MTL - Martial God-v8 Chapter 345 Feeling the world

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Bao pig opened his mouth. The roar of the roar is constantly spit out, and the movement of the white horse is not slow. Although its lightning cannot immediately destroy the bloodshot here, under the influence of lightning, these bloodshots cannot be entangled. Together with the power of the four great artifacts, it is enough to make them rampage here, nothing to be fooled.

However, no matter how they left and right, they released their own power, but after half an hour, they all stopped. Because they have all been sensed, the space here has changed and seems to have become an independent world.

Just as they entered this piece of bloodshot mask, the world here is different from the outside world. "Call one by one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one"

The violent and whistling sound of the whistling sound continued, and the blood and light and darkness of the eyes rolled in, but He Yiming and others were not very worried. Because their power is equally strong, although they have not gotten out of control in a short period of time, it is also a delusion to rely on these things to want to hurt or kill them.

Unless there is any follow-up to the existence of the hidden in the bloodshot, this huge is like a mist of blood, which is to temporarily surround them.

He Yiming’s heart was quite miserable. He finally realized the feeling of the past when Rio Potter and Luke entered the mirage space.

It is a kind of involuntary, wanting to escape but incompetent and devastating, and even with a sense of despair.

The power of the world also has the power of the world in this **** array, and the power of this world is more perfect than the mirage.

Therefore, before he found a way to leave the world, he did not have any grasp of getting out of it.

Unless his power can grow explosively, it can break the world hard, and it will be safe to leave.

However, this thought just emerged, and He Yiming’s mouth showed a bitter smile. Although his own martial arts is powerful, although the advancement is fast, but he wants to do this in a short time, it is still beyond reach, and even he may not be able to reach that height for a lifetime.

There was a bitter smile on his face, and he was treated by his own way. He couldn’t think that he had such a time.

Not far away, huge power fluctuations are constantly being transmitted. The strength of that power is not strong, but the complexity of the changes is enough to make people stunned.

Even if it is separated by this distance, it is not seen by the eyes, but He Yiming is still feeling the volatility of the power.

Now He Yiming's five elements and large areas of light and dark have been successfully completed, so he can clearly sense that this constant power fluctuation is precisely these two incredible power struggles. The skills they show at the time of their use are far beyond their imagination.

There was a pattern in his mind, just like the two cockroaches were on his side, fighting everything, and everything was perfectly reorganized in his mind. If it is in peacetime, He Yiming is absolutely in a position to ask for it.

Because at this time it is equivalent to the existence of the two horrible beings in the way of life and death to show their strength perfectly in front of He Yiming, it is because of life and death, so they can fully support their own strength. I waved it out and released it without reservation. The martial arts realm of these two people is undoubtedly the most precious for He Yiming at this time.

Under the demonstrations of the two of them, He Yiming realized the most precise and mysterious parts of the five major areas and the dark areas.

This is a feeling that cannot be described by words. If it is under normal circumstances, the teacher's spare no effort will have no effect. This must be a magical event that can be voluntarily exploded when the strength of both sides is equal, the realm is quite equal, and the enemy is destined to die.

In the same way, if it is not in such an environment, let He Yiming's thoughts all open, and the spirit climbs to the most peak-like gray, then he also wants to easily sense the mysterious.

The anxiety in his heart slowly calmed down, faint, and he had already guessed the intention of the person to do so.

In this world, everything is arranged by the person himself, if he wants to cut it off; a moving breath is just a little effort. The reason why these volatility breaths are passed, is to show the prosperity - he wants to let himself know that with his strength, he can destroy anyone who has come to offend him. Secondly, this or 嫜布匕 is his deliberate use of the martial arts to open, let yourself feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king will kill the gods, the gods, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family will kill the night God **** seals the throne, seeks the devil, respects the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment, the empire, the gods, the gods, the night gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world Jiuzhongtian is the strongest discarding of the Zhou Dynasty.

Of course, he will not have any good intentions. However, no matter who wins in the end, it seems that he needs his own strength to refine the medicinal herbs. At that time, the stronger his cultivation, the higher the possibility of success.

This person completely released the breath of their ranks to himself, and he was also thinking about making himself advance as soon as possible. Of course, that person must also have a firm self-confidence, no matter how advanced they are, they can't threaten the strength of their ranks.

Eyes, slowly closed, He Yiming never driven any artifacts, but quietly floating in the same place, Bao pig and other guards beside him, with an anxious eyes screaming He Yiming.

Although they are connected by the mind, the two beasts cannot understand He Yiming’s idea that is obviously unique to human beings in a short time. However, since He Yiming has made a decision, they will not flee.

However, He Yiming and others have just stopped, and the pressure from around is suddenly reduced, which makes He Yiming affirm his thoughts.

