MTL - Machine Storm-Chapter 2 puppet

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Li Hao didn't open it in a hurry, he entered the engine room, sat in the cockpit, and the automatic door closed.

"Bleem Mission No. 127: Six months, EMP 3000 points."

Replacing it with anyone who sees such spam emails and deletes them directly. Anyone who can say such things is either a lunatic or forgot to take medicine.

Li Hao didn't care too much, as if he was concerned about the email itself, and when he wanted to retrieve it, just like before, the email in Sky News disappeared, not deleted, but disappeared, and there was no trace at all.

Li Hao didn't know who the other party was, whether it was a human, a ghost, or some surreal existence. He only knew that its code name was: bleem

The first time was on the night of Li Hao's fifth birthday. Something controlled his dreams and brought him into indescribable worlds. He performed all kinds of incredible training on him, and he was seriously "sleep". For a month, he was in critical condition in the hospital. The hospital couldn't detect anything, so he informed the orphanage to prepare for the funeral. However, when he woke up, Li Hao was not cured, and his health was still exceptionally healthy, but there was more near the heart. A scar in the shape of a circle, if it wasn't for the dean to stop it, the hospital plans to study it carefully.

This kind of life has been maintained for more than ten years, and Li Hao has become accustomed to the existence of the other party. In general, the other party is training him with a certain purpose, and he has no malice towards him. He has also made various guesses. Knowing himself very well, he began to wonder if the evil forces on TV were using him as an experiment, but as he grew older, this idea was ruled out, because the other party's methods had surpassed the current level of technology he understood, and if it really was someone There is no need for the forces to spend so much trouble, and as an orphan, except for a worthless life, it is of little value.

When I was 12 years old, the dean sent me a daily news, and the email came, "bleem task", the content of the task is very strange, from finding a cat and dog to assassinating, doing everything, fortunately, the target is Li Hao It seems that it is not too much to die a few times.

In general, he and bleem get along peacefully, but Li Hao wanted to test it out. Once, he deliberately failed to complete the task, and then he had a cardiac arrest. When he woke up, he received an email and obtained the other party's information for the first time: Complete mission 200 and you will get the answer, and if you fail again, it will be destroyed.

Destroy... who do you look down on?

Although it was a little dangerous, with the improvement of his own strength, Li Hao tried repeatedly on the edge of failure for many times, and he finally mastered some things, and Bleem's tasks became less intensive and urgent.

Task No. 126 was a year ago, and he was admitted to Tianjing. In fact, his life before entering Tianjing Jiwu was more exciting and rich, but this year was the most leisurely for him.

Opening his eyes, he took a deep breath. A smile appeared on Li Hao's mouth. Bleem, who had been silent for a while, became active again, and he was ready.

Li Hao's record box appeared in the EMP system.

ID: Puppet Total score: 853 Win rate: 100%

Number of games: 4900 games

Next to the ID is a full-colored five-pointed star, survival, output, team battles, individual battles, and mecha pools.

At first, Li Hao just wanted to have fun. Who would have thought it would get out of hand, but before bleem gave him the task, he had to control the points and not be too conspicuous. In the past, he had done bad things because of high profile, and almost broke the big task. ten tasks.

Controlling points is a technical job, let alone, he really found a bug.

That is the virtual mode. Whether it is a duel or a multiplayer battle, as long as one person chooses the virtual mode, the score of the whole game is calculated according to the virtual mode. Therefore, Li Hao's battles are almost all in the virtual mode, and he himself uses the virtual mode. is the real mode.

So Li Hao said that he was not using the virtual mode, but the virtual mode.

The numerical score is just right, more than 800, which is inconspicuous, but also passed.

Li Hao chose the battle mode and arena, and entered a random team.

Soon the opponent appeared, and the opponent also hid his personal information, ID: Eternal Light of the Stars.

Li Hao doesn't care about opponents, both sides enter the mecha selection countdown, and Li Hao enters random.

Puppet vs Eternal Starlight

Armored Dragon 3rd Generation (USE)

Configuration: medium fighter 80 tons

Nuclear fission drive standard laser gun titanium knife

Five Generations of Silver Knights (NUP)

Configuration: light fighter 65 tons

Nuclear Fission Driven Silver Laser Gun Laser Sword

The two mobile suits entered the arena, the two mechas faced each other, and a three-second countdown appeared.


The battle begins.

The silver fighter took the lead to attack, and the pace was quite light, indicating that the pilot had no pressure on this level of load, the speed was fast, and there was room.

The distance between the two sides was instantly shortened to twenty meters, and this was a silver fighter, the speed suddenly accelerated, and the shoulders of the mecha were shaking. This shaking was not unstable, but an attempt to confuse the opponent's judgment.

Obviously, the opponent in front of him is quite cautious.

Ten meters away from entering, the armored dragon fighter still did not move, but the silver fighter had already taken off, and the laser sword was unsheathed in mid-air and slashed with all its strength.

