MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 438 live streaming

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  Chapter 438 Live

  Xiao Hei's house.

Eight in the morning.

  Xiao Hei was cooking breakfast in the kitchen wearing an apron, quite like a family cook.

   "Da da..." There was a sound of footsteps on the stairs, and Julian walked down from the second floor with a big belly.

  Xiao Hei hurried over to support his wife, "Hey, baby, I told you before, you must hold on to the handrail when you go down the stairs."

  Julian smiled, "Inspector Marcus, I'm not too old to walk, I'm just pregnant, there's no need to be so nervous."

  Xiao Hei helped Julian to the dining table, "Sit down for a while, breakfast will be ready soon."

   "Actually, you don't need to get up early to cook, I can cook by myself."

  Xiao Hei glanced at Julian's big belly, "No, I don't think this is a good idea."

  Julian picked up the milk bottle and poured himself a glass of milk, "You will be a good father."

   "Still a good husband." Xiao Hei turned the fried egg over with a shovel, "My mother may come over later, tell her what you want to eat."

   "Although I am a pregnant woman, I am not weak, and there is really no need to be so."

  Xiao Hei said, "I told her, but she is still worried.

   She had a miscarriage before, otherwise, I might have a brother or sister, who knows.

   Don't tell her I said it. "

  Julian took out his phone, opened it, and said, "Did Luke buy you a drink last night?"

   "Yes, that guy went to New York this time and got the identity of Fobole.

   What a **** he didn't consult me. "

  Julian said, "Maybe he has some inconvenience."

   "What annoys me the most is that I was the last to know..." Xiao Hei complained, "We used to be partners who talked about everything."

   "You didn't go to work yesterday, isn't it normal to be the last to know?" Julian didn't think there was any problem, "Hey, honey, you've been too sensitive recently.

   I'm just having babies, no big deal, every woman goes through this, take it easy. "

   "Have I been tense lately?"

   "Yes, you should try to take a deep breath. If you leave work early today, do yoga with me, that may help you."

   "No, I don't want to do pregnancy yoga."

   "It's not yoga for pregnant women, but to relieve prenatal anxiety. It should also help you, so just practice it with me."

   "OK, breakfast is ready." Xiao Hei put fried eggs, bacon, and toast on the dinner plate.

  Julian, who was swiping his phone, frowned, "Hey, dear, I saw a very scary video."

   "Then don't watch it, it's not good for prenatal education."

   "I think you should come and take a look." Julian turned up the volume of his phone.

Xiao Hei walked to the dining table, put down the plate and looked at Julian's mobile phone. In the video, there was a man wearing a skull mask. He was sitting in the car with an AR-15 in his hand, and his deep voice was full of childishness, " Hey, I'm here."

  He pointed the camera outside, "Did you see this supermarket? This is my target. People in the supermarket had better leave immediately. I'm ready to kill."

  The man in the skull mask put on his helmet, opened the door of the cab, and gestured a cross, "Pray to God for me."

  Xiao Hei raised his eyebrows, "Is this **** joking? Or a prank?"

   Soon, Xiao Hei had the answer.

   "Bang bang bang..."

  In the video, the man in the skull mask shot directly, and a black woman at the entrance of the supermarket fell directly to the ground, followed by another burst of gunfire, and two more people were knocked down.

   "Fuck!" Xiao Hei couldn't help but swear, "This **** is playing for real!

  Baby, I have to go, promise me not to watch it again, OK? "

   "I promise you, be careful on the road." Julian stood up and kissed Xiao Hei on the cheek.

"I forgot that video account, I have to take another look." Xiao Hei picked up Julian's phone and looked at it again, then turned off the video software, kissed Julian's forehead, "Baby, take care of yourself. "

   "You have to be careful too."

"I will."

  Xiao Hei took out his mobile phone, clicked on the software, and continued to watch the live video. "Bang bang bang..." There was another burst of gunfire.

  Xiao Hei cursed as he walked out, "What a madman."

  He got into the car, kicked the accelerator and drove quickly to the police station.

  The gunman injured at least four or five people in the blink of an eye. This is definitely not a small case.


  Near the Palisades community, Magic Noodle Restaurant.

  If you just look at the name of the restaurant, it might be a bit confusing, it doesn't look like a serious noodle restaurant, but seeing the green sign and the blue and white porcelain bowl, Luke knew he came to the right place.

   This is a beef noodle restaurant.

  It opens in the morning, and the boss is probably Chinese.

  Luke ordered a bowl of 3-thin ramen. The kitchen is open. You can see the ramen chef when you sit at the dining table. There is also a foreigner taking pictures with his mobile phone.

  An Asian man in a white chef's uniform scooped up noodles, added soup, covered with large slices of beef, and a few thin slices of white radish.

