MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 705 What's going on in the 6 Dynasty, it's just for the portal's private plan.

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【Longevity starts from Jinyiwei】【】

When the emperor is high in the imperial palace, overlooking the world, there are many things, it is absolutely not difficult to hide from the emperor.

Every channel of the emperor to obtain information should not be too easy to do.

What's more, many things do not need to be manipulated and tampered with.

A few spring and autumn brush strokes, the meanings represented by things are completely different.

And it did not touch the taboo of deceiving the emperor in the slightest.

But when the emperor walked out of the imperial palace that was high in the clouds, when the etiquette and rules represented by the high walls of the deep palace could not restrain the emperor, in this world, as long as the emperor thought about it, it was almost impossible to hide from the emperor.

In just a short time, Li Ruolian, who walked out of the common people's room, quickly walked back to the emperor's side, whispered a few words in his ear, the emperor frowned, then waved his hand, and Li Ruolian also left again.

Immediately, the emperor didn't stay in the farmer's house for too long, got up and left.

The village is not small, there are about 100 households, and the emperor chose two households at random. He started to explore, and the emperor did not leave the village until twilight approached.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late..."

Li Ruolian was worried, so he rode his horse to the side of the Emperor's frame, and warned him.

"Don't go back to Shenyang tonight, go to Liaoyang."

Soon, the voice of the emperor came from inside the carriage.

Hearing this, Li Ruo Lian looked around in the darkness where the wind and snow were whistling, obviously unable to hide his worries. He wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it.

The will of the emperor, where can he change it.

In desperation, Li Ruolian had no choice but to drive away, find the Jinyiwei and the generals of the forbidden army who accompanied him, and discuss the precautions.

In the carriage, the emperor took the pen and slowly wrote on the book.

The booklet has recorded a small half of it, all of which are in the handwriting of the emperor, and all the writings above are the advantages and disadvantages that the emperor noticed during the inspection.

Whether it is good or bad, as long as it is not a serious matter, usually in the local area, the emperor will solve it.

Of course, many things, such as the problems detected in this village today, are nothing more than the most common corruption.

The treatment of resettlement proposed by the imperial court was deducted and corrupted.

In the past, the Son of Heaven would have been furious with such things, but now, he has been running the country for so many years.

The Son of Heaven has long been... It should be said that it is almost numb.

Many things, under human nature, can't be avoided at all, and can't be solved at all.

The emperor kills one batch, and the next batch of officials, there is no doubt that the mother is the same.

But since they are all placed in front of the emperor, there is no doubt that the mother, the court's law, cannot be disobeyed and challenged.

Of course, such things do not need the Son of Heaven to do it himself.

When an official, when is a vision.

When the emperor visited the village, what he said, what he asked, and what he noticed, the local officials would definitely know clearly.

Who should be arrested, who should be killed, what should be done, and if the Son of Heaven is still required to issue a decree in person, then these local officials will be at the end of the day.

After a long time, the emperor put down his pen and stared at the paper book on the table.

From the capital, to Tianjin, to the mountains and seas, to the present Liao Province.

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【Longevity starts from Jinyiwei】【】

You can travel only a thousand miles, and you can see only a few prefectures and counties.

Even though he was in the capital, the emperor had already discounted the world described in the book of memorials.

But when he saw it with his own eyes, the emperor realized that he was still too naive.

In the past, ten points, then in his heart, he gave a discount of seven or eight points.

But in fact, according to what he saw and heard.

In this world, his more than ten years of governing the country have been very effective, and it is a blessing to be able to implement three or four points.

Even if it is the fundamental policy of the country, it has been implemented for the longest time, and the most **** and **** land tax policy is also the case.

The clearest point is that landlords still exist widely, and tenants are not few.

Daheng's current land finance and taxation policy is to prevent land mergers and to try to prevent one person, one family, from owning too much land.

Taxes are levied on a per-acre basis, and there is a step-by-step tax rate based on the number of acres. This is to prevent land mergers from the root cause, and to prevent that one family from being able to sit on the land of one county and one prefecture.

Just like the Confucian family of the former Ming Dynasty, after the sages, nearly half of the land in Shandong province is either the soil of the Confucian family, or it is related to the Confucian family.

In this way, it can be said that in Shandong province, most of the people live by the Confucius family.

Large-scale planting of land is a problem that can only arise when the productivity is innovated to a very high level and the people are rich to a considerable extent.

And this question is by no means the current Daheng, or even the Daheng in the next hundred years, which needs to be considered.

Even if this problem comes, the emperor still firmly believes that the land is evenly distributed in the hands of the people all over the world, and the benefits brought to the country and the people are far better than being concentrated in a small number of hands.

After the people are prosperous, the role of land is reduced. Even if the state spends a lot of energy to solve this problem, it is far more disadvantageous than if the land is concentrated in the hands of a small number of people.

It is very clear that the uneven distribution of resources will inevitably bring about insurmountable class contradictions.

This is the most deadly For a country, there is no problem that is more deadly than this problem.

But it is the current Daheng's strict land tax policy.

In this world, landlords still exist widely, and so-called farming and reading family heirlooms still exist widely.

There are not a few people who hold hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of acres of land.

There are policies above and countermeasures below.

What this shows is, no doubt, very clear.

Either the implementation of the imperial policy was not in place, or there were local officials who violated the law and colluded with others, causing harm to the whole place.

Obviously, all the problems finally returned to the taboo in the emperor's heart.

That is... the former Ming Shi...

Tianzi tapped the table with his fingers, and his thoughts seemed to be surging in his mind.

He vaguely remembered how high-spirited and ambitious he was when he took power at the beginning of the year.

Governor of Jingji, in charge of the military of Jingji, Ge Jingjun, and Cha Wuxun.

After reforming the world's military, drastic measures were taken, and people were rolling in.

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【Longevity starts from Jinyiwei】【】

What a pleasure.

But the power is getting bigger and bigger, and this kind of wantonness, the shackles of the quilt, are also more and more, and the scruples are also more and more.

To this day, he seems to be able to appreciate the helplessness of that great man in later generations.

What happened in the Six Dynasties, only for the portal's private plan.

This sentence, as long as human beings exist, is an eternal necessity and cannot be resolved at all...