At this time, it is too late for the armored fighters to dodge. There is a huge difference between mecha combat and human beings. Anticipation and advance are very important. The best thing to do is NUP.

The pilot of the silver fighter was not soft-hearted, the laser sword's assassination speed was faster, and at this moment the armored dragon roared, the mecha trembled and suddenly rushed forward, only half a step, and the left arm supported the opponent's laser sword's close-hand position , the body cut in, and the right arm suddenly hit a forty-five-degree upper elbow crit.


The silver fighter slammed back violently. Although the pilot was in full control, the mecha still fell to the ground, the engine roared, and he was about to stick to the ground to open the distance, but a figure passed by in the next second.



The puppet (the third generation of the armored dragon fighter) wins!

At the end of the game, Li Hao was a little unhappy. It stands to reason that the level of the real mode should be better. Why is it so weak? Probably because his score is too low, and it is only over 800. It will be better later. Li Hao kicked the opponent and started new match.

At this time, Tianxing Academy is far away on the moon.


"TMD, it's not fun to kick me!" Feynman angrily slammed on the door, "I was careless, the other party stole chicken."

"Ha, haha, God Feynman, are you kidding me, there are so many experts, even if you haven't met them, you've heard of them, puppets, no matter how you look at them, they're all newbies, what the fuck, hahaha, I've been beaten by newcomers. , they don't even use weapons."

Alz, who was tall and had flaxen **** curly hair, laughed until tears came out, and sat on the ground without any image.

"Alz, it didn't count just now, I want to compare it again!" Feynman didn't bother to pay attention to the villain's triumphant Arz, and hurriedly sent an invitation.

"Puppet boy, do you dare to fight again, I was careless just now, this time I'll give you one hand!"

The system prompts: The other party has set a mute, and your message cannot be delivered.

Feynman was so angry that he slammed his thighs. I don't know when Arz was already standing beside Feynman. Seeing this, he laughed even more, "Ouch, our dignified and clever God Feynman has capsized, tsk tsk, the captain said. What's the matter, don't be blinded by the victory, it seems that you had a really pleasant vacation."

"Feynman, Arz, what is so funny makes me happy too." A clear and decisive voice came, Arz on the ground immediately stood up, and Feynman immediately walked out of the cabin.

"team leader!"

The two stood at attention and saluted, and the two of them looked at the heroic girl in front of them, full of admiration and a little love buried in their hearts.

Tianxing Jiwu A-level academy, one of the top ten military academies in the NUP, this solar system competition Tianxing Jiwu also won the title of "ace" pilot in the Jiwu competition, the captain of Tianxing Jiwu, that is, the current Tita · Wantis.

It seems that the NUP won a big victory, but every battle was very difficult, and there were many times when they almost lost, but their captain led the team to keep moving forward to get the current glory.

"Take care of your clothes, there are guests." Dita Vantis has a very high prestige in Tianxing Jiwu, and is also a star-level figure, with beauty, wisdom and strength. The two gangsters were stunned and a little lost, this...

"Arths, come out. Although these two guys are a bit stupid, they still have some strength."

A sportswear slipped in at the door, wearing big sunglasses and bowing their heads. When they looked up, Feynman and Alz were both stunned, and they were about to jump up. Tita snorted coldly. He rushed up, "arths, I've been a fan of your ten years, sign me up."

"Fuck off, arhts has only debuted for seven years, three months, and eighteen days. His Royal Highness arths, my name is Artz, a sniper of the Tianjing Jiwu team. It's an honor... Oh, captain, why are you kicking me?"

Arths showed a sweet smile on his fair and jade-like face, "Sister, you can't treat my fans so rudely."

Feynman and Alz's hearts were about to melt, and the voices were beautiful when they heard them through Tianxun. Such a sentence from a real person was simply refreshing.


If it's a good relationship, it should be called sister, right?

Is there a blood relationship? ... The two are really a bit similar, wow, what kind of blood is this, it's too awesome, the captain hides it too deeply.

"Arths is my cousin, it's enough for the two of you to know. If there is a third person, you can seriously consider the consequences. She wants to see the situation of your battle." Tita said, she knew that she couldn't hide it, these two guys are too gossip .

In an instant, the two men seemed to be on fire, "I'm here, and I will kill you with a single blow. Tianxing's militaristic weapon, the gun **** Arz, is willing to serve you."

"What's so good about putting a cold gun on it, look at me, a real man needs to be tough with a real knife and a real gun, arths, I'm the pioneer, let me show you!" How can Feynman be cowardly, the opportunity to perform in front of idols I'm here, let's not say anything else, shake a small hand and ask for an autograph, it will definitely blow for a year.

"You got it, five seconds man, I don't know who was beaten by a rookie just now."

"Go away, it was just by accident, I was careless..."

"Feynman, call up the game just now." Tita said coldly, the temperature in the room seemed to drop a few degrees.

