MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2963 : declare war demon [large

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The second chapter of the nine hundred and sixty-three chapters: declare the war ancestors [big chapter].

This final battle will be completed by Lu Shaoyou, Du Shaoqi, and the follow-up dragon god, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, and Lu Xinyu!

As the ancestor of the ancient magic war, it is terrible, and it is above all creatures!

But this time, thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds are no longer too scared, because they have Lu Shaoyou, and Du Shaohao!

After years of arrangement by the Lord of the Three Thousands of Worlds, the Mozu has almost been annihilated, and the only thing that needs to be faced is the Devil One!

At this moment, all the strong people are looking forward to it, Lu Shaoyou can easily suppress the ancestors, and then Du Shaoqi shot, and completely kill it!

In this way, thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds will truly usher in the peace and prosperity!

Lu Jingyun and others watched Lu Shao free, Du Shaoqi and the remaining few demons will have disappeared. The entire 16th floor of the hell, only the empty one, the weak demons, already unknown Where have you been hiding?

At this time, there was a huge noise coming from everyone, and it was heard by everyone!

That is the action of the dragon **** and others, causing a lot of movement.

On the other side, among the seventeen layers of hell, Du Shaoqi is still carrying out a horrible pursuit, so that the remaining three devils will feel chilling!

The purple robe youth came with a murderous heart, vowed to put all the magic will be under the sword!

"I can't manage that much, and I will join forces to fight. Even if Lu Shaoyou is shot and killed, I will not want to die so badly!"

Perceived by Du Shaoqi, who is closely following, the demon magic will almost collapse.

They were all chased by the purple robe youth, the original nine devils, six people have died in the hands of the other side!

At this time, only he and the shadow magic will be left, the soul of the devil will still have a life!

But this process is really too torturous. Watching a companion die, the devil will have an indescribable feeling of indignation.

I think that their nine devils will be ancient and ancient, to dominate the demon world and the Pangu world, so that many souls are chilling!

Even when Pangu and Daluo Tianzun are alive, they will not be underestimated by them!

But now it’s good, a kid who is halfway through the road, has actually caused them such a huge loss!

I have to say that this is indeed an awkward thing, too much!

"I am waiting for the Nine Devils, why have you been so humiliated!"

Listening to the sound of the devil's demon in the ear, the shadow magic will also be deep and incomprehensible, hiding in the eyelids under the cap, and shooting two sharp scarlet lights!

For them, the existence of Du Shaoqi is the biggest shame they have ever had in their lives!

A few big devils will only hate to repair themselves at this time, otherwise, they will have to smash the corpse of the kid, so that he will die without a burial place, and never live forever!

"This will not endure! Fight, even if it is dead, you have to have the kid detachment!"

The soul of the soul will also give birth to an endless fierce meaning, biting his teeth and saying it.

He gave birth to a decisive spirit and planned to fight for it!

As the devil will say, no matter whether Lu Shaoyou will allow the three demons to be shot at the same time, the three of them can no longer bear it!

Even if it will still be blocked, the three great devils will not want to continue to escape, and they will be like a dog, and they will not escape!

After exchanged a look with each other, the round of the devil, the shadow of the magic, the soul of the devil will be the heart of a three-dimensional, immediately stopped standing up, gathered together, quietly waiting for the arrival of Du Shaohao!

"Do you have a team of three? Do you think that you can live without me?"

Du Shaoqi dragged the fierce air and rushed.

Looking at the movements of the three great devils, he could not help but sneer and open his mouth.

The nine purple Lei Xuan Ding was dragged by his air machine, scattered around, moving with it, quickly rushing to the front!

"Since you don't want to escape, then I will not be polite! The lives of the three of you, I laughed!"

Du Shaozhen speaks in a whisper, and the sword in his hand is smashed, and the sword is smashed into the world.

It didn't take long for him to rush into the encirclement of the three demons and launched a fierce attack!

The terrible war is once again opened, and there is a fierce array of energetic energy between the heavens and the earth, sweeping all directions and crushing everything!

Let the three great devils breathe a sigh of relief, Lu Shaoyou in the distance behind Du Shaoqi, this time did not stop them from joining forces, but watched quietly!

This result, the three people in the middle of the mind, let them see a dawn!

"Break the Du Shaohao, don't ask to kill it! The three of us are going to fight, as long as we support it to the 18th floor of hell, then we will see the machine again!"

The soul of the demon will turn the mind and turn, seeing Lu Shaoyou not to shoot, but also gave birth to new ideas.

With such a decision made, the other two demons will also agree.

Subsequently, all three were surrounded by Du Shaoqi, but they did not do their best, just to keep their own integrity, to fight against the state of defense!

They fled back and forth, dragging Du Shaoqi to the direction of the 18th floor of Hell.

Such a mind is naturally not a Du Shaozhen, but also can not help Lu Shaoyou in the distance.

However, Lu Shaoyou still did not interfere. He looked at everything in his eyes, but like an outsider, he was indifferent!

