MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 34

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No one had expected this turning point, and the crowd that had been so crowded that they couldn't make a "crash" retreat and immediately gave them a large area.

Everyone was openly talking, and they were already discussing their way.

The Fuyao faction has faded out of people's vision for a long time, except for the power of the thousand-year-old tortoise that lived to be the thousand-year-old king, few people have heard of it so far. It is such a martial art that is unknown to everyone. On the pier, there was a show of what makes wealth rich and aggressive, which made others wonder if they didn't know it. They all heard about the prodigals of this school.

Although people in the practice can't regard the rich and the rich in their eyes, what about the island owner's other eyes?

Yan Zhengming, who didn't come out to deal with people very much, didn't know that at this time their party had become a nail in the eyes of others.

Cheng Qian, who stood out at this time, looked like he was eleven or twelve years old, holding a solitary wooden sword in his hand, like a child's toy, standing still in the same place.

Some people in the crowd have said sourly: "This child is so mad and there are no elders in the school?"

Another person said, "Why, haven't you heard that the owner of the island gave them permission to enter the lecture hall? Which decent denomination would send his children to someone else's lecture hall?"

"That's strange, why is the island owner so biased towards them?"

"Who knows? The young master from a wealthy family, maybe a relative of the imperial family or relatives, maybe it was the family who bought a lot of money to move the island owner and licensed them to come in."

"This is really a spring and autumn dream that anyone can do to ask the fairy. How easy is it to practice?"

Yan Zhengming is crazy. He is more and more invented. Cheng Qian's master is a mirror of flowers—it just looks like it exists!

He looked frosty, and whispered almost gritted teeth: "Cheng, Qian!"

Cheng Qian was not deaf. Of course, he heard other people's discussions. He almost immediately reveled—the original time on the island was not that they would be sad later, but they were beginning to be sad.

After the swagger, this world news came fast. Cheng Qian almost suspected that the words Master said when he boarded the ship were unknown prophets.

But that's it ...

Cheng Qian didn't mean to do anything, he just made a gesture to show everyone on Qinglong Island.

Once the other party was defeated, there was no reason to go to the ring. Second, he also knew his age, not to mention these immortals, even mortals, nor a big man and a teenager. The truth.

Until then, Cheng Qian found himself a little hard to ride.

If you change your mouth and be clever, maybe you'll just pass by for a while. He isn't a big man. He is only on the chest, and his face is nothing. The small life is the most important. Can't be a Lai Pi urchin.

He quickly thought in his heart, and in one fell swoop, all the moves you just came to me on the stage, and after finishing, he not only did not retreat, but sided the mind, thinking: "Do it, do it, I I'm not necessarily afraid of you. "

Cheng Qian did not retreat and ignored Yan Zhengming's warning. If he had no one to hold his fist, he said to the casual swordsman: "I have also learned swords at home for a few days, but I am not good at learning the art, Master has not allowed me to change the iron. Sword, I also ask the brother to advise. "

The defeated samurai swordsman did not know which Yeluzi martial arts was sent out. In terms of face, he was quite able to afford to put it down, and he immediately rushed to the front when he heard the words: "Don't dare to teach. Since the little boy can stay without participating in the test There must be something unique in the Lecture Hall. "

He dropped a word, and everyone around him laughed softly-mostly laughing at his shameless face.

Someone interrupted by watching the excitement: "Brother Zhang, since this little brother challenges you, you should take it. If you win, you might as well let the owner of the island open a back door for you!"

Han Yuan said angrily, "What if you lose? Knelt and cry ... oh!"

Li Yan covered his mouth with a hand, squeezing the cuckoo stick deadly.

The defeated swordsman frowned, pretending to be like: "Ah, what did the little brother say just now? What if I lose?"

Cheng Qian slowly leveled the wooden sword, put a starting gesture, and said lightly: "Don't dare, my sibling is speechless, smiled-please."

Yan Zhengming was so angry that he had no choice but to catch Cheng Qian back regardless of the ground before his feet slipped out. A folding fan somehow suddenly hurled in front of him to intercept his way.

I saw that he was a man in a robe and dressed as a scholar, with a pair of slender eyes, and glanced at Yan Zhengming with a restrained glance. He smiled lightly: "Hey, do n’t hurry to stop Yan Yan. Let's look at the kung fu of your high school. "

"Let's go!" Yan Zhengming went straight to the man's wrist with the base of his sword.

Li Yan: "Master can't ..."

Yan Zhengming's sword tail had not touched the corner of his clothes, and an invisible force hit his scabbard. The strength passed along his hand to his chest, and Yan Zhengming stepped back. After three steps, my chest was nauseated and almost spit out blood.

Li Yan helped him from behind: "Brother!"

Yan Zhengming swallowed the sweetness in his throat and stared fiercely at the man in the robe.

