MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-v2 Chapter 793 It turned out to be him

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"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Yang Ling's voice just fell, the Lord God Gothic loudly opposed, "Now, everyone can be the master of hidden identity. Yang Ling adults, your soul spell is very powerful, your Warcraft Legion It also made the greatest contribution to the destruction of the Meteor Castle. But who can guarantee that you are not the master?"

What does it mean to let a person infiltrate the mind into his mind?

This means that the wolf will enter the room and give his life to others completely. If you are not careful, it is very likely that you will fly away! Especially for Yang Ling, the Warcraft Lord God who specializes in Soul Witchcraft, let him infiltrate his powerful mind into his mind, and it is simply to clean his neck and let him slaughter. As long as Yang Ling does not have ulterior motives, I am afraid that no one can retreat from the whole body, the soul flies away, and even he is left with a deep soul mark, and he has become his embarrassment!

"Yes, this is absolutely impossible!" The peerless Sangjara looked cold and refused Yang Ling's approach.


In addition to several people, such as Raymond and Tiangu, who are addicted to it, others have loudly opposed Yang Ling’s suggestion. Being able to survive the first round of the attack of time and space, no one is a weak person, understand the horror of letting Yang Ling infiltrate his mind into his mind. Especially the gloomy **** Gothic, even loudly opposed, while staring at Yang Ling, exudes a burst of sharp murder.

Could it be that this guy is the master of hidden identity?

Look at the main **** Goth, who is strongly opposed and takes the lead in opposing his own opinions. Yang Ling’s heart is moving. Regardless of the Lord God Gothic or the peerless Sangjara and others, they are all peerless powers invited by Raymond. Before, they did not have any contact with them. If the ruler is around, it is very likely that he will be incarnate on these guys.

"Yes, let me infiltrate my mind into my mind. This is very dangerous. But..." Yang Ling glanced at the crowd coldly, his eyes staying in the Gothic Gothic against the Lord God, and faintly said: "You have no choice. Either cooperate with my actions, let me infiltrate my knowledge; or I will fly away and die under my sword!"

At the crucial moment, Yang Ling simply smashed his knives and took the most direct approach. He said that he raised his right hand coldly. In the meantime, the five tigers, such as the corpse witch and Jin Peng, forced the previous step coldly, and looked at the Gothic and other gods who were strongly opposed to the expression. They were ready to go; the 12th ancestors such as the criminal day and the back soil were more direct. Loudly roaring, unabashedly exuding suffocating fierceness and unparalleled pressure, just want to move!

Shun Chang, the opposite is dead!

In order to get out of trouble quickly, in order to find the master who is hiding in the fastest speed, Yang Ling would not mind taking a few guys to cut the knife and kill the chicken and monkey! This trip, in addition to the corpse witch king and other five tiger generals, the twelve ancestors gathered together, almost can be said to gather the most powerful and elite power of the World of Warcraft. Although the number is small, it accounts for almost half of the number of people present. Together with the tacit understanding, the combat effectiveness is extremely strong and it is the most powerful force on the scene.

Battle soul knife?

Look at the swords on Yang Ling's back, look at the murderous five tigers and the twelve ancestors, everyone shocked. Although I know that Yang Ling, the master of the World of Warcraft, is far and wide, but I did not expect that he actually took such a **** and hegemonic approach without hesitation!

Fight with him!

Seeing Yang Ling’s aggressiveness, everyone sees me, I see you, all eyes are red. However, look at Yang Ling, whose strength is unfathomable, and then look at the 12 ancestors who are equally unpredictable and fiercely beside him, but they are too late to dare to do it. No one dares to take the lead!

"Yang Ling, let me come first, I believe, you can never be the master!" Just as everyone hesitated, the twelve ancestors approached, and when the war broke out, the tearful eyes of the gods wiped the tears of the eyes. Without hesitation, he first came forward and walked calmly to Yang Ling.

Others doubt Yang Ling’s motives and fear that he is the master of hidden identity. However, Tiangu never doubts Yang Ling’s head. The soul brand left by the ruler is Yang Ling, an ancient wizard who helped to get rid of it; if Yang Ling is the master of hidden identity, he can find an excuse to push the past and continue to leave a soul mark in his mind. Even, you can take the opportunity to further deepen the soul brand that is difficult to resolve!

"Okay, Miss Sonia, sit down cross-legged and let go of your heart!"

At the crucial moment, Yang Ling is no longer embarrassed. Commanded Tiangu to sit on one side of the cross, and then meditate on the witches under the escorts of the sorcerer and other ancestors and the ancestors of the twelve ancestors, and the sorcerer's seals, the huge gods came out and quickly infiltrated into Tiangu's mind. Despite its strength and the guardianship of the twelve ancestors; but in the face of the unknown hidden identity, he did not dare to have the slightest wish, and keep a certain distance from the Tiangu! Moreover, the corpse witch and others were left intentionally or unintentionally, leaving the twelve ancestors to stay close to each other.

