MTL - Martial God Conqueror-Chapter 2934 : Strong crushing [large

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Chapter 2, 934: Strongly crushed [Big Chapter].

At this moment, the strong men of the three thousand worlds almost cheered up, and influenced by them, many people in thirty-three days also gave birth to strong hope.

It can be seen from the two shots that the two demons will be blocked by them when they are not allowed to be sent. Du Shaozhen is also saved at the final moment, which makes everyone take a long breath. .

Just happy, some of the three thousand people in the world suddenly laughed and became confused when they looked up.

"Well? It's not right! The epee has no front Yang, and the poisonous spirit is the core of the core. How can it be so strong?"

"It seems that it is really true. These two people have also forgotten the third peak before, so that they will not be able to kill Du Shaoqi!"

"Unbelievable! This should be at least a half-step can only be done!"

Many people in the three thousand worlds are puzzled and uncomfortable.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to reach a half-step road!

Emperor Ba Tian and Dong Huang Tai Xuan are born at the beginning of the 3,000-year-old world. It is not easy to have such a repair!

It can be said that until now, countless years have passed, and the whole world of 3,000 thousand is a freak like Lu Shaoyou. In addition, his brother, the strongest dragon of the Qinglong family, has reached the Emperor. The same level as the East Emperor Taixuan!

In addition, within the world of three thousand and thousands, I don’t know how many people are trapped in the last step of the situation of forgetting, but can’t really be detached!

Epee no Feng Yang, poisonous witch Lu Xinyi, Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Long Yao, Long Xu and so on, this is not the case!

It is precisely because of this that after seeing Yang Guo and Lu Xinyu both of them, they all have doubts, and I don’t know how they blocked the two demons from the terrorist attack!

Could it be that……

These two people have already stepped on and forget to start touching their own way?

If this is the case, it is definitely a new world for all beings, and people can’t be excited!

But at this moment, everyone still has an uncertain mind, completely ignorant of whether the truth is true!

On the contrary, Lu Jingyun and others, all excitedly took a step and looked excitedly at the two people who appeared. They eagerly asked: "Yang Guobo, Aunt Qi, you... step out of that step?"

These people are all staring at Yang Guo and Lu Xinwei, want to hear their affirmative answer.

Sure enough, the gray man and the beautiful woman did not answer directly, but they nodded faintly, showing a smile.

"This is great!"

Get a positive answer, everyone is more excited!

Three thousand big worlds have been for many years, no one can get out of that step!

Since there are other people besides the Dragon God who can do all this, then for Lu Jingyun and others, there must be great hopes!

"Hey! What can you do with the half-step road? When I am in the 18th floor of Hell, even if it is the real road to the road, I can only leave my life here!"

At this moment, the ridiculous demon will look at the look of the people of the world for thirty-three days and three thousand, and suddenly screamed, as it is said.

"Not bad! How strong is it, and after all, it will not escape a death! If I am not so strong, your chickens and dogs are vulnerable!"

The blood **** demon will also be cold, and he took a look at Yang Guo and Lu Xinyu.

Although the two of them are sullen, they obviously have revealed a few points of retreat!

The two people who suddenly killed will bring tremendous pressure to the two demons!

I am afraid that today, this war will change the trajectory here. The Mozu wants to suppress the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds, and it will not be easy!

"Yang is the boss, these two strange things will be handed over to you to deal with it, I will help two seniors!"

The poisonous witch Lu Xin red lips slightly open, faintly glanced at the two magical devils, as said.

Then he walked in the air and stepped into the void, directly plunging to where the Emperor is!

"it is good!"

The epee without Feng Yang nodded, but also looked at the blood **** demon, the absurd magic will be two.

"Let me have a good look today, how strong is the situation in the road!"

Yang has a faint opening, and the epee in his hand is swaying!

His other arm glimpsed a little, and a fierce light swept over, rolling up the body of Du Lanxie's broken Qinglong, and sent it to the direction of Lu Jingyun. He was facing the two great devils!

"Three thousand big worlds, come fight!"

The blood **** demon will look at the ridiculous demon and sigh.

Then, the two great devils will stand up and fight a horrible attack, and instantly fight with Yang!

These three are all horrible, and every hit is earth-shattering!

The epee has no front Yang, and the giant sword in the hand is like the most important thing in the world. It also has the speed, the temper of killing the scorpion, and it will be comparable to the two great devils in one time.

On the other side, the poisonous devil Lu Xinyi is also helping the emperor to dominate the day, and fighting the three magical devils!

With her arrival, the imperial situation of the imperial situation, finally, was a relief, and the pressure was greatly reduced.

In the distance, the emperor of the East Emperor Tai Xuan, the battle between the two, is also fierce!

But this time, fortunately, no one will be shot together, and he will not lose it for a while!

"Du Shaohao!"

In the distance, the two away from the Red Phoenix and Shen Yan are not feeling the roots of the teeth: "This time, actually did not kill him!"

They respectively looked at the direction of the epee without Feng Yang and the poisonous witch Lu Xin, and they hated the sky.

