MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-Chapter 4 Deadwood guard

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The dead wood giant has a brownish-yellow skin, and the skin is covered with dense stripes, similar to the annual rings on the wood, round and round. The chest muscles are raised up one by one, looking far away, like a piece of hard basalt.

The joints such as the knees and elbows are covered with spurs. Although they are only as long as a dagger, they are as sharp and sharp as the three-legged spurs. Yang Lin has no doubt that he can penetrate the hardest skull of mankind at once.

The weapon in the hands of the dead wood giant is so suffocating that it is not so much a giant version of the mace, but rather a huge log, which is thicker than the beam used in the brick house. Yang Ling has no doubt that if a stick is knocked down, I am afraid that even the latest T92 tank will be photographed as a pile of rotten iron.

Shocking, it is too shocking!

Yang Ling was stunned, and the black warriors were even more scalp. The dead wood guard is the protector of the forest elves, tall and strong, and powerful. Although I understand that it is very likely that I will encounter such a terrible guy, but the black warriors did not expect that the long-haired beauty actually summoned a full twenty-five.

Under the command of the long-haired beauty, the dead wood guards ‘嘭, 嘭, 嘭’ strode to the black warrior striding, and each step of the way raised a large amount of dust. Although the movement was slow, but one step was nearly ten meters, and the blink of an eye rushed to the black warriors.

Knocking down a stick, like a thunder, like a thunder, the black warrior who had no time to dodge, even took a mount and smashed it into a muddy mud, and smashed a pool of scarlet blood.

Unprepared, in the face of the dead wood guards these dozens of meters tall behemoths, the black warriors have stunned the slaps of the clouds or griffins under their feet, trying to lift off. Although these dead wood guards are still not advanced, the sturdy body is not something that these swordsmen can deal with. Except the team's magician, no one can seriously damage the protectors of these elves.

Under the cover of the dead wood guards, the elves rushed back, and the dark green arrows were like a dense raindrop, and the nearby black warriors were shot into hedgehogs. For a time, morale was greatly boosted.

When it was too late to get out of the dodge, some black warriors stunned and rode the flying beast to the left and right, but soon they found it all in vain. Either the elves are shot into hedgehogs, or they are photographed by the dead guards. Then, as a tractor-sized foot plate was pressed down, it was alive and burned into a thin patties, and Yangling goosebumps were seen.

According to the return of the horn beemon that went out for investigation, there was no ambush between the two sides in the vicinity, so that Yang Ling had more peace of mind. He did not want to put his own life in order to see a lively event. The world is crazy, the rabbit will spurt, the python will spray water, and now a tree can be fine, and the ghost knows what monsters will be met next.

"Jiefeng, fast!" Seeing the dead wood guards invincible, the frightened young man ordered loudly, "All the magicians step back and give the warriors a quick ride, fast!"

After the heavy losses, the young man in the haze was mad, staring at the long-haired beauty holding the dark green staff on the ground, hating to gnash his teeth. According to the mercenary's intelligence, this is just a small elf tribe. I thought it could be easily broken in one fell swoop. I didn't expect that there were so many dead wood guards guarding it.

"Eblis, after you have enough, you will sell you to the lowest level*, let you pick up seventy or eighty barbarians a day, mom!" The young man cursed evilly. Only by selling these young and beautiful elf girls to the various nobles or * can they compensate for this loss, otherwise they will lose money.

After the order, several magicians in robes rode the gryphon and took off again. After confirming the range of the elves, they stopped and slammed the black warriors. Suddenly, the black warriors were so powerful that they easily escaped the slow-moving dead wood guards and gnawed their teeth to the melee.

The speed of cloud carving and griffin is already fast, and the speed of post-surgery is even more amazing. Some of the elves were caught off guard, and a black warrior who had fallen from the sky cut a throat. Something is even worse. The burdock-sized gryphon is torn in half, and the blood, brain and intestines are all scattered on the grass.

Staring at the murderous black warrior, the long-haired beauty commanded the dead wood guards to greet them. Helpless, the other side of the Jiafeng wind after the rapid speed, often dead wood guards just raised a large wooden stick, the black warrior has been riding a lion to fly out. Just like holding a bamboo basket to catch fish, you can't touch one for a long time.

"Sofia, put all the dead wood guards together, fast!" Looking at the speedy black warrior, the center of the old man in the heart of the move. Since the dead wood guards are in vain and can't catch up with each other's figure, it's better to concentrate on defense.

Sure enough, after bringing together twenty-five dead wood guards, the situation has changed dramatically again. Forced by the dead wood guards thick and long wooden sticks, the black warriors did not dare to rush over, while the elf warriors hid behind the dead wood guards and bowed arrows, killing the black warriors within the range.

"Frost, freeze these dead wood guards!" After a half circle in the air, the young man ordered it loudly. With the whispers of several magicians, soon, the surrounding temperature plummeted, and Yang Ling, who was cold in the treetops, could not help but shrink his neck.

Listening to the magician's spell, feeling the more and more magical power in the air, the elf old man in the middle of the command was shocked. The dead wood guards are not advanced yet, and they are unable to attack the air targets. If they are frozen and unable to attack the ground targets, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Elders, after we left, you will let the people retreat, and it will be too late to leave!"

After biting his teeth, an elf warrior carrying a long pot of arrows stood up. However, before the old man ordered it, as the magician in the air invariably raised his right hand, a piece of goose-like snow fell from the sky, and the dead wood guards who had been slow to move were frozen into popsicles.

Hey, ice sculpture?

After taking a nap, Yang Ling once again appeased the horn bee beast that smelled after the **** smell, while running the body to protect the cold. Watching ice sculptures is a kind of enjoyment, but it is another matter to be frozen into specimens by others.

Seeing the dead wood guards can't move, the black warriors have a strong morale, and they rushed to the elves.

"Hey, look for death!" The young man cut a throat of an elf warrior and shouted loudly: "The men who killed them, robbed their property, and tied their women to me!"

The young man is wearing a heavy armor and his eyes are gloomy. He is riding a gryphon and squatting right under the circumstance of many guards. After dispersing the formation of the elves, they rushed straight to the long-haired beauty.

"Damn, don't kill the young elf woman, it's all money, tie them all together." The young man yelled at a warrior who had a red-eyed eyes, and the fans were swept in the beautiful female elves. Go, "Hey, warriors, let me go to Imia today!"

After understanding the meaning of the young people, the black warriors roared loudly and madly attacked the elf who lost. Some of the guys were even more beastly, and on the spot they tore open the clothes of the female prisoners and slammed them on the face.

"Let me go, you guys, let me go!"

After the missed hand was **** by several black warriors, the long-haired girl struggled. Seeing that Grandpa was desperate to die, he couldn’t help but rescue him. Then he looked at the young people who were forced to step by step and couldn’t help but burst into tears.

"Haha, beauty, I am coming!" Looking at the fairy-tale girl, Imiah's beast wants to make a big fuss, and I can't wait to rush. "My little beauty, don't worry, my brother will wait for you!"

"Ah....., my eyes!"

"Ah, Horn bee, help!"


Just as the long-haired girl closed her eyes desperately, suddenly, the black warriors beside them shouted and yelled, their eyes were bloody, and they fell to the ground and rolled around desperately. She opened her eyes and saw that many horn bees were madly biting the eyes and brains of the black warriors.

At the crucial moment, Yang Ling sent a World of Warcraft army that smelled the **** smell.

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