MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 694 not enough time

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When Li Ruolian left, the emperor glanced at Erdezi who was standing beside him. Although he didn't say a word, Erdezi immediately bowed to the emperor and left.

The emperor walked to the hall, looked around the room, and finally settled on the map of Daheng hanging on one side.

Such is the habit of the Son of Heaven.

No matter where it is, this Daheng Qiankun map is also indispensable.

Even if the emperor is already familiar with this map, he can recite it by heart.

However, it seems that because of the years of wars in the past few years, the emperor is always habitually facing this map in every major military event, so that he can think like a spring.

There are really no bright spots in the Daheng territory on the map. Compared with the previous Ming Dynasty, there are more than four areas: Liao Province, North Korea, Hetao, and Taiwan.

It seems that it can be regarded as a pioneer, which is also the firm idea of ​​the emperor.

But this is the only way to know the hardships of opening up and expanding the land.

War is a huge investment of money, resources and material resources. After a war, it may be the food tax, finance and tax of a province or even several provinces.

And these are just the beginning. The war is won, and it's still good. Of course, this is not absolute. Just like Liao Province, after it was defeated, there are hundreds of wastes waiting to be rebuilt.

Daheng has pacified Liao Province for so many years, and after careful calculation, until now, it is still in a state of loss that cannot make ends meet.

This process, if it is not for the emperor's decisiveness, will never be maintained.

It is obvious that there are too many pits in Daheng, such as the southwest, the northwest, natural disasters, Liao Province, North Korea, and the big policy of the country...

Daheng has the ability to start a war, and the emperor never doubts the victory or defeat of the war, but he definitely doesn't have the energy. After the war, he can't make ends meet and needs the court to continue blood transfusion.


The emperor shook his head and sighed. Governing a big country was like cooking a small fish. He didn't want to be in a hurry, but time was really not enough.

It has been the ninth year of Zhaowu, and he is no longer the young boy. Today, he is seven out of thirty, and he can almost be said to be in his forties.

At this age, how much time does he have?

ten years? Twenty years? Or thirty years?

Which time, it seems that there is not enough time to completely realize the great cause in his mind.

Even though he was excellent in martial arts, strong in qi and blood, and superb in medicine, the emperor never thought that he would live too long.

After all, from a young teenager in his teens, he has been fighting and killing year after year, and he has suffered too many injuries.

No matter how skilled his medical skills and martial arts are, no matter how good his medical skills are, no matter how powerful he is, he will hurt his vitality.

The human body is so mysterious, how can it be that foreign objects can be replenished and repaired well.

Now he is still young and strong, and it seems that everything is fine, but the Son of Heaven knows very well that the human body is like running a country.

Hidden dangers are hidden.

When a country is strong, all hidden dangers and contradictions are insignificant, but once the country is weakened, all that will be revealed.

No matter how small the hidden dangers and contradictions are, it is very likely that they will eventually become fatal.

The human body is like this, and so is a country.

The only difference is that the loss of control of the country can be recovered, the building can be helped to collapse, and the sky can be recreated, but once the human body is out of control, it must be hopeless.


The Son of Heaven sighed again, looking at this picture of the Daheng Universe, and was suddenly speechless.

The Son of Heaven is very clear that to pacify the Tibetan areas and grasslands, and bring them into rule, it will take at least a dozen years from war to stable rule.

The premise of this is that the productivity is innovated. If not, it will take at least several decades to initially stabilize.

And Daheng's national power center will inevitably be involved, and it is difficult to transfer.

Great ambitions, can't say, in the end, it will really be empty.

Another sleepless night, the next morning, the emperor rushed to the Tianjin Shipyard without stopping to inspect the shipyard and check the current progress of Daheng's shipbuilding process.

From the very beginning, the emperor has attached great importance to the development of the navy. Therefore, Daheng's shipyard has also developed rapidly. In the Ming Dynasty, the Denglai navy was established and the Denglai shipyard was built.

With the growth of Denglai Naval Division, Denglai Shipyard once jumped to the first shipyard in the former Ming Dynasty, and it was the same in the early years of Daheng.

As Daheng pacified Houjin, regained Liao Province, and the strategic position of Denglai Naval Division declined sharply, while the Jiangnan Naval Division was established, Daheng looked south to Jiangnan, and the meaning of unification flourished.

Therefore, Jiangnan Shipyard was established. With the southward pace of Daheng, the Jiangnan Navy has grown rapidly, and the navy has gradually become lonely. What follows is naturally the glorious period of Jiangnan Shipyard.

Up to now, even if the navy was restructured and the Jiangnan navy was split, but with the prevalence of maritime trade, the brilliance of the Jiangnan Shipyard has continued to rise steadily. , or civilian merchant ships.

Denglai Shipyard has naturally lost its former glory, but in recent years, with the development of North Korea in Liao Province, Denglai Shipyard has barely recovered.

The most unexpected one is obviously the Tianjin Shipyard.

Since the establishment of the Tianjin Shipping Division, the Tianjin Shipyard has been established very quickly. The backbone of the shipyard is recruited from the major government-run shipyards in the world.

Coupled with the prosperity of the city's shipping company's trade and the huge demand for warships of the Bohai Sea Navy, the Tianjin Shipyard has also jumped to the top level at an extremely fast speed in just a few years. Not inferior.

At the same time, thanks to the special status of the Bohai Sea Navy among the major navies of Daheng, the Tianjin shipyard's status is naturally rising.

Whether policy support or funds are allocated, even the advanced products developed by Xinxue, the Tianjin Shipyard, are the first beneficiaries.

Just like the steam engine that the emperor has always been thinking about, it has been widely used in Tianjin Shipyard.

In a place like a shipyard, the role that machines can play instead of manpower is obviously much greater than in other places.

For example, the progress of steelmaking skills is also reflected in shipyards. The Daheng battleship sequence, the iconic constant ship, and the protection of important parts of its hull, are mostly reflected in steelmaking skills.

Even the project of the steam warship has already been established in Tianjin Shipyard, and it is researched by Daheng Institute of Technology and Tianjin Shipyard.

Of course, the project of the steam warship cannot be without the promotion of the emperor.

It’s just limited to the progress of the craftsmanship and the imperfection of the new learning system. This project, like other projects of the Daheng Institute of Technology, has always been in a hurry.

But no matter what, the Son of Heaven has always believed that once the seed is planted, as long as the seed is no problem, there must be a time to germinate!