MTL - Martial God-v8 Chapter 369 The end of the horizon (the finale)

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The chicken's face is slightly changed. He faintly guessed this east ※

With a gaze, he sighed: "Predecessors, can't the pure soul body not pass through the path of breaking the void?"

The five elements of the ancestors laughed loudly and said: "You are very smart. When many of the gods used to bombard the space channel, the light and dark son is actually hidden. But when the space channel appears, his soul stone is not moving. It was his presence, only to be smashed by the power of the space channel at that time."

He Yiming suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the five elements of the ancestors insisted on using the light and darkness and the power of the five elements to collide, because he had already settled, and only then could he truly leave the dark and dark son here.

His calculations are quite accurate. If there are two major artifacts in the hands of the non-light dark Son, then there is no power to resist at all.

However, even if there are two artifacts as the basis, but when the space channel is formed, it is still absorbed by the sucking force.

After losing the support, the power of the soul is like a duckweed without roots, and can no longer withstand the oppression of space power.

However, He Yiming still feels something wrong with him. He has a strong feeling. Although the space channel can cause tremendous damage to the pure soul power. But if under certain conditions, it may not be known that the soul is easier to cross the space channel.

Of course, this is just one of his inexplicable feelings. If you say it, I am afraid that no one will believe it.

The five elements of the old ancestors sighed: "The light dark son is also a character. He prefers to die in the end, and he is not willing to hand over the heaven and earth to the old man. Oh, so powerful, it is indeed the ancestor of the Western martial arts."

He Yiming slowly nodded his head, and his heart was thinking.

If you are easy to get along with, what choices do you make?

Since the five elements of the ancestors can assert that once the light and dark son enters the space channel, it will surely die, and there is no chance of survival. Then he certainly knows this, but in the end, he still gave up the vitality given by the five elements of his ancestors, and chose to enter the world of another completely strange world with the fruit of heaven and earth.

That is because he knows that even if the heaven and earth holy fruit is handed over, even if this time can save the soul consciousness does not dissipate, but the time left for him will certainly not be too much.

After all, the power that is absorbed by the soul of the soul is not his own ability.

When the Light and Dark Son escaped from the world 10,000 years ago, he used the power of the soul to preserve consciousness for a long time.

But this time, he has no way to do this. Therefore, the light and dark Son will pass through the passage with the heaven and earth fruit. Perhaps, he wants to use his own soul to gain the trace of vitality.

With a sigh, He Yiming did not tell his inferences about the five elements. The old man's martial arts magical powers are invincible, but his understanding of the power of the soul is not as good as the light and dark son, and even even his own, so he will be so sure.

But there is no absolute thing in the world. What is the final end of the Light and Dark Son? Perhaps only God knows it.

The five-line ancestors slammed a bullet, and the first generation of the five-line ring hovering over his head suddenly had an unwilling humming sound.

Deeply sighed, the five elements of the ancestors said: "You have been with me for so many years, I can not bear you. But the fate is destined, we still have to be separated."

His words are full of emotions, and there is a bit of a taste.

He Yiming's heart fretting, he then sensed that there seemed to be an infinite sadness in the two pieces of light and dark artifacts in his hand.

He knows that this is two pieces of light and dark artifacts that miss the light and dark Son who has left.

These three artifacts are so psychic that they are almost indistinguishable from humans.

The five elements of the ancestors seem to have also sensed something. He squinted at the two artifacts in He Yiming’s hand and said: "There is no light, but he is not completely crazy, and he did not stay when he left. Any backhand, otherwise we can't easily close this channel.

He Yiming's face changed slightly, his hand gently smashed through the light and dark artifacts, and already understood the meaning of the five elements of his ancestors.

The Light and Dark Son also knows that this kind of space passage is a huge disaster for the world, and it is definitely not an easy task to close the passage.

Therefore, his soul did not leave any resentment when he was separated from the light and dark artifacts.

It is precisely because of this that these two light and dark artifacts with artifacts will make them easy to control.

Otherwise, with the wisdom and power they possess. At that moment, I was afraid that I would have gone through the air. I don't know where I am going.

The five elements of the ancestors took the five elements of the ring, his body shape has shaken, has come to He Yiming's side.

