MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 62 .062

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After dinner, Gu Siyi once again came back to the Hall of Fame.

Looking at the top of the list and the name of the list, my heart is beautiful, take out the camera, take a few steps, prepare to take a picture, leaving the same frame to commemorate.

Just ready to press the shooting button, the two foreign girls came over and blocked.

\"...\" Gu Siyi only waited for them to go away.

\"Xia Zhizhen is really powerful, rising to high school is still the first.\"

\"Seeing the last one is not, Gu Siyi... Is Xia Zhijun the dry sister?\"

\"Gossip girlfriend...\"

\"Unclear, anyway, the gap between the two people can be really big, one is in the top, one is the last one.\"

Hello, this last one is because it is up to 100.

Gu Siyi wants to make a fuss for himself.

\"Before Lan Xiaoqiu was in the top ten of the grade, but unfortunately dropped out..."

\"The fifth place of Xu Ningning is also good, Banhua Xueba."

\"A lot of female scholars in front... Any one is better than Gu Siyi who hangs his tail?\"

\"The results are so bad, how do you play with the gods?\"

\"...\" Gu Siyi wants to take pictures and remember the mood of the caper. You are kept pouring cold water by the two of you, and you are pouring cold.

She put the phone back in her pocket, and the hat of the down jacket was put on her head and turned away.

There are still two and a half years, according to the speed of this progress, maybe she will be the second place!

Second place... second place...

A little inflated, or back, point to the first 50 sprints.

Gu Siyi returned to the dormitory, and everyone chatted and packed up things to discuss where to go to play in the New Year. The atmosphere was in full swing.

The school had a holiday this afternoon. The students who came home in the city went home on the same day. These people didn’t know that Gu Siyi would leave tomorrow and stayed with her for the night.

Zheng Peipei saw her coming in, empty-handed, and asked: "Isn't it necessary to bring us milk tea?"

Gu Siyi: \"...\" forgot the gas.

\"I will buy it again.\" She turned and left.

\"Go to what, you are not tired when you run around in the cold weather." "Zheng Peipei took her, \"Hurry up and pack up, you have to take the car tomorrow, go to bed early."

Zheng Pei-Pei just started to act and received the WeChat of Xia Zhijun: "When will you leave tomorrow?"

She replied: \"They should pick me up at noon.\"

The phone ringing, my mother Xu Jiahui called.

\"Baby, my father and I may not be able to catch up tomorrow. Do you want to stay in school for a day? Or do we let Uncle Zhang pick you up?\"

Gu Siyi: \"...\"

Sure enough, ominous pre-test.

Whenever telling her bad news, it is like this, with the baby opening, the gentle smile and kindness of the voice...

Gu Siyi: "It doesn't matter, I go back."

Xu Jiahui: "That is still to let Zhang Shushu pick you up."

\"Do not want!\" Gu Siyi busy. Uncle Zhang is the secretary of her father. She knows, but she doesn't want to be so troublesome.

It is obvious that people go to work, and they can arrange for the chores of picking up children, and they can’t do it. She has a thin face and subconsciously contradicts this arrangement.

\"I am such a big person, I have to pick up the family, no need, just take a three-hour car."

\"Okay, listen to you, call your mother if you need it, I will let Uncle Zhang pass."


Hanging up the phone, Gu Siyi saw the WeChat back in the summer, "Well, I came to inform me, I greeted my uncle and aunt."

As the name suggests: \"...\"

X:\"What's wrong?\"

As the name suggests: \"[heartbreaking] [heartbreaking] something, can't come, come back."

X:\"I am sending you.\"

Gu Siyi saw these words suddenly laughed.

As the name suggests: \"Thank you!~"

X:\"You pick up the stuff first, I will show you the ticket.\"

As the name suggests; \"I see it myself.\"

X:\"What do you want your boyfriend to do?\"

Gu Siyi raised his hand and smirked in his mouth, his face quietly red.

