MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 230 Contacts of the third kind

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  Chapter 230 Contacts of the Third Kind

  The moon covered by dark clouds finally revealed a bright white. The night sky blurred a large space as if it had been baked and distorted by high temperature, but no tangible objects could be seen with the naked eye.

In the unnamed spaceship with the light cloaking device turned on, a few men in ocher red windbreaker and leather pants shouted, laughed and cursed wildly, curiously surrounded the cabin and stared at the dazed little boy, as if they were observing some kind of novel little boy. like animals.

   ". If you say that this kid looks the most pleasing to the eye, the previous few times were all stuff, and there were creatures like slime worms. That guy is really 'not picky eater'."

  Peter Quill still had tears on his face, and he was trembling. He was not too surprised and frightened when he saw this group of weird guys and mysterious aircraft.

  Looking at a terrifying man with gray skin and crocodile-like black spots on his face, Peter timidly asked:

   "You... are you mutants? Is this the spaceship of the Whip of Order!"

  The four or five big men in the cabin all have humanoid limbs and limbs. Red, green, yellow skin, and the appearance of whiskers or cuticles on the face, none of them looked like normal humans.

  Combined with uniform-style uniforms and weird spaceships that can only be seen in comic books, it is no wonder that Peter Quill has such a guess.

   "Hey, we still speak the common language, brat, we are the greatest warriors in the interstellar world, predators! Oh? Do you think the meat of this race can be eaten? It looks quite tender"

  The strange-looking predators shouted and shouted again, as if they were really discussing how the little boy's food would taste.

  Peter subconsciously hugged his small schoolbag tightly. The fear and unknown diluted the pain of losing his mother. Too many emotions were poured into his little head, but he barely realized that things were not what he thought.

  At the end of the noisy rest cabin, the blue-skinned man sitting on the captain's berth in the cockpit of the spaceship fiddled with the operator a few times, grinning and showing a mouthful of bright teeth, and shook his head in disdain.

There is a copper-colored "fin" on top of the sky-blue bald head, which pierces the skin on the top of the skull flat and tall, like an exaggerated Mohawk hairstyle. Except for the blue skin, the facial features are the same as those of humans on Earth. , looks like at most in his early thirties.

   But who knows what kind of visual age difference such an alien race has, after listening to the report from the co-pilot, he fiddled with the shielding sensor and said loudly:

   "Hmph, the basic detection equipment, C-53's information should be updated. After leaving the planet's atmosphere, they will soon be able to enter the space jump point. Even if they have the ability to keep up, it's useless."

Less than five minutes after this spaceship from outside took Peter away, in the airspace of Missouri, two supersonic shuttles of the Whip of Order received an urgent order to track down the UFO that was suspected to have entered from outside the earth. .

  The radar and energy detection devices of the flying shuttle did not find a specific signal. The driver exploded at more than ten times the speed of sound in an instant, rushed all the way to the stratosphere and middle layer of the atmosphere, and re-investigated to no avail. In the end, he had to report and return.

   "Haha, sure enough! The captain is experienced, but although their detection equipment is backward, the speed of the spacecraft is not bad. This is not the level of technology that ordinary civilizations on the ground should have. Um, old coordinates?"

  The appearance of the co-pilot is the most human-like on the spaceship, but his face is covered with modular metal and mechanical eyes, which looks more terrifying than all the Predator crew members.

   With a strange smile, he skillfully input the coordinate code of the space jump on the light curtain of the spacecraft, and asked the captain Yondu habitually in a hoarse voice.

"...No, no! Let's not go to Egg's place first, this job is not right, have you noticed that every time you go to that planet for 'delivery', you can't see anyone else around him, not even a living creature None, we have sent him a hundred over the years alone. How come none of them—"

  Yondu Yudongta saw a blue light spot flashing suddenly on the signal instrument of the spacecraft, and suddenly stopped talking.

  Different from the extremely rudimentary satellite devices all over the low-earth orbit of this planet, the fluctuating signal of this light spot represents a rather advanced interstellar spacecraft.

If it weren't for the spaceships of this group of "predators" interstellar mercenaries who are best at escaping and detecting, the general level of starship technology would not be able to find this high-tech ship that hovers quietly in a vacuum and hides most of its visual form and energy fluctuations. spaceship.

