MTL - Lovers Always on the Counterattack-Chapter 155

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Cao Yuying—No, now it should be called Cao Yuying—holding the imperial edict and being supported by the eunuch, the first reaction is to turn around and look at ... father in law.

Bai Yushi still knelt down on the ground, his eyes were empty, his face was blank, and Cao Yuying was guilty. Subconsciously, he couldn't help peeping at his pony-and then the other side gave him a severe glance.

Cao Yuying: "………………………………"

——It's over, and the front yard is on fire at the same time. This wave is blood loss!

Riding his head and supporting his own Yueshan adult, Cao Yuying opened her mouth and wanted to explain, but heard the eunuch's **** persuade a little anxious persuasion: "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty is anxious to announce you into the palace, or don't delay ...

The eunuch's chief is sincerely thinking about his own owner, but Cao Yuying at this time was anxious to let his cheap father Huang roll as far as possible. However, when I heard the **** director say, Bai Yushi finally turned around, and looked at Cao Yuying with a complex look, then he broke away with the arm that was held by the other side, took a step back, and took a deep look: "Please also His Royal Highness Four will enter the palace as soon as possible! "After a pause, he glanced at his son." As for other things, Weichen believes that Inuzi will explain clearly for Weichen. "

Cao Yuying, who did the wrong thing and let her lover carry the pot, and once again got a glare from Xiaoma Ma: "………………………………”

"Papa-no, Master Bai ..." Cao Yuying almost called out and quickly corrected, but still called Bai Yushi with a spirit and a pale face, "All this is my fault, Xiaosatin he just I was fooled, you ... don't blame him ... "

"This ... Wei Chen has his own decision, and asked the four princes to enter the palace as soon as possible." Bai Yushi silently gritted his teeth and repeated himself again.

Cao Yuying reluctantly feared that he would be punished when he left, but Master Nai Yueshan was driven away again and again. He eventually followed the elder's intentions and walked away in three steps-of course, before that. He also took off his makeup and changed his men's clothes, and he became ... a normal boy.

Seeing such a heroic four princes, Bai Yushi almost turned his back on, and really didn't know whether to praise the makeup technology of the other party or to blame himself blindly. Thinking of the words and deeds of the "Father Against the Dao" that the four princes were expecting to have a big fat grandson for a while, Bai Yushi was frightened and wanted to ... get angry and scold.

——A good daughter-in-law turned into a man, who can understand such pain? !!

——A good son, who can come to pit father with an outsider, who can understand the pain? !!

So, after watching Cao Yuying board the carriage with the help of the eunuch, and left Yushi Mansion, Bai Yushi immediately picked up the ring ruler and twitched his son fiercely, seeing his son's pitiful shrinkage and self-knowledge If you do not dare to hide when you have made a mistake, you will not get angry.

"Is your dad so untrustworthy ?! You have concealed such a big thing for so long without revealing it to me?" Bai Yushi was so smart that he guessed the situation almost immediately, plus White satin's brief description quickly made everything clear. "You, you, this evil barrier! You can hide it from me! If anything goes wrong, can you afford this responsibility ?!" The newborn calf is really not afraid of tigers! Thanks to your luck, you have found a way to lift the maggot, otherwise—or else— ”

White satin bowed his head, silently bearing his father's scolding, and dare not say a rebuttal. Bai Yushi scolded for a long time, then he was slightly relieved, and sighed, "I know for your father that you are a good boy who is loyal to the monarch and patriotism. Although this trip is risky, but he really saved the royal family's only orthodox blood from the demon. Even if the method is a little bit ... another way, but 'whatever is going on is a big deal,' and 'whatever you need to do in extraordinary times,' you're doing it right! "

Cao Yuying once encouraged the "good boy loyal to the monarch and patriotism" to the emperor: "…………………………”

——It's really ... there is a slight guilty conscience ...

Blaming his beloved son and encouraging him, Bai Yushi's mood finally calmed down, and he began to worry about whether his disrespectful remarks to the four princes would upset the other party-although from today's performance of Cao Yuying It looked like he didn't seem to mind this.

After listening to his father's concerns, Bai Sang couldn't help crying and laughing, and repeatedly assured that Cao Yuying would never get angry with it. Bai Yushi caressed his beard, nodded his head, contentedly exaggerated and exaggerated the four princes who bear the humiliation, the means and the luck, and then couldn't help teasing Aizi: "Speaking, I do n’t know that my son is kind of capable of acting for my father. You used to love the four princes at first sight and were very loving after marriage. You really lied to a lot of people, not even the father!

