MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 82

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Gu Siyi’s head was buried in Xia Zhi’s arms, and the sudden love words made her wonder how to parry. The heart thumped, excited and pleasantly beating. For a long while, she softly said: \"I like you too."

Xia Zhijun is not satisfied, biting her earlobe and asking: "I just like it?"

Gu Siyi squats and retreats, "Someone..."

Downstairs in the apartment, there are indeed students coming and going. Fortunately, this is in the evening, and the two are standing in the dimly lit places, which is not so conspicuous.

Xia Zhizhen took her hand and took her around the green belt. A thick wall blocked the outside sight. This place is more concealed.

Xia Zhixuan circled Gu Siyi, lifted her chin, and kissed her on her lips... tired for a while, looking for it in the light.

\"唔...\" Gu Siyi is a bit embarrassed. I used to kiss in the theater for so long, how come I kissed?

\"Don't... The mouth hurts..." Gu Siyi didn't hide his face, and the sound of the drops seemed like a complaint.

Xia Zhixuan turned to kiss her cheeks on her cheeks, lingering and lingering.

\"I have to go up, or I will lock the door later...\"


\"see you tomorrow……\"


\"I am gone...\"


Gu Siyi: ... then let me go!

Helpless, Gu Siyi pushed Xia Zhikai away, \"Go.\"

\"Hmm.\" He watched her leave.

Gu Siyi went back to the bedroom, and the roommates didn't have a rest. When she came back, everyone wanted to surround her gossip. The battle had not yet been opened. When she saw her, she screamed and laughed.

Gu Siyi stunned, "What are you laughing at?"

\"The original cold school grass is so arrogant...\" Several people pouted and sneaked.

\"You hate it, don't talk well!\"

\"You look in the mirror yourself.\"

Gu Siyi sat down on the chair and looked at her vanity mirror. She didn't see it. I saw it... I immediately blushed.

There is obvious bruise under her lips, and there is a little purple, and her mouth is red with a sense of swelling...

This is a pair of lips that are over-squeaky...

Gu Siyi was very annoyed, and he shouldn't let him kiss. This evening, the family kept on and off, especially in the cinema, when the pro was sturdy and hard, just like eating people. She is not afraid of pain, how to see people like this.

Zhang Weizhen gave her an ointment very thoughtfully. "Slightly rub it, it should be fine for a night."

\"......Thank you.\"QAQ

Liu Chang smirked at the side: "You haven't talked for three years? Is it so passionate for so long?"

\"...Nothing in high school, I went to study...\" Gu Siyi explained with a red face.

Although there was a certain relationship at that time, it was completely different from the current feeling. At that time, the two men lived alone, and most of the time they were serious mentoring. He was more serious than her and serious.

Just blame it was too young at the time, knowing that the cold **** is a wolf...

Zhang Weixiao smiled and said: "The champion is a mind, first bring his girlfriend to the university, then go straight to love."

Wang Hao followed: "The champion's inner monologue, and persisted in high school for three years. Once he was promoted to the university, he even took advantage of the debt."

Gu Siyi: "You don't tease..."

Liu Chang: \"Si Yi asked for you to divide the peach blossoms into us, let us take off."

Wang Wei: "There is a goddess of luck, we must be the earliest dormitory to go out of bed!"

Everyone is laughing at Gu Siyi, and I don’t know how envious. The ignorant mind of adolescence was suppressed in middle school, and it was so easy to go to college.

In the dead of night, when Gu Siyi went to bed to sleep, Xia Zhizhen sent WeChat: "Is it asleep?"

Gu Siyi wants to spit out the strength of his kissing, and he is embarrassed to say that in the end, if nothing happens: "I am going to sleep."

X:\"Don't talk to Zhang Sicheng about WeChat.\"

As the name suggests: \"[捂脸] [捂脸] I am really unfamiliar with him...\"

X:\" promise me.\"

As the name suggests: \"Okay, okay.\"


As the name suggests: \"[cute]\"

After a few minutes, he did not reply, Gu Siyi thought it was the rhythm of going to sleep.

As the name suggests: \"Good night.\"


Gu Siyi closed his eyes and brewed drowsiness.

In the boys' bedroom, Xia Zhijun did push-ups under the bed.

When I think of my relatives at night, the whole person can't sleep with excitement.

I didn't want to bother her to sleep, but I had to do something that was physically exhausting.

In the theater, it was still tense, a bit messy, and it was hard to suppress when you touched it.

Looking back now, regretting just touching, not having a taste of it...

The roommates watched the summer of the middle of the night, a laugh.

\"This is that there is no home run, no energy to vent..."

