MTL - Machine Storm-Chapter 419 Leave a name for this battle

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The latest website: Tianjing Jiwu's selection is also very decisive. This is also the strongest lineup of Tianjing Jiwu.

Li Hao, the dark night saber.

Zhou Naiyi, Yaoying Athena.

Sincerity and empty sea, iron armor and steel fist.

Ma Long, King Ming.

Zuo Xiaotang, Hunting Shadow Apollo.

"Dear viewers, the last place in the semi-finals, the team battle that will determine the outcome is about to begin. The Vulcan team has presented their most powerful team battle lineup, which is also the unique half-beast style of the Vulcan team. And the combination of extremely powerful mobility, and Tianjing Jiwu's Li Hao just defeated the wolf king Basta, and now the Tianjing team has the same momentum, they have chosen their best mobile suit, and this battle will leave a name!"

"Battle Song!"

The battle song of triumph was played. In this year's competition, whenever it entered the team battle stage, the battle song of triumph would become the best cheering symphony.

Everyone listened to the passionate music and entered the big world of Kepler's jungle. In the live broadcast room, Huo Nan and Kuang Wu Daren are also full of fighting spirit, whether it is a mule or a horse, it depends on this slip.

Ten mobile suits parachuted into the Kepler jungle. This time, the Red Flag base appeared in the northern area of ​​the map. The one closer to the Red Flag base was Ma Long from Tianjing Jiwu. The distance was the closest among the ten mobile suits. On the side, Wolf King Basta is relatively close, and the others are in the middle area. Gu Ma and Zhou Naiyi are the farthest from the Hongqi base, and they landed in the southern area.

After landing, all the team members reported their coordinates to each other. Zhou Naiyi immediately entered Liuxin Wu without consumption. Her state was at its peak, and the red flames illuminated the surrounding area. Yaoying Athena remained motionless. She could imitate Ti Tower's ability is not as precise as Tita's, and its stability is a bit poor, but at this moment, Zhou Naiyi's mentality and will have reached the peak, and she knows that the preservation of strength ahead is to seize the opportunity at this critical moment.

Tita in the audience also sweated subconsciously. Girls are very subjective. What are the Martians? And Zhou Naiyi also inherited her will, so she must be on Zhou Naiyi's side. When I was training, Zhou Naiyi managed to feel her wave band, but this process was very slow, and the effect was almost zero in battle, but at this time, if it is used well, it will play a big role.

Zhou Naiyi kept adjusting his golden zone band, recalling that feeling, which of the four directions is the location of the Hongqi base? ,

Ability also has matching degree, the higher the difficulty, the lower the success rate, in fact, the effect in training is not good, Zhou Naiyi also hopes to be able to explode.

Vulcan's supporters are obviously aware of this. Before the game, everyone paid close attention to Zhou Naiyi's ability, and they couldn't win in a one-on-one match. I'm afraid it's for now. Once the general direction of the base is known first, Tianjing Jiwu will Being able to gain the upper hand is very useful in team battles, and Tianxing Jiwu also entered the quarterfinals by relying on this move.

Zhou Nai didn't dare to be in a hurry, she managed to grasp a little bit of feeling, and she didn't even dare to think about the fine location, just give her a little inspiration for the five areas in the southeast, northwest, and middle.

The fire of inspiration is still lingering, but it is still not very clear. Zhou Naiyi has to increase the output of the gold zone to strengthen his own feelings. She is indeed not as good as Tita's grasp, which is also the disadvantage of her own abilities.

The other team members of Tianjing Jiwu waited while moving. From the perspective of the audience, Ma Long was walking in the central area and constantly deviated from the direction. The others were similar, and luck was not on Ma Long's side. Midfield encounter.


As soon as Zhou Nai had a warning sign, the subconscious Athena defense system was activated, and the K23 armor-piercing projectile directly shattered the energy shield, and the Yaoying fighter immediately moved sideways and flew out, it was Gouma!

She knew that she was locked, and she was discovered by the magic eye fighter nearby when Zhou Naiyi adjusted her golden zone.

Guma was a little surprised that the other party reacted after a shot hit. Four missiles blasted out directly, and the blood bat soul book was opened. Using the soul book, the loss to Zuo Xiaotang has already made Gu Mawo angry. If he wins, Basta will not be able to face Li Mo directly, and he can definitely defeat Tianjing Jiwu four to one. It was all caused by his defeat, and even Monalo's mentality was affected by this series of chain reactions.

He must commit crimes and meritorious deeds in team battles, Zhou Naiyi is definitely a big fish.

Zuo Xiaotang has already exploited the supernatural flaw, so there is no smoke bomb loaded this time. The Yaoying fighter immediately swoops down and strikes continuously, keeping the distance as far as possible to avoid the bombing range of the missile. At this time, Yaoying's mobile advantage will be brought into play. came out, and Zhou Naiyi's judgment was extremely accurate. Although the mecha suffered a little trauma, it was within the acceptable range.

The Yaoying fighter is waiting behind the obstacle, Yaoying's speed can open the distance, the opponent will definitely not be able to catch up, but Zhou Naiyi doesn't know where the opponent is, she is not as good as Zuo Xiaotang's supernatural listening position, and if she still has a shooting angle, she could go down before she can get rid of her opponent.