Zheng Peipei looked at her shy and swaying look, and couldn't help but ridiculed: "Hey, hello, what kind of sweet words are you talking about? Don't want to remember the brothers every day..."

Gu Siyi cleared his throat and corrected his expression. He said: "No, we are talking about serious things."

\"Get it, just as you study, you can have a pink bubble in both of you, is there a serious thing to learn more than learning?\"

\"Nothing.\" Go back to Pear and Zhang Xinyi.

\"Oh, but you guys, I am also packing things...\" Gu Siyi blushes.

Gu Siyi began to pack clothes and daily necessities, packed up half, and learned the information from God.

X:\"The ticket is bought. You can sleep late at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."

As the name suggests: \"How do you buy it? Do you have my ID number?"

She thought he was just helping her to see it... How to buy it directly?

X:\"The last time I went out to travel to book a ticket, you took the ID card to me and forgot?"

As the name suggests: \"Oh... well, thank you!"

X:\"Is things packed?\"

As the name suggests: \"Not yet...\"

X:\"Go to work.\"

As the name suggests: \"嗯嗯~\"

The next day, Gu Siyi got up and got up at eight o'clock. After washing, he changed clothes and went to worship with his roommates.

These people stayed at the school to spend a night with her and learned that she wanted to go back. She was originally planning to send her... but I learned that Xia Zhijun wanted to send it. After a few laughs, she said that she would not do a light bulb.

Gu Siyi dragged the box carrying his bag and met Xia Zhizhen in the bedroom downstairs.

When she passed the Hall of Fame, she took a step and took a photo.

After taking a picture, I said to Xia Zhijun: "The next time I will advance!"

\"The premise is... learn God, you continue to milk me." "When finished, the stars look at the summer, and look good."

Xia Zhijun couldn't help but raise her hand and gently patted her head. "Of course we have to move forward, we have to go to the same university."

Gu Siyi bowed his head and sneaked a sneak peek. The original plan of learning God gave her so high that she could really afford her.

It was only eight o'clock, and Xia Zhijun took her to the early morning shop she liked to have breakfast.

After eating, take a taxi to the high-speed rail station.

Xia Zhiyi did not bring anything with him. Gu Siyi’s suitcases and bags were taken over by him, and moved all the way up and down. Gu Siyi wants to help, Xia Zhijun said: \"Physical work for boys."

Into the high-speed rail station square, Gu Siyi could not help but said, "You push the box to me, that is effortless."

In the past, she was a buddy who often helped people to move things. Now she is regarded as a "baby with no hands"...

Xia Zhijun said: \"You don't have to push the box, you can do me a favor."

\"What's busy?\" Gu Siyi hurriedly asked, I can't wait to do something for him.

Xia Zhijun: \"Put my arm.\"

Gu Siyi: \"...\"

\"This little help doesn't help?\" He glanced at her.

\"...\" Gu Siyi shyly pulled his arm.

\"More than one pendant, more balanced on both sides. \" Summer is a faint road.

Gu Siyi was laughed at by his serious cold humor, "Drunk..."

The two queued outside the station to wait for the pit stop. By the end of the year, a large number of migrant workers are preparing to go home for the New Year. Although it is not the highest peak of people flow, the station is also crowded and the scene is spectacular.

The position of the two slowly moved forward, but fortunately enough time was reserved.

When I was about to enter the security checkpoint, Gu Siyi said, "I am going in."

Standing in the summer behind her, nodded, ""Hmm.\"

She carried the bag, pulled the box, and waved with Xia Zhi, \"bye, see you next semester.\"

Suddenly, there was a strong disappointment in my heart, inexplicably low and uncomfortable. In order to cover up this emotion, she quickly turned to go inside, passed the ticket check, and then passed the security check.

She came to the conveyor belt and waited for the box. After waiting for a while, the people around me gave me one by one, and she still didn't wait for her. Gu Siyi is also bored, ready to ask the staff.

