MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 109 , 1 chance

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"Heiyu, do you want me to take No. 317 and them to another swamp for development?"

"Wow..." The icy water in the pond flowed, and it didn't take long for An Mubai and the others to clear the bloodstain, and returned to the test.

Beside the corpse of the six-beast heavy lizard, Bai Chi ate the tenderest flesh and blood selected from the flesh and blood of the three big goblins, and asked An Mubai.

She did not choose to eat the four six-headed heavy lizard eggs that were about to hatch, so An Mubai took her back to the six-headed heavy lizard corpse again, and told her to find another place to develop the shallow pit lizard people. matter.


An Mubai nodded lightly, the sharp teeth in his mouth smashed a large number of big goblins into his stomach, and then, with the help of Xie Shi, quickly absorbed the magic power and energy to support his body.

"Is it because of that human named Simon?"

In Bai Chi's pink and tender eyes, there was no disapproval, or dissatisfaction, but instead, full of self-wisdom, he asked An Mubai.

There is absolutely no trace of a one-month-old lizardman cub, wanting to leave his own group of willfulness.

"Well, No. 317 said that the human being has a big problem with the medicine he gave us. He is too strong, and we have no chance of resisting."

"You need to avoid him and choose another place to develop."

An Mubai spoke Chinese, and the now-colored vertical boy turned his eyes to No. 317. If there was only Bai Chi alone, then An Mubai would definitely not separate Bai Chi and develop it separately.

But No. 317 is also a lizardman of the 11th level of the extraordinary rank, leading her lizardman sword and shield squad, which is stronger than the current shallow pit lizardmen.

There is no need to worry about Bai Chi's safety.

"Where are we going then? Are we far from the Shallow Hollow Lizardmen?"

Bai Chi asked, and agreed to An Mubai's suggestion.

"Remember the map I showed you, there is a small creek in the jungle between the shallow pit lizardmen and the black mud swamp frogmen."

"Although it's not a swamp, it's in a cave in a cliff. It's very secret, and it's not far from the frogmen in the black mud swamp."

"You can call the old frogmen for food at any time, or resist the enemy."

An Mubai's sturdy lizard tail swayed behind him, and looked at the old frogman. At this time, the old frogman had completed the treatment for the five bones and scales, and was looking at scale feathers and giant teeth eagerly. of eating.

"Then how long do we go to that brook, should we go back to the Shallow Hollow Lizardmen first?"

Bai Chi put down the flesh and blood of the eldest goblin in her hand, and looked at No. 317 with her pink eyes. Her body is really very young, and she can't eat much flesh, so she can only eat magic medicine to restore her body. .

"I'm going to go to the Goblin tribe in the Green Pine Forest and Green Wind Plain first."

An Mu's white-gold eyes narrowed, and he turned his head to look at No. 317. Since he wanted to separate the white teeth, he secretly developed a shallow pit lizard human race.

Then An Mubai planned to make Bai Chi clear about the biggest threat in the shallow pit, the green pine forest.

Now the goblins of the Green Pine Forest and the Green Wind Plain, the last big goblin riding the green wind wolf has also died. Babada said that there are only three big goblins riding the wolf.

An Mubai calculated in his heart that the number of eldest goblins in the Green Pine Forest Green Wind Plains Goblins Clan who died recently has far exceeded the number of seven.

That is to say, the Goblin clan in the Green Pine Forest and Green Wind Plain is very likely to have only the High Priest, an extraordinary goblin, but it is not ruled out that there are also High Priest summoned by "God Flesh". The possibility of cultivating big goblins.

But no matter what, An Mubai's heart was going to try it. Today, the eldest goblin riding a wolf, and the other two eldest goblins died.

It's really a good one, the chance to attack the Goblin tribe of Green Pine Forest and Green Wind Plain, otherwise there will be some "God Flesh", and a high priest who is not low in wisdom.

The goblins of the Green Pine Forest and the Green Wind Plain will have many big goblins and wolf-riding goblins. These things are as numerous as weeds in the Green Wind Plain.

"Black beetle!"

With worry and disapproval in Bai Chi's pink eyes, she turned her head to look at An Mubai. Although she is awake now, the depleted magic power in her body and her damaged spirit cannot be recovered in a short time.

Moreover, the current scale feathers, giant teeth and the others have no fighting strength, and the bone scales are still in a coma. An Mubai has also used the bloodline rage technique and the food not long ago, and the bloodline energy in the body is also depleted. state.

It can be said that the current shallow pit lizardmen also do not have much combat power.

Bai Chi didn't know what level of Transcendental Goblin the Green Pine Forest, the high priest of the Green Wind Plains Goblin Clan, was, but in his heart he didn't want to take this risk.

"This is an opportunity for us. Otherwise, with the "flesh of the gods" that Barbada said, it will be difficult for us to resist the invasion of the Goblin clan in the Green Pine Forest and Green Wind Plain in the future."

An Mu's white and black-scaled lizardmen whispered to Bai Chi with a solemn expression, and the speed of eating the flesh of the big goblin accelerated.

He didn't know in his heart that the force value of his side was very low and even knew about the high priest of the Goblin tribe of Green Pine Forest Green Wind.

It is an extraordinary goblin with a level of thirteen, and the bloodline skills it possesses are not like Bai Chi, Lao Frogmen, and the others, and most of them are auxiliary skills.

The three bloodline skills are all offensive skills, but the good thing is that they don't have the perverted mind control skills of Bai Chi, otherwise An Mubai would not dare to try it.

"Katcha, Katcha!"

The big goblin's flesh and blood fell into An Mubai's belly, filling his stomach. With the fast digestion of the food, it quickly restored his strength and enhanced his strength.

Bai Chi lowered his head and didn't say anything to An Mubai, but just forced his already full stomach to eat more fresh flesh of the big goblin.

Female Transcendent Lizardman No. 317, hearing the conversation between An Mubai and Bai Chi, Tong Kongzhong looked at the two of them with puzzled eyes, and then quickly went to eat and stood in front of him. Flesh of the Big Goblin.

She had already experienced many wars and battles, which made her faintly feel that another war was coming.

"The group of goblins that besieged us today is our biggest enemy. We have been resisting their invasion in the past few days."

"We killed three of their big goblins today, including one big goblin riding a wolf. I think it's time to counterattack them."

"No. 317, I need your help. Only by completely annihilating this group of goblins, can my clan and the fellow clan you bring to live safely in the Wanye Mountains."

An Mubai spoke to the puzzled number 317 in his eyes. He did not intend to kill the high priest of the Green Pine Forest Green Wind Plains Goblin Clan alone.

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