White satin drew his lips and said, "Here it is." He took a deep breath and calmed down: "Well, yeah, because that's not acting, it's true."

Bai Yushi stiffened while touching his beard: "…………………………”

White satin pursed his lips: "I did fall in love with him at first sight. Fei Qing never married."

Bai Yushi with a blank mind: "………………………………"

A red on the white satin: "Our love after marriage ... is also true."

Bai Yushi, who began to weather after the petrification: "………………………………"

"My son is not filial, probably ... I can't keep it for the Bai family!" White satin kneeled on the ground and rubbed his head heavily.

Feeling that he has become a pile of powder, Bai Yushi dissipated between heaven and earth: "………………………………”

At the time when White Satin officially came out to his father, Cao Yuying also expressed the same meaning to his father in the Royal Study Room.

After listening to Cao Yuying's words, the emperor was generally inconceivable with Bai Yushi, and his right hand, which had been slightly trembling, could not help shaking more "lively". Fortunately, his willpower was strong, and he quickly maintained the emperor's indescribable appearance, with a deep tone: "Nothing later, this is not a trivial matter. By virtue of this alone, it is impossible for you to deliver the throne to you! "

"Then don't pay." Cao Yuying knelt on the ground, her voice wailing, "Children never meant to inherit the throne. For the father and the emperor, to eliminate poison, one is due to filial piety, and the other is to get rid of the threat of the concubine. between!"

Cao Yuying's eyes were frank and frank, and it seemed that he did not have half a daydream about the throne. It was just his statement that really made the emperor unable to understand: "You give up the throne just for a man ?!"

"That's not just a man, but the love of my sons and daughters in this life!" Cao Yuying frowned slightly, obviously not very fond of the emperor's contemptuous tone.

"Oh, dear." The Emperor sneered. After experiencing the "beloved" of the concubine, he is extremely disgusted with this kind of feeling, and his words have become more and more ridiculous. "Then you can be sure, your" beloved "is also willing to accompany you. Broken off by grandchildren, scolded by people around the world? "

"He is willing." Cao Yuying ignored the emperor's satire, and smiled resolutely. "As long as we are together, there is nothing unbearable."

The emperor was disgusted enough by Cao Yuying's sage-like appearance, and he took a deep breath: "Nevertheless, since you are so obsessed, you can't control you. You want to leave Beijing with a white satin, and you can allow it, But before you do, you need to help the puppet stabilize the court. "

"Father Emperor means ...?" Cao Yuying frowned slightly. He had long known that the emperor's right hand was not working, but at this time he pretended to have no knowledge and was surprised.

The emperor gritted his teeth silently: "There is something wrong with your right hand ... I ca n’t review the chopsticks temporarily. Now, you are following him in the name of studying the politics of the court, listening to her dictation, and approving instead of him, waiting for him to find something else People you trust, you can leave Beijing. "

Cao Yuying pursed her lips and apparently didn't like the task very much, but the emperor's heart was decided, and even the imperial edicts were not allowed.

From then on, Cao Yuying lived a sad life of getting up early and going to the dynasty, and then going to the royal study to review the seemingly endless number of chapters. She was upset earlier than chickens and slept later than dogs. What a sadness!

The only comfort is that the emperor will allow the white satin to enter the palace every few days, so that the pair of lovers who are "broken apart" will fall in love with each other, and whenever they see the same love of the same-sex couple, they are pure The straight male emperor had the feeling of a blind dog. At first, he suspected that Cao Yuying was doing this just to dispel his defenses. Later ... he really admitted that the two really did love each other—although he was extremely attached to this love. Unable to understand or even feel very sick.

Even though he could not accept Cao Yuying's "love", the emperor had to admit that his son was still very good in other respects, even more like a seedling of a bright monarch than when he was a boy ... His detailed thinking, accurate judgments, and even from time to time, some "fantastic ideas" that are highly feasible and beneficial to the country and the people, can't help the emperor secretly marvel.