The corpse witch and Jin Peng and others have their own soul branding. Under normal circumstances, it is unlikely to be the dominant of hidden identity. However, it is terrible to dominate the moment of killing the arbiter army and the gods' coalition forces. No one knows whether he has any more horrible magical powers. Compared with Jin Peng and others, Yang Ling believes that the gods remain in the witch tower. The twelve ancestors who resurrected after combining their own blood!

"Miss Sonia, thank you for your cooperation, please stand here, next!" With the strong knowledge of God and the cooperation of Tiangu, Yang Ling quickly confirmed that her mind was not abnormal, and the mysterious witchcraft was detected. Her memory confirms that Tiangu cannot be the master of hidden identity!

"Yang Ling, let me come!" Look at the Tiangu who came back from Enron, Raymond breathed a sigh of relief. Although she did not believe that Yang Ling was the master of hidden identity, she was still nervous when she saw that Yang Ling’s gods had infiltrated her mind.

"Well, Raymond adults, please sit down cross-legged!" Yang Ling bowed his body, asked Raymond to sit cross-legged and quickly swayed his vast knowledge to detect his mind. Soon, it was confirmed that Raymond was not the master of hidden identity.

"Yangling brothers, let me come!" Raymond just stood up, and the wandering swordsmen strode up, taking a deep breath, letting Yang Ling's knowledge penetrate into it!


Seeing that Tiangu and Raymond did not have any abnormalities after the test, people were relieved, and they sat down cross-legged with their heads and let Yang Ling’s knowledge penetrate. Originally prepared to fight with Yang Ling, the formation is not broken, and naturally collapses. Tiangu, Raymond and the wandering swordsmen and others fell to Yang Ling, and the strength contrast was even more disparate; even though the heart still did not trust Yang Ling to infiltrate the gods, but there is no better choice for everyone!

Alone to challenge Yang Ling, the authority of the Warcraft Lord God, is definitely looking for death, I am afraid that did not die in the hands of the master, but first died in Yangling this Warcraft master knife. Since the horizontal and vertical are all dead, it is better to tie the scalp with Yang Ling's action!

One, two...

With strong gods and mysterious witchcraft, Yang Ling quickly ruled out the tense strong ones. Through the branding of the soul, he further confirmed that the corpse witch and others could not be the masters of hidden identity. Soon, there were only three people left in the field. In addition to the blood flow, the injury is getting heavier and heavier. Just outside the starry city of Cameron, a big gasp on a big tree, there is only a beep, the ghost of the main **** Gothic and the pale peerless sang Jala.

"The ruler is the Gospel of the Lord God, the great peer Sanjaila, or..."

Looking at the remaining three people, people are nervous. After a moment of indulgence, they have locked in the soul fluctuations of the Gothic **** and the peerless Sangjara, ready to attack at any time. The Lord God Gothic was the first to resolutely oppose Yang Ling’s proposal. The peerless strongman Sanjaila was the first to echo loudly. Coincidentally, both of them were slow to cooperate with Yang Ling’s actions. Either it is too nervous, or there is a ghost in the heart. If you don't guess wrong, the ruler should be one of the two!

"Two brothers, you will continue to wait, see who is the master of hidden identity!" Star City, Cameron stood up with a stinging chest, and said carefully and opened the Gothic Gothic And the distance of the peerless Sangjara, squatting to Yangling, "Yangling brothers, in advance, it is no problem to infiltrate the gods; but if you take the opportunity to reveal some memories of the brothers, I am not finished with you!"

Despite the serious injury, the star city star Cameron made a strong smile, and then snorted slowly and sat down not far from Yangling. The spirit is relaxed, like the former wandering swordsmen and others, slowly closing their eyes and letting them know how to pick up Yang Ling’s knowledge. Perhaps the injury is too heavy, although the pressure is suppressed, the corner of the mouth continues to see a bloodshot!

"Hey, rest assured, who is your first love lover, definitely help you keep secret. But if you do something bad to then you can't guarantee it!"

Yang Ling smiled and looked at the pale face of the starry city of Cameron. He took a bottle of life spring water from the space ring and sent the corpse witch to Cameron. The latter was also welcome and swallowed directly. After a while, I saw that his face was much better. Yang Ling silently recited the witch and acted quickly. However, just as his knowledge is about to infiltrate Cameron’s mind, the accident suddenly appeared!

Suddenly, the **** stream of the starry city of Cameron sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly violently rushed, lightning-like and unprepared Yang Ling. When the figure is swaying, it is easy to penetrate the first line of defense consisting of five members, including the Witch King and Jin Peng, and give each of them a palm. After a few clicks, even the corpse of the Witch King, the five men's chests were all concave and printed with a clear handprint; the ribs were broken by a large part, and they were shot by a palm!


Look at the speed of the sky, the attack power suddenly skyrocketing star city Cameron, Yang Ling is shocked, and the onlookers Raymond and Tiangu are no exception. I thought that the dominance of the hidden identity is not the main **** Gothic or the paranoid peerless strongman Sanjayla, I did not expect that it was always in front of the head, the injury looks extremely serious star city owner Cameron!

(To be continued) ()

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