MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-~ One hundred and forty, leave,

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"Three human ladies, do you think I have no brains like these boars?"

An Mubai listened to Tiana's three people's mental fluctuations, and they all sent out the words of begging for mercy and being willing to be servants. With Bai Chi, San Scale, Tie Ya, and the others, they stopped at a certain distance.

The black scales on his forehead were tightly wrinkled, and he sent words with mental fluctuations to Tiana and the three, and the inferior lizardmen who made Tiana and the three follow up stopped attacking the three of her.

From the exaggerated acting words of Tiana and the three who seemed to be coaxing fools and mindless boars.

In An Mubai's heart, Dawei'er was not at all afraid of her own poison. Although she didn't know why, she could only stop taking Bai Chi and the others to retreat.


Ars, Deville, and Tiana were stunned for a moment with fearful and begging expressions on their faces. They glanced at each other and felt that there was nothing wrong with their acting skills.

Then he looked at An Mubai, Bai Chi, Sanlin, Tie Ya and the others who had stopped, and then he gave out a performance that he thought was very real.

"Ah! I'm so scared. The magic power in Tiana's body is really exhausted. Now even if a lizardman comes, he can make Tiana look like he likes."

"Tiana can only be played at will without any resistance, and becomes a dignified and innocent animal. I'm so scared, come and save Tiana."

Tiana's pure face then begged for mercy with fear and fear, but the body of the cool magic short robe was like a fat white charmer, constantly twisting on the ground, leaking more under the cool magic short robe. of fat white.

When people look at her, she won't have the heart that inspired her at all, but will be directly stimulated by the **** in her heart to attack her.

On the other side, Ars and Deville were average, either pitiful or with stubborn and cold eyes, and they asked An Mubai to beg for mercy and be willing to be servants.

But the body with less clothes can't be less, but it twists or moves uneasily, a large and large area of ​​the delicate body that is an absolute domain for human beings, revealed in An Mubai's eyes.

An Mubai was a human in his previous life, but he is a lizardman in this life. He looked at Tiana and the three of them under the cool clothes with his golden eyes. There were words in his mouth.

"Three human ladies, I have no intention of accepting you as slaves, or even humiliating and humiliating you. Let's go."

After finishing speaking, An Mubai had already removed the bloodline rage technique and the body of the scorpion body, and the guards were still looking at Tiana and the three, who were eager to beg for mercy, and willing to be servants.

The heart is that at this time it is very certain that Tiana and the three have problems, and there is a big problem. This problem is not the strength of the three of them, or the purpose of their coming to the Wanye Mountains.

It was their personality that had a big problem. In An Mubai's previous life, Tiana and the three were completely perverted.

"It's a pity that these legs, this chest, this face, I don't know if the women in this extraordinary world are the same as these three people. If this is the case, this world is too dangerous for us human-like men. ."

"Just like the country in the previous life where even monitor lizards would be insulted."

An Mubai whispered in his heart. He killed an unknown number of goblins at a height of two meters and three meters. The frogman's lizard body trembled inexplicably. The golden vertical boy looked at Tiana and the three of them, and paid more attention to the three of them. Alerted.


Yars, Tiana, and Deville were three, one claimed to be a body without magic power that could be manipulated at will, the other a body that was poisoned and weak, and a body that was stubborn and aloof and willing to sacrifice for his companions.

In an instant, he stood up from the green grass, and shouted at An Mubai with an imposing "chest chest".

Anmu's white-gold vertical boy shrunk, the sturdy lizard tail swayed quietly behind him, the three scales beside him, the iron teeth and the others with the medium lizardmen of the shallow pit lizardmen, leaked their fangs and fangs to Tiana and the others. Claws, guarding against possible attacks from the three of them.

"Ah, I'm really poisoned!"

Deville's eyes flashed when she saw this scene, and her body fell softly and weakly towards the green grass again.

"Ah, I really have no magic power in my body!"

Tiana, who was beside her, was again sitting in the green grass with no magic in her body under the gestures in Deville's eyes. Only Yars was still standing in the green grass and looking at An Mubai.