As soon as I turned around, I saw the summer scorpion, who was long and standing, holding a box and a bag in his hand, and stood up and watched her smile.

\"...\" Gu Siyi suddenly squinted.

\", how did you get in? Isn't this a ticket to the station?\"

\"I told you, I don't have a ticket?\" He smiled with a shallow smile, with a hint of narrowness.

The big boy who was not handsome, brought a smile, and more bright and youthful, more eye-catching.

The people who come and go frequently look at the couple who are very good at the value of the clothes and have a sense of guilt.

\"Now the children are really good...\"

\"Yes, good-looking and temperament, like an idol drama...\"

Gu Siyi looked at Xia Zhixuan and couldn't help but cry: "You bought a ticket? Why are you buying a ticket? Are you going to visit my house?"

Of course, the heart is more happy, moving, full of joy.

She used this kind of teasing to cover up the feeling of satisfaction with her heart.

He raised his hand and touched her head gently, saying: "This lovely girlfriend, don't send it to your doorstep, how can you feel at ease?"

\"...\" Gu Siyi lowered his eyes and rubbed his nose. His cheeks were stained with red eyes and his lips were laughing.

When I got on the bus, Xia Zhijun put the ceremony on the luggage rack.

Next to a pregnant woman dragging the box, looking around to find someone to help, Xia Zhijun saw, took the initiative to go over and put the box for her.

The pregnant woman thanked her again and again: \"...the young man is handsome, his heart is good, thank you very much."

Xia Zhijun specially selected the double seat, he and Gu Siyi a row. Because it is a first-class seat, the location is more spacious and unconstrained.

Walking all the way, he took the yogurt out of the bag, unscrewed the lid, and handed it to Gu Siyi.

Gu Siyi opened the phone music and handed him an earplug.

As she approached the final exam, she even changed her song list to an English song.

With the light melody of "I\\\'mYours", the high-speed rail slowly started and ran in the direction of home.

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Xia Zhijun reached out and took Gu Siyi’s hand.

The two listened to the song quietly, looking at the scenery that flew past the window.

In the past, he didn't think that this mountain was a special place for the rivers and lakes, but at this moment, holding her hand and sharing the same music with her, this mountain river has its own memory.

The three-hour drive is not far away, because it is even more short-lived.

Get off, out of the station, after having lunch together, Xia Zhizhen called a car and sent Gu Siyi back home.

Gu Siyi has a number of properties, and the current residence is the single-family villa in the new district.

The car stopped outside the community, the two got off, Xia Zhisheng took her salute, and walked under the leadership of Gu Siyi.

Going outside the yard, Gu Siyi said: "My family is here, go in and sit down, take a break."

Xia Zhijun said: "I have booked a return ticket, time is not enough, you go in yourself."

\"Oh...\" Gu Siyi's tone is a bit low.

She just turned and passed the sound of Xia Zhiyu behind her. "You just left?"

\"Ah?\" She turned her head.

\"The hardship is not given?" He looked at her with an eyebrow, and there was a hint of jokes and a hint of embarrassment.

Gu Siyi read his meaning from his eyes.

Put down the things, walked over to him, picked up his feet, and quickly kissed his cheek.

Just standing, he turned his head, palms covered her back of the head, bowed her head and kissed her lips.

\"...\" She licked her long eyelashes, her cheeks from reddish to boiled.

The four **** were fitted for at least ten seconds. He gently bite her lip. This is not enough to let go, and the voice is low and dumb: "The one just had a tip, this is hard work. \"

\"...\" Gu Siyi blame him for a look, \"What to do with the uncle next door, I am leaving!\"

She turned and pulled the box and quickly entered the yard.

Xia Zhizhen looked at her back until she entered the room and turned and left.

Gu Siyi returned home, and Chen Ayi greeted her with joy.

