MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-~ One hundred and thirty-three, the guidance in the blood

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"Wuuu... The lord of the Lizardmen clan in the shallow pit, what are you going to do? You violated the guidelines in your bloodline, and you will be abandoned by the entire lizardmen clan."

Guu Tu's body was as thin as a lizard man with a lot of nutrition, and blood mixed with internal organs poured out one by one, and his eyes stared at the child hole in An Mubai's eyes.

The seven high-class lizardmen beside him were in much better physical condition than him, but blood was gushing out from their mouths one by one, and their muscles were broken and they couldn't get up.


An Mu's white-gold vertical boy looked at the dead Gulltu with both eyes, and sighed with sadness in his mouth, which was born from his Lizardman bloodline.

An Mubai knew that what he did was not wrong. Bai Chi was still young, Guu Tu was not like the old frogmen, and like the old goblins, they were priests who did not belong to the lizard people.

Entering into the Shallow Pit Lizardman Clan, or letting it go, may conflict with Bai Chi, and even shatter the current situation where the Shallow Pit Lizardman Clan is developing in a good way.

But there is still sadness in the blood, and the feeling that he has made a big mistake arises.

"This is really a confusing bloodline inheritance. What would happen if the lizardmen tribes with lizardmen priests on both sides met?"

"In the blood of the lizardmen, there is a close surrender to the priests of the lizardmen, although this allows the early lizardmen to better unite and survive."

"But how will it develop in the future? As the group develops and grows, there will be new lizardmen priests appearing. Will it lead to a re-split?"

An Mubai thought softly, and the bloodline power of the Nine-Headed Insect and the Nine-Headed Worm in his body was withdrawn. Don't look at Ou Tu and the seven superior lizardmen beside him in just a moment.

However, the blood energy consumption in An Mubai's body is far more than the five minutes of high-intensity fighting with the use of the body and the split claws.

The magic power that had just awakened in the nine-headed worm body was even consumed.

"However, the extraordinary ability Gravity Trample combined with the magic power of the Hydra is indeed extraordinary, and it can be used as a great move against Simon in the future."

"Although the sword of the big goblin without riding the green wind wolf is amazing, it can form a gravitational stance where my physique and the hydra's physique are combined."

"Even some thirteenth, fourteenth-level extraordinary creatures are estimated to be difficult to resist."

An Mubai whispered in his heart, and the golden vertical boy looked at the seven superior lizardmen who could not stand up even if he canceled it, and the gravity trampled on the force field.

The line of sight was full of fear and fear, and the lizardman looked at himself with trembling fear. He looked at the tall lizardman body sitting on the nine-headed worm, and there was a huge roar that contained the pressure of the transcendent lizardman's blood.


! "


The lizardmen from the bluegrass swamp came from the forest, whether it was a medium lizardman or a low-level lizardman, or even the lizardman cubs that came along with them.

All trembling in fear, Xiang An Mubai knelt down on his knees, and let out a lizardman whimper expressing his submission.


"Black cockroaches, gray toes, fangs, they said you killed their great priests, and they won't surrender to you."

At night, the sky and the stars and rivers of Bilu Xitan are bright and bright.

Bai Chi used the frog language therapy he learned from the old frogmen, and rescued the seven high-level lizardmen who had been suppressed by An Mubai by following Dayi beside Outu one by one.

Then, in the naive pink eyes, she looked at An Mubai with a complicated expression and whispered.

Gulltu is a lizardman priest, not an old frogman, an alien priest like an old goblin who can kill at will.

"Bai Chi, are you afraid of me?"

An Mu's white-gold eyes looked behind Bai Chi. Although he would not surrender to him, he had already surrendered to the seven superior lizardmen of Bai Chi. He nodded lightly and asked Bai Chi in a whisper.

In the daytime today, he killed Outu, and after subduing the basketweed lizardmen led by Outu, he saw Sanscale, Tiefang and the others had some changes in their attitude towards them.

Although he still respected and obeyed An Mubai's words, there was a kind of fear and fear of An Mubai in his heart.

It was as if An Mubai was in control, a tyrannical king who had the power to kill.

"Hei, what you did is right, you are the king of the shallow pit lizardmen, and you will lead our lizardmen to a powerful god."

