don't believe you haven't received it. That signal source is not ordinary. It's been many years. I haven't seen any news from the royal family since my father was still alive. Also, do you still have contact with Talos?" ?”

The man suddenly sat up straight, twisted his neck and stared at the widow Jacobsen seriously. Seeing that she was silent for a long time, she was just smoking a cigarette, and the skin and muscles on her face wriggled and twisted as she laughed, as if melting. Turned into a green skin, without a single hair, like a weird appearance of a lizard.

   "Is it necessary? We are living a very good life now. This planet is very stable and seems to have the power to protect itself. The source of the royal family's information is far away. Three years? Five years? And it doesn't necessarily come here."

Jacobsen finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, looked at the man's wrinkled face and seemed unhappy, sighed, and changed into a similar appearance, only recognized from the curvy body and relatively soft facial features. Out is still a female.

   The "lizard" man looked better, his pointed ears trembled, and he sat back with his legs raised, and said playfully:

   "Hmph, you don't know that you're living in this small town, right? The strongest force on this planet has already met the Kree people. Do you think we can still be so leisurely after the earth is ruled by those bastards?"

  (end of this chapter)

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