"Great and strong lizardmen, what we mean is... how many people we killed are already deadly vengeful, you can't just let us go."

"Yes, we killed a lot of your clansmen, the great and strong lizardmen, I am a knight, I have my own rules of knighthood, and I cannot bully and fall."

"I am guilty of killing so many of your clansmen. Please accept me as your servant to serve you and pay for this crime, otherwise I will live in my own knightly code forever."

Yaers' eyes flickered, his mouth panicked, and he looked at the inferior lizardmen who were killed by them. Suddenly, his eyes brightened, and he knelt down to An Mubai full of excitement.


Tiana, Deville watched Ars kneel down on one leg, like a knight's tender body when he swore an oath, and cursed in his mouth.

"Knight's Code?"

In the eyes of An Mu's white-gold vertical boy, the color of alertness became heavier. At the same time, because of Yars' words, there was a slight doubt.

An Mubai has indeed seen the code of knights in many novels and record books in his previous life.

There are indeed a lot of rules in it, but they should also be true for humans, unless this extraordinary world of magic and giant dragons also has some laws to protect wild animals, or human-like.

"Three human ladies, I have lived in the human world again, and now there is a human mentor in my ethnic group. He is a very powerful warrior who is at the later stage of the extraordinary stage."

An Mubai spoke to Tiana, Yars, and Deville with a spirit of turbulence in his mouth.

"Bichi, it's those scholars who have nothing to do all day to study humanoids."

The three of Yars cursed at the same time in their hearts, seeing An Mubai's excitement disappearing in their eyes, and their bodies became strong again and stood up from the ground, then turned around and prepared to leave directly.

An Mubai looked at their words and said no more, turned around and was about to leave, and was stunned for a moment with a wary expression in his heart. He never thought that Simon's reputation would be so great.

It was actually possible for Tiana and the three to turn around and leave, and quickly opened their mouths to speak and shout.

"Three human ladies, are you from St. Kult City?"

The figures of Tiana and the three who were about to leave stopped, and with a cold and calm expression on their faces, they turned to look at An Mubai, dissatisfied with the previous perverted appearance and asked to be servants, and answered.

"I don't know, I haven't been there, I don't know."

After all, the three of Yars had an icy attitude, and then turned around and planned to leave, just like a team of three powerful adventurers who were very cold and unpleasant to approach.

But before this, it is necessary to ignore the three of them's body with no less clothes, and the large piece of white fat that has just been twisted and leaked.

"Hei, have they been showing their submission to you just now? Why didn't you accept them?"

Bai Chi asked An Mubai in Lin Yu's arms, and looked at Tiana and the three who were leaving with her pink eyes.

An Mubai's sturdy lizard tail swayed gently behind him, thinking in his heart whether to call Tiana and the others again and ask them for more information outside the Wanye Mountains.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he shook his head lightly. Tiana and the three were too powerful and too uncontrollable. Now that both parties can leave without incident, it is already very good.

If you ask the three of them about other things, it will be bad if there is an uncontrollable conflict again, and the three of them are legal perverts with very abnormal personalities.

"Bai Chi and the others are too strong, we can't control it. Has the flesh abandoned by the gods in the cave grown enough for us to eat every day?"

An Mubai spoke to Bai Chi, and the golden vertical boy kept looking at the figures of Tiana and the three of them. After disappearing from sight, he turned around and hugged Bai Chi from Lin Yu's respectful hands.

"It's enough for us to eat every day, but we also need more beast flesh and blood to feed. After returning from this trip, I will let Scale Feather and No. 637 go hunting together."

"Otherwise, just relying on the food provided by the old frogmen clan will not be able to satisfy the flesh and blood that God Abandoned Flesh needs to devour every day."

Bai Chi replied in An Mu Bai's arms, looking at the green grass with her pink eyes. After Tiana and the others were fighting, there were only a hundred or so inferior lizardmen.

"Three scales, iron teeth, you brought the surviving inferior clan members, and put away the dead clan corpses and the fifteen wild boar corpses."