The man didn't put him in his eyes, so he opened the fan with all his spare time, pretending to fan it in front of him, and on the fan's face he wrote "Thinking Before You Go". He smiled meaningfully: "It's not the arrogance of being arrogant like this."

This man obviously came to trouble them!

The casual swordsman has lost in the Qinglong Society test anyway. He simply broke the jar and did not care that Cheng Qian had only a torn wooden sword in his hand. Even the surface politeness was left aside. Cut the past.

This is not the end of it. I do n’t know where to get his sword. There is a blessing on it, plus the strange swordsman who has not practiced any strange skills. The sword wind is not coming, and the demon wind that hurts the skin. Has arrived first.

The wooden sword is not a sturdy object. Cheng Qian knew that he did not have the skill of a master. He avoided its frontier and turned away.

When the casual swordsman saw that he only retreated, he suddenly got mad, and jumped up and down to make use of his insignificant sword trick like a flower butterfly, forcing Cheng Qian to dodge all over the field.

The robe scholar who stood in front of Yan Zhengming looked at the two men in the field as if they were playing monkeys, and laughed: "Your masters are young, but they are very deterrent."

He taunted and praised Cheng Qian with sarcasm, and Yan Zhengming's knuckles holding his sword turned blue. From childhood to age, has he ever been bullied like this?

On the field, the scattered swordsmen pressed hard and sneered, "Is your sophisticated swordsmanship meant to teach you to escape?"

During the conversation, Cheng Qian's head was injured by the Jianfeng he brought to the ground. He was immediately cut into two, and his hair was almost half loose.

The casual swordsman: "You still go home to feed ... uh!"

Cheng Qian fought back at this time.

I saw him leaping sideways, tiptoeing slightly on the ground, and then turned around and saw the sword "Sea Tide Watching the Moon".

This is the beginning of the Haichao swordsmanship. It is a secret that the sound of Jiang Haitao is suddenly ambitious, and the way of opening and closing is wide. The wooden sword is rolled over like Qian Tao for a while, and there is a kind of thrilling thunder that screams. Cultivation can't help but stagnate.

Two kinds of people are suitable for this kind of move, one is stupid and rough, and you can make all sorts of inconveniences. I blast away from it at the same time; the other is ruthless, such as Cheng Qian.

Cheng Qian was very diligent in practicing swords, but he did n’t do much with people, did n’t react on the spot, and he could n’t practice the moves so well. Opponent, so Cheng Qian did not want to see the move from the beginning.

Cheng Qian saw it when he watched the battle. The casual swordsman's swordsmanship was full of energy, so he ventured to guess that the opponent should not change much when he started.

Previously, he kept dodging from left to right because he had only prepared one move, and when he was waiting for his opponent to be ecstatic and chase after victory, he passed that move to his own hand.

The wooden sword accurately tore the sword wind of the casual swordsman, rubbing the edge of the iron sword, and avoiding the sharp edge cleanly, carrying the unique mentality of the Fuyao cultivating meridians with spells, he was severely pumped in the San Fix your face.

Wufeng's wooden sword certainly didn't let him splatter three blood on the spot, but the casual swordsman was beaten up on the spot, only to see a blood hole open in the corner of his mouth, tearing two lips alive into three The rabbit's mouth, with a bluish blood mark on its face, swelled into a **** in the blink of an eye.

There is a way to hit people without beating their faces. This slap was so shocking that everyone was almost upset.

Even the scholar with the folding fan in his arms froze: "What a mean boy."

Cheng Qian succeeded in a blow, and already regretted it.

Therefore, he didn't dare to win a little bit, but just retracted the wooden sword with no expression, the sword tip hanged down in homage, folded his hands, and bowed his head in a courteous manner: "Offended, thank you for your enlightenment."

The casual swordsman covered his face and couldn't speak, the scholar with the folding fan raised his eyebrows, took his thoughtful folding fan back into the palm, and thoughtfully commented, "It's quite restrained and poisonous."

When Cheng Qian lowered his eyes, he swept Qinglongtai with Yu Guang, only to see a few guardians crossed their ears. Tang Wanqiu even showed a little smile, so he wiped the cold sweat of his palm onto the sword handle, feeling that he could Barely retired.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let's do less trouble and offend people in the future."

However, this matter is obviously not over. Although Cheng Qian seriously and truly lost his courtesy, when he turned with a wooden sword, there was still a roar that sounded like a human voice.

"Little **** stood still!"

Then, he screamed "Woo" behind him, Cheng Qian instinctively hid to the other side, but someone in front blocked him unbiasedly. Cheng Qian could hardly avoid it, so he had to lift his hands in vain. Wooden sword.

At this moment, one hand grabbed his elbow, Cheng Qian's center of gravity was crooked, and he ran directly into the man's chest. He heard only two clear metal collision sounds in his ear, and a sound of cracking, Cheng Qian's pupil narrowed. ——The scattered swordsman who was beaten in public indignantly pulled the sword behind him regardless of his indignation, and Cheng Qian was pulled away by the master who suddenly rushed out.