The strength of these two people is terrible. They all reached the half-step path. Although they are still far behind the Emperor and the Emperor Taixuan, they are taking a crucial step and realizing part of their own. Road.

Such a strong person is enough to change the pattern at hand!

The most direct beneficiary is Du Shaohao!

The kid was originally under the suppression of the two great devils, and he has reached the edge of dying. He was saved by the two men and sighed!

This result makes the East feel endless stagnation from Chi Huang and Shen Yan, and the double fists are squeaky!

"Can there still be reinforcements for the Mozu?"

Thirty-three days and three thousand thousands of thousands of people in the world of forgotten people, Lu Jingyun browed a pick, muttered.

He looked at the boundless **** flames, and then stared at the many Devils.

"Here is the 18th floor hell, the Mozu must have the strong, but it has not yet appeared! But now it can't manage so much, fight it, anyway, we still need to go deeper!"

A thirty-three-day strong man opened his mouth and said.

Others heard the words and they nodded in agreement.

"Kill! This time, see how these demons are crazy!"

All of them are renewed in war, although they have been wounded in the previous battles, but in the face of the Mozu, no one can hide the killing in the center!

At this time, everyone wants to fight with the Mozu. If they can continue to advance to the depths of the 18th floor, it is the best result.

"Du Shishu, you are fine!"

Beside Lu Jingyun, Du Shaozhen has recovered from the body of Qinglong into a human form.

At this time, he was extremely traumatized, and he was full of wounds everywhere, bloody!

His spirit is also very wilting, the atmosphere is weak, and the Yuanshen shock is quite serious!

"No problem, I need a local healing now, it may be difficult to fight again in a short time!"

Du Shaoqi gently waved his hand and said with a weak voice.

After trying to lift his eyes and glance at the surrounding conditions, he also relieved a lot.

The arrival of the two men of the epee without Feng Yang and the poisonous witch Lu Xinyu is simply a charcoal in the snow, which instantly changed the situation on the entire battlefield.

Therefore, Du Shaoqi can also heal the wounds with confidence and strive to recover soon.

"Then go into my space, I will call you when something happens!"

Lu Jingyun nodded and opened a gap in his independent space, allowing Du Shaoqi to enter.

At the same time, he also handed out a Qiankun bag with treasure medicine.

"it is good!"

Du Shaoqi nodded and was welcome. He took the Qiankun bag directly, and then entered the space of Lu Jingyun.

With the departure of Du Shaoqi, the people who have forgotten and forgotten are also once again put into the battlefield, and there has been a terrible battle with the Mozu!

However, this time, because of the relationship between the two major devils who had helped Du Shaoqi to fight the battle, many people had taken a small injury.

Therefore, even if the thirty-three days and the three thousand worlds have an absolute advantage in the number of people, the overall strength is not comparable to the Mozu side!

After the two sides fought for a short time, they fell to the bottom of the wind, and many of those who had forgotten the strong were suppressed by the Mozu!

"Hey... what can a strong person do to help, can you not escape the fate of a death?"

East from Chihuang sneaked a look at the situation in the battlefield, can not help but said a sneer.

Indeed, as he said, the battlefields everywhere are all dominated by the Mozu, thirty-three days and three thousand big world powers, all suppressed!

Not only are they the strongest people who have forgotten, but even the six devils and the emperor, and so on!

The Eastern Emperor Tai Xuan and the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor, both suffered different injuries in the previous battles, and the newly arrived Yang and Lu Xinyi, obviously can not match the two.

As time goes by, the battle continues, and the six demons will gradually gain the upper hand!

The epee without Feng Yang has an enemy two, facing the blood **** demon and the ridiculous demon will be both, although it will not be directly defeated in a short time, but can not find an active position!

And Lu Xinyi and the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor, the United States and the three magic will confront, but also can not find anything cheap!

Look at the situation between the East Emperor Tai Xuan and the Luo Luo Devil, and so is it!

Therefore, after the previous stagnation of the red phoenix in the east, the mind was released again, and the heart was more comfortable.

All this is attributed to the previous results. If Yang and Lu Jinqi arrived at the battlefield earlier, the Emperor and the Emperor Taixuan had not been injured. I am afraid that the result will be completely different.

"Kill it! It is still the same sentence, thirty-three days and three thousand people in the world, no one can live to leave the 18th floor hell!"

Shen Yan said with a voice, the words are cold.

He is completely consistent with what Dongfeng thinks from the East!

"is it?"

Lu Jingyun responded with a faint voice and fought all the way.

At the same time, he also turned his attention to the top of this broken seal, which seems to be looking for something.

But then, his eyes slammed and his mouth unknowingly smirked a smile, muttering: "Come on!"

Only when Lu Jingyun’s words fell, but listening to the "bang", a horrible momentum suddenly came down, if the heavens and the earth were overturned, it was terrible!

Then it was seen that there were dozens of hundreds of people coming in. The air entanglement of these people was in one place, forming a power of infinite horror, which made this space a fierce shock!