So, he took the opportunity to leave everything behind, quietly feeling this rare, even a chance to cherish once in his life. Slowly, the two figures in his mind became more and more real.

This feeling gave him an unparalleled sense of greatness. It turns out that these two forces can still operate like this. His hands began to move slowly, from the five elements to the dark, and then from the dark to the five lines. At the beginning, the two printings still had some subtle differences between the conversions. Obstruction. Although this kind of flaws can't be touched by ordinary people, if they encounter the two people in the match, it will be a fatal weakness.

He Yiming feels faintly that if he can convert these two kinds of printing methods freely, and even further integrate into one, then his strength will be multiplied, even if it is a powerful power to tear this space. This is possible. Unconsciously, there was a faint sweat on his forehead.

With his martial arts training, he could not completely control every pore in his body, indicating that he had already fallen into a state of completely lost self.

At the same time, Baima Thunder and Bao pig looked at He Yiming with their worried eyes. Because of their sudden appearance, they could not sense He Yiming’s mind.

This is not because they can't sense it, but it has produced some strange variation in He Yiming's body, which has produced a kind of power. This power is so grand and unbelievable...

The space around them was violently fluctuating, and the artifact mirage had a strange scream.

No one can describe this voice. It seems to be a joy, but it seems to be frightening, but more is expected.

Subsequently, the power of this space began to produce dramatic changes that were horrific and irreversible.


On the island of God, the strong swordsmanship is aluminum and vertical, and the two people with sluggish facial expressions will wave the wind from the sword in their hands, and they will be unmatched.

In their body, the legendary innate five-line field and the power of the dark and dark areas surged, and there seems to be a stronger world power among the two forces.

Although the mask man occupies the advantage of the home court, but this is his second choice after all, and the level of familiarity is far less than the first flaw that was destroyed by the dragon.

The cloak is not the same. He was stunned by the death of the gods in the past, and the corpse was robbed before the death of countless dead creatures, and he was forged in the world he was carrying.

For five hundred years, the cloaks were actually stranded in the dragon's own world, and the strength gained was far above the second squat. If it is not the environment here that is not conducive to the power of the Five Elements, he has long slammed the other side with the sword.

However, as the two sides struggled longer, the degree and strength of the cloak became more and more weak and slow.

The blood and blood around it, and the power of light and dark that had never been dissipated, made him squander the power of more than five hundred years.

There was a strong color in his eyelids, and the long sword in his hand trembled fiercely. This tremor seemed to be sensational, and even the surrounding space was shaking at the same frequency.

He even provoked the power of space with the supreme secret technique, and wanted to completely shatter the world that surrounded He Heming at all costs.

However, at this moment, he clearly saw the glimpse of the flash in the other's eyes. He knows badly, but he has no time to defend. A black ray was silently wrapped around his neck.

This necklace has disappeared without a trace, and has been crouching in the darkness, just at the moment when the cloak man intends to abandon all his bursts. Artifact, dark chain... When the black mans flashed, the cloak was suddenly separated, and was cut into two by the hard

At the same time, the bright scepter floated on the body of the cloak, and a ray of light shot, and the two bodies were suddenly locked.

He laughed loudly and said: "The five elements of the ancestors, you used to destroy me in the past, and today I am also destroying you. When I am finished, I will go to the Flame Mountain and compare it with you. Who is the real world? One by one" "Holly 1111

A huge is like if the roar of the human world suddenly bursts, and the words that he has not finished yet are interrupted. There was a horror in the eyes of the mask man. He turned his head and looked at it. He only saw He Yiming's body twirling - a strange, like invisible and colorless energy fluctuation. Once these fluctuations are released, they will all settle in front of them.

From his body, there is an incomparable great power, and the eyes are even brighter.

The horror in the mask of the human eye finally turned into a horror, although his expression did not change a little, but the eyes flashed an unusual light. His heart was suddenly abruptly regretted. I myself, is it really a small smashing of the other side, so I lifted my rock and licked my own feet? Pa: I just listened to Xiaotian and saw the invincible message. Baihe really shouldn’t say no monthly ticket yesterday. These monthly passes were cast out by the brothers one by one. The white crane is really cold. People don’t know why, the starting point account is not logged in, and it is the same several times. Baihe apologizes to the invincible here, please forgive me, and it will not be so rash in the future. Today and tomorrow are still four.

From the day after tomorrow, please let the white crane that has been fortunate for a year rest for a few days, and think about it, and make this book as good as possible. At the very least, there must be an ending that everyone can't guess. Therefore, from the day after tomorrow, two chapters and six thousand will be released every day, and it is estimated that it will end soon. Sigh with invincible again, sorry. If you can't log in to the starting point, just apologize here.

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