MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 53 .053

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Gu Siyi feels that he is careless and can't fall into the trash.

Therefore, this answer is self-evident, and it must have been taken away by the minded person and thrown away.

Zheng Peipei said: "On that day, when you come back at night, you will disappear. There are four people in our dormitory. The suspects are Xu Lin and Lan Xiaoqiu."

Gu Siyi nodded, it is indeed the case.

\"You said that you are also a big heart, these two people would have been in contact with us, especially Lan Xiaoqiu, with a shelf still yin and yang... Why are you so important to put on the table?" "Zheng Peipei The number of the mouth is falling.

Gu Siyi did not know what to say and was silent.

Xia Zhisheng said: \"The bedroom is already a very private place, and generally who will maliciously speculate on roommates."

Xia Zhijun raised his hand and gently patted Gu Siyi’s head and said: \"Don’t be sad, this is not your fault.\"

Zheng Peipei: \"...\"

Xia Zhijun's wife-protecting behavior made Zheng Peipei know what he was after, and Gu Siyi was the victim. It was very sad to know that his bracelet was thrown into the trash. It’s impossible to find it now...

Zheng Peipei hastened to interface: "It is also, day and night defense, the family thief is difficult to prevent. Forget it, lose it and lose it, let the gods buy you again."

Gu Siyi nodded in order to prevent everyone from worrying.

But she couldn't tell the repression of her heart. The bracelet she likes so much, every day she looks at it, she feels that the beautiful baby is actually thrown away by the garbage and wrapped in the messy garbage.

Xia Zhijun gave her the heart, her happy moments, so maliciously trampled...

Gu Siyi asked: "Is there monitoring in that place? Or is there any monitoring nearby, can you see the passing people?"

Xia Zhijun said: \"I contacted the school to ask.\"

Soon, Xia Zhijun had the answer: \"There are several cameras near the comprehensive building. Can you see it or not, we have to go back to the school and go to the monitoring room personally."

So, after dinner, several people were on their way back to school.

In the afternoon, Zhou Hao and Su Han have received a phone call from their home. At this time, Xia Zhijun and Gu Siyi Zheng Peipei both received calls from their homes. The class teacher informed their parents one by one.

Gu Siyi sat in the back seat of the taxi with Xia Zhizhen, she was next to him, and when his mