MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 108

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Tang Yan paused in the air. Tens of thousands of ghosts followed him and froze. Their faces were blank at first, and then a subtle doubt appeared.

For a time, many thoughts in Tang Yan's mind seemed to be Mars in the wind after the fire had dissipated, one after another chaotically.

He couldn't figure it out anyway, who moved his body?

Yan Zhengming them?

But how did they escape from the Beiming Sea, and for what reason, they did not follow these people's tracks directly to Shuzhong, but instead returned to Fuyao Mountain?

Since they cannot come and go freely in infinite space, how did they rush back in such a short time?

Who sold them the body that was hiding in Bingxinhuo?

In the flash of light, Tang Yan was puzzled, and even had no time to lose his temper.

how can that be possible?

He clearly knew that no one trusted him, and never had any relationship with any living creature in the world. He was alone, holding the authority of infinite ghosts ... even if he could not be foolproof?

The ghosts of the sky are like a group of unknowingly hanged ghosts, one after another hovering in the air. The ghostly spirits and magical spirits gradually fading away from them, washed one by one by the unknown breeze, and faded into ordinary souls in the air. ,melted.

Like a row of morning dew, after a night of wind and dust, quietly returned to the heavens and earth, drifting freely and cleanly to the next destination.

It was full of some quiet and timeless meaning.

You Liang held Yan Zhengming's sword of Yuan Shen, who had lost his spirit, and saw it all from a close distance, shocked by the situation.

Tang Yuan's Yuanshen continued to withdraw from the dissipating ghost, and was finally forced into one. His powerful Yuanshen can still survive after losing his body.

Tang Yan didn't run away—it might be too shocked to forget, or it might have been unexpected, and he was lost for a moment.

"There is no reason ..." murmured Tang Yan. "The result of a million grudges clearly belongs to me. This is impossible ... how can the doomed matter change? There is no reason ..."

Li Yan first responded and yelled, "What are you all doing?"

The puddles and beams immediately reacted—yes, this man is a master of ghost cultivation. There is no second person in the world who is more proficient in soul training. Once he returns to the mountain, he may be slowed down by one or two. This year, you can make a comeback by unheard of means.

The sword in You Liang's hand screamed, blocking Tang Lu's way. Li Zhu took a sabre around his waist, and the three rushed at the same time.

Tang Xun's body was just broken, and he was back bitten by the ghosts that kept flying away. Yuanshen was the most vulnerable time. He had no time to dodge and was penetrated by two swords.

He stiffened stiffly and met the flames of Samadhi coming at him.

In the fire, Tang Yue's still confused eyes slowly fell on the puddle.

The memory of his dead death is like the tide of returning, passing through a long deliberate thought, passing through a longer life of purgatory life with you and my soul eater, passing through the last life and death and parting ...

Finally landed on a feather.

The feather flicked slightly in his heart, Tang Yan's lips moved slightly, but he couldn't say anything.

Some people's life is black or white, all the bright colors passing through him are like a flash in the pan, a flash, and they are gone.

Tang Pu put a puddle in his pupil, and the dilapidated Yuanshen disappeared like this.

The heavens are impermanent, how can the organ be counted by others?

I wonder if he thought about it at the last moment.

Like Li Yu dreaming, he couldn't believe that the sword in his hand would meet with blood one day, and also beheaded a big devil who had no one before and no one came. He kept his expression of astonishment and thought that he could remove his armor and return to the field. The family sacrificed the fancy sabre.

He wasn't looking for North, and Han Yuan suddenly yelled, "I'm going to die, what's going on here, what's going on, don't help me!"

Li Yan shouted back to God with his throat, only to remember the mess left by Xu Xu.

He farted and **** off the imperial sword, and saw that Xu Xu's sacrifice had not been weakened much, and the enchantment that had only been summoned by Tang Yue had no intention of dissipating.

The puddle immediately turned around and surrounded the sacrifice forbidden with a ring of fire, so that Han Yuan at the end of the crossbow slightly relieved.

Li Yan did not find money and threw a handful of elixir into Han Yuan's mouth. He blocked the voice behind him impartially. Han Yuan was choked by him for a half, and he wanted to yell and yell. Come.

The short rest and the healing medicine made Han Yuan's cracked wounds slowly heal. Unfortunately, these elixir cures the symptoms but not the root cause. Sometimes the puddle of sacrifice is left untouched and the sacrifice rushed out will leave him a mouthful.

Until this field, Han Yuan finally acknowledged that he may indeed have created more sins. This one after another is like a thousand swords, and it's not much to mention **.

As soon as Li Yi waved his hand, the army of worms that had been hit by Tang Yi had been resurrected in situ, and they had explored the terrain for him, the broken Devil's Array, and Xun Xu's sacrifice for the sacrifices. All the formations returned to his eyes-the sacrifice was completed, and the spirit gathering was useless.

