MTL - Martial God-v8 Chapter 324 Chuanhua

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When He Yiming’s figure appeared outside the Flame Mountain, the white horse thundered and the voice was full of joy, and Baoluo was directly hit.

They have a spiritual connection between the two beasts and He Yiming, so they can clearly sense the feelings of He Yiming, the feelings of the martial arts, the sacred kings, the sacred kings, the night sacred gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the abundance of the week. The royal family will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night gods The throne seeks the devil to be proud of the world’s most powerful and abandoning the extreme horror of the big Zhou Dynasty.

Whether it is the time when the five elements of the world are about to burst, or when the dragons exert their ability to counter the heavens, and the hard-won world will reset the world that is about to collapse, He Yiming’s mind is greatly affected by the indescribable impact. Without being immersed, you can never imagine the feeling of fear.

Although Bao pig and Bai Ma Lei did not know what happened, they felt empathy for He Yiming.

Fortunately, He Yiming is in the hearts of thousands of people, and they are not allowed to enter the range of the Flame Mountain, and they are also clear enough to sense that He Yiming’s life is still strong. If not, they are afraid to enter the Flame Mountain long ago to search for the whereabouts of He Yiming. At this time, one person and two beasts meet, naturally it is a bit of intimacy.

He Yiming hugged Bao pig in his arms, grabbed the white horse's neck and gently patted it, and his face was full of joy. One hundred and eight slowly said: "What have you gained this time?"

He Yiming’s action stopped a little bit and said: “This time the harvest is great. If everything goes well, maybe it’s really possible to advance to the real world.”

After listening to He Yiming's tempered ferrotitanium, full of imposing words, Baima Thunder and Bao pig are both together, and the atmosphere between them is faintly connected. After half a ring, the two great beasts just shook the sound and looked at He Yiming’s eyes.

He Yiming is not concealing, and this time he has been detailed with the Shenlong. The two great beasts are connected to his soul, but one hundred and eight can have no such ability. Hundred and eight Hui Hui slightly nodded his head, he slowly said: "This dragon is already a real god?"

He Yiming hesitated, and smiled bitterly: "I am not sure, but there is one thing that can be affirmed. Even if it does not reach the true state of God, it is definitely not far behind. It has the world power, far. Above my imagination." The eyes of the hundred and eight are bright, shining like a little sun.

After a long time, the hundred and eightth restored calm, said: "The strength of it has been out of the range I can measure, so please forgive me, I can not provide you with a specific evaluation." He Yiming waved his hand, he looked back, There was a strange brilliance in the eyelids. "Dragon has such a strong strength, plus it knows the smelting method of heaven and earth. ● It is one to one and one and one."

Inexplicable, He Yiming had a chill in the spirit, and threw away some terrible thoughts in his heart.

This idea is really too ridiculous, so although he has this idea faintly, he does not dare to preach it. Because he knows that if the matter is really spread, I am afraid that there will be a strong impact on the whole day.

Sometimes, it's still hard to get confused. The body shape shook, He Yiming had already held the Bao pig and jumped on the white horse. He said: "Thunder, we will go back first." The white horse thundered and slammed, and spread the four hooves, and it was already far away from this place.

Although it is not afraid of the sky, but in the face of the unfathomable dragon, it is still full of taboos. So once you can get away from it, it is immediately released and never stops. $$ Northwest, within Hejiazhuang, is still full of friends.

Although He Yiming and many of the Shinto powers have already left, everyone here knows why. Most of the Shinto powers in the world went to the Northern Territory to congratulate Yiming and to kiss the Ice Palace.

This matchmaker's team is the most huge in history, but it also shows how He Yiming's status in today's world is respected.

Therefore, everyone who came here was willing to stay, and they quietly waited for the good news from Northern Xinjiang.

A few days later, a brilliance flashed through the sky, and many of the Shinto powers returned safely. The expression on their faces clearly knew the result of the trip.

Sure enough, after they discussed with He Wude, they immediately announced to the world that one year later, the northwest Tianchi He Yiming and the Northern Xinjiang Ice Palace Yuan Lixun would be married.

Although everyone had known this for a long time, when the news came out, it still caused a great sensation. All the guests were pleased to Hejiazhuang and presented the gift that had been prepared well. He Wude is naturally smiling, and since then, Hejiazhuang is truly stable.

Three days later, many of the Shinto powers left, and even Liu Mu and others in the Tianchi vein had left, but it is strange that Minhang had actually stayed.

Zhai Zilong and others vaguely guessed that the reason why Minhang left, it should be related to He Yiming, perhaps, he is waiting for He Yiming's return. Sure enough, after another two days, He Yiming finally returned from the Flame Mountain.

