MTL - Lord of the Magical Beasts-Chapter 1 Blood domestication

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"The jade tower excavated from the ancient tomb of Wannian Miaojiang, everyone passed by, don't miss it!" At the moment of work, a black-faced middle-aged man dressed by a Miao people stood screaming and yelling under the bus license plate. , ushered in a white eye.

"How much?" Yang Ling wanted to pass by, but see the so-called jade tower is quite delicate, can not help but think of the little scorpion that is entangled with toys all day long.

"Not expensive, two hundred and eighty, you can bless you and your family health, work well, all the best....."

"Five dollars!" Yang Ling Song Song's neck-like tie, interrupted the swindler, "Do not sell it!"

Just found the first job after graduation, the salary is still unknown to the monkey year, Yang Ling is now the real moonlight family. Maybe starting from tomorrow, eating a five-dollar roadside snack is a good choice. If it doesn't work, then only the boiled water will be sent to the hoe.


After some bargaining, Yang Ling bought the jade tower for ten yuan, and asked for a canvas bag with a price of eight dollars. He looked relaxed, Miao Min was bitterly muttered a few words, this jade tower could not be sold for a few years, even the tattered are too heavy, but had no choice but to jump off the building.

At work, the bus is simply a large bottle of canned meat. People touch their feet and squeeze together. In order to catch up with the bus that is late, in order to get home early, the ladies who are petty-bourgeois during the day can't take care of it. They don't hesitate to squeeze together with a lot of sweaty men, or tall or short stinky men.

Squeezing in front of Yang Ling is a delicate woman in a black suit. The face is painted with light makeup, and the eyebrows are slender, but from his point of view, you can see traces of scratching, and of course, a looming cleavage. The weather is hot, the women are wearing very little, * everywhere, not to mention the meat on the bus.

I don't know when, Yang Ling felt that the jade tower in his hand exudes a hot air. Coincidentally, the apex is unbiased, just in front of the woman's high-pitched buttocks. He himself has nothing, but soon, the suit woman feels the same.

With the bumps of the bus, the suit woman felt that there was a hot stream in the buttocks. It seems that a hard-boned guy is standing on his own. The fate is that one has to move forward an inch, and the thing is also one inch in size, and it is getting hotter. That feeling is like...

Looking back at Yang Ling, seeing that he pretended to be nothing, the suit woman was shy and angry, and his face was flushed. I don’t know how to open it, I can’t stand it, but I can’t hide it. The thing behind it is getting hotter and hotter, and her heart is like a deer, and she is ashamed.

What should I do if I am first class?

The suit woman was uneasy, and felt that the ‘Hu Shu Bao’ that had just been changed before leaving work was almost a hole in the back. She only wore a thin skirt today, and she came out first, and she definitely dyed a large piece and shy people.

Shame, anxious, fear, anger, helpless...

The suit woman has mixed feelings. Although she arrives at the next stop, she feels like she is on the same day. The luxury air-conditioned car is slower than the snail. The size of the hot thing behind her made her think of a cockroach, a big variation.

"Miss, are you okay?" Inadvertently seeing the woman's face flushed, and looking back at herself from time to time, Yang Ling thought she couldn't catch the handrail, was crowded and uncomfortable, and said kindly: "If you are not feeling well, then Come back, I will try before you!"

Try it in front?

The suit woman almost fainted on the spot, this man looks very eye-catching, but it is too shameless. I’ve been behind myself for a long time, and now I’m talking loudly, I’m going to try it in front of myself! Could it be that the current bus color wolf has been upgraded to a bus?


The bus made a sharp turn, and the whole car instantly tilted to the left. Under the influence of inertia, people were too crowded. The suit woman felt that the thing behind him stabbed in like an awl, and withstood the sponge-like ‘protective Shubao’, the blood penetrated little by little.

"You are a pervert, mean, shameless, inferior big wolf!" Feeling that the thing behind him is getting hotter like a burning torch, the suit woman can't help it. I can't wait to find the scissors and cut it behind. The hateful Yang Ling is the first **** in the 21st century.

Despicable, shameless, inferior big satyr?

The suit woman called, not to mention the men and women next to him, even the driver who drove the car looked back curiously, almost slammed an old woman with a red light.

I am a satyr?

Look at the set of tears full of women, then look at the crowded nowhere to put, just topped on her **** on the jade, Yang Ling shook his head. I only wanted to buy a toy, but now it’s good, and it’s such a big joke.

