MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 497 invite

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  Chapter 497 Invitation

   "Hey guys, what are you talking about? So happy." Red walked over with a glass of beer.

   Luke laughed, "We're listening to stories about Daddy Superman."

  The deputy team poured a glass of rum and handed it to Rhett, "Put down your glass of sugar water, this is what men should drink."

  Rett smiled, took a sip from his glass, "Good wine."

   "I chose." The deputy team also took a sip.

  Rett raised his eyebrows, "I remember the last time we had dinner together, Panna said that your body cannot drink strong alcohol."

  Luke doesn't know who Panna is, but presumably it's some ex-wife of the vice team.

  The deputy team didn't take it seriously, "comeon, at my age, I'm only happy at this point. Drinking can make me happy, and being happy makes me healthier. Overall, it's good."

   Seeing what Reid had to say, the deputy team waved his hand, "Don't worry, I understand my body."

   "OK." Rhett stopped talking and started chatting with other people.

   After sitting with everyone for a while, Rhett patted Luke on the shoulder, "Let's go over there and have a chat."

  Luke got up, walked to a remote corner with a glass of wine, "Director, what's the matter?"

   "Do you still remember Deputy Mayor Li Mei?"


  Last year, her daughter Betty was kidnapped and we rescued her. "Luke rescued Li Mei's daughter, but the two sides never contacted each other again. It's not that Luke didn't understand the world, it's just that the two parties were in different circles at that time.

   "Mayor Li is going to hold a party tomorrow night, but she doesn't have your contact information, so I can only pass it on to you." Rhett took out a blue invitation letter from his pocket, "This is yours."

  Luke took the invitation and opened it to check. It said that he was invited to the party tomorrow night, as well as the time and place. Li Mei's name was in the lower right corner.

   "How did she remember to invite me?"

   "You're famous now, it won't hurt her to win you over earlier, maybe one day she will run for mayor and ask you for help."

  Luke shook his head and laughed, "I don't think I can help much except votes and donating $100 in campaign funds."

   "Hey, you should change your mind.

  You are now the captain of the Robbery and Murder Division, and you have solved many sensational cases. Many citizens know that the famous Captain Luke has already gained a certain reputation in the police circle.

  You are not what you used to be. "

  Luke teased, "Can I understand that I have value to use."

   Rhett laughed, "Although this sounds uncomfortable, it is true.

  Welcome to the world of adults. "

  Luke asked curiously, "Suppose, I mean suppose, Mayor Li is going to run for mayor, how can I help?"

   “The support of the police is good for the stability of Los Angeles, and it is very helpful for the municipal elections.”

  Luke said, "Then you should find Frank, he is the boss of the police department."

  Rett glanced around and said softly, "Frank will not express his opinion easily.

  As a rising star of lapd, you have certain influence and popularity among the citizens of Los Angeles. If you can help candidates stand on the platform, the effect will be very good.

  Of course, I didn’t say who you must support, just an example.

   Getting in touch with this circle early is not a bad thing for you.

   As for how to choose, that is a matter for the future. "

   "I understand." Luke nodded. He has already got the invitation letter. Can he say anything?

  Rett clinked glasses with Luke, then looked him up and down, "Dress more formally tomorrow."

  Luke laughed, "Will the police department reimburse you for the costume?"

   "If you plan to wear a swimsuit at the party tomorrow, I can think about it." Reed left with a smile and walked away.


  Although Luke doesn't know politics very well, he can also feel that Li Mei has a good relationship with the police. If Li Mei can really become the mayor of Los Angeles, it will also help Luke's career.

  Luke has attended parties before, but this is the first time for a party of this level. After all, it is the first time. I am a little uncertain and need to prepare a little bit.

  The next morning.

  Topeka Mall.

  This is a bit similar to a domestic shopping street, but with a larger scale and better environment. The street is closed, and there are many high-end flagship stores of various brands on both sides.

  In a high-end suit shop, Luke stood in front of the mirror and tried on several suits in a row.

  Linda just came back from vacation, she was in a beautiful mood, stood aside and praised, "This suit is also very suitable, super handsome."

