MTL - Martial Arts Master-Chapter 715 You pit me, come to me, pit you (two

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Seeing Zhihai standing there, not flashing away, it only reveals that "the body is not moving," and seems to wait for a collision with himself. Lou Cheng’s heart is full of blood and rushing, no longer considering changes, the word "dou" written before Clearly presented, not limited to the influence of spirit and will.

You have to fight, then you can fight!

boom! The building is like a "rocket", and there is a flame flow behind it. In the twinkling of an eye, the gap between the two sides is smoothed out.

With this punch, his block muscles bulged, as if all of them evolved into fascia connective tissue, and outlined one after another python python, the skin is lined up in black, tall and thick for a few minutes!

Zhihai’s eyes were calm, and the right arm of the cleavage robes was lifted up, and the fist was sent forward, which seemed to be slow and urgent.


A clear sound of the sound of the clouds, invisible air waves white, rolling around, the building only felt the arm numb, the body shaking, almost unable to maintain balance, was pushed back by the power of the pounds to make two steps back.

One used the word "dou", one urged the body of the king, and in terms of pure power, he would be inferior!

Hey! Zhihai’s right fist hovered, from the knuckles to the biceps, the black and blue of the glazed color was slightly trembling, like a steel plate that was hammered by a hammer.

Lou Cheng was attached to the "Zhen Chan" at the last moment of the operation of the "Doo" word!

Snapped! In his retreat, the fire in the body blew and slammed, dragging the body shape and forcing the direction, and flashing to the right side of Zhihai, the muscles of the left leg were tight and about to be pulled out.

Just when Zhihai was silently kicking off and attacking first, only the surface of the fire had just exploded. It seemed to be an invisible hand. He pushed the building into a hand, letting him drag his left foot and turn to the enemy. Behind it.

Two paragraphs change direction!

Zhihai body to the back half, the left elbow fainted the black Buddha light, slammed into the building, responding to no panic.

But at this time, the fire of the group still has a remnant, completely erupted, turned into fierce air, slightly hurt the muscles of the building into muscles, let him follow the trajectory and flash back again, appearing again on the right side of the opponent.

Three paragraphs change direction!

This is the high-end application of the "Fire Department" power, which is derived from the "Golden God Golden Fire". Lou Cheng is replaced by "Yan Emperor". The powerful spirit and control of the body can only complete the triple "spray" unless To reach the level of the Dragon King, you can hope to achieve four stages of change.

Zhihai’s “unmoved Ming Wang” is strong in defense, strong in strength, fast in speed, able to use the Buddha light in practice, and has almost no shortcomings. The only problem that cannot be called a short board is that it is slightly “clumsy” and is not enough. Flexible, of course, this is only a nephew who is good at doing things.

Before the referee shouted "Beginning", Lou Cheng had already thought of using "three-stage change" to deal with Zhihai. Now he did not think at all, and naturally used it out, making Zhihai's heart-passing useless.

——Zhihai also practiced his heart, but unlike the abbot’s Fayuan and the “living Buddha”, he was only a small realm, but at such a close distance, Lou Cheng was still worried about being caught by him, so he thought about it in advance. The opening change!


The crisp and short breaks, the building returned to the right side of the opponent, and the left fist sank and rushed out.

Zhi Haiqiang, who had left his elbow, took a breath and clenched his right fist with a little shudder. Huoran hammered down. Although he was slower than half a beat, he was inside the line and still barely had time.

Seeing that the fists of both sides are about to collide, the building's center of gravity is swaying, just like dragging a long gun, moving the left arm to move, once again changing the position, once again coming to the enemy.

Four paragraphs change direction!

This time, he changed his strength and did not rely on the "fire department" strength, using the refining and Dantian skills.

In the outer world, this is something that has been eliminated, because the signs are too obvious, and the change is too "slow", almost equivalent to burying yourself.

But now, Zhihai has been completely mobilized by the building, and it is difficult to predict that Loucheng will use such simple things, without psychological preparation, and to detect problems, it is too late.

In terms of moves, there is no ordinary and not ordinary, only suitable is not suitable!

After the three paragraphs change direction, then pick up again, just right!

In the eyes of Lou Cheng, the yellow robes, the muscles of the block, and the "bone dragon" caught in the middle, had already prepared to drop the weight, the shoulders swayed, the right fist rushed forward, turned into a shell, and slammed The spine of Zhihai.

After four consecutive changes, he was also close to the end, and he couldn't use the big power for a short time, and he didn't want to give up the opportunity, so he used a simplified nephew.

However, this simplified simplification may be more useful than the real squatting, because the strength of "not moving the king" is only slightly worse than that of "King Kong is not bad". Hard attack is a common practice, the best. Avoid strong points and attack them weak, such as "implosion."