\"Hahahatang school grass fell to the point of push-ups in the middle of the night, my mother feels very pleased with what is going on?\"

\"I want to have such a beautiful long-legged sister, I am also happy to push-ups!"

Xia Zhihao was too lazy to care for them, put on sportswear, and ran away at night.

The second day of military training, Zhang Weizhen was borrowed by Zhang Sicheng. Of course, just cover up the previous things, or you will not want to go back if you can’t remember it. It’s a bit too obvious.

During the rest of the break, Liu Chang took off his hat and fanned the wind. He envied: "No need for military training, tired and tired."

\"Yes, you don’t have this difference, you really can’t figure it out.\" Wang Hao did not understand.

Gu Siyi can't smile, \"I really don't feel tired...\"

Not far away, several girls stood together and looked over here.

The younger sister of the first year said to Cheng Ling of the sophomore: "Hey, that tall and thin, standing very straight, is Gu Siyi."

Cheng Ling looked at their gaze, obviously there is a group of girls, but the girl is very obvious.

The tall and tall, casual shoulders are also very straight, looking at the temperament is particularly good, wearing a military training suit back has a sense of beauty.

She turned her head and talked to the girl next to her. She saw her side face... The white skin was clean and clear in the sun, and the sharp nose to the chin outlined a delicate arc.

\"...It's pretty.\" Cheng Ling said.

The girl next to her said: "Yes, our class boys have been asking her. If there is a boyfriend around her, it must be a group of pursuers of the stars."

\"...\" Cheng Ling is silent.

Her boyfriend, Xia Zhixuan, is someone she has known for two years and likes for a year.

In the third year of high school, I learned that Xia Zhijun was the number one person in the city rankings. After graduation, I saw photos of his admission ticket on the Internet... On that photo, Shuai’s heart made her feel excited. The most coincidence is that the two actually went to the same university and were still in the same class. She thinks this is a fate given by God.

This year she quietly stayed with him and sometimes discussed academic issues with him. His pursuit of other girls is unmoved, and she admires and yearns for it.

How do you know that you are in your sophomore year?

Everyone said that his girlfriend is here.

She came to see the legendary girlfriend...

The new students gathered there, and when Gu Siyi turned around, Cheng Lingqing clearly saw her face.

It is pretty good, but it is not good enough to see the extent of the summer.

Gu Siyi does not know that there are many people observing her, or even knowing that they don't care, and it doesn't matter if they have any gaze and discussion. High school forced herself to study hard for three years. When she entered the university, she was like a bird that was out of the cage. She was comfortable and relaxed.

During the military training, all the schools and colleges are recruiting new ones.

After eating dinner in the cafeteria, Gu Siyi took a look at the room with the roommates and was very interested in everything.

When the roommates discussed, she called Xia Zhijun.

Gu Siyi: "What kind of community do you report?"

Xia Zhijun: \"Automatic Control Association, Mathematical Modeling Association, Lingfengshe."

Gu Siyi automatically shields the first two, and asks with interest: "What is Lingfeng Society doing?"

Xia Zhijun: \"Climbing, climbing."

Gu Siyi is one of the vibrations, \"Wow, I want to participate!\"

Xia Zhixuan bent his lips. When he saw this association, he knew that Gu Siyi would be interested.

When she climbed Mount Emei, she remembered her sturdy and heroic spirit.

Gu Siyi hangs up the phone and is excited to register at the recruitment office of Lingfeng. Fill in yourself, don't forget to pull roommates together, \"Look at this concept, challenge the limits in climbing, explore the unknown in walking, perfect yourself in nature, feel more!"

Zhang Weizhen feels that her physical strength is not good, and she is not sensitive. Wang Hao and Liu Chang are very interested in signing up together.

After the event, she continued to move with her roommate and saw many fun associations...

She called Xia Zhiyu again.

Gu Siyi asked: "Why don't you report basketball?"

Xia Zhijun said: ""Basketball is fun to play on its own, too lazy to report to the community."

Gu Siyi: "Oh, girls don't play much. I have to join the women's basketball team to have someone play together?"

Xia Zhijun said: "Then you sign up."

Gu Siyi said: "There is also a roller skating association. I also want to find someone to play with!"

Xia Zhijun said: "Register it."

\"Hmm, then I am going to sign up.\"

When she hangs up, Xia Zhizhen can feel her excitement.

When Xia Zhiyi walked into the lab again, the classmate Zhang Yang smiled. "Do you use the advance lab not to directly block the phone?"

Xia Zhijun said: "This time, he is a moment."

On the side of Cheng Ling went to Xia Zhizhen, and showed him a set of data recorded and discussed the problem with him.

The two exchanged for a while, and Xia Zhijun’s cell phone rang again.