You Liang repaired with a sword, and had no success against the game, frowning: "Senior, this is not the way, even if we all consume adults, I think the power of sacrifice is hard to diminish."

"Uncle ..."

There was a faint shout suddenly next to him. Li Li looked back, and the whole young man was pressed under a pile of stones, and he pulled out a gap with difficulty, revealing his head: "I ... I am ..."

Li Xuan dug him out with great anxiety, and felt that he would inevitably be repaired by his master in the years to come.

"Khekeke," Nian crawled out with a big gray face, "I know ... This place is not far from Mingming Valley. There is a barren mountain behind the Mingming Valley, and the cliffs are deep behind, step by step, dangerous. No one."

Li Yanqi said: "How do you know that there is no one?"

"I dropped the Imperial Sword once," Nian Mingming said, "my father sent the whole Mingming Valley people and collected me below for more than half a month before picking me up ..."

Li Yan: "Okay, keep your shameless eyes in advance, take the way-you are in the puddles and You Liang help Han Yuan to stop for a while. Other people who are still alive come here to do me a favor. We are here. Pull a spiritual formation on top of the solid spiritual formation, and introduce the power of sacrifice into the barren mountains. "

Han Yuan: "Hurry up!"

Li Yanfei walked away with everyone's royal sword, and shouted in the mouth: "You have to bear with it, it's broken in two. I said two good words to my master, maybe he can give you the True Dragon Banner."

Han Yuan had a keel, and he coveted the real dragon flag for a long time. After hearing this, he became quiet on the spot, and then urged unscrupulously, saying happily, "Thank you, Brother Two, please rest assured, I will stay halfway No problem for months! "

Li Xie thanked him for a goosebump, but didn't dare to return.

Although the Soul Eater is broken, the Valley of Heart Demon is still on, and the magic of Fuyao Mountain has not retreated.

Yan Zhengming was connected with the head initiation and felt that the continuous flow of magical energy had penetrated from the passage they had just passed, and he directly asked Cheng Qiandao: "Did you listen to Qiankun tell you how to seal this seal? live?"

"Tell me this without it." Cheng Qian retracted Frost Blade, turned and looked in the direction of Qing Anju, "guess and guess ..."

Yan Zhengming froze for a moment, then reacted to what he was referring to, and was immediately shocked.

"Don't you say we're going to bring the stone back to the regrettable stage?" Yan Zhengming's anxiety, stirred by Wanzhang's Heart Devil Valley, has vented seven or eight with the earth-shaking sword, and returned briefly In his usual counseling state, "One hundred and eighty-eight steps, don't regret the stage, go up-my ancestor ... you must be teasing me."

Cheng Qian glanced at him and said that he was serious.

Yan Zhengming's head grew two laps: "You haven't seen the unregrettable stage. I took a step just last time and I was beaten down. After walking through the 18,000 steps, I could see the ancestors on the spot. went!"

If he put it in the past, Cheng Qian would not listen to his nonsense. He would have taken his own mind and left for a long time, but I do n’t know when he started to realize that this attitude is rather an opposite to his brother. A kind of harm.

All his life's patience was overdrawn to Yan Zhengming, and he waited until Yan Zhengming complained, and asked calmly, "Will you go?"

Yan Zhengming glanced anxiously at the magic of the surrounding mountains and mountains, and his shoulder fell: "... Go."

After speaking, he raised his sword and took the lead in walking towards Qing'anju: "Try it, Sima is a living horse doctor. There are more problems than solutions ... Hey!"

His body was tired and bitter, and he was all in the wrong words.

When I came to Qing'anju, I thought that the original stone was like a stagnant stagnant water in the bay, but at this time there was a floating halo slowly flickering, and it almost seemed to be "flowing". Unparalleled appeal.

The flowing halo was like a lover's eye wave, which caused people to fall into it involuntarily. Yan Zhengming looked at it for a moment, and then reached out his hand a little foolishly.

However, when his hand was about to touch the stone, he finally remembered that the "genuine product" was next to him, so when he idled around, he landed on Cheng Qian's shoulder in a roundabout way.

Yan Zhengming hooked Cheng Qian's neck and let out a long, sigh of relief, sighing, "Fortunately, you are here."

Cheng Qian didn't rush out to touch it. He brought the ice heart fire pried by Frost Blade. This ice heart flint had cracked off at one end and was almost complete on the other side. The stone was shoved in, and the strong magic enchantment surrounding the stone was briefly isolated.

Cheng Qian: "Don't talk nonsense, quickly open the channel for me with a headprint."

Yan Zhengming knew that it was not too late. While he quickly opened the passage to the Valley of the Heart Devil, Yan Zhengming couldn't control his heart, and asked, "Why can you stay unaffected?"