\"Always put on winter are not at home, the home is deserted...\"

\"The food is ready, just do it, just wait for you to come back...\"

Gu Siyi has already eaten, but I don’t want to live up to Chen’s special food for her, or smiled and said: “Well! I haven’t eaten the aunt’s meal for a long time!”

After eating, Gu Siyi felt that she was simply a pig girl, and she had no trouble even eating two meals.

She took the leftovers and sent them to Xia Zhijun: "Can you believe that I have eaten another meal?"

After the hair is finished, I regret it.

This is a boyfriend! Not those pig friends! How can this kind of thing without image be brought to talk? dying!

She decisively withdrew, first withdrew the text, and then quickly withdrew the picture.

Amitabha, God bless, he did not have time to see.

X:\"What did you withdraw?\"

As the name suggests: \"Hehehe...\"

As the name suggests: \"Want to ask where you are, typo..."

X:\"I seem to see the plate? No second."

As the name suggests: \"You haven't seen anything, really. Nothing."

As the name suggests: \"Where have you been?"

X:\" just got off the bus and was about to stop.\"

As the name suggests: \"Oh, you are busy first."

Gu Siyi returned to his room and rested on the sofa after eating.

The room was taken care of every day, and it was not dusty because she had not lived for half a year.

Gu Siyi said in the junior high school classmates that they came back. Everyone responded and said that they would come out to gather together.

After a while, she put her own dinner.

She sometimes ridicules with her classmates, and sometimes interacts with Zheng Peipei, and the time is unconscious.

Afraid of the summer, a person is bored by car, and after confirming that he got on the bus, she will chat with him.

Xia Zhixuan was originally planning to read a book, even the books were bought, and could not stand the enthusiasm of Gu Siyi. The book could not be seen, and he would fully chat with her...

Summer's return to home is almost the point of dinner.

The father went to the field to investigate and the mother was busy in the unit. There is a good meal at home, but only he can eat it alone.

Gu Siyi here and the junior high school friends came out to eat, hot and busy, not too happy.

Xia Zhiyi pulled out the chat interface of the two people. He knew that her arrangement at night was really boring. Send a sentence, "Where to eat outside?"

Stone sinks into the sea...

Until he finished eating a meal, he still didn't reply.

Xia Zhizhen looked at the question that was dried in the phone and was almost laughed.

I used to pull him and said that he didn’t finish it. He forgot to go out and play.

Is his boyfriend a feeling of being too low?

Gu Siyi was on his way home before he replied to Xia Zhijun: \"After eating, go home now.\"

Xia Zhijun: ...

Hanging him for a long time, do not want to care about this stinky girl.

As the name suggests: "Oh, they don't believe my score, do you say that I brag?"

As the name suggests: \"Until I take out the photos of the rankings, they brighten their eyes!\"

As the name suggests: \"I can't be a top student? Hey, I have such a great learning spirit to open a small stove, and will continue to soar!"

As the name suggests: \"What are you doing? Have you eaten? You should have eaten this night."

Xia Zhijun saw that she was alone there and said for a long time, originally intended to dry her to dry, or to reply.


As the name suggests: \"[呲牙]【呲牙】\"

The next day, Gu Siyi's parents came back and gave her a bunch of local specialties.

Xu Jiahui said: "We are thinking about it, more and more like an adult, but I can come back by high-speed rail."

Gu Zhiyuan smiled and said: "When you go out to read a half-year book, it is different, and the independence has become stronger."

Gu Siyi no expression: \"Don't tell me like a mental retardation, thank you."

Gu Zhiyuan sat down on the sofa, Chen Hao took a cup of tea, he took a sip, and slowly said: \"Thinking, it is time to tell your parents your final grade."

Xu Jiahui sat down with Gu Zhiyuan and looked at her with the three churches. "It’s not good, it’s nothing more than winter vacation, don’t take the money, but we still have to face the reality, right?"

Before the holiday, my parents called and asked Gu Siyi's test scores. Gu Siyi sold a pass and said to go home. By default, this is a test, and it will be delayed. After all, this chick is this urine.