"Now the Shallow Pit Lizardmen can't have two Lizardman priests, let alone one foreign lizardman priest, otherwise we will be hindered by leading the Shallow Pit Lizardmen on a powerful road."

"And my position in the group will also be scattered."

Bai Chi whispered softly, the complex expression in her pink eyes disappeared, and the cute little body of snow white walked to An Mubai with a smile.

She held An Mubai's hand that was bigger than her head.

"I'm not a god!"

An Mubai shook his head lightly with a smile on the face of the lizardman with black thin scales, and then the golden vertical boy looked at the bright galaxy in the sky.

The arrival of Outu today gave him a wake-up call. He always wanted to use his identity as a priest of the white chid lizardmen and his powerful strength to conquer other lizardmen.

But they didn't think about what would happen to Iron Fang and the others if other Lizardmen had priests who in turn inhaled three scales.

Although San Scale and Tie Fang were not absorbed by Gu Tu today, they also no longer have any hostility towards Gu Tu.

And his own bloodline also has a closeness to Gulltu. If he doesn't have the memory of being a human in his previous life, he knows to accept or integrate into the lizard people of Gulltu.

It's not what I want, and it's not conducive to the development of the shallow pit lizard people. Maybe it will really integrate or let Gutu join the shallow pit lizard people.

"This is the influence of the blood of the Lizardmen. If this problem is not solved, then no matter how powerful the Lizardmen develop in the future."

"Faced with enemies with lizardman priests, they will become very passive."

"But how to solve this problem? If the sages of my previous life in China encountered this kind of problem, how did they solve it?"

An Mu's white-gold vertical boy stared at the galaxy in the night sky, and the thick lizard tail swayed slightly behind him.

Bai Chi's young snow-white figure stood beside him, looking at his pondering body looking up at the night sky, with a calm expression in her pink eyes, as if looking at her own god.

"Bai Chi, I'll go back first. The optimization of Climbing Grass can't be researched, so we don't have to take it too seriously. We just need to plant a lot of satiation leaves."

After about ten minutes, An Mubai withdrew his gaze from the galaxy in the sky, then looked at Bai Chi, whispered to her, and stood up.

For the past ten or so minutes, he still hadn't thought about how to solve the problem of the lizardmen's blood, which was passed down in the blood of the lizardmen, and naturally treated the lizardmen's priests lightly.

After all, this is an extraordinary world where magic and giant dragons coexist. Although the sages and great men of the previous life had a lot of power to rule the country and bring peace to the world, they were not suitable for the lizardmen.

The only thing I can think of now is to grow food, after all, no matter how extraordinary or not, food is what all living things need.


Bai Chi nodded obediently, her pink eyes looked at An Mubai's disappearing back, and with the seven high-class lizardmen behind him, he walked towards the old goblin, the **** of the sun and the devil who never left his mouth. .


"Patriarch! Patriarch!"

Shallow pit lizard people, the night is still full of lizards' chirping sound.

The entire shallow swamp is full of lizardmen figures, as if it was once again when the blood turbid was in charge of the shallow depression lizardmen.

Three scales, Tie Ya and the others greeted An Mubai who came back, and bowed to him with fear and awe.


An Mubai nodded lightly, and looked at the fifteen medium-sized lizardmen who followed behind Sanscale and the others. They were the middle-sized lizardmen from the blue-green swamp lizardmen who joined the shallow-pit lizardmen.

An Mubai watched, his gaze turned to the numerous lizardmen who were looking for food in the shallow swamp.

The bluegrass swamp lizardmen clan, with more than 400 to nearly 500 inferior lizardmen, are now all in the shallow swamp.

This large number of An Mubai couldn't expel them all when they died, otherwise it would cause uncontrollable chaos, but it was impossible for An Mubai to leave them all in the shallow swamp.

With the arrival of the Lizardmen clan in the bluegrass swamp, there were more than 200 lizardmen cubs of various sizes, which greatly increased the food expenses of the clan.

"Three scales, Tiefang, you go and gather all the superior lizardmen in the clan to come over. There is not much food in the clan, and we must plunder enough food before the cubs hatch."

An Mubai spoke to the three-scaled, iron-fanged, robust lizard man with a height of more than two meters and three heights, and then went up the **** of the Asazawa Mountain. The best way to reduce the population of the clan is always war.