  Luke put coriander, chopped green onion, a large spoonful of chili, half a spoonful of vinegar, and asked for an extra plate of cold dishes.

  Eat a bowl of ramen in the morning, and the whole body is clear.

  This is also a benefit of living in a Chinese community, and you can often eat Chinese delicacies.

   Luke was halfway through eating, and received a mobile phone from Xiao Hei, asking him to watch a live broadcast software.

  At first, Luke didn't take it seriously, after all, Xiao Hei has always been unreliable.

   But when he saw the live broadcast content, he was shocked. The video picture looked like a supermarket, with a mess, goods scattered on the ground, and a piece of blood. There were wailing and screaming in the video.

  The scene changed, and Luke also saw the supermarket employees struggling on the ground, and the customers running around.

   "Bang bang bang..." In the video, half of the muzzle is shown shooting at the crowd.

  Gunshots, screams, and painful wailing mixed together, it was like purgatory on earth.

  The live broadcast lasted about a minute, and the shooting also lasted a minute.

  Luke saw seven injured people, including a supermarket security guard.

  Luke didn't see the person in the video, but based on what the footage showed, he could deduce that this person had been killing people in the supermarket from start to finish, searching for survivors.

   After a while, there were no more survivors on the screen, the gunfire stopped, and a man's voice sounded, "Hey, this is the end of today's live broadcast.

  Hope you had as much of an exciting time as I did, bye. "

  The live video was turned off, Luke took a sip of the noodle soup, left the meal fee and tip, and left the restaurant straight away.

  Ten minutes later, Luke drove to the police station.

  There are two reasons why he came to the police station instead of going to the scene of the crime. First, he didn't know the specific address of the supermarket where the shooting took place. When he finds the address of the supermarket, and then drives there, the day lily might be cold.

  Second, there are police patrols on the streets of Los Angeles. Once a shooting occurs, the surrounding police will rush to the scene quickly.

  Luke parked the car in the parking space, and Xiao Hei's Toyota drove in.

  The Palisades community is only a ten-minute drive from the police station, which is one of the reasons why Luke bought the villa.

  Luke got out of the car and waited for Xiao Hei for a while, and the two walked into the police detective building together.

  Xiao Hei asked, "Do you think this case will be handed over to us for investigation?"

  Luke didn't answer directly, "How long have you watched the live video?"

   "About three minutes, at that time, he hadn't fired yet."

   "How many people did he kill?"

   "At least ten, and I'd guess a dozen or thirteen, and it's definitely a nationally sensational case.

  This arrogant guy actually started a live broadcast. "

  Luke complained, not only the whole country, but probably the whole world knows, "Whether the case will be assigned to us depends mainly on the danger of the shooter. If the shooter is caught by the police on the spot, we will naturally have nothing to do with it.

  If the shooter escapes, things will be difficult.

  As you said just now, the impact of this case will be great, and the media will not let this piece of fat go.

  Once the gunman escapes, in order to calm public opinion as soon as possible, the General Administration will definitely send the most elite police force to investigate. "

  Xiao Hei said confidently, "It seems that we are busy."

   Luke said, "Don't be idle and find work for yourself, judging from the gunman's modus operandi, he doesn't seem like a guy who is afraid of death.

  Even if you encounter the police, you may fight directly, and you may have been shot dead by the local patrol. "

  Xiao Hei sighed, "Why are there so many perverts?"

   "You asked the wrong person. If I knew, I wouldn't be a policeman."

  Luke and Xiao Hei pushed the door one after the other and walked into the office. The deputy team, Jenny, and Jackson had already arrived.

  The deputy team looked at Luke and the two, "I guess you must have read the news about the supermarket shooting."

  Xiao Hei asked subconsciously, "How do you know?"

  The deputy team glanced at their watch, "Otherwise you two guys wouldn't have come so early.

  Too hardworking, not your style. "

  Xiao Hei "..."

   "The deputy team is right, you have to come earlier in the future." Luke patted Xiao Hei on the shoulder, pulled himself out, and asked,

   "Deputy team, did you also watch the live broadcast?"

  "No, the news I watch, believe me, the content of those news broadcasts will not be less than the live broadcast."

  Jackson said, "I also saw the news that the shooter was a brutal bastard, and he actually shot a teenage girl.

  If I was there, I would definitely kill him immediately, and I would never let him hurt so many people. "

  Luke also learned from the deputy team and began to pay attention to the news.

  When such a vicious wounding incident happened, the reporters were more excited than the police. They rushed to the supermarket where the incident happened, and immediately broadcast the situation on the scene.

  Luke turned on a channel casually, which was broadcasting the news of the supermarket shooting.