The Martian audience burst into cheers. Obviously, in this situation, Tianjing Jiwu's calculations are all in vain. No matter whether Gu Ma can solve Zhou Naiyi or not, her abilities have no room to play against a super sniper.

At this time, Ma Long and Basta, who were closest to the Red Flag base, both deviated from the direction. Zuo Xiaotang was supporting Ma Long.

At this time, Li Hao was in the southwest area, and he was the third farthest away from the Hongqi base. After learning about the encounter between Zhou Naiyi and Gu Ma, Zhou Naiyi didn't need his support, and Li Hao needed to rush to the central area. Participate in the Red Flag Base Scramble.

Zhou Naiyi took a deep breath, this is her battle, it is best to be able to kill the opponent at this time, if you can't kill it, you have to contain Gu Ma, and you can't let him support other places. A sniper of this level is very powerful in a team battle. The threat is too great.

The red flag base has not yet appeared, and the two teams are aiming to destroy each other's vital forces.

The second set of encounters took place between Cheng Konghai and Renma Wang Walan. The armored steel fist on the way was suddenly attacked by Renma Wang. This really added fuel to the fire. The charge didn't receive any effect, and he retreated immediately. He didn't plan to fight Kukai recklessly. Although he had his own unique skills, he was not afraid of the opponent, but the tactical status of team battles was higher, so he couldn't be reckless.

Seeing that Walan wanted to run after beating someone, Iron Armored Steel Fists chased him all the way, and now there is no place for the Hongqi base, so catching one counts as one.

One ran and the other chased, and Wa Lan was not used to his faults. From time to time, he turned his head and blasted a few times with a laser gun, hitting Cheng Kukai very well.

For the Vulcan team, the key to team battles is the Hongqi base, followed by containment or killing Cheng Konghai, Basta and Li Hao's fight, he will not have a good time, and Li Hao will not be too comfortable, so we must find the Hongqi base , using favorable terrain and super laser cannons can do the most effective defense. The three beast-shaped mechs are largely to improve mobility, and they can find the Red Flag base as quickly as possible while fighting more and less.

Suddenly there was a fluctuation on the radar,... an opponent was approaching, Basta quickly turned around, and Ma Long, who was running all the way, also spotted the enemy. The signal should be the dark fire Genesis, Basta?

Teacher Ma shuddered. He didn't think about meeting the enemy. He almost turned around and ran. Busta immediately chased after him, and Ma Long's King Ming fighter also couldn't. The red dot on the screen was getting closer and closer. The speed is so fast. ,

One runs and the other chases.

"Brother Zuo, come and support me, Basta is on my side." Malone shouted while running.

As for the battlefield in the central area, Cheng Konghai from above fired a rocket, and the iron armored fist rushed towards the king of horses like a cannonball, and only ants with physical fitness could keep up with the speed of the king of horses and horses. The moment he flew into the air, King Sagittarius made a U-turn, enveloped in flames from the Skyfire Spear, and rushed towards Cheng Konghai. At the same time, the mechas roared in the jungle on both sides, and two Blood Sacrifice Genesis suddenly sprang out.

"Ant, you have been fooled. After all these years, you are still so brainless!" Walan laughed.

In mid-air, Cheng Konghai fell with a heavy weight, and the iron armor and steel fist fell to the limit. The encirclement of the three mobile suits has been formed. Once they are entangled by the beast-shaped mecha, they will run beautifully.

"Ant, do you really think that the king of horses and horses can't get rid of his iron armor and steel fist? He's still so arrogant!" Monalore said through gritted teeth.

"Don't talk to him, kill him first!" Amitabha roared, feeling ecstatic in his heart, if he kills the core force Makoto Kukai first, they can support other people at any time with their mobility, and the next one is Li Hao, the reason why Bastar came up , It is also to fight for a shot, which can consume at least one round. This fight and ruthlessness, the earthlings can't compare with the aliens.

Winners and losers are the truth that has not changed since ancient times.

Cheng Konghai drove the Iron Armored Steel Fist and rushed towards the King of Horses with all his strength. UU Reading Liu Xinwu was violent and intimidating in the deep space. How could Walan fight him desperately at this time? The steel fist ran away in an instant, which made the three of Walan laugh. Is this Nima still the ant of the past? She actually understands it, but unfortunately, she understands this truth too late.

King Sagittarius and two Blood Sacrifice fighters immediately surrounded him.

Ma Long complained in his heart, Zhou Nai was targeted by the opponent's sniper, so he could only be beaten passively, and more importantly, Cheng Konghai fell into the enemy's siege, this battle was counting on him, Li Hao was still rushing to the central area , At least ten more minutes, his side is also miserable, I feel that the maneuverability of King Ming's fighter is even better, why is Basta chasing this, it's miserable.

The audience at the scene were also sweating. The situation was very unfavorable for Tianjing Jiwu. The Vulcan team had already formed a full-effect attack, and Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang on Tianjing's side were still on the way. The only turning point It was Ma Long. He was forced to turn around and ran towards the Hongqi base instead, getting closer and closer.

When Ma Long was running wildly, he suddenly found the sign of the Hongqi base, and he was ecstatic, "Brother Hao, first sister, I found the Hongqi base, I found the Hongqi base, what should I do, what should I do."


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