"Miss, are you talking about this hot big guy?" Under the gaze of people, Yang Ling raised the jade tower with abnormal temperature.

Hot big guy?

Seeing Yang Ling lifted the jade tower from the suit woman's buttocks, people suddenly realized that they immediately laughed. As for the angry suit woman, my face is redder than the pig's liver. I can't wait to have a streak on the car. Just arrived at the station and jumped off the door like a flight.

After the crime of smoothly eluting the satyr, Yang Ling was curious about the hot jade tower. When he arrived home, he placed it on the dilapidated second-hand computer desk and observed it carefully.

The jade tower is black in color, although it is only chopsticks, but the surface is engraved with patterns. There are sacred prayers on the ground, devout prayers; there are raised hands and screams, like the crazy Miao territory; there are many fierce beasts, including a few claws and claws of the five-clawed golden dragon, all vivid.

In addition, there is a trace of blood on the spire, giving off a faint **** smell. Thinking of a woman who is ashamed of her suit, she thinks of her short skirt with blood stains. Yang Ling vaguely understands what is going on. Thinking of her high-pitched hips and looming cleavage, my heart could not help but sway.

"Hey, it's harder than a kitchen knife. What kind of jade is it?" After scraping a few times with a chopping knife, Yang Ling saw the mysterious jade tower incredulously. Under the ecstasy, the kitchen knife accidentally stroked the index finger on his right hand.

"What to say is good for your health, mom, really awkward!"

Yang Ling shook his head and prepared to put the jade tower aside. Unexpectedly, the **** right hand just pressed up, the jade tower shines a dazzling light, absorbs the blood in his body through the wound, and sticks to his right hand like a strong PU glue. What is even more bizarre is that there is a raging tornado in the blink of an eye.

After being caught in the air, Yang Ling was horrified to find that his limbs were stiff and numb, followed by tears in his head, and he lost consciousness in an instant. The landlord, who happened to pass by outside the door, was stunned and looked at the tornado that would devour Yangling like a black hole, but did not take away the rest of the items. The ‘啪’ slammed into the corridor that had not been washed for many years.

In the middle of the battle, Yang Ling made a weird dream, dreaming of an ancient sacrifice walking around the virgin forest, with a strange tower mark on the eyebrow.

At the beginning, every encounter with fierce beasts, the sacrifices bite the forefinger's blood on the beast's head, domesticated the beasts of the claws and claws; later, just pinch a series of handprints and airborne the beasts, the fingerprints are getting faster and faster, and more and more The more mysterious. In the end, even the wind and the rain, the sky is so powerful, as powerful as the legendary gods.

I don't know how long it took, Yang Ling felt cold and slowly opened his eyes.

The blue sky is filled with a few white clouds scattered in the sky. The crystal clear stream is winding and twisting. It flows through the roots of the cobwebs, and there are several frogs, cockroaches and cockroaches coming from time to time. The sound of the sound. Obviously, this is not a broken park with two dollars in the vicinity, but it is not the hillside where the chicken is raised behind the rental house.

Looking at the towering trees around, Yang Ling blinked incredulously. Although the mountains of his hometown were full of coniferous pine trees, he had never seen such tall pine trees. The trunk is the size of a truck. It is estimated that a dozen people can't be surrounded. The roots exposed on the ground are as dense as a spider's net. Any one is thicker than the waist.

"Xishuangbanna virgin forest?" After squatting on the thigh, Yang Ling understood that this was not his own illusion, and he was definitely not dreaming.

After returning to God, Yang Ling shook his head and walked to the clear stream. I just wanted to wash my face and suddenly I was shocked. I saw that my eyebrows did not know when there was a tower-shaped imprint, exactly the same as the sacrifice in the dream. Looking at it again, there is a little bit of blood on the spire. It seems that it was bought from the Miao people's hands, and almost made himself a jade of a large satyr, only a dozen times smaller.


Even if the nerves were big, he couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't understand where the tower-shaped imprint came from, and he didn't know how it would be rolled into this weird place by a black hole-like tornado. In the faint ambiguity, I feel that everything seems to be related to the so-called jade tower excavated from the ancient tomb of Wannian Miao.

Under the puzzling, Yang Ling picked up a clear stream of water and washed a few faces. After a refreshing spirit, he heard a scream of screaming, and at the same time, he smelled a hint of **** smell. Curiously rushed over and immediately numb the scalp, I saw a group of thumb-sized mutant bumblebees who were biting around a rhinoceros-like beast and biting a large piece of meat in one bite.

