MTL - Martial God-v8 Chapter 354 Threat

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The strong as the general general killing is tightly wrapped around him. Although the enormous pressure is invisible and colorless, it is like a skeleton, so that he can't get rid of it.

The illusory figure reveals a rather weird expression. This face is quite vague, just to see a human figure. But at this moment, this face has become clear.

His crepe turned his head, and when he made this movement, the whole body splashed like a water ripple.

This is no longer a human being, but an illusory figure condensed by the power of light and darkness. However, the power of the power released in this figure is not to be underestimated. Even if the Shinto power is in front of him, he will be involuntarily; Behind him, it really is He Yiming who is jealous of him.

The light and dark son sighed and said: "The power of your world has improved, and even I have not found your existence."

He Yiming’s face showed a smile, but his heart was well aware.

This is not because his martial arts repairs have reached the point where the light and dark Sons can't be perceived, but it is not him who is invisible to the invisible, but one hundred and eight.

The power of the hundred and eight is incompatible with the power of the world, and it comes entirely from another body. When the hundred and eighteen came to this world, the light and dark Son had long been hidden from the island of God. So he can't think of it anyway, there are such amazing people in this world. A faint power fluctuation was released from He Yiming’s body.

Before the island of God, the light and dark son used to use a large array to trigger a powerful world power to firmly surround He Yiming. Now He Yiming is using his own world power to reverse the siege.

Of course, the purpose of his doing this is not really to rely on the power of the world to surround a strong realm, but just want to leave his own mark on the other side, so that the other party can no longer be brittle. His tracking is gone.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night killing, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the power from He Yiming, the light The dark Son waved his hands, and the bright scepter and the dark chain appeared at the same time. Then he smashed the two artifacts together.

A huge wave of power suddenly spread out with him as the center. This force is soaring, and even He Yiming is also changing.

This is not the ordinary force of light and darkness, but the soul shock produced by the combination of these two forces.

He Yiming’s martial arts training at this time will not be afraid of this level of soul shock, but here is the totem family. If this force is spread out and unscrupulously attacked, then the whole totem family is afraid of No one can resist the Qiu Chennu and the Qilin beast. At that time, for the totem family, it was absolutely a disaster.

Without thinking, He Yiming’s hands danced in a row, and the five elements of the ring, the black turtle shell and the Kowloon furnace have emerged from his body. At the same time, his hands were printed, and a wonderful and profound print was formed in his hands.

The mysterious tortoise shell suddenly expanded infinitely. It was like a wall, blocking all the impact.

On the tortoise shell, countless mysterious rune imprints emerged. They shimmered with strange light, as if it were a deep hole that was unfathomable, and absorbed all the soul impact forces.

The Jiulong furnace ignited a huge red flame. These flames did not ignite anything in the temple, but they blocked all the space that the temple opened to the outside world, even if the power of the soul shock could not pass through. However, the really powerful one is the five elements of He Yiming's handprints.

The eternal light of the five reversals is like a tornado. They are like a huge blade that smashes the power of this soul.

Under the efforts of the three great artifacts and He Yiming, the power of this wave of soul shocks has no chance to spread out, but it has only burst all in an instant. However, the face of the Light and Dark Son is not without any surprise, but with a mocking smile.

An illusory figure can actually show the expression so vividly. If it is not in the power of hostility, He Yiming is definitely admiring the five-body cast, even at all costs to learn this magical technique.

"He Yiming, you are indeed very strong." Light and dark sages sigh: "And you still have an infinitely bright future, maybe I can't break through with the five elements, you also have a successful breakthrough." One screamed coldly, and there was a savage murder in his eyes. "Light and dark Son, you are not using me to use the soul to attack, but the totem people here.

The light-stained son smiled dumbly and said: "All who are in front of me will be punished by the light of God. Since you are here, the totems are naturally punished."

He Yiming’s face flashed a trace of anger, saying: “Light and dark Son, don’t forget, there are temples and dark councils in the West. If you hurt the innocent soul with the impact of the soul today, then I will be the temple in the future. And the parliament was razed to the ground." The smile on the face of the light and dark son is more and more strange: "Under the Shinto, they are all ants.