Lou Cheng’s blast is the fist of “implosion”!

When this is infiltrated, although it will be reduced by the "unmoved king body", the residual "Yan Emperor" bursts inside, and it is enough for Zhihai to drink a pot, and the fist is the position of the spine!

Lou Cheng's face is light purple, and the hollow inside the sea is wide open. I can see a lot of explanations and stop the words, waiting for the result.

Suddenly, the bright and pure blue and black light shone, and under the shoulder bone of Yu Zhihai, there was an illusory and real arm with many Buddha imprints on it, which seemed to be able to drink the magic barrier and defeat the evil spirits.

"Ming Wang came to the world"!

This is the absolute study of Zhihai from the "Ming Wanghua"!

boom! Unreal arm swooped down and hit the right fist of Lou Cheng.

Silent and uninterested, it was torn apart in the front, turned into a piece of illusory glass, flying like a firefly around, but also deflected the deadly fist.

The audience had not had time to react, and the second half of the remnant suddenly stretched and turned into a black and black treasure, which twisted the fists, arms and arms of Loucheng.

Do not move the king, a hand rope, a sword!

Lou Chengxin Lake is frozen, not frustrated and disappointed. He took a breath and slammed it, forcibly breaking the "treasure" and retreating back.

Click here! "Bao Suo" just broke, instantly cracked and burned on its own.

This flame is blue and black, like a virtual illusion, as if there is no temperature, the power of the building to control the fire can not contain their spread!

But they don't ignite the clothes, they burn the skin, but the flowers are infiltrated.

"Don't move the king" comes with the "devil treasure fire"!

When they "burn" to the internal organs, the results can be imagined!

Seeing this situation, the building became a pupil, and did not dare to neglect. The right arm brake covered the crystal ice wall and frozen the "devil fire".

Under this delay, Zhihai has slowed down, swinging his arms sideways, slamming his right fist, and floating in the blue and black.

At the same time, on his shoulders, he again had two unreal arms that were condensed by black and blue rays. One was holding a sword and one was taking a cable.

This form and his handsome face constitute a strange picture.

Hey! Zhihai's "four arms" broke open, and the "madness" continued to beat and slap opponents. There was no gap, and the power of boxing and punching was frustrated. The fists and arms were sore, and the rhythm could not keep up with the rhythm. .

He took the initiative to change, and wanted to get rid of this situation. Zhihai, who has "four arms", did not give him a chance at all. He always forcibly interrupted, and then it was a new round of face-lifting, regardless of the burning heat of Yandi. The high temperature, or the slowness and freezing of the ice, did not shake the "not moving the body of the king", the blossoming purple inflammation is attached, the black and white skin light turns, there is no slight scar, the frost is broken and knotted, knot Broken.

The bluestone collapsed and the building fell completely into the wind, entering the rhythm of the "Ming Wang".

However, the ice heart is firm, and he can't afford to be confused. He has to keep abreast of the situation. He gradually understands that his attempt to get out of trouble always fails.

"He heart is through!"

Zhihai used the "he heart pass" to detect the clues in advance!

If the combination of "there is a **** on the top of the head" and "the outside world" allows Loucheng to judge the follow-up immediately before the opponent's preparation, then "He Xintong" is already clear before preparation!

To deal with this kind of supernatural school, you can either open the distance, think about getting closer, or you can't miss it.

The former is something that Lou Cheng wants to do but is always blocked by Zhihai. He can only rely on “can’t miss it”!

After repeated tempering, when the building becomes a deductive move, it can be applied instinctively and sent to the first place. However, in combat, he must make judgments based on the enemy's situation and think of it as income.

Just when this is a morning exercise, it is a morning exercise... I am constantly hypnotizing my own building and I am not worried about being "listen" by Zhihai, because the other party cannot know the state and routines of her morning exercise.

boom! He put his arm on the shelf and pressed against the two unreal arms.

Then, he did not think about the follow-up of Zhihai and his own coping, the body naturally shrinks, half down, the left fist collapses from the waist, slanting up, blasting to the enemy, there is a mysterious taste.

Zhihai's eyes were slightly moving, and both palms were slid down, one hand blocked the crotch, and one hand shot the head of the building.

Can be a deeper, and the left fist just contacted the other hand's palm, and then suddenly spurred, rebounded by the momentum, a cannonball shot against the ground, the danger avoided the follow-up attack.

Halfway through, he stretched into a group of body stretches, palms pressed on the ground, traversing and changing direction, and even changing direction, trying to open the distance and condense the "five fires."

At this time, Zhihai's hands were printed, and Baoxiang solemnly opened:


The Buddha's voice is in the ear, the mysterious sky is falling, the building is in front of the flower, and it is found that Zhihai is again in front of himself. Everything seems to be close to each other!