"Yes, patriarch!"

Three Scales, Iron Fang nodded, and then led the fifteen middle-level lizardmen behind him to the places where the high-level lizardmen of the shallow-pit lizardmen were located.

"The old frogman Black Mud Swamp Frogman has been beaten to the ground, and even the goblin not far from him has also become a vassal of Baichi and their lizardmen."

"Currently, the only humanoid races around the Lizardmen are the kobolds who live in the barren mountains where there are caves everywhere, and the goblins that go deeper into the foggy canyon."

An Mubai whispered softly, walked to the body of his wooden house on the hillside of Asazawa, and from the pile of slates on the side, took out a simple map slate around the Lizardmen's territory engraved with shallow depressions.

A look of thought appeared in the golden eyes. These two human-like races are now a bit hard to fight, and they are also relatively difficult to fight.

One lives in a barren mountain with caves everywhere, and the other is a little far away, which will consume a lot of manpower and material resources of the Lizardmen in shallow depressions. It can be said that it is not cost-effective to attack.

An Mubai had also thought about grabbing some food from these two humanoid races that would allow the Lizardmen to survive in the shallow hole, but in the end they gave up.

"First go to fight the goblin clan, and then use these newly added inferior clansmen to spend with those kobolds in the barren mountain cave, or two together."

"I bring the upper and middle lizardmen from the clan to fight the goblin clan that is farther away, and the inferior clan of the Baichi clan go to spend with those kobolds in the barren mountain cave."

An Mu's white-gold vertical boy's eyes pondered, and now there are two supernatural lizardmen, he and Bai Chi, in the shallow pit lizardmen. There are thirteen high-level lizardmen and twenty-two middle-level lizardmen there.

On An Mubai's side, there were ten high-ranking lizardmen and fifty-five middle-ranking lizardmen, which could not be regarded as the combat power of the two vassal races, the old frogmen and the old goblins.

It can also be wiped out alone. It is a human-like race like the old frogmen in the black mud swamp before, not to mention that there are more than 500 adult low-level lizardmen.

"The main reason for attacking these two humanoid races is to reduce the number of low-level lizard people in the race. Although the two of them will attack together, the gains will be greater, and the ethnic war can end quickly."

"But it is relatively dangerous, and it may not consume much of the inferior lizard people at all, and the war is over. Bai Chi is still young and it is not appropriate for her to attack other humanoid races alone. UU Reading wwwww”

An Mubai whispered softly, his eyes stopped on the barren mountain where the kobold lived on the slate map, and he made a decision in his heart.

"Patriarch! Patriarch!"

A shout full of fear and awe rang out in front of An Mubai. Tie Ya and Sanscale had already found the other eight high-ranking lizardmen of the Lizardmen clan in the shallow pit, standing in front of An Mubai. The one who clenched his right hand on his chest bowed his head and saluted him

"The cubs in the clan will hatch one after another in a month. After the clan people have finished breeding and laying eggs in the past few days, it is time to lead them to prepare some food for the cubs in the clan. "

"There are kobolds living in this barren mountain. They should have stored a lot of food for our shallow pit lizardmen."

"You guys should prepare for the past few days. Once the clansmen in the clan have finished multiplying and laying eggs, we will go to this kobold clan to get food."

An Mubai said in his mouth, and his sharp finger tapped on the slate map, marking the barren mountain where the kobold lived.

"Yes, patriarch!"

Three scales, ten high-ranking lizardmen from Tiefang Hemen, the thin-scaled lizardmen had bloodthirsty smiles leaking out on their faces. In fact, they couldn't understand the simple map that An Mubai engraved on the slate.

Just hearing that An Mubai was going to launch a plunder, the bloodthirsty and warlike genes in his bloodline were stimulated and excited.


An Mubai looked at the reaction of Sanscale and the others, and whispered in his heart, thinking that the lizardmen mentioned by Simon were also dragonborn, and instructed Sanscale, and Iron Fang and the others went from the shallow swamp.

Collect the lizardmen eggs produced by the female lizardmen in the clan, enter the shallow pit lizardmen again, and select the bloodline optimization starting from the lizardmen eggs.

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