MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 725 Japan

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If the emperor remembers correctly, today's Japanese country, under the self-isolation of seclusion and isolation, is the hegemony of Tokugawa and Toyotomi.

Under such circumstances, the Japanese country is naturally not stable.

This situation, like the chaos in the grasslands and the northwest, obviously won't stop in a while.

In history, even if the chaos of the Japanese country was settled and the state of seclusion and isolation continued, it would not be over until Xiyi used cannons to break open the Japanese gates.

Of course, it can also be seen as the beginning. It was the cannon knocking on the country's door that led to the restoration and rise of the Japanese state, and thus the tragic years of the later Han civilization.

The emperor was obviously very cautious about the Japanese country.

A country and nation that can kneel down and crawl without hesitation, kneel and lick as much as possible, and recover a little bit of vitality when they are weak, and have a strange mind.

If you want to plot against him, you can beat him to death with a stick of thunder.

Then don't give it any chance, it's time to suppress and suppress it, and let it fall on its knees forever.

This is obviously difficult for Daheng today.

Daheng's strategic plan is already very clear.

Ping the northwest, the grasslands, it is inevitable to bring the northwest Tibet under the rule, and strive to solve the grasslands once and for all.

At the same time, it suppressed the chieftains, changed the land and returned to the current state, and completely solved the scourge of Yunnan and Guizhou in the southwest.

After these internal and external problems are resolved, the next goal is to infiltrate and operate the vassal states in the southwest just like the current plot to Tibet in the northwest. At the same time, the major navies who have become established can also officially start their steps overseas. open up.

The Japanese country, which had the characteristics of being closed to the country back then, did not pose any threat to Daheng in a short period of time, and its importance was also ranked the lowest.

In this way, it is impossible for the emperor to disrupt Daheng's strategic rhythm for the mere Japanese.

Although the country is big, warlikeness will inevitably perish. Although Daheng is constantly at war today, except for the years when the country was founded, these years have been on the right track. Circulation and balance, to avoid the collapse of the financial out-of-control in previous years.

Now that it has achieved good results, for the Japanese country, it can only be a move to take time out of a busy schedule. Among them, how to balance it is obviously not an easy task.

The Son of Heaven will care about these things, but those generals and generals will not care.

Just like this Zheng family, once they open their mouths, they will definitely try their best to expand this opening, and other martial arts, seeing the interests of the Japanese country, will inevitably come after them.

After several times, the country of Japan will evolve into a place where Daheng fully develops.

Thoughts flowed, and in just a moment, the emperor made a decision, and raised his pen to give instructions on Zheng Chenggong's request to replenish the troops of the North Korean navy warships.

At this point, the emperor stopped writing and pondered for a while, and then the North Korean political envoy played the pen and put it on the emperor's seal. After that, the emperor did not give any more instructions.

At the beginning of the establishment of the North Korean naval patrol battalion, the emperor had prepared to guard against the Japanese state, and even prepare for the pioneering of the Japanese state.

Complementing the military strength of the warships is enough to ensure that the North Korean naval patrol battalion has sufficient combat power.

For the rest, there is no need for the emperor to do too much.

Although the Japanese closed the country, it did not completely ban foreign trade.

In a sense, the isolation of the Japanese country is like the sea ban established in the Ming Dynasty.

All of them are comprehensive prohibitions in a strategic sense. Over time, they have gradually become a monopoly aid for a certain part of the powerful to gain wealth and interests.

The larger these vested interests are, the stronger the prohibition policy will obviously be.

Without the intervention of external force, it is almost difficult to break.

In Japan, the same is true.

The people who are locked up and locked up are people who have no power and no power among the people.

The powerful and powerful, through the strategy of seclusion and isolation, made a lot of money.

Just like the current Japanese country Nagasaki, it is almost a transshipment station for Japanese foreign trade with an upright existence.

Daheng merchants and Xiyi merchants all traded with the Japanese in Nagasaki.

And Daheng, in Japan's foreign trade, undoubtedly occupied the absolute majority.

Xiyi merchants traveled tens of thousands of miles, and Daheng, whether it is from North Korea, from Shandong, even from Jiangnan, to the Japanese country, is not too far away.

If the North Korean shipping company is opened again, the trade with Japan will inevitably become more and more prosperous.

The North Korean navy patrol battalion was originally responsible for guarding the trade routes and seas. With the prosperity of the trade with the Japanese, the role of the North Korean navy will inevitably become prominent.

At that point, there is no need for the emperor to ask what to do, the situation will evolve naturally, and the goal will be achieved naturally.

The only thing to worry about is this, which is obviously completely contrary to the original history. These countless unexpected factors will inevitably affect the Japanese country.

Throughout history, the Japanese country has always followed the example of the strong.

The Han civilization, on the other hand, has always been the imitation of the Japanese nation, and it has been imagined as an object of transcendence.

At present, the Japanese country is closed to the country, but the more exchanges and the greater the external force, whether the self-isolation of the country will continue, it is obviously uncertain. UU reading

It is not impossible to create a reform that imitates Daheng...

The emperor slowly pondered the current strategic deployment of Daheng. If he said that, he should really move Daheng's strategic energy to the Japanese country.

As long as the Japanese country does not pose such a threat to Daheng as the previous Ming invasion of North Korea, disrupting Daheng's strategic deployment, it must be more than ten years later.

Decades of...

should be enough.

The idea of ​​the Son of Heaven coming to North Korea brought about the establishment of another municipal shipping department, and what it brought was the full establishment of the North Korean naval patrol battalion.

Behind it, it seems that the emperor also has certain ideas about the Japanese country.

North Korea, a barbarian land, has once again entered the eyes of civil and military with the two wills of the emperor.

However, it was only a moment in sight. What happened to North Korea was obviously not a secret matter to Daheng Wenwu.

It is neither barren nor rich, and there are no foreign enemies or hidden dangers in the surrounding area. Although the Japanese country is adjacent, the barrenness of the Japanese country is not difficult to understand in Daheng's current prosperous trade and business environment.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are too many places worth paying attention to in the current Daheng. There are also many places where you can easily gain the benefits of the sky. The Korean and Japanese countries are too trivial in comparison.

But no matter what, in Daheng, there are not only the aristocratic and valiant guards and martial arts families, but also a large number of generals and nobles who are hovering on the edge, and there are countless gentry landlords who are excluded from today's mainstream interest system.

No matter how stubborn people are, they will change with the evolution of time and changes in the environment.

And the Daheng world, ten years after the founding of the country, this world has changed so much that it is enough to make anyone stunned.

Change, it seems... is also inevitable.