Cheng Qian put his heart on his shoulder with half a piece of ice in his heart, strode forward, and said without looking back, "How do you know it has no effect on me?"

Yan Zhengming stunned, followed quickly, and chattered: "Really? What effect does it have on you? If those messy and irrelevant things are irrelevant, if it has something to do with me, you can occasionally behave and let Am I happy ... what are you doing so fast? "

Cheng Qian: "Let you dry your head a bit."

This time the two found the unregrettable platform.

Yan Zhengming's crow's mouth once again showed its peerless style, and it was true-the problem was more than a solution.

The two tried a myriad of methods separately, whether it was trying to send the stone to the stage with the Yuanshen sword, or various magical weapons, they all failed in this place.

The eighteen thousand steps of the unrepentant platform that leads directly to the sky are so scary that they look down at all beings coldly and cannot tolerate speculation.

Cheng Qian took the first step forward, the whole body of Yuanyuan seemed to evaporate, and there was no trace of existence at all. He hadn't stood still yet at this step, and a violent squall wind went straight up to the two.

The protector Zhenyuan has long since disappeared, and his hands and feet are as heavy as a yoke. Cheng Qian feels that this is no different from mortals. He pulls out the frost blade and sweeps out. Without Zhenyuan, all the strength comes from the flesh. After this collision, his wrist trembled. If he hadn't worked hard at swordsmanship for many years, he could release his sideways force in time, and Cheng Qian almost turned over from the stone steps.

Yan Zhengming supported his back: "Be careful-how can this go up? Shizu must be a living animal."

Cheng Qian rubbed his numb wrist: "Brother in charge, verbally bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestor is also bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestor. You can also get up if you don't go up, otherwise what do you say?"

How to do?

Yan Zhengming's first response was to seal the crack, and then leave the problem to future generations. In case of another generation of apprentices and grandchildren, a capable child like that will make him more able.

It is a pity that after all, he still had to show face in front of Cheng Qian. This kind of remark turned around sneakily in his heart, and he was embarrassed to show it, so he sighed and carried Cheng Qian to the stage without regret.

This way, though, it was a hundred or so steps. Cheng Qian's breath was obviously thicker. He was constantly moving his wrist. The wrist bone was as if it was injured. "Gala" sounded, and every step seemed to irritate. Got lead.

Yan Zhengming shoved a big stone into his arms, and at the same time snatched Frostblade: "Why don't you talk when you don't have energy? From now on, we will switch back in one hundred steps, and no one should be stubborn."

The thoughts turned into stone, plus the ice heart fire, the weight is only a hundred pounds, for the monk is no different from feathers, but at this time, it was heavily pressed on the nearly free-strength Cheng Qian's hand, Cheng Qian was almost lost. Just a moment, my wrist almost cramped.

He glanced up at Infinite Heavenly Order and smiled bitterly: "I don't know how to be good at studying mortals without changing back."

Yan Zhengming waved his sword to block a gust of wind, took a moment to glance at Cheng Qian, and laughed in his mouth: "Such a handsome boy, even a mortal, who is willing to let you move stones for physical work?"

Together, Yan Zhengming didn't wait for Cheng Qian to answer. He had been fantasically fantasizing about it and said, "If we were all mortals, I would definitely be a rich member. Are you, oh ... you are mostly A poor scholar. "

Cheng Qian: "... Why am I a poor scholar?"

Yan Zhengming is righteous and confident: "You, a person who can spend money alone, can't make money. You ca n’t help but have a family of Jinshan and Yinshan. If you can be rich, the sun will have to hit the west-I ’m probably going to It ’s a lawless puppet. It ’s easy to meet a poor scholar. You do n’t have to worry about anything. You can rely on the rich and powerful and bring a bunch of dog legs to grab you back! ”

Cheng Qian: "..."

He was impressed by the self-knowledge of the elder brother.

"After grabbing it back, I will soften the bluffs and intimidate and lure me. I will place you first and give what I love. If I do n’t know the current affairs, I will use your relatives and friends to threaten you. Ultimately, in time, you said you wouldn't submit? "

Yan Zhengming spoke with a nose and eyes, just like the real one, Cheng Qian silently listened, the gloom between the eyebrows gradually disappeared with his voice.

He smiled a little pamperingly on the fierce regret stage at this step, and said, "Not necessarily."

Yan Zhengming said with emotion: "Yeah, yeah, you have been stinky and hard since you were a child. You are pretending to be gentle, and you have a bad temper like a stone in a pit. It must not have been so easy to handle, oh ... what should I do? "

Cheng Qian: "If you're willing to try color / temptation, it might be useful."