   "Captain, it should be a Cree cruiser. Is the weird technology of planet C-53 influenced by them?"

  The co-pilot watched Captain Yondu's silence gradually gritting his teeth, and slowly closed his mouth.

When he was young, Yondu was imprisoned and enslaved for nearly 20 years as a war slave of the Cree. Later, he was the leader of the various factions of today's predators. Only after one life did he regain his freedom.

  The captain of his own family has never been kind to the Cree people. When enemies meet, he might bring them along for another vote.

"What are the Cree doing here? It has nothing to do with us. This planet is nominally one of the Nine Realms of the Asgardians. No matter what nonsense they are doing, set the jump anchor point at Conte Aksha Xing, let’s have fun first, then talk.”

  Yondu looked at the quiet space outside the hanging window and was silent for a while, but he still didn't do anything drastic after all.

   "That's great, boss! Although Egg's job is not in line with our rules, there is really nothing to say about the remuneration. Everyone has been feeling anxious recently!"

  Seeing that the captain finally finalized the shuttle point, the cyborg co-pilot who was operating the first pass made another sentence out of nowhere, causing Yondu to hang his head down and remain silent.

   It's more than unruly.

   Can accept any employment for money, robbery and theft of the interstellar mercenary "Marauder" Legion's only code, one of the few iron rules is—

   No cub trafficking!

  The hull of the M-shaped Predator spaceship suddenly shone with a dazzling brilliance, and a gap collapsed and cracked in the void. The spaceship crashed into it like a catapult, and instantly disappeared from the starry sky.

  In the dead space, the blue planet is still slowly rotating, and the sun's rays once again cover the land in the northern hemisphere.

  Old Quell spent an extremely dark night. He had just lost his daughter to cancer, and his little grandson ran away without a trace.

  Watching the rising sun, the rays of light all over the earth did not dispel the dark loneliness in his heart at all.

Mr. Quayle, who had been looking for the whole night, sat on the steps outside the hut in a daze. The temperature in the early morning was the coldest, but he didn't seem to feel any temperature. He still only wore the plaid shirt from last night, which was originally dirty. Most of the golden hair turned gray overnight.

  A black car slowly approached in the distance, and there were two men in black suits and sunglasses sitting in the car.

   The driver was a white young man with an extremely friendly appearance and temperament. He seemed to be only twenty-six or seventeen years old. The black man on the co-pilot was a little older, but he was only in his thirties. The drooping corners of his mouth looked serious and serious.

  He folded his arms and lowered his eyes, remaining silent all the time. The driver beside him couldn't help but tilt his head, opening and closing his mouth silently several times, trying to say something.

   "Mr. Nick, heck, I want to say that I can partner with you, I mean it is my honor to be assigned to your team!"

  Finally, the rookie made the first step of communication. He knew the importance of trying to communicate since he was a child, and he was never afraid to speak up.

  "Executive" scratched at the black's unique short curly hair. He just pulled the thought out of his thoughts, and said seriously with a deep and magnetic voice with the unique accent of Alabama:

   "Sir, Sir Fury, Fury is fine, but no Nick, understand?"

   Fury looked at his rookie partner and nodded obediently in a hurry, and continued:

"Detective Phil Coulson, you should be honored not to partner with me, but as a new agent, your first task is to investigate suspected extraterrestrial intrusions. Of course, this is in line with Mrs. Rogers' recognition of me. It also has a lot to do with it.”

  Nick Fury added a little complacently, the car was about to drive to this ordinary residential cottage, and both of them saw Old Quill sitting on the steps dejectedly.

   "Your agent evaluation results are exceptionally good in investigative communication, then, this gentleman will be handed over to you."

   "No problem, Mr. Fury, but according to the mission report, the patrol plane of the "Whip of Order" did not find any real traces of intruders. Maybe this extraterrestrial monitoring and early warning system that has just been used for a short time is not accurate?"

  The car came to a stop, Fury opened the door and took off his sunglasses, his sharp eyes scanned the cloudless sky, he buttoned his suit and said in a deep voice:

   "Agent Coulson, that's not something we should worry about. Of course I hope everything is just a system error. To be honest, the days are not bad."

  Old Mr. Quayle raised his head numbly when he heard the sound of the car door being closed, the wrinkles on his face were twisted together, and watched two men who looked like government officials walk in front of him.