   "Mom, you say that every time."

   "I'm telling the truth. The girls at the party will be attracted to you. I think you should clean up your house first."

  Luke "…"

  Linda said indifferently, "You are normal at this age, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, I will leave after cleaning."

   "No." Luke politely declined, "If necessary, I will go to the hotel."

   "Wow, you are more romantic than your dad."

   "Stop, I'm not interested in your stories." Luke interrupted Linda and continued, "Which one should I choose?"

   Linda asked, "What do you think of the pink set?"

   "Too flamboyant, not suitable for me."

   "That's right. I think the black and dark blue ones are also good. You can buy both. Anyway, you don't need Daisy to send money."

   "Then I want this black set, and I will customize another set when I have time."

   Linda asked, "Where's the tie?"

   "No, I don't want to wear that thing, I'm not a gentleman, a suit is enough."

   After shopping for clothes, Luke bought a new pair of leather shoes.

   As for the watch, there is a black dial Rolex sent by Daisy.

  Luke thinks this outfit is enough, just like what he said just now, he is not a gentleman, so it is almost enough.

  Luke went shopping with his mother for a while, and bought her a new backpack.

   In the afternoon, the two went to a furniture store.

  At the end of May, Luke's new home was completed, and he needed to buy supporting furniture and appliances. Luke had no experience and no time in this area, so he had to ask his mother to help.

  He is not good at and doesn't like this kind of tedious work.

  The main body of the house has been built, but it has not been decorated yet, so the two of them just looked at the style, type, and price roughly, so that they know what they are.

   Wait until the interior decoration of the house is completed before determining the style of furniture and home appliances.

  In the evening, the two had a simple dinner, and Linda went home.

  Luke is wearing a newly bought suit to the party.

eight pm.

Four Seasons Hotel.

  Luke walked into the lobby, showed the invitation to a waiter, and was then taken to the hotel's open-air bar.

   This place has been fully booked out as a venue for parties.

   At this time, melodious music was playing at the party, and many guests had already arrived.

  Luke glanced around and saw several familiar figures.

  Li Mei is chatting with a beautiful blonde and blue-eyed Caucasian beauty.

  Rett was also chatting with a glass of wine. After seeing Luke, he waved, "Luke, here."

  There were two people standing beside Reid, one of them was the superintendent of the Western Division, Mercedes Marceau.

  The other one was a white man in his forties. Luke looked familiar, but couldn't recognize him.

  Rett introduced, "This is Danick Smith, the prosecutor of Los Angeles." He pointed at Luke, "Luke Lee, the captain of the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division."

  Luke made a handshake gesture, "Prosecutor Smith, I've known you for a long time, it's a pleasure to meet you."

  Luke has heard of his name, but has no direct contact. Luke usually communicates with the assistant prosecutor or deputy prosecutor.

  Danick Smith shook hands with Luke, "I've heard about you too.

  You've done a good job on the force, young man. "

  Luke looked at Mercedes Marceau at the side again, "Supervisor Marceau, long time no see."

  Mercedes Marceau laughed, "Although we haven't met, John often mentions you."

  Luke was a little surprised. He didn't expect that old rookie John to be quite familiar with Superintendent Marceau.

  I teased myself, "The two of us are indeed more like-minded."

  After chatting with these two, Luke took the opportunity to drag Rhett aside.

   "Director, what is the theme of today's party?"

   "Didn't I tell you yesterday?"


   "Sorry, I forgot." Rhett said softly, "Mayor Li joined the Elephant Party before, did you know that?"


   "Today is the first day she has quit the party, and she is now an independent."

  Luke was a little confused, "This also requires a party?"

  Rett patted him on the shoulder, as if you just got used to it.

   "Do I need to congratulate her?"

   "There is no need to be too deliberate. This is just a social reason. What you have to do now is to meet more 'valuable' friends, which may be useful in the future."

   "How do you know each other? I don't like awkward chats."

   "No one makes you chat awkwardly. If you know someone, just go over and say hello, and he will introduce you to the acquaintances around you, and everyone will naturally know each other.

   If you hear someone talking about a topic of interest, you can join in too.