What is the word sound? Spiritual influence? Disturbed my judgment on the direction? So that I am back in a circle?

Lou Cheng knows that the word "he" is a secret of the spirit, but he did not expect that in the hands of "Ming Wang" Zhihai, it has such a unique application, giving people the feeling of not being able to escape Wuzhishan!

You are close to the horizon, let you close, you have to be close, let you stay away, you have to stay away!

In the flash of thought, Lou Cheng took a breath and slammed into the footsteps of Zhihai, holding blood, strength and spirit in the lower abdomen, and sketching an ancient complex symbol consisting of nine essays in the miniature universe.

"Pro"! "Bing"! "Doo"! "By"! "all"! "Array"! "Column"! "before"! "Row"!

He was in a good spirit, only to see what was being torn around, and there was no undercurrent that could interfere with his own judgment.

Seeing that Zhihai is approaching, he did not re-open the distance in this state. Instead, he sprayed the thinner and made a fingerprint, and shouted:


Accompanied by this ancient sound, Lou Cheng seems to recall the scene of Xiushan's first life and death battle. I remembered the thrill of three or five strokes, and remembered the dark part of the work that was smothered by my own palms. The battle of the underground garage was a battle that reminded me of the red and white splash of his own head. He remembered the mummies that had vanished under the "cosmic phantom", and remembered that there were many different ways but they were still shattered by their own heads. The night bat, think of the sorcerer who has turned into a muddy mud.

The suffocating smear of this battle of life and death, the blade that was polished by the fierce battles, was integrated into the word "Bing" and shrouded the "Ming Wang" Zhihai.

As a modern monk, this is the experience he lacks!

In the past few days, Lou Cheng and "Luo Hou", and Lu Yan, and Guo Jie, and Yan Yan, and Peng Leyun, and Ren Li and others have discussed the short board of "Ming Wang", seriously scrutinized What can be awkward, in addition to the body is not smart enough, this is the only thing he can think of, but also prepared a surprise for this, reproduce the past scenes, and then the word "Bing", greatly improving its power .


Zhihai has just approached, his body is chilling, and he feels invisible chills. The nose smells **** and dangerous, and his head seems to be about to be blasted.

This is so clear, so profound, his Zen heart is deep, not dying, but it is inevitable that there is a sense of tremor, there is a sense of defense block, the action is one.

Lou Cheng wanted this pause. He took the left foot with the momentum of Dan, and his body showed a state of reverse twisting, like a tight spring.

His right arm was lifted up, the five fingers were empty, the palms were dark, and they were as deep as the universe, a little bit dotted.

"The sky is in the northwest, the land is in the southeast!"


He covered his palms and fainted around him. It seemed to be a confusing boil.

Zhihai’s light is condensed, it’s too late to dodge, the body is dark and bright, and the double fists are put together with two illusory Ming Wang’s arms.


"Boiled porridge" mad, black and blue collapsed, the illusory things instantly become invisible, filled into a short vacuum, Zhihai two arms showed obvious cracks, just like skin muscles are metal.

This is the characteristic of "not moving the king".

A fist succeeded, Lou Chengfei quickly regained strength, left palms explored, five fingers open, grabbed the door to Zhihai, and did not give the other party a chance to breathe, just like dealing with the "斩神刀" road forever.

Zhihai Qiang raised his right arm and placed it in front of his face. No matter the eyes or the temples, it is the weak point that the singer of King Kong is not bad.

Snapped! The five fingers caught the arm of Zhihai, but did not force the tearing, but spread the hoarfrost and spread out the crystal.

After the "deep northwest, the southeast of the earth", Lou Cheng quickly used the "balanced into Dan" to shrink the fire and make the edge of the "starry sky" extremely cold.

Create your own school, "Sigh after the ice"!

Seeing that it is about to be frozen, Zhihai's eyelids are half-slung, and the surface of the body burns with a pale golden glaze flame. They are swallowed and swallowed and turned into eight "Dragons", which are melted and melted.

"Guarding the glass fire!"

Lou Chengyi failed to succeed, immediately retracted the left palm, the right arm pulled back, the fist shot out, behind the body because of the "sigh after the ice" "extra" the fire naturally condensed out of the sphere, red tumbling, pale purple hidden .

He refused to go to the regular appearance, can be a little faster, and must not let Zhihai adjust!

Zhihai's waist is slightly heavy, and the left fist should be hit. The Buddha light is much lighter than before.


The fist and the fireball were in the middle, the flames rolled and collapsed, and the left arm of Zhihai was deeper, but there was no blood, and Qilian retired three steps.

Lou Cheng "line" word turn, grab the front, the left foot stepped on a plow, swaying the ground, splashing dozens of hundreds of pieces of gravel, strong hard bow like a shot to the opponent's lower body, to force him to dodge Or defense.