Yan Zhengming didn't have time to come out of the sheath, and the sword was crooked aside by the casual swordsman. However, the black charcoal brother of Sanxian took this time to throw a piece of broken silver with great strength. Yan Zhengming screamed at the tail of the sword, Yan Zhengming slipped his sword in his hand, and the sword that was supposed to be sung out was why Leaned a little, and cut through Yan Zhengming's shoulders.

Cheng Qian's eyes turned red instantly.

Yan Zhengming was furious first, but before he got angry, he was defeated by the sharp pain of "severe injury"-his next action was to draw a sword and cut people, but it failed to take shape because he felt that the half of his body was already injured. There is no power to bind the chicken.

Of course, outsiders don't know the reason for this. In the eyes of others, this young and overly strict head is only holding a sabre and staying still, showing that young people rarely have a mature attitude.

Yan Zhengming calmly took a long breath of cold air, and then slowly said, "I am a long sight today."

To such an extent, Tang Wanqiu beside Qinglongtai finally opened his mouth.

She was inconvenient to leave Qinglong Terrace and stood far away, but her voice came word by word, as if blasted in the ears of everyone: "The Qinglong will be eliminated as soon as possible, and you must not stay in the field to cause trouble. Where!"

Seeing that the people of Qinglong Island had come out to speak, the two brothers of Sanxiu looked at each other, did not dare to continue the challenge, stared at Cheng Qian and Yan Zhengming fiercely, and left in the crowd.

Yan Zhengming gently hissed, dropped Cheng Qian, and whispered, "Go."

Cheng Qian grabbed a corner of his sleeve deadly, and the brocaded clothes almost poked a few holes in his fingers. He cried out in an indeterminate voice, "I want their lives."

Yan Zhengming was startled, barely restrained the expression of fangs and grin, and asked with some facial paralysis: "What did you say?"

Cheng Qianhong glanced over his bleeding shoulder with an eyelid: "Someday I will frustrate them all."

Yan Zhengming raised his hand and slaps behind him: "Blind ... hiss, oh ... bluff your mouth again!"

Cheng Qian took a deep look at him, wrapped his arm around his neck, supported him and walked back, and he did not say anything, but the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were covered with tender hatred-on behalf of his mouth Yes, but this account has been carved into my heart.

Some people with a very big heart seem to have a certain kind of patience, no matter how happy or angry he is, as long as someone nearby is more emotional than him, he can immediately calm down like a god's help. For example, Yan Zhengming, he just seemed to be angry, and after hearing these words from Cheng Qian, he felt that his anger had subsided a lot.

Li Yan walked over to help Yan Zhengming, freeing Cheng Qian's hand, Cheng Qian followed silently, never looking up, staring down at the ground in front of him.

All four of them went silently to their temporary residence on Qinglong Island.

"Forget it, copper coins," Yan Zhengming said that Cheng Qian's face was always wrong. He was a little afraid that he really would kill people and buy more goods, so he was awkwardly persuaded. Don't bother. "

Unexpectedly, Li Ye could still hear such a sacred light from the mouth of his brother in his lifetime. He suddenly gave him a terrifying look, raised his hand, and reached out to explore the brother's head.

Cheng Qian said nothing.

Yan Zhengming seemed to find something suddenly. He turned around half of his body like a zombie, raised his hand slightly, raised Qian Qian's chin, and said with a bit of surprise: "Oh, copper, cry?"

Somehow, this discovery made Yan Zhengming feel refreshed and not even hurt. He lifted half of his tail with a trembling flutter, and trembled and stink, "Is it because of the pain of your brother and me? Alas, I feel bad Your filial piety, or I will give you a special day to pour water for the head of the tea. "

Cheng Qian slapped his hand away, "Go!"

Then he rushed into his yard without looking back.

Yan Zhengming looked around and saw a black stone pillar on the porch, directing Li Kun: "Help me over there."

Li Ye thought he had something important, and hurriedly got him to the stone pillar. When he saw Yan Zhengming staring at the stone pillar, he asked anxiously, "Why ... brother, what's wrong with this pillar?"

"Nothing wrong," Yan Zhengming replied cheerfully, "very clearly."

It took a long time for Li Min to reflect on what he meant, and his heart suddenly jumped out with a sentence: "It's really a dog that can't change food / shit."

Yan Zhengming looked at the reflective stone and looked at his own image. He thought that this small injury to the shoulder was harmless, and that there was no demeanor in the disease. He was still charming.

Cheng Qian's red eyes made Yan Zhengming have a strange feeling, like a little wolf cub who gave him a sip of nothing all day and suddenly licked his wound in the middle of the night. Don't mention much ironing.

In such an ironing, Yan head "ahhhhh" took a small wound of his fart, weakly supported the wall into the house, and jumped in a chicken flying dog of a street boy, beautifully A vase that broke when touched. 2k novel reading network

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