Feynman and Arz immediately sobered up. Although they were girls, the word gentleness had absolutely nothing to do with the captain. Her seriousness and strictness in training were beyond imagination. Lose? main idea?

not allowed.

Although he was not happy, Feynman still called out his game just now, and arths also watched the "real life" of the mobile suits curiously.

In the replay of the game, the silver knight rushed to the opponent and took the initiative to take the initiative. The arths on the side also made up for a lot of games because of the martial arts competition. I have also played the virtual mode. .

However, the next scene was beyond everyone's expectations, and the silver knight was over in the blink of an eye.

"Captain, I admit that I was careless. The other party didn't talk about martial arts. He ran away after the fight, and then gave..."


"Yes, Captain."

"If it is this attitude, fight again, you will die even worse." Tita said, "USE lost, but more because of their arrogance, the next competition will be the test, the three consecutive champions will be recorded in history."

Feynman and Arz were taken aback for a moment, then looked at each other.

"In terms of performance, the third generation of armored dragons is not as good as the fifth generation of silver dragons. It is three times slower. When you attack, the opponent does not move, but when you look at the line of sight, zoom in on the part ten times. If you see it, his head moves slightly. He didn't shoot because he thought he could see right through you," Tita said.

The silver knight made his move, and the armored dragon advanced half a step.

"To be able to make such explosive dashes is in the range of strong control." Arths suddenly said, which meant that the opponent was definitely not a rookie.

The next step is the key. Strong control and rush, the position is stuck, and the left arm of the Kailong fighter blocks the near hand of the laser sword, which means that most of Feynman's attacks have lost their focus, and the connected attacks directly overturn the silver fighter. , To directly knock down a mecha, you need to control the strength and angle. Feynman's response is fast. He wants to force control to maintain balance, and then the kinetic energy jets to spread the distance. This is a textbook-level crisis operation.

However, it seems that it was completely in the opponent's prediction. The distance he opened up like this, knocking out his weakness and exposing his weakness, the opponent's advance move was a little faster, but just in time, he kicked out, and the slow motion Down, it is the gap where the mecha is in a weightless state, which is equivalent to sending the head to the front of the opponent.

The Silver Knight's head was directly kicked off. Even in a low-end game, this operation was an insulting drop blow.

The whole set of moves was ruthless and decisive, from the prediction to the shot, in one go, it was like hanging up the silver knight and fighting.

Feynman and Alz are no longer frolicking. Cold sweats are coming out. They are both masters. At this moment, they have realized the problem, but Feynman is still angry. This kind of attack is like dribbling the ball through the crotch, not winning or losing. the problem.

Arths could understand a little bit, but the core was not clear, and looked at Tita with a puzzled expression.

Dita is also very doting on her cousin, who doesn't like arths.

"Arths, the silver knight's defense is good, Feynman is the vanguard, his defense and endurance are very strong, even if he is careless, he will not be completely off-balance by the opponent's direct elbow, and his handling is also correct. Yes, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to kick a mecha's head, but in the situation just now, the mecha was completely out of balance, and Feynman chose to pull away, the mecha itself was out of control, Look!" Tita put it upside down, recalling the kick just now.

"After the elbow strike, Kailong made a direct move prediction in advance, a quick small side kick, seized the opportunity of losing control, and formed a side kick guillotine, Feynman, the opponent is not insulting you, UU reading www. is insulting our Tianxing Jiwu, this place must be found!"

Feynman clenched his teeth tightly, "Yes, Captain, it's my fault, I'm willing to accept the punishment."

Tita nodded. As the captain, he had to act resolutely, "I'll collect the penalty myself in a while, five times the gravity, ten kilometers, Alzchacha this person."

Alz shrugged helplessly on the side, "Captain, I have just checked, he has hidden his personal information, he can only see his ID, it's called a puppet, I haven't heard of such a person in the past two years, and there are dozens of matches. Kicked Feynman after that, and it felt like it was intentional."

In EMP, there are people who have real names and IDs. Of course, there are a lot of hidden information, but when they really reach a certain score, it is impossible for them to be anonymous, and they will always show traces. Besides, what kind of young people are they who are not frivolous when they are young.

"Feynman, continue the appointment, the Tianxing Jiwu field must be found, Alz, you check the masters who are good at using armored dragons, there will be traces. Hmph, people on earth like to use this kind of sneaky tricks."

Top experts are generally proficient in various mechas, and at least master the basic performance. Even if they don’t use them, they may face them in the future, and there are several types of mecha that they are good at. If you want to operate well, it is not a simple and accurate range. The attack is fast and fierce, and people and mechas have to match each other and achieve a certain tacit understanding. If the armor dragon can be used like this, there are nine out of ten people who are USE, and there are not many.

"Yes, Captain, but it's a little strange... Captain, he didn't ban onlookers..." Arz was also a little confused.

The other three present also looked at each other in dismay, hiding their personal information, but open to onlookers, what kind of cowardly operation is this?

"Open it, put it out."

(Readers, give this old and new tender a little attention!)

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