Cao Yuying had no longing for the throne, nor did he have any needs for the emperor-the only requirement was to want her little lover to enter the palace several times. Therefore, when he got along with the emperor, he was not inferior and inferior, and once he had different opinions on the same thing, he would argue with the emperor strongly-even, he succeeded in preventing the emperor's decision to set foot in Miao and changed to A series of decree was promulgated to prohibit the refining of tapeworms, further promote the Hanization of the Miao people, and strengthen the control of local governments. Even the ancient Miao villages living in dense forests must be placed under the control of the local government.

In the end, the Hmong survived, and the witch doctor finally achieved his wish, but the concubine couldn't escape the crime of death.

In order to calm the people's grievances, the concubine was pushed to the execution ground, beheaded and died in the limelight. As for the three princes and daughters she gave birth to, they are still the blood of Tianjia, and the emperor did not execute them secretly in the end.

In order to ensure that the three would not "revenge their mothers" in the future, the emperor ordered them to be poisoned with stupidity, and after the royal doctor confirmed that they would not recover in their lifetime, they were removed from the royal family tree and handed over The witch doctor brought it back to Miao Xinjiang and continued to raise him.

The witch doctor saw the death of her daughter with her own eyes, and almost wanted to follow her daughter, but when she thought of her silly grandson and granddaughter, she finally resisted this impulse, dragging her exhaustion and despair, leaving this like Nightmare bustling capital.

However, no one can understand the suffering of the witch doctor. The emperor felt that his approach was already extremely kind; the world also felt that the demon concubine deserved the crime and was very happy; as for Cao Yuying, she had long been behind her, and she couldn't think of anything at all--at this moment, he was busy with The emperor's wisdom and courage, in contrast to the original look of no interest in the throne.

The emperor was angry and hated but could not do anything about his son's "out of control" and "relentless"-even though he was defenseless and restrained, he still experienced the consequences of "raising tigers".

Although the emperor's initial sacrifice and bringing Cao Yuying with him to deal with political affairs meant to train him and let him inherit the throne, but since the other party liked a man and made it clear that he had no intention of the throne, the emperor naturally changed his mind— —Unfortunately, Cao Yuying is obviously not the type that can come and go, and call at will.

The emperor wanted him to be his right hand with a pen, but Cao Yuying was unwilling to aggravate himself as a tool and tool for others. He was squeezed by the emperor for surplus value, and it was a little blackened by the squeeze. Although he still had no thoughts about the throne, he would not allow the emperor to control his thoughts and actions.

——The so-called "new credible person" basically means that the emperor cannot wait until the emperor has cultivated a new heir. This is not a problem that can be solved in the middle of the night!

The emperor wants to let him do the emperor's work, and does not want to give welfare, what's the joke? If so ... it would be better for him to be the emperor himself, so that he would have to surrender himself to others, and wrong himself and even his lover!

——He's had enough time to meet his own little pony, and it depends on how others look and get permission!

Cao Yuying changed her mind about staying away from the throne and naturally acted quickly. After coming into contact with political affairs, he quickly emerged with his outstanding political talent and unique identity as the prince, coupled with the unfavorable practices of the emperor for more than a decade, he gained a huge advantage. Although the emperor tried every means to suppress the suppression, it was always resolved by Cao Yuying from understatement. On the contrary, the ministers felt that the four emperors were more talented, and the emperor could not even tolerate and suppress his only outstanding son. Live, really ... no longer the wise and martial arts of that year, and some ugly.

In this regard, the emperor has misery. He thought he was the emperor for many years. Even if Cao Yuying was outstanding and innocent, he could never find the palm of his hand, but he never thought that he was in control. He was never a "green" young boy. It is an old ancestor who knows how many years have lived, has gone through strong winds and waves, and is so dark.

In the first year, Cao Yuying laid the image of a wise future Chu monarch in the minds of the courtiers and attracted a large number of followers. In the second year, he had the strength to resist the court with the emperor. In the third year, the emperor found that his monarchy was faint. In the fourth year, his right-handed condition, which he tried to cover up, was exposed. The courtiers learned that the inscriptions of these years were all reviewed by the invisible Prince Cao Yuying. As for the fifth year, the emperor hoped to be famous forever, In the young age, he was indeed called an emperor with a rough outline. He became a prince who was captive in the palace by his son and tried to regenerate a prince to continue fighting with Cao Yuying.

——At that time, he was proud of his supreme and honorable status, and regarded the women in the harem as ants' playthings. Nowadays, they can only be with these women all day long, and even the palace gates can't step out at will. The ambition and pride disappear, it can be regarded as ...

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