Yang Jie said: "I said, how suddenly are you so busy? Where did the spirit of dedication to science go?"

Xia Zhibo is not shocked: "Who is science? I don't know. I just want to dedicate myself to Gu Siyi."

\"...\" These people did not expect that Xia Zhiyi would suddenly come up with such a slogan, and after a few seconds, he burst into laughter.

Cheng Ling snorted and bowed his head.

Xia Zhiyi once again walked out of the lab to answer the phone, with a hint of helplessness and over-indulgence.

\"Ah, I also saw the hip-hop club! I like it very much!\" Gu Siyi excited.

Xia Zhijun knew that she would dance hip-hop, and she performed a period when she was in high school. But he didn't want her to join, this kind of performance talent is too eye-catching. Especially when she dances, her body is soft and her eyes are charming...

Xia Zhijun said: \"There are so many reports, do you have so much time?"

\"Yes! Isn't the university course much easier than high school?\"

\"...\" Summer is not making a sound.

Gu Siyi's excitement is reduced, weak and weak: "I thought it would be easy to go to college, it's fun... isn't it?"

Xia Zhijun: "This is the case, you sign up."

I can't bear to hear her so low tone.

Through high school counseling for her, he knows that she is not a person who loves to learn...

Such a person is especially difficult to get into a good university. He does not give her happiness and freedom. He is distressed.

Xia Zhijun said: "What do you want to report, just talk to me once and then hang up."

\"Hey... Did you bother you?" Gu Siyi was a little embarrassed. She wanted to talk to him about where she was.

\"No.\" Xia Zhizhen immediately vetoed, warmly, \"I am your boyfriend, you have the right to find me at any time."

\"...\" Gu Siyi couldn't help but bend his lips and smile at the lips. The three-pointed smile was sweet and sweet.

When the evening's activities ended, the roommates returned to the apartment with Gu Siyi, and couldn't help but make fun of it: "I really took you, and I kept talking to your boyfriend all the way. What do you have to say about everything? You are not too embarrassed?\"

\"啰嗦??" Gu Siyi asked.

\"It’s awkward!\" The three men are unanimous.

Gu Siyi wants to get back to the game, scornful, "That's because you don't have a boyfriend!"

\"...!!!\" Roommates were instantly bounced back by 10,000 points.

Soon after, the two-week military training ended. Gu Siyi also took an excellent student.

The prize is counted. The most irritating thing is, why is she so white two weeks ago, and still so white after two weeks?

Of course, Gu Siyi does not think so, she really found herself black! At least three degrees darker than before!

On the weekend after the end of military training, the high school friends who were scattered to each school finally breathed a sigh of relief and got together.

Zheng Peipei specially booked three suites in a five-star hotel, threatening to stay in school for two days!

Lu Jialu went abroad, Su Han rushed to announce, and the party had six friends. She and Gu Siyi have a room, and I have a room with Zhang Xin and Zhang Xinyi.

After a hot meal, the girls vomited and became ugly, and Xia Zhiyu and Zhou Wei chatted about the situation.

That night, Zheng Peipei and Gu Siyi entered the room, Zheng Peipei rushed into her arms and shouted: \"Remember, think of you, miss you!"

Gu Siyi calmly touched her head, \"Be honest, change my name to Su Han."

Zheng Peipei snorted and died in the sofa.

Su Han is now in full swing, the announcement is too full, and there is not much time for his girlfriend.

Moreover, his people have always been single, even if the appointment is also highly alert, public places do not want to go.

As long as Zheng Peipei can meet him in his small apartment, she is happy enough to be intimate and affectionate.

Determine the relationship from the summer vacation, to the present three months...

Zheng Pei-pei lifted a huge face and looked at Gu Siyi. He asked: "How long do you date with the learning god?"

Gu Siyi thought about it and said: \"If there is no special situation, I will meet every day."

\"...\" Zheng Peipei caressed his chest and said, "Calm, you have a school with a geographical advantage."

Gu Siyi asked her: "What about you and Su Han?"

Zheng Peipei took the number of fingers and counted for a long time. He said: "Three months, I have seen it three times. Yes, three times, not much at one time, and many at a time. This is also an opportunity for him to strive to create conditions."

Gu Siyi has a distressed pain Zheng Peipei, just want to comfort her a few words, Zheng Peipei took out the mobile phone, opened Weibo, brushed the home page to show her, \"But I can see his various news every day! Various photos of various advertisements... ...Although others are not around me, I feel like being around! Oh, he promised me, every day, Weibo...\"

Zheng Peipei said for a long while, suddenly fell on Gu Siyi's shoulder and cried, "but still envy you and learn God..."