   It's not fundamentally different from the parties you've been to before. "Red took a glass of whiskey from the table next to him and handed it to Luke, "Drink a glass, it will be easier for you to blend into the atmosphere.

   Go for it, you will encounter many more occasions like this in the future. "

  Rett left after speaking.

   "Hey, Luke." An Asian woman in a floral cheongsam walked over. She was the first Chinese female deputy mayor of Los Angeles.

   "Mayor Li, good evening.

  I like your cheongsam, it suits you very well. "

   "Thank you." Li Mei showed a hint of apology, "I'm sorry, because I don't have your contact information, I couldn't invite you in person."

  Luke handed the other party a business card, "Now you have it."

  Li Mei took the business card and handed Luke her own business card, "Next time, I will send the invitation directly."

  Luke felt that someone was looking at him, glanced casually, and asked casually, "Isn't Betty here?"

   "She is too young for today's occasion.

  I didn't tell her that you would be at the party, otherwise, she would definitely come. "

  Luke smiled, just listen to what he said. Although he saved Betty, but seeing Luke, the other party will also think of the kidnapping. Li Mei may not want the two to meet.

  At the entrance of the party, a new guest came and waved in Li Mei's direction.

  Li Mei said, "Luke, excuse me, I'm going to greet new guests.

   Nice to have you here. "

  Luke nodded with a smile.

   Luke then sat at a side table, drinking and watching the party.

  He has just come into contact with this level, and he doesn't know many people, so sitting here is somewhat boring.

  He stood up and was about to get some fruit to eat when a Caucasian woman in her twenties sat across the table.

   "Sir, can I sit here?"

  Luke looked at each other. The young woman was very beautiful, with blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and a blue dress. She looked like an elf in a European film and television drama.

   "Have we met before?"

   "No, I saw you on TV. You have solved many big cases and you are a famous detective in Los Angeles."

   Luke thought to himself, is it true that his mother was right, that he is super handsome in this outfit, and luck will come so soon?

   "My name is Luke, nice to meet you."

   "My name is Lilith." The blond beauty raised her glass, "Captain Luke, you have investigated so many dangerous cases, can you tell me about them?"

   Luke said, "Sorry, I signed a non-disclosure agreement and cannot disclose it to the outside world."

  Lilith's small mouth was slightly raised, as if she was a little disappointed, "Do you have any other more exciting adventures? For example, adventures."

   Luke asked back, "Are you referring to the treasure hunt?"

   "Yes, I have loved hearing stories about treasure hunting told by my elders since I was a child."

  Luke laughed, "Have you heard of Finn's treasure?"

   "Yes, I've heard the story about a funny old man who likes to bury treasures everywhere.

   Do you like treasure hunting too? "

  Luke replied with a smile, "No, I'm too busy with work to find treasure hunting at all."

   Lilith "…"


  How can we talk about this?

   Luke asked, "You've been paying attention to me since I first came to the party, why?"

  Lilith denied, "You misunderstood, I have been looking in the direction of the door."

   Luke continued, "As soon as we met, you asked me to tell you about the thrilling case. You know I can't tell you.

  So, your real purpose is to ask me about the treasure hunt? "

  Luke stared at the delicate facial features of the other party, and continued, "Also, you call Finn an interesting old man, which sounds like you know him well.

   So, you're here for Finn's treasure? "


  Lilith clapped her hands and said with a smile, "As expected of the most famous police detective in Los Angeles, it feels like a failure to be seen through so quickly by you."

  Luke asked warily, "What do you do?"

  Lilith pushed back her golden hair, took off an earring from her ear, and placed it on the table in front of Luke.

  Luke picked up the golden earrings that were still warm, because they were covered by hair before, and the blonde hair was similar in color, Luke didn't see it.

   Now observe carefully, the golden earrings are exquisitely crafted and familiar, "This is Finn's treasure, where did it come from?"

  Lilith looked a little weird, and said softly, "I bought it at the auction."

  Luke "…"

   In the last chapter, some book friends reported that it was relatively watery, so I adjusted the plot today.

   Sorry for the late update.



  (end of this chapter)