Exactly facing a gust of wind, the head of Yan who was so tempted to say "color / seduce" never looked back. He frantically moved Frost Blade forward by two steps and took two steps back. He almost regretted it on one side. Scroll down, but fortunately Cheng Qian freed one hand and caught him.

Cheng Qianshun put his heart into a stone and shoved him into his arms, and retrieved his sword: "It's a hundred steps again, change it."

Then he didn't know what to think, and in his goosebumps, he looked back and added: "... beauty."

Yan Zhengming stunned his nose, "Dare to tease the head of your family, you are so used to rebelling ... Well, are you slowing down from that ghost heritage?"

The smile on Cheng Qian's face faded, he was silent for three or five steps, and a jingle rang out from the sword and the wind.

Just when Yan Zhengming thought he didn't intend to say anything, Cheng Qian suddenly said, "In the secret area of ​​Daxue Mountain, in order to resist the soul of painting, I forcibly broke the seal of Qiankun by your sword and accepted the inheritance ..."

Cheng Qian paused for a moment, and the words behind him were stopped by him. He remained silent for a longer time and whispered, "It almost melted my consciousness into it."

Yan Zhengming asked instinctively, "Where?"

Cheng Qian didn't make any noise. He held the frost-blade sword handle that was slightly trembling with both hands. After pushing back a gust of wind, he turned the tip of the sword flatly around and drew a round circle, then looked up at the demon Gu did not see the sky above.

Yan Zhengming seemed to catch something in an instant.

Cheng Qian may not even look at Tianjie. What can melt his consciousness and devour his Yuanshen?

Listen to Qiankun ... Qiankun?

Yan Zhengming looked at his back in suspicion, remembering the little bell he usually heard through the wooden sword, catching the wind and catching the shadow, and whispered, "Listening to the 'It' in Qiankun is ... the real heaven?"

Cheng Qian could not answer as usual.

"Integrating into heaven" sounds like "flying up", but Yan Zhengming didn't hear much aspirations from Cheng Qian's voice. When he first came out, Cheng Qian was even a little embarrassed, as if he was trapped in the dead. Being trapped doesn't seem to return.

He remembered a sentence that Han Muchun said when he was young, "Ascension is dead."

For a while, Yan Zhengming suddenly came up with a whimsical guess—is there really an "upper bound" for monks to soar?

"Flying" is "repairing positive results", that is, "obtaining the Tao." Will those who have attained the Tao re-form a fairyland in the "upper world"?

Those who have attained the Tao will also be divided into righteousness and evil, and will they fight with each other?

You can practice introductory practice. Regardless of which school, the first lesson taught by Master is "the road is invisible, ruthless, nameless"?

If a person is truly invisible, relentless and nameless, and his consciousness melts into the heavens and the earth, is he still personal? Do you know who "I" is? Remember love and hate in your lifetime? Still ... alive?

Yan Zhengming whispered: "Actually, there is no way to live forever in the world, right?"

Cheng Qian was silent. Three consecutive winds suddenly came, and his wrist flew, and three swords were attached. The wrists were full of blue muscles. The back had an indescribable sense of Xiao Shu.

For thousands of generations of monks, "longevity" is like a carrot hanging in front of them, restraining them in the long and lonely penance, so that they do not produce anything, and do not compete with mortals.

Most monks, like Ming Minggu, take refuge in one party, eat mortal offerings, or sell charms to mortals. Except for a few major calamities and chaos, monks and mortals have always been at peace.

People like Tang Yan who have been eroded into their bones by soul-stealing lamps will not be willing to see blood because of the constraints of heaven.

An ambitious person like Lord Three Kings will give up the emperor for the sake of longevity ... though it does end up on evil.

But if one day, these monks know that they will die like mortals, and what they are after is nothing more than a mirrorless mirage, what will happen to these mighty powers?

They are supremely capable, and they can easily turn over the river. Morals and monks are like a group of precarious ants. There is nothing in the world that can restrain them. The emperors of the world will be more like a joke. Bad is almost inevitable. How smoky it will be in this world?

So it was for this reason that the ancestors of the top ten martial arts sealed this secret in the hearing, signed the ten-party oath, and allowed the existence of Tianyan Office?

Yan Zhengming didn't know if this was just his own imagination, nor could he trace the truth.

Cheng Qian can never say.

Yan Zhengming asked, "How did you escape from it later?"

Frost Blade Xueliang's sword light illuminated the gloomy unregrettable platform. Cheng Qian, who held the sword, paused for a moment. He stood on his sword, tilted his head slightly, and looked at Yan Zhengming deeply.

Yan Zhengming couldn't help thinking of the unusually solemn "Thank you" in Daxue Mountain's mid-range Qian Qian, and his heart beat dry for a while.

There are so many things to say, you don't have to say that you are an unbreakable tie in my dust.

The author has something to say: Is there anything more at night? 2k novel reading network

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