The two were also surprised by the fact that they were away from Chi Huang and Shen Yan. They looked up and looked up.

"Not good! Is it the strongest of the thirty-three days and three thousand worlds?"

The Mozu quickly found the incomprehensible things and felt terrified.

Can clearly feel that the crowd that arrived is a terrible generation, it seems that everyone's strength is sitting on the top!

Don't think, the biggest possibility for these people is the strongest of the thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds!

Sure enough, these people quickly came to the front, but they didn’t even say anything. They just joined the war circle and instantly formed a siege of the Mozu. They surrounded the strong people of the Mozu in the center and tried their best!

"You are a mother, a brother, a sister... you are finally here!"

When Lu Hao saw the appearance of these figures, he suddenly shouted in surprise.

"It is the world of Lingwu, Lujia, Qinglong, Feilingmen, and other top forces who have arrived!"

Among the strong people from the three thousand worlds, some people are also pleasantly opening their mouths.

Lu Jingyun, Lu Youwei, Lu Ying, Lu Cheng, Long Hao, Long Xu and others, and the hundreds of strong people who came to each other have a look at each other, everyone is very happy.

Yes, these people who have just arrived are exactly the top three strong people from the world. They are all in the forgotten situation. Everyone’s cultivation is terrible, and most of them are sitting in the third place!

Such a sudden strength suddenly joined, suddenly changed the situation in the field!

"Bastard! There are so many strong people in the world of three thousand!"

I couldn’t help myself from the Red Dragon in the east, and I began to scream.

The Mozu, who had just taken advantage of it, fell into a desperate situation after the arrival of these powerful people.

What scares him the most is that there are several strong people in these people who are not coming to them. They directly open the Mozu who is sitting in the forgotten territory, but instead go straight to the immortal direction of the Mozu!

"The Mozu is a disaster, and today, can you still get your turn over?"

A new 3,000-year-old world powerhouse screamed and slammed into the crowd of the Mozu!

At this time, the number of sitting and forgetting places used to protect these immortal demon people is limited, and the protection formed is also weak. Actually, the mask in this young man bursts directly, and a gap appears!

The boxing horror of the punches hangs the sound of whistling, carrying the power of the avenue, and instantly immortalized the Mozu, and I don’t know how many people died!

"Even if the ancestors are invincible and have an immortal body, they cannot save the lives of these people!"

Then, another young man smashed out and held a long sword. The endless power of the source quickly gathered, condensing a terrible sword, and once again smashing the defensive mask of the Mozu!

Jianmang long drive straight into, willingly harvest a lot of life of the Mozu immortal, countless screams.

"Three thousand big worlds and thirty-three days combined to fight, how can the devils other than the ancestors get the table!"

Just as the punches disappeared, the third youth appeared, and the same punched down!

For a time, these three young strongmen came to me, and the killing continued, causing a huge chaos in the Mozu crowd. Everyone is at risk, no one knows when it will be crushed!

"Nie Feng brother, Tai A brother, Hong Yu brother, doing beautiful!"

Lu Cheng, Lu Zhi, Lu Fang, Long Yao, Long Xu and others yelled and cheered!

"Bastard! It’s a bastard!"

"The **** three thousand worlds, I want to tear you!"

Looking away from the red phoenix and Shen Yan in the east, they roared angrily.

They were constrained by Lu Jingyun and Lu Youwei, and they were unable to take rescue. They could only watch the three people do what they wanted, and caused massive destruction to the immortality of the Mozu!

What I can see is that if you don't want to intervene again, millions of demons will eventually be crushed!

This result is not what they want!

"Retreat! Rewind!"

"Go ahead and continue to call the strong!"

"Thirty-three days and three thousand people in the world, have to die for me in the 18th floor of hell!"

East from the red phoenix and Shen Yan screamed, immediately commanding the Mozu strong began a new round of retreat.

The hundreds of people who have come to the world in the three thousand worlds have brought too much pressure on them!

If you do not take any measures, I am afraid that the last Mozu can only be left behind and forget it!

"Retreat! This is not a place of decisive battle. Our mission is to drag the pace of these people, and there is a chance behind!"

The six demons will also find the situation unfavorable, quickly opened their respective opponents and led the Mozu to begin to retreat.

"Hey, you can get away with it so easily!"

Thirty-three days and the tens of thousands of thousands of world's strongest are cold, and everyone's swords in the hands of the sword, continue to pursue!

The Mozu side is simply forming a rout, they are defeated in the number of strong people who are in the forgotten situation!

And thirty-three days and three thousand big worlds, it is a crushing trend, constantly chasing the Mozu!


Hundreds of people who are screaming and forgetting are screaming, and everyone is wary!

The situation flipped too fast, so they saw hope again!

In any case, you must bring a huge demon to the Mozu, and the Devil does not want to recover, so he can not be reassured!

At the same time of giving birth to such an idea, everyone has a strong admiration for Lu Shaoyou, the lord of the world of three thousand!

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