"We're going to bring back Bilu Xitan."

An Mubai nodded lightly, looked at the dead lizardmen corpses in the green grass, and the corpses of wild boars, and issued orders to the superior lizardmen like Sanscale, Iron Fang and the others.

Only a hundred or so inferior lizardmen survived, which was a bit more in his heart, and then looked at Hongguo and Corrosive Words and asked.

"Red fruit, corrupt, do you two still remember the kind of red fruit you ate, how far is it from here?"

"Patriarch, it's not far in the grass in front. It's very small. It takes a lot of food to fill the stomach, and the air bag is very sore after eating too much, and it's easy to get upset."

Hongguo replied to An Mubai in awe, not because all the inferior lizardmen in the shallow pit couldn't kill Tiana and the three, An Mubai also let Tiana and the three leave the war, and dared to fight An Mubai had a strange feeling.

"Well, after the people in the clan have collected the corpses of the lower-class people in the clan and the wild boar, we will go over."

An Mubai nodded and whispered, the two-meter-three-high lizard body with black scales, holding a white chi, looked at the green grass in front of him, with flowing streams.

This is a very good pasture, just like a green wind field. Whether it is used to breed goblins or any herbivorous beasts, it can get a good harvest.

But it is too far away from the Lizardmen of the Shallow Pit, and now the Lizardmen of the Shallow Pit have no strength to separate another lizardman to develop in this lush green grassland.

"Tiana, your invisible magic can really be evaded, can the perception of an extraordinary late-level warrior, don't be discovered, the three of us can really only follow this lizardman from now on and live forever in the Wanye Mountains. "

"I can't go out to meet people. Those scholars can't do anything else, but they spread information very quickly."

An Mubai looked at the lush green grass with Bai Chi in his arms, and regretted that it could not be used as a place for the development of the Lizardmen in the shallow pit, but in the transparent air not far away from him, there were also three people looking at him with extremely regretful eyes. he.

It was Tiana and the three who had left before An Mubai's sight.

"Don't worry, this is the best peeping that my master has taught me... No, it's the best stealth method, not to mention the warriors of the super-level and the lower-level, even the thieves of the destruction-level will not be able to find it."

"My master also used it to peek at the dragon's bath."

Tiana replied in words, with a pair of eyes on her innocent face like a slut, staring at An Mubai's strong lizard body with black scales growing under the sunlight.

"Your master really dotes on you, no wonder he even gave you the thunder puppet of the destructive rank. It turns out that both of you like to peep at anomalous creatures, and then you are a pervert."

Deville let out a disdainful whisper, she was the extraordinary human being called a thief in the extraordinary profession, and the mentor who taught her was the destroyer thief in Tiana's mouth.

"Bichi, aren't you watching too? The water under your legs is flowing out. If it wasn't for Yars and I, I'd probably take off our clothes and rush over."

Tiana sneered back, but the sight of the **** with the staff did not take away from An Mubai.


An angry look appeared in Deville's eyes, watching Tiana want to scold her.

"Okay, okay, this group of lizardmen is leaving, you guys talk about what to do after we meet the mentor of this strong lizardman."

"It's impossible for Tiana to use this magic that hides her breath and body shape all the time."

Yaers said the words, they are actually about the same age, they have known each other for a long time.

"Kill him. If you can beat him, kill him. If you can't beat him, find a way to kill him. Such a perfect and strong lizardman must be mine. Bringing it back may make that old woman envy to death."

Tiana made a sound of words, and looked at An Mubai, who had already left with Bai Chi, three scales, Tie Ya, and the others together to Hong Guo, corroding the said red fruit growing.

"Kill your ass, those scholars can't do anything else, all of them are extremely arrogant, I can't say if you kill me, tomorrow the whole world will be the information of the three of us in the Wanye Mountains."

"Do you want to be grounded again!"

Deville scolded Tiana in a low voice.

"Then what?"

Tiana's eyes also showed a troubled and scared look, she really didn't want to be confined in the mage tower where there was nothing.

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