Under the pain, the rhinoceros frantically ran around, knocking down a towering tree surrounded by a few people like a bulldozer, but the terrible hornet was like a blood-sucking fly, and couldn’t get rid of it.

The bumblebee had a sharp black horn on its head, and each time it swooped down from midair, it made a hole in the rhinoceros like a bayonet. Following a bite of sharp teeth, even the belt fleshed off a large piece, and the rhinoceros screamed and screamed.

Under the panic, the rhinoceros rushed straight to the bushes where Yang Ling was hiding. Just when he was worried that he would be trampled by the crazy rhinoceros, the tractor-sized beast 嘭 嘭 fell to the ground and no longer stood up.

When I saw it, Yang Ling’s hair was all erected. I saw the muscles of the rhinoceros’ front leg joints. I didn’t know when it was already battered by the bumblebee, revealing a lot of white bones.

Next, Yang Ling witnessed a horrible scene. I saw the dense bumblebee slamming into the rhinoceros and biting it. The sound of ‘咔嚓, 咔嚓’ came one after another. Soon, the huge rhinoceros was alive and well. Except for a pool of blood, even the root hairs are not left.

African eater bee?

Under the shock, Yang Lingqi slowly retreated on the ground, careful, lest the attention of the bumblebee. After exiting a dozen meters, I just wanted to stand up and rush, but I whispered a whisper, and accidentally broke a thumb-sized dead branch.

"Not good!" Yang Ling was shocked. He looked up and saw a scout-like bumblebee rushing like a gust of wind. The sharp teeth were clearly visible.

Dead without a place to die?

Looking at the getting closer hornet, Yang Ling cold sweat DC. Even the thick and thick, rhinoceros is not an opponent, not to mention. Can't run but can't run, what should I do?

At the end of life and death, Yang Ling suddenly remembered the movement of the mysterious sacrifice in the dream. The ghost made the **** bite the index finger, and the death was determined by the bumblebee head. In an instant, the bumblebee's silvery work, a mysterious rune emerged, and then stopped on his arm.

Although only a drop of blood, but Yang Ling feels that the whole body of blood seems to be empty and empty, exhausted, dizzy. At the same time, as a hot feeling penetrated into the body, the tower-shaped mark on the eyebrows was hot, and there was a strange memory in mind.

In the vagueness, Yang Ling felt that he had come to a mysterious space. In front of a towering giant tower, the changing bumblebee was flying up and down cheerfully, and flew excitedly after seeing his figure.

On the top of the gate of the giant tower, there are two ancient characters of "Wu Ta", which are engraved with various patterns. There are mysterious sacrifices, fierce beasts, all of them lifelike. In particular, the top five clawed golden dragons are even more ready to hear, and even faintly hear their thunderous roar.

Under curiosity, Yang Ling gently pushed the door of the jade tower. Behind him, the domesticated bumblebee excitedly followed. Behind the gate, the fog was filled with faintly, and I saw a piece of obelisk with a height of one person, which was engraved with ancient Chinese characters.

"Chaotic Wuta, the creation of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon ....." Yang Ling tried to identify the ancient characters on the obelisk, "Chaotic witchcraft, with the blood as the guide, the soul refining ..... ”

In those days, in order to chase a Chinese school flower, he recited countless ancient poems, and met many ancient Chinese characters in the same way. I did not expect it to come in handy now.

In front of the obelisk is a commentary, followed by a mysterious mouth, and finally an eccentric relief. At first glance, Yang Ling has a feeling of deja vu, which seems to be similar to the action of sacrificing the beast and beast.

After careful identification for a long time, Yang Ling probably understood what was going on. It turns out that the obelisk records a mysterious witchcraft, which is divided into the seven realms of blood witch, sorcerer, earth witch, heavenly witch, **** witch, soul witch and witch god. The deeper the witch power, the faster the domesticated beast will be, and the higher the number and level of domesticated beasts. After cultivation, you can not only domesticate all kinds of beasts, but also absorb their energy and refine their souls, and even call for the rain like a dream.

After a moment of contemplation, Yang Ling realized that he had inadvertently become the blood witch who had just started after he got the witch tower. Although he was so far away from the mighty witch god, he crossed the threshold of practicing witchcraft. Not only did he escape the catastrophe, but he also used the blood to domesticate a locust-like mutant bumblebee.

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