MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 752 balance

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"Master? Master?"

In the courtyard, the steward called out a few words before waking up Li Dingguo, who was in a daze holding the saber, and subconsciously stroked the saber. Then Li Dingguo looked at the steward, quite expectantly: "But Your Majesty's order has arrived?"

The butler was startled, and shook his head again and again: "Sir, have you forgotten? Today is the day that the eldest son enters martial arts!"

"Martial arts..."

Li Dingguo was slightly stunned, as if recalling something, he shook his head: "Wu Yuan is a place to cultivate talents of the country, not a place to enjoy blessings. Everyone in the house has dispersed, let the brat sign up by himself, you go tell him , when you arrive at the Martial Arts Academy, you are absolutely not allowed to use my name!"

The butler hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't say much. As the butler of the Jue Mansion, he naturally knew why the uproar was happening right now. His master also had thoughts.

The butler left in response, and Li Dingguo was still sitting alone in the courtyard, slowly wiping the saber as if unconsciously.

After a long time, Li Dingguo looked at the saber in his hand, his eyes seemed a little lost.

He will never forget that when Nian fled from Shaanxi with his mother, the soldiers were in turmoil, without enough food and clothing.

If he hadn't been lucky enough to be a soldier in the Yongwei Battalion back then, he was lucky enough to be appreciated by the emperor.

The emperor taught by precepts and deeds, and cultivated him again and again against all opinions, so that he is what he is today.

If not, he might already be a dead bone in the wilderness, no one cares about it, and it is incomplete.

And this saber should represent all the glory of Li Dingguo.

The emperor wears a sword, and he once conquered the world with the emperor, and forged this Daheng country. In the end, the emperor bestowed upon him Li Dingguo.

What kind of honor is this, there are millions of soldiers in Daheng, and hundreds of brave generals, apart from Li Ding, who else has such honor?

Following the battle of the Son of Heaven, it went to Denglai, the northern border, and then to the sea border, and now to the central center, where the navy was restructured, and there was almost a nameless naval commander.

In this Daheng world, even a few princes may not be as smooth as him.

With such treatment, who would not be envious, and who would not be jealous?

Virtue does not match? Does the work not match?

Words behind the scenes... Countless!

For him, no matter how calm he is, it is like a thorn in his back.

After all, even if he doesn't want to admit it, the fact is the same.

He seems to have made great military achievements, but many military achievements were sent to him by the emperor, and it is not necessarily worse than him if it is replaced by others.

It's not that he belittled himself, but that under the current Daheng's military strength, he was step-by-step and steady, and the possibility of making mistakes was really too small.

Soldiers have no normal state, but as a crushing trend, no matter how you change it, you can't change it.

The only record that can be achieved is the achievement of leading the Jiangnan Navy to destroy the Nanming Navy.

But it is precisely this successful achievement that is the root cause of his walking on thin ice.

He was originally the general of the land battle, but he commanded the navy, and he was in charge of the reorganization of the navy, and he repeatedly led the land army to go out.

How can it not be enviable to be so showy and grab credit?

But right now, the Northern Expedition is about to start, the battle of the power of the whole country, Fenglangjuxu is right in front of him, how can he miss it.

But... Li Dingguo, as the commander of the navy and then leading the army of land warfare, I am afraid that he will completely become an outlier among the martial arts, and be rejected by all the martial arts!

Although people ask themselves, he prefers to gallop on the battlefield rather than lead a warship to gallop the ocean, but the emperor's expectation of the ocean, as the unnamed sailor at the helm of the Daheng Navy today, how can he not be clear.

Besides, how could he disobey the will of the Son of Heaven.

"My lord, my lord, the general staff is here, let me, my lord, come to the general council to discuss matters!"

While thinking heavily, there was a sudden shout.

Listening to it, Li Dingguo's expression also changed, and after a while, he slowly returned to normal.

Being in harmony should be a disaster...Maverick and being rejected may be the best...

When Li Dingguo arrived at the General Staff, as he expected, all the martial arts generals in the palace looked at him, and there was obviously something wrong.

Lord Jingguo sat in the main seat, and the scene in the palace was clearly in his eyes, but his expression was as calm as ever, but when he looked at Li Dingguo, a complex meaning flashed in his eyes involuntarily.

How loving the Son of Heaven is.

A general of the navy, he has led the division of land battles many times.

This time the whole country marched to the north, and the ordinary martial arts were all fighting for the position of the leader of the army. He, Li Dingguo, a general of the navy who had almost nothing to do with this battle, actually became the commander of the army!

Brother Xiu, once again unabashedly expressed his preference for Li Dingguo!

Thinking of this, Duke Yasukuni shook his head secretly.

No one dares to say too much about the preference of the emperor, but this Li Dingguo may have a hard time in the future...

Cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents, let alone blocking one's official career!

He used to be the general of the Denglai Navy, but he led the army into Sichuan. A few years ago, he went straight to Hetao and picked the peaches that the generals in northern Xinjiang worked hard for many years. Now, it seems that he is going to go straight to Liao Province and lead the army of Liao Province grassland.

And again, and again and again...

The Wu Xun generals dare not criticize the emperor, but they have nothing to dare to Li Dingguo.

After all, Li Dingguo is nothing more than a rising star compared to most martial arts generals.

"The power of heaven is unpredictable..."

Lord Yasukuni took a deep breath, and the complicated meaning in his eyes seemed to be a little more intense.

This is not what the emperor deliberately did. The old and new martial arts, the navy and land divisions, are in perfect balance between them.

Lord Jingguo was full of thoughts, but at this moment, Li Dingguo was also indifferent in the face of the strange expressions of the military generals. UU reading He naturally knew that he, Li Dingguo, and these martial arts generals were definitely not the same people.

This is true whether it is public or private.

Yu Gong, he is the general of the navy, he can be called the leader of the general of the navy, every move, every word and deed, all represent the navy, and also shoulder the interests of the navy.

In private, although he is the brave guard of Wu Xun, in a sense, he can also be said to be the existence of the connection between the brave guard Wu Xun and the Daheng Wu Xun.

Every step he took in the army was incompatible with Yongwei Wuxun's experience of being promoted several ranks at every turn. On the contrary, it was very consistent with the promotion system in the Daheng Army after the order was stabilized, and even now.

It's not like brave guards and martial arts, but one step at a time, soldiers, martial arts academy, commanding the army, conquest, training in the martial arts academy, and then commanding the army...

Although he thinks that morality is not worthy, no one can deny that among the brave guards and martial arts, virtue is not worthy... more.

With the rise of the emperor back then, those who ascended to the sky in one step, how can it be a minority, and the vast majority of those who ascended to the sky in one step are the former brave guards, and the main body of the current Daheng martial arts...