  One of the younger-looking ones took out the ID card in the chest pocket, and asked very gently and calmly:

   "Mr. Orson Quayle? I'm Phil Coulson, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. I want to talk to you about what happened last night."


  Master Warren Worthington, who said he had no luggage, finally let Kurt teleport him and two large boxes to Howlett's old house in Edmond.

  Standing on the square outside the main building of the old house, the big trees that can only be surrounded by two or three people are scattered on the vast and lush lawn.

Outside the castle-style Howlett old house are continuous mountains and plains and the "Wolf Mountain Town" under the mountain, and the area in the "City Guo" is as large as two football fields, almost like a city that can accommodate thousands of people. Medieval lord castle.

  Warren has been to the Kurt family’s manor house in Long Island, New York. Although it is also very grand and elegant, it is far from comparable to his own house. But compared with a private castle here, it is not beyond the scope of cognition.

  Looking at this majestic and quaint building, Warren couldn't help but chant:

   "This is the precipitation of history, this is the baptism of the years, the mottled castle and—"

   "Okay, okay! Where did you memorize these bad words? I'm beginning to like how you look when you shut yourself up and say nothing."

  Kot saw his best friend who was about to recite a poem, and hurriedly stopped in disgust.

  It was still very cold in Canada in the early spring. Although he had already put on a thick overcoat, the little Blue Devil, who inherited his father Asazo's fear of the cold, was still shivering from the cold.

  He exploded into a cloud of smoke and flashed to the fireplace in the living room. He warmed up comfortably for a while, looked around but didn't see his grandfather.

On the balcony on the top floor of the old house, James slowly made a movement like a farmer plowing the land or a beast pouncing on his food. His hands seemed to be loosely poked, and he seemed to be standing there motionless, but in fact The whole body is always in motion.

  From the moment the sun rose yesterday, the sun is rising again today.

  The whole day is just a movement of starting and jumping and then standing still, which is as slow and unnoticeable as the rotation of the planet.

  Under a certain level of boxing, if ordinary people look at it, they will only think that Mr. Howlett is posing in a stalemate all the time, and they will not realize the continuous state of strength in it.

  James now "exercises" like this every few days. For him, his body is no longer in the "use it or lose it" state that ordinary people have. Even if he sits cross-legged for decades, he can still move freely when he gets up.

   But practicing kung fu seems to be a habit engraved in his bones.

  After a long time, feeling the rise and fall of the sun, the moon and the stars, and the pulsation of the earth's ups and downs, it tastes a different taste.

  Finally, the action was finished exactly. James leaned on the stone railing and looked at the rising sunrise in Langshan Town. With a slight tremor in his mind, he felt the spiritual call from Professor Charles.

  He opened up a certain spiritual realm to the professor, as if he had turned on the communicator, so that he could communicate with himself.

   "Good morning sir, I hope I didn't disturb you."

  James couldn't help laughing as he "listened" to Charles' voice in his head. It became more and more like the two were talking on a real wireless phone.

   "Of course not Charles, such a way of communication is still very luxurious, you should have not used the brain wave device for a long time."

  Thousands of miles away, at the Whip of Order headquarters in Manhattan, New York, Professor Charles in the brain wave amplification room was wearing a helmet, smiling and staring into the distance.

  He passed through part of the spiritual world of Mr. Howlett, and saw the beauty of the sunrise on the old house and castle through his eyes, and murmured in response:

"Yes, sir. I haven't used a brain wave device for almost three years. Generally, there are no special tasks that don't require me to use this method. The reason for disturbing you this time is...after the investigation of Peggy's agents and my brain wave search. It has been determined that an alien has been on Earth for at least the past ten years, and even—”

   "Also fathered a child with a woman."

   "Three jobs" Thursday.

Today’s update, I don’t know if you will feel that the recent plot is light, although it is more routine, but Panpan hopes to show some of the worldview status of this changed world on the one hand, and on the other hand to pave the way foreshadowing and lay out the main line context.

   You can leave a message if you have an idea, and the comments after it is put on the shelves are very careful. Every reader who reads the genuine version is the most respectable.

   As for those who went to prostitutes for nothing after being scolded all over the free period, qtmd!

   Phew. The author also has to learn to resolve himself.



  (end of this chapter)

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