   It was a white female reporter who reported the news, "Good morning, I am Makalian, a news reporter from CBE TV station, and a vicious shooting happened in this supermarket standing right behind me.

  According to our investigation, more than a dozen people have been injured in the supermarket. The police have controlled the scene, and ambulances have begun to treat and transport the injured. There is no clear news of the shooter yet. "

  The voice of the white female reporter paused for a moment, and her voice choked up, "God, I just heard a terrible news. Several injured people have stopped their heartbeat...

   I'm sorry, let's pray for them.

   God bless them, God bless Los Angeles. The white female reporter wiped her eyes, "I'm going to leave for a while, but we will continue to follow up and report on this case." "

  Xiao Hei watched the live broadcast and knew that someone would die. He asked, "Why is there no news about the shooter? These reporters should not be rookies. If the shooter is caught, they will definitely get the news. Could it be that the shooter has already been killed?"

  The deputy team speculated, "It is also possible that the shooter has escaped."

  Jenny shook her head, "Killing in public, with so many witnesses, it may not be so easy for the shooter to escape."

  The deputy team shook his head, "There are so many witnesses as you think, and it is too late to escape when encountering such a thing, those who run slowly have already been shot, and those who run fast would dare to go back and die.

   Moreover, this guy brought several guns and body armor, which can be said to be fully armed, which shows that this killing and torture was not random, and the suspect should have chosen the direction and route of escape in advance. "

  This case has become the focus of No. 1 Squadron, and the team members who arrived one after another joined the discussion.

  In fact, not only the first squadron, but the whole of Los Angeles, and even the whole of the United States are paying attention to this case.

Shootings happen every day in Los Angeles, but this time it was a unilateral massacre, with more than ten casualties, and the murderer also broadcast live. Many people have seen the shooting video. The spread of the Internet is too fast, and the impact is too great .

   Half an hour later, Reid came to the First Squadron of the Robbery and Murder Division and brought the latest news about the case.

  Rett glanced at everyone, "You all know about the supermarket shooting, right?"

   Luke replied, "We have also paid attention to this case. How about the casualties at the scene?"

"A total of 13 people were injured at the scene. Among them, 5 victims died on the spot, and 2 people stopped their heartbeat on the way to the hospital. The condition of the other injured people is not very good..." Reid did not Explanation, but the meaning in the words reveals that the death toll may increase.

   "This shooting happened in a supermarket near a residential community. It was of a very bad nature and caused great panic to the citizens. The director has personally rushed to the scene."

  Xiao Hei asked, "Has the murderer been caught?"

  "After controlling the scene, the police did not find the murderer, and it is likely that he has fled.

  I just received a call from the director. He hoped that we would send the most elite police force to take over the investigation of the case, to solve the case in the shortest possible time, catch the shooter, and restore peace in Los Angeles. "

  Rett showed a dignified look, "Is your squadron willing to take over this case?"

  The nature of this case is bad. The gunman broadcast the killing process live, which was widely disseminated and received attention from many parties in a short period of time. It is likely to receive global attention and the pressure to handle the case will be extremely high.

  Rett did not assign the task directly, but asked in a tone of inquiry.

  Everyone looked at Luke.

  There are pros and cons to taking over this case. The nature of the case must be known throughout the country. If the case can be successfully solved and the gunman caught, the No. 1 Squadron will certainly have made a great contribution.

  If the case goes unsolved and the shooter gets away with it, that responsibility falls to Luke as well.

  Luke didn't answer immediately, "Is there a time limit for case detection?"

   "Not yet."

   That may happen in the future. Luke doesn't like to solve cases within a time limit, it feels like wearing shackles.

  Solving a case is not about carrying a sack, you can finish it if you work hard.

  In addition to criminal investigation skills, luck is also very important in solving a case.

  However, Reid has already talked about this point, and even brought up Chief Frank, and Luke can't refuse.

   Taking a step back, Chief Frank and Chief Red are in trouble, and they have already found a squadron, which proves that they want Luke to take over the case. They backed down at this time, what would they think of Luke?

   If he can't bear this pressure, Luke's promotion will come to an end.

   Figured this out, Luke slapped his hands, "Guys, pack your things, we will meet in the parking lot in 5 minutes."

   "Yes, sir."

  Rett also nodded in satisfaction, "I will notify the police at the scene of the crime to assist you in the investigation, and call me if necessary."

   "I will." Luke took a deep breath. He didn't really like handling cases under the spotlight, but he had been pushed up, and he didn't have a choice.

   Sorry, there is no manuscript saved, and the update is late.

   I have been working hard these days, and if I save another chapter, the update time will be stable.

   Ask for a monthly pass,

   Ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)