After returning this time, the most heart-felt is still awkward, although he seems to be calm on the surface of the burning novel network.

However, the scorpion dragon has known him for hundreds of years, and naturally can see the irritability and worry in his heart. After seeing several powerful Shinto meets, I will open the door to see the mountain: "He brother, I wonder how you and Shenlong brothers have alchemy effect?"

He Yiming shook his head with a smile, his heart secretly from the abdomen, if you let Minhang see the powerful strength of the dragon, then his **** dragon brother can not be called anyway.

Moreover, the origin of this dragon is quite suspicious. If it is really the one that He Yiming thinks, I am afraid that there will be a change before the whole situation today. His face was a glimpse of his face, and his eyes had a disappointing color.

Shenlong once said that if everything goes well, then it will go to the Five Elements to settle down, but if it is not smooth, this matter naturally does not need to be mentioned.

The scorpion dragon couldn't help but say: "He brother, what kind of medicinal herbs do you want to refine? Is it impossible to even help the Kowloon furnace?"

The Jiulong furnace is the most famous Dan furnace in the world. Both the pharmaceutical and the refining equipment are well-known. If the Jiulong furnace is used, the success rate can be increased by at least 30%.

He Yiming sighed and said: "Hey brothers, there are countless treasures in the world. Although the Kowloon furnace is magical, it is impossible to refine everything in this world."

His words are absolutely sensible, and the Kowloon furnace will never refine it when facing the core of the nest and the fruit of the world.

These treasures, which have their own world, are far more powerful than the Kowloon furnace.

However, this sentence is heard in the ears of Minhang and Zizilong, but it is a bit shocking.

They looked at each other and the scorpion dragon tentatively said: "He brothers, can the dragon medicine that Shenlong want to refine be able to use the Jiulong furnace?" "Can." He Yiming said very simply: "But the power of the Kowloon furnace It’s not enough, so it’s impossible to stop it.”

The two of them did not take a breath of air. They certainly knew that He Yiming would certainly not open his mouth in front of them, and since Shenlong had to ask him for help, then the things that were taken out were definitely not the best.

But what I didn't expect was that this thing couldn't help even the Kowloon furnace.

Qiang Shen Shen said: "He brother, what is the remedy refining the **** dragon brother?"

He Yiming hesitated for a long while, said: "The Shenlong predecessors are still in the flame mountain. If you want to know, please ask for it yourself."

Shenlong’s riser is so great that he wants to blend the core of the acupoint with the heavenly and earthly fruit. If this matter is passed out, I am afraid that it will immediately cause an uproar. Minhang, said: "The **** dragon brother is still in the flame mountain?" "Yes, Shenlong said, it is to guard the alchemy room there, one day, the medicine is not good, he has not left the flame mountain."

The face of Minhang suddenly became quite ugly, and he even wondered if this is an excuse for Shenlong not to go to the Five Elements. He Yiming’s gaze turned to the Qilian double demon brothers. Among the alien Shinto and the five-powered sages, only the three of them are left and have not left. Towards them nodded, He Yiming smiled and said: "Congratulations to both." Qilian double magic, the big devil is inexplicable: "He brother, we are happy."

Although the strength between them is already far from the sky, but the friendship for many years is not left behind, so it is still commensurate with the brothers. He Yiming's face was convergent, saying: "When He left, Shenlong asked me to bring a sentence to the five elements. The big devil quickly straightened his chest and said: "He brother, please. ”

He Yiming put a hand and smiled: "The two need not be nervous, the Shenlong predecessors hope that the two can go to the Flame Mountain to accompany it."

The Qilian double-devil brothers are all face to face, their identity and the dragon are really far from each other, so how can they not think that the dragon will remember them both.

He Yiming dumbfounded on their shoulders, he said: "You are assured that "the Shenlong predecessors need something to help you, so it will definitely not be malicious to you."

The brows were slightly wrinkled and said: "The two brothers are shallow and thin, how can they help the gods and dragons."

He Yiming smiled and said: "The Shenlong predecessors have their own infinite means. It should mean helping the two to promote Shinto."

The eyes of Minhang suddenly became bright, and even the brothers of the two devils were even more jaw-dropping, and they could hardly believe their ears. Shinto 1111 is a term that can never be rejected for practitioners.

If this sentence does not go out of He Yiming's mouth, the three people will basically be treated as nonsense, but they will leave the mouth of He Yiming, but they will not even have doubts.

The next moment, the faces of Qilian’s double devils became red. They all moved their eyes to the limp. It’s natural to be happy, but there are some regrets.

Since Shenlong is willing to help the Qiu Demon to promote Shinto, it means that it is really due to the flame mountain. It seems that he wants to find a powerful guardian beast for the Five Elements.