"You guys are joining forces and you can't escape!"

Instead, Du Shaozhen, the heart launched a cozy.

Killing the six devils, and letting him thoroughly understand the specific strength of these devils, this time with an enemy three, simply want to be unbeaten, absolutely easy!

But this is not the result that Du Shaoqi wants. His real goal is to completely erase the Nine Devils before the battle against the ministers!

With such a mentality, even the three great devils will deliberately avoid, but Du Shaozhen still launched a full impact!

A majestic sword mans was thrown out by him, and the original hollow sword was also spread from time to time!

At the same time, the nine purple Lei Xuan Ding ran rampant in the void, and the power of the sky was shot, like to wear this 17th floor hell!

"Oh la la..."

With a burst of energy screaming, the fierce battle continues!

The three great devils will join hands together, which is really terrifying. Even Du Shaozhen’s response is not particularly easy!

He will sometimes bear a sudden blow, and the three men will attack!

However, these did not cause Du Shaozhen to cause too serious injuries, he is still in a strong momentum, criss-cross!

On the contrary, the three great devils, there is no thought of desperately fighting, and under the attack of Du Shaoqi, they have suffered repeated attacks one by one!

This is a long battle, which has been hit from the seventeenth floor of Hell, to the depths of this layer of hell.

During this period, Lu Shaoyou followed closely behind and watched quietly.

He is more concerned, not in the battle, but closely watching the movements in the 18th floor of Hell, spying on the situation of the Devil!


Du Shaozhen shouted and screamed, and once again, Jiuding was fierce attack!

After a long time of killing, he has already had criss-cross wounds, blood flowing, soaking his purple robe!

But Du Shaoqi seems to have nothing to do with this, still dragging the three magic to fight!

The other side wants to avoid the war, Du Shaozhen does not let them do so!

Under his powerful rush, the illusion of the devil, the shadow of the devil, the soul of the devil will also be the blood of everyone, the appearance of the miserable!

The more they fight, the more fear they have in their hearts.

Du Shaozhen did not intend to let go of his own three, but actually killed his life!

As a result, I really don't know if their three great devils will be able to hold on, and insist on seeing the great ancestors in the 18th floor hell!

"Sure enough, it is an ancient demon, but you can still stick to it!"

In the infinite fight, Du Shaoqi was wounded and his breath was wilting.

The three great devils will be strong enough, even if they have already made their full efforts, but in the case of the other side joining hands and wanting to go, it is also a trouble to solve it in a short time!

But Du Shaoqi is not in a hurry. He is very patient, and he is carrying a horrible attack again and again.

All four people are constantly producing horrible consumption, and the strength has weakened a lot since the beginning!

Fortunately, Du Shaoqi has always had the upper hand. He has Jiuding in hand, plus his own strength, in fact, let the three great devils have an unusual headache!

"Devil, I am coming again..."

At the same time as the mind and the attention of Du Shaoqi and others, Lu Shaoyou froze lips, so gently said.

He looked at the front, if it penetrated the barrier of space, entered the depths of the 18th floor of Hell, saw the ancestors, and looked at it!

Lu Shaoyou’s expression, I don’t know when it started, has become extremely serious and serious, without a smile.

The momentum on his body is gradually climbing step by step. This climb is not obvious, but it is scary enough!

The strong repair is being mobilized by him, and all the strengths are as strong as the strings, tightly stretched!

Even though everything is laid out, but soon to enter the 18th floor of hell, Lu Shaoyou still can't be too calm!

That is the end of the first battle, all things must look at the next development!

Only everything goes well, thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds can be truly saved!

If the Devils are too strong, and these people will eventually fall into disrepair, the creatures of the two great worlds will never escape the fate of being slaughtered. In the end, thirty-three days and three thousand worlds will become a demon domain!

That magic ancestor is the real foundation of the Mozu. With him, the Mozu is naturally prosperous, without him, and where is the Mozu?

"Little Dragon, Master, Big Brother, Core..."

Lu Shaoyou suddenly put away his thoughts in his heart, and his mouth gently called Xiaolong and others, only to listen to him: "The things in your hands are temporarily put aside, in the seventeenth floor of Hell Convergence! Bloody, I took it first, the time As soon as I arrive, I will inform you to fight!"

In his speech, along with the turbulence of his body, Lu Shaoyou’s almost imperceptible voice was passed to the tenth layer of hell, where Xiaolong, Emperor Ba Tian, ​​Dong Huang Tai Xuan, Yang Guo, Lu Xinyu Where are the five people at this time!

The first nine layers of **** have been broken by them all!

But what makes people feel a little frustrated is that the ancient survivors who really survived can only marry three!

This is indeed a painful fact, like a heavy mountain in your heart!


After the words of Lu Shaoyou were finished, the palms spread out gently, and then a huge black hole appeared in the void in front of him, forming a terrible chaotic whirlpool. If you can swallow all the existence between the heavens and the earth, it is terrible!