Gu Siyi smiled slightly, took the list and handed them both, \"Look.\"

She refused to say, just want to give her parents a big surprise, a huge surprise!

She waited to see the two of them crying, and the result...

Wait, how is the expression wrong?

Gu Zhiyuan looked up and looked at Gu Siyi. His expression was more serious than just now. He was serious enough to have the taste of the wind and rain. "Gu Siyi, how did your parents teach you?"

\"Read well, go up every day, isn't it?\" Gu Siyi is a bit embarrassed.

What is this singular style? Why did she take a tenth place and have a feeling of being served by the family?

\"Parents want you to study hard, work hard."

\"I would rather you be an honest poor student, and don't want to see you fooling you from deceiving parents!\"

\"Learning did not learn, now learn to edit the print ranking table?\"

\"If you want to make a fake, you are really a bit troublesome. You are sitting on a rocket. You are admitted to the top 100 in Longxing Middle School. What is the level, the level of 985!"

The two words are one sentence after another, and the faces are all unbearable expressions.



Before the explosion, Gu Siyi went to the upstairs bag to pull out the examination papers, and the certificate and certificate of honor issued by the teacher.

Go downstairs and go to the coffee table. "Come on, see for yourself! If I can make a fake, can I make this full set?"

When the parents took the pile of things, she flipped the photo of the Hall of Fame in the phone and sent it to the family group. "Look, the top 100 honors list posted by our school, your daughter, me. Behind the list! There is a real picture of the school, such a clear picture, P can't come out?\"

The husband and wife looked at the same in the same way, and the expression of the original heartache became incredible...

After slowly digesting, I can’t help myself...

Then, the mouths of laughter are not close together.

Xu Jiahui patted Gu Zhiyuan’s shoulder and said: \"I said that Longxing Middle School is alright? You see our daughter, this goes in, the direct sparrow becomes a phoenix!"

Gu Zhiyuan’s laughter is so thick. Just a few days ago, I’ve signed hundreds of millions of orders without such a happy expression. “Good school... It’s a good school... It’s worth more money.”

Gu Siyi: \"Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu, please calm down first, I have something to say.\"

The couple looked at her with a smile.

Gu Siyi: "Is your focus on making mistakes? Isn't it to praise me for diligence and hard work? Why are you praising the school?"

Gu Zhiyuan: "Of course, you are also very hardworking, big, sensible, knowing that you study hard, parents are very happy!"

Xu Jiahui: "The school can promote you from school to school, but it is also indispensable! Longxing's teachers are well-deserved."

Gu Siyi: \"...\"

It is not the teacher of Longxing, but the power of learning God.

Gu Zhiyuan looked at the things and looked at them. He stood up and said: "No, I am so happy. I have to cook myself tonight to make a feast for our nieces."

Gu Siyi laughs: \"This can be."

So, in the afternoon, a family of three, drove to the supermarket to buy ingredients for dinner.

Gu Siyi and his parents pick and choose in the supermarket, do not forget to give yourself a variety of snacks.

At the same time, Xia Zhijun sat in the room to write the program.

In the past, I was able to concentrate for a long time without any distraction. Now I will pause for a moment and look at the mobile phone on the side. Is there any information sent?

Really lacking, got up and went to the balcony to breathe.

The eyes are loose and empty, thinking of the sweet girl who is smiling, what is she doing now?

Didn't send him a message in the afternoon, another person stole it?

He sent her a message: "What are you doing?"

At this time, Gu Siyi was busy with his parents visiting the supermarket. The mobile phone was packed in a bag and the sound was drowned.

After waiting for a while, he did not reply. He sat on the wicker chair on the balcony and looked bored at the sky.

He is a character who likes to be quiet. He likes to have a holiday before. He has time to read books quietly, learn something by himself, and think quietly.

But now, he thinks the holidays are boring. Long boring.

The home that used to be self-satisfied now only makes him feel deserted and lonely.

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