Who knows that Zhihai did not do extra moves, only turned inside the thigh.

boom! boom! boom! The gravel hit the calf and thigh of Zhihai, only the ruptured pants, failed to break through the black.

Hey! There were two lucky children who had overcome difficulties and obstacles and collapsed in the crotch of Zhihai. However, their own crush did not change the other party’s pain.

Is this a self-contained iron gong effect? Lou Cheng’s thoughts flashed, and the movements on his hands were not slow. By the force of his lameness, his back was quite forward, and his fists were like a poisonous dragon. He was covered with heavy purple and swayed to the temples on both sides of the shaking opponent.

With both arms hurting, and each has not yet adjusted the situation, Zhihai can only squat down and shrink his head to avoid this blow.

boom! After a punch and burst of air, the building flew up in both feet, kicked out in a chain, and smashed the heavy leg shadow of the purple inflammation in the continuous cracking sound.

Zhihai blocked a few times, turned back, using his legs as a razor, forcibly pumping.


After the collision of the legs and feet of the two sides, Lou Cheng leaps high, shrinks the body, turns into a sphere, then stretches out, and the right hand sticks out and presses down.

The heavens and the earth have become dark and there are countless radiances, as if the "starry sky" reflection is here.

The ultimate school, "Cosmic Mirage"!

Zhihai just landed on both feet, and the surrounding area was frozen. He thought about it and pre-empted his handprint.

Silently, he became a worm in the amber, and he couldn't move. He could only watch the stellar stellar squadron.


The solemn and solemn Buddha's voice came out of the ice, and the atmosphere of Zhihai was steep.

"Bao" word sound, can temporarily enhance their own strength, but can not achieve a large level of transition!

After using the "Ming Wang" at the top of the outer peak, it is not close to the taboo field, just like "Dragon King" and "Wu Sheng"... and "Unmoving the Ming Dynasty" is close to the taboo field, will it not be interpreted... Cheng Si Xu has just moved, and the changes have been born.

In the ice layer that was shattered and melted by the "stars", the boundless brilliant light broke out. They did not snarl, but highlighted a pure light Buddha statue that gave a grand and grand feeling.

The Buddha statue stretched out his right hand, and the palm seemed to have an infinite amount of light. The round of "stars" was dragged over, and the former servants followed suit.

"The big day is coming" is coming!

The Buddha’s palms are combined, the blazing white dissipates, and the heavens and the earth regain their color. The cost of the building is that the “big day” will quickly dissipate, but it is found that the glaze created by the surrounding towers is gathered in Zhihai. Let him barely maintain it.

Hey, home advantage... Lou Cheng’s scorpion turned over and just landed. There was a pure Buddha statue on the top of the head. The palm of the hand shrouded everything and pressed, nowhere to be avoided.

Lou Cheng knows that this is the real illusion of the strong influence of the spirit. He is busy thinking about the complete "nine" character, strengthening himself with a combination of complex essays, weakening the enemy and fighting against it.

"Pro"! "Bing"! "Doo"! "By"! "all"! "Array"! "Column"! "before"! "Row"!

All the ancient characters were bright, and he fainted in the Buddha's light. He finally saw Zhihai. His body was shaking and his face was exhausted. He barely let his right hand shoot, and the infinite light was in his palm.

At this moment, Lou Cheng, who had used the "Nine Characters", could no longer use the complicated moves, and directly turned all the "Yin Emperor" and "Hail" in the body, letting them rush out from the right fist and from the left fist.

Two screams, fists stretched out, one covered with horror purple inflammation, one let the surrounding condensate frost.

Just as they were about to block the "big day, like the body", they suddenly came close together and clung to it.

Ice and fire balance, recoil into a whirlpool, a group of darkness emerged.


In the palm of the Buddha's hand, the light and the darkness are in harmony. The floor of the building becomes a circle of more than ten meters. The ground collapses and forms a pothole. The corresponding position of the boxing punch is two meters deep.

The stairs in the building are shaking, just like when the young man is not wearing a long trousers in the cold winter, the blood of the mouth is overflowing, the breath is reduced to a low point, and the body strength is only a little.

He didn't think about anything, and naturally he made a handprint, seduce mystery, and solemnly opened:


As soon as the words are out, the spirit and physical strength of Loucheng are instantly restored to their original state, and they are also a hero.

The opposite "Ming Wang" Zhihai also shouted at this time:


Mysteriously, his exhaustion disappeared and his state was refreshed.

"The two men are really good at the opponents." "The poisoned milk leader" He Xiaowei commented, "One hit the first half of the game, one is influenced by the home court advantage, and each other, and then there is a fight."

PS: It’s only a little to six thousand words, it’s not full, and the extra words are sent to everyone.

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