Extending his hand and pushing this piece of artifact to his face, the old man whispered: "A glimpse. How big is the power of man, how much responsibility he has to bear. The darkest son is like this, so is the old man." He smiled and said: "But since then, the old man has been much easier, no longer need to guard anything."

He Yiming opened his mouth slightly, but he did not say anything.

His heart continually flashed through the scenes of the scene with the dragon and the light and dark son.

Although these two true gods have always been plotting the two treasures of the heavenly fruit and the core of the nest, but in addition, what they did made He Yiming unable to pick up a little bit of trouble.

In the land of death, the five elements of the ancestors were incarnate in the dragon, and they were stationed in the side of the passage for five hundred years.

In these five hundred years, he not only blocked the invasion of countless dead creatures, but also blocked the return of all Shinto powers. If there is no such a giant to sit in the town, then it is absolutely impossible for all the Shinto powers to stay in the land of death.

Before the crowd left, the five elements of the ancestors were also guarded until the last moment, until it was determined that the passage had been closed, and this took him to leave the horrible place forever.

The five elements of the ancestors are so, the lost dark, the temperament of the temperament of the divine son, although the two artifacts in heaven and **** are taken out, making the advanced path of the Western world sages more difficult. But at the last moment of the opening of the passage, the two artifacts were completely calmed down before leaving the world.

At this moment, He Yiming seems to have thought of the last glance of the Light and Dark Son before he left.

That scene seemed to suddenly become vivid in his mind.

He vaguely understood that this is the last nostalgia for the world.

When he finally chose to leave, he could have let the two light and dark artifacts release the most powerful power to block themselves and the five elements of the ancestors. If he was poisoned again, he could even make the two pieces

Judging from the attachment feelings of these two artifacts to the light and dark son, if he really made this decision, he would not hesitate to choose to obey the light scepter and the dark chain.

If they really blew up, then this space channel will absorb too much power.

At that time, even if the two true gods joined forces, I was afraid that the channel could not be closed.

Perhaps, he hopes to close the passage, but also to stop the continued tracking of the five elements of the ancestors, but He Yiming believes that his real wish is that he does not want to see a second space channel in this world.

The five-line ancestors looked at him silently, and the wise old man had completely calmed down at this time.

On his body, I feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth heaven, the strongest, the abandonment, the big prince, the prince, the night god, the god, the throne, the devil, the arrogant world, the most powerful, the abandonment The Great Zhou Dynasty martial arts 乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The forehead and despair, there are only a few unconcealed regrets in the eyes that are as deep as the stars and the sea.

He just regretted that he had lost his advanced hopes.

A multicolored light was released on his hand. This is the order artifact, the light of the first generation of the five elements.

"You help me to send the five elements to the life and death world." Gently sent the five elements to the hands of He Yiming, the five elements of the ancestors sighed: "In the three-piece five-line ring, only it can Maintain the power of endless life, and let the life and death world regain its power."

He Yiming’s heart was filled with a sigh of emotion. He hesitated and said: “Predecessors, why don’t you do this thing yourself?”

The five-line ancestors smiled and said: "Since you can do it for you, why bother me to work harder?" He sighed and said: "I don't have much time. If I leave early, I might still have a chance." It’s not good to let this old life go on."

He Yiming’s heart moved, and he couldn’t think of the five elements of his ancestors.

He was pleasantly surprised: "Predecessors, where are you going?"

The five elements of the ancestors pointed at the top with their fingers, saying: "In the past, in the land of death, you asked me what is above, I said, one day you will know." His face with a hint of strange The taste seems to be full of temptation: "Now you have been promoted to the true state of God, you can fly to the end of the sky."

He Yiming’s eyebrows jumped a few times and said: “What is the end of the day?”

The five elements of the ancestors laughed loudly, and he waved his sleeves and rushed straight toward the sky.

He Yiming looked at it quietly below, watching his figure shrink and eventually disappeared into his eyes.

The five elements of the ring made a loud humming sound. This voice spread far and wide. It seems that it was sending away old friends who had known each other for thousands of years. It seems to be reminding He Yiming.

The spirit was awkward, and He Yiming finally came back to God.

His gaze came back from the endless sky. After a moment of indulgence in his place, there were countless thoughts in his heart.

However, in the end, he did not follow the path of the five elements of his ancestors, but turned around and flew toward Hejiazhuang as quickly as possible.

He raised the degree to the extreme, and the whole person was like a light, leaving a deep impression in the void.

In the backyard of Hejiazhuang, Yuan Lihuang and Yan Zilong stand side by side. Behind them, Shinto coagulation people are also looking up into the sky indifferently.

Although he does not have the wisdom, but after all, he is also a Shinto strongman. He has a strong sense of the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth, and naturally can sense the kind of heaven and earth from the distant sky.

However, he did not rush to make his own claim before he got the order.

Suddenly, the distant sky lit up, just for a moment, a ray of light has broken through.

The degree of this light is far beyond everyone's imagination, even if the white horse's power of lightning seems to be inferior.

Subsequently, the figure flashed, and Yuan Lihuang was tightly held in his arms.

The body of the scorpion dragon splashed a chill, and the power of his body surged.

Although he has been promoted to a pseudo-deity, but at this moment, the figure of the company has not been seen clearly. However, since this person came to Yuan Lihuang's side, he naturally could not stand by.

However, the infuriating power of his body has just been raised, and he has seen a familiar back.

In an instant, the intense cold in his heart disappeared without a trace.

It turned out that he has returned.

In the backyard, the scorpion dragon made a gesture to the sacred coagulation person, and then the two sects of the gods quietly left here, leaving the pair of monks who stood together."


A year later, before the birth and death world, all the Shintos came here except for the three great Shinto powers in the West.

Their faces are awe-inspiring, and when they look at the huge mysterious life and death world, there is a kind of self-respecting color in their eyes. Huo Cai. The colorful light shines up.

It seems that a small crack has opened in the small valley. In this crack, He Yiming stepped out.

In his hand, holding a five-row ring of artifacts.

This is not the first generation of the five elements of the five elements of the ancestors, but the famous artifacts of the flash line, the inheritance of the five elements of the past, and the second generation of the five elements.

A year ago, when He Yiming returned, the Shinto powers in the whole world were sensational.

However, after learning the news that He Yiming returned safely, the reaction of the East and the West was very different.

The entire Western world is mourning. The forces of the temple and the parliament have shrunk in an all-round way, and they are looking for hidden islands overseas as the last retreat of their respective sects.

Although the two new Shintos of Edwin and Greenton were deeply dissatisfied with the high-rises of the temple and the parliament because of the heavenly hell, all internal contradictions were invisible in the face of the powerful He Yiming. Their rare performance shows the same enemy.

However, even if they were given ten courage at this time, they would never dare to provoke He Yiming.

However, what surprised them was that after He Yiming returned, there was nothing to look for in their anger. Throughout the year, he did not even leave the Northwest Territories.

However, all people of insight can easily judge it. In the future, for at least a thousand years, as long as He Yiming is alive, the entire Western world will no longer rise.

This generation of great powers from the northwest will be like a mountain, all the ambitions of the whole world.

There are no exceptions, whether in the West or in the East.

After He Yiming returned, he stayed in Hejiazhuang for a year, and then invited many of the gods in the world to gather together before the birth and death.

He did not say the grievances between the five ancestors and the light and dark sons... Han Yun mentioned that the two of them were taking out the fifth generation of the fifth generation. In the Mogan Mountain, in the realm of life and death, the five elements of the flash line were exchanged.

All the Shinto powers have realized this after watching this process.

He Yiming came to the people of the Five Elements.

At this moment, all the focus of the focus is on them, and these Shinto powers have cast a respectful eye on them.

At this time, the five elements of the door are definitely masters, and even the two devils, there are a total of five Shinto strong.

However, they all know that Liu Mu, Zhai Zilong and others are not respecting their strength, but pay tribute to the great man who built the life and death world.

He sent the second generation of the five elements to the front of the teachings. He Yiming said: "Teach the brother, this is what the predecessors of the dragon want me to return to you."

After reading the line slowly, he hesitated and said: "He brother, his old man" is still there? .

He Yiming indulged and said: "He has already left."

"Leave," flashing a complex feeling in the eyes of others.

Nowadays, the identity of Shenlong is almost universally known. After hearing the words of He Yiming, they are all feelings in their hearts, and they don’t know what it is.

He Yiming smiled slightly and said: "The brothers relaxed their hearts, and the Shenlong predecessors did not fall."

The spirit of reading and other people is a shock. This news is extremely important for the Five Elements. As long as his old man is still alive, the inheritance of the Five Elements will be as stable as the Mount Tai, and no one or any other force can shake the points.