If other people who are in the forgotten situation and who are sitting behind are afraid of seeing such a black hole, the gods and the flesh will be directly involved in tearing and dying invisible!

Such power is too terrible, but it is only part of Lu Shaoyou’s display. It’s hard to imagine how terrible it would be if he did his best!


Only in the next moment of the black hole appeared, a burst of cheerful screaming sounds appeared in this space.

In the black hole, the blood and golden radiance drove out, and a long knife rushed out, falling in the palm of Lu Shaoyou!

This is his bloody, under the light summon, immediately came to the field!


Lu Shaoyou holds a long knife and gently touches the blade with the other hand. If he is facing his closest brother, his eyes are endlessly close.

"How many years have we not really fought a battle..."

Lu Shaoyou whispered in his mouth and said slowly.

He looked at the long knife in his hand, like a dream back to the eternal years of countless years ago, that was full of passion!

In those years, the knife in his hand accompanied him, step by step, and headed for the highest!

He himself said badly, how many enemies died under the **** knife and became the soul of death!

But just after I really came to the top, I never really tried to fight for it again, and that feeling made him miss it!

The only thing I can count on is that many years ago, I was fighting the demon in the world of Shenwu!

"Blood and bloody, I know that you have been silent for a long time! Then, let me play with me again!"

Lu Shaoyou’s mouth is soft, but when it comes to the end, the whole person’s momentum suddenly changes. From the original plainness, it becomes extremely incomparably sharp. It seems that he himself is like a long knife with a sheath. , the edge of the world!

Finally, I glanced at the direction of Du Shaoqi and the three great devils. At this time, the purple robe youth had disappeared with the three people at the entrance to the 18th floor of Hell, and they did not see and figure!

Lu Shaoyou no longer delays, and the two swelled up like two swords piercing the world!


In his gaze, a piece of chaotic light rises like a cloud, and the scene is blurred!

"Booming and banging..."

The terrible giant shock swayed, and the entire seventeenth floor of Hell fell into the sky, a scene of the end of the day!

The mountain is falling, the earth is being broken, the void is melting, and the big world is swaying...

Heaven and earth seem to have been overturned in an instant, and unimaginable damage has occurred. Everything that can be seen has produced a violent explosion!

And those intangible forces are also difficult to get rid of such a destiny!

The power of the avenue of the seventeenth floor of Hell was destroyed, and the avenues of the avenues were smashed, and the law was completely disordered, like a mess of chaos, and then it was smashed by the power of the majestic!

However, in just a few breaths, the vast land is in vain, the seal of the 18-story **** is broken and opened directly, and the two spaces on the 17th and 18th floors are suddenly integrated!

"Devil ancestors, come out for a fight!"

Lu Shaoyou's body shape landed, Tsing Yi was swaying, hair was moving without wind, and dancing wildly!

A long drink and a fall, the world resonates, and the two pieces of space that are connected together almost collapse!

There is an imposing manner in his body, and the extraordinary power of the avenue revolves around him, making the whole person show the greatest difference with the usual!

At this moment, Lu Shaoyou looks like a true god. The law of heaven and earth, the avenue to the rationale, all spread around him. It is just standing there, and it directly changes everything around you!


In the hands of Lu Shaoyou, **** tremors, as if the avenue is shaking, with the power of terror!

In the distance, Du Shaoqi and the three great devils will be shocked by this situation, almost forgotten to kill!

The eyes of the four people all looked at Lu Shaoyou, and they were ashamed of the strength they showed!

Between the seventeenth floor **** and the eighteenth floor hell, that is the seal under the Pangu Great God, so it is easily broken, so it is too shocking!

The two pieces of space are connected together, but it is equivalent to the size of the two worlds of thirty-three days. Such a huge space has directly sent out the sound of destruction under his feet!

Lu Shaoyou's cultivation is actually terrible!

"Is this going to be the final battle..."

After a while, Du Shaoqi finally suppressed the emotions in his heart, slowed down the gods and murmured.

Seeing the posture of the brother, he still can't imagine what will happen next.

The final battle has arrived!

Brother Shao Shaoyou, has already declared war on the magic ancestors!

"It's time to solve those of you!"

Du Shaoqi took back his eyes and exhaled a long breath, no longer thinking about anything.

His eyes are sharp, staring at the three magical knives like a knife!

The final battle has arrived, and I can't drag my legs!


After Du Shaozhen made a slight adjustment, he suddenly smashed out and attacked the three great devils!

When entering this space, Du Shaozhen has already felt the existence of the ancestors, the atmosphere is too deep and vast, making people chill!

It is hard to imagine how terrible it would be if the generals were fully restored to their peak strength!

It is precisely because of this that Du Shaozhen realizes the urgency of the situation, he no longer has the slightest reservation, and chasing the three great devils will fight fiercely!


Du Shaoqi's broad sword swayed out a sword, and his body robe hunted and sang, and turned into a peerless madman!


The nine gods Lei Ding is also under his control, flurry and smash, killing and knocking!

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