He Yiming, I really don't understand why you care so much about the lives of these ants.

He Yiming was awkward, and his heart could not help but have a hint of ominous premonition.

"The temple and the parliament are all created by me. They can have glory for ten thousand years. It is enough." The light and dark son calmly said: "As long as I am still alive, and can continue to advance to a higher level." It is also a matter of creating a second temple and a parliament. He Yiming is deeply absorbed, and he faintly understands that the other party is not empty-mouthed. In this person’s mind, the temple and the parliament are important, but only It is a comparison. If it is compared to himself, then these two forces are things that can be abandoned at any time.

Although he once helped the temple and the parliament, for him, it was just a little effort. Now, in the event of a fundamental conflict of interest, he immediately abandoned the two 10,000-year-olds he had built. Super forces.

Although He Yiming understands that the Shinto strong can only play the true peak strength if he has nothing to worry about. But understanding is one thing, and doing it right is another thing. If it is easy to get along, He Yiming can never give up. Hejiazhuang. "I want to take the Soulstone away, let's let it go." The light dark hand said calmly.

Not far behind him, the soul stone is embedded in the tall pillar. He Yiming and Qiu Chennu did not wait for the soul stone to be transferred. Because if they do this, then the Dark Son will never show up again.

He Yiming. There are countless thoughts in the f: The performance of this person is definitely beyond his imagination. As a true god, there is no such thing as the chest of this class.

He can be sure that if he stood in front of him at this time is the dragon. Then no matter how lonely the dragon is, he will not make such awkward things that threaten him with hostages.

Hidden, He Yiming has such a feeling, perhaps because the light dark son has no body, only left the soul power, so after some tens of years of crouching, some kind of variation occurred, so Will do this regardless of identity. After all, the light and dark Son at this time can no longer be regarded as a person, and even a living creature cannot be counted. In order to prolong my life and let the consciousness not dissipate, I have paid the price one by one.

He was deeply suffocated, and his divine power was raging, but he never dared to release the power.

The power of the soul shock is too strong, even though he does not dare to say that he can stop all, but he has not let go as the light and dark son said. The light and dark Son did not urge, he waited quietly here.

For him, time is no longer a problem. The tens of thousands of years of soul crouching "to make his patience and firm."

Beyond the Beast Temple, when He Yiming released the world power, the power that surrounded Qiu Chennu suddenly disappeared. However, at this time, he and Fu Lin beast heard the conversation in the beast temple, and also knew the power of the soul.

For a time, these two sacred gods were cold sweats, and their hearts hung high.

At this moment, the fate of the totem drum seems to no longer belong to them, but to the two people in the beast temple.

Qiu Chennu’s heart felt a sorrow in the faint heart. When, such a powerful totem family passed down, it was actually between people’s thoughts. His mind suddenly turned a myriad of thoughts and sighed: "I can give you the soul of the beast."

He Yiming is awkward, and there is a suspicion in his heart. Qiu Chennu is definitely not a person who succumbs to power, but why this time the choice is so unexpected.

It seems that I understand the thoughts of He Qiu Chennu continued: "The soul of the beast is important, but the inheritance of our totem family is more important." He paused and said: "But I There is also a condition." "You said." The light and dark Son is indifferent.

"I can't give you the soul of the beast here." Qiu Chennu said: "If you get the soul stone, you suddenly regret it. So we take the soul stone away from this place, once in the desert, I Give the soul stone to you again."

The illusory face of the Light and Dark Son seems to have revealed a hint of ridicule, saying: "In the desert, there is no need to taboo my soul. Oh, do you think that He Yiming will be able to Am I staying?"

Qiu Chennu did not make a sound. After a while, he screamed: "In the desert, I will give you the soul stone. If you can escape, you will see your ability. If you can really leave with the soul stone, we The totem family has also been cultivated. But if you want a soul stone here, then the old-fashioned Ningken people will all die, and they will never accept it."

The light and dark Son is half-sounding and seems to be assessing his determination.

After a long time. He finally said, "Okay. Then it depends on the means..."