Zibo Rui took a little step forward and said sincerely: "He brother, where did the old man go?"

In the middle of the door, when teaching the reading line, teaching vPro should not be socketed. However, Zibo Rui is the owner of Dongtianfudi, and his identity is respected, so naturally this is not the case.

He Yiming reached out and clicked on the sky. He said: "The Shenlong seniors are looking for his own chance."

Instructors and other people face each other, almost all of the Shinto powers are looking up at the sky.

But no matter how brilliant their eyesight is, what they can see is still a boundless emptiness. Teaching Bo Rui hesitated, said: "He brother, you said that his old man is ascending to heaven?"

He Yiming solemnly nodded his head and said: "His old man took the supreme power and went to the end of heaven to pursue a higher martial arts realm. Perhaps" his face showed a faint smile: "Maybe again Five thousand years, he will return to here."

The eyes of everyone have no idea whether it is horror or suspicion. If it is not He Yiming, then no one can believe it.

Unanimously, their eyes once again turned to the endless void.

The "end of heaven" teaching muttered: "Where is it?"

Before the life and death world, there is silence. Everyone is asking themselves, what is the end of heaven?



At the beginning of the new year, Hejiazhuang became more and more lively.

This is the most glorious day in Hejiazhuang, and most of the Shinto powerhouses under the heavens are once again gathered here.

However, their arrival is not for the annual Spring Festival, but because of the addition of a new life in Hejiazhuang.

Above the main hall, He Wude's father opened his eyes and smiled. An old face seemed to be much younger because of his extreme joy.

Nowadays, the status of He Wude’s father in the world has not been under any Shinto strongman. It is so engraved that he is qualified to sit in the main hall and only stand on the highest peak of the world.

The festive bell rang in the middle of Zhuang, He Yiming and Yuan Lihuang walked side by side. In the arms of Yuan Lihuang, a little guy who just had a full moon licked his eyes and used curious Look at the world.

With a gaze, He Yiming’s face showed a hint of surprise.

The Shinto powers they are familiar with have basically arrived, but the five elements of the Shinto who teaches the flash are not seen.

With doubts, he turned to Liu Mu and others, but he saw everyone laughing and talking.

If not many Shintos are some old-fashioned people, I am afraid that I have already started asking questions.

Huoran, the distant sky has a number of huge, familiar life.

Zhai Zilong and others just breathed a sigh of relief, but they all complained in their hearts. They taught the flashing guy what the **** is doing. In this day, it’s too late. Does he regard himself as a five-line ancestor?

A moment later, a long laugh came from the sky.

The singer said: "He brother, Mrs. He, congratulations."

The figure flashed slightly, and a lot of the five Shinto powers in the Five Elements came.

He Yiming smiled and held the boxing ceremony and said: "Hey brother is coming, Hejiazhuang is shining, but also please sit inside.

The teacher laughed a few times and saw the child of Yuan Li Huang Huaizhong. He nodded slightly and turned his wrist. He had already added a jade bottle. He said: "He brother, this is our little greeting for the five elements, etc. When the child starts to practice internal strength at the age of six, let her take it.

After He Sanming thanked him, he received a slight sweep of his thoughts and said: "Shen medicine fairy liquid."

Many of the Shinto powerhouses in the hall are amazed, and the teachings of the singer are so generous, the preciousness of this gift has already suppressed everyone.

He Yiming calmly accepted the jade bottle and solemnly thanked him again.

He walked with a big sleeve and said: "He brother, the reason why we came late this time is to get to an item.

Everyone is amazed, don't know what medicine is sold in his gourd.

The teachings took a look at the emperor. A deep smile, I nodded.

The Qilian double demon brothers turned over and took out a plaque from the space items.

On the top, there is gold. The four big characters that sway:

The world is the first!

"The world is the first, the name is the real one." The teacher said: "The old man follows the emperor's brother, and he will hang this card in front of Hejiazhuang.

In the hall, the first thing was a silence, and then everyone applauded at the same time.

Regardless of whether it is sincere or not, no one dared to deny these four words in front of He Yiming at this time.

He Yiming’s gaze swept past these four words, and he sank and looked up at the sky.

The sky, the fiery sun, the blue sky,

His mind is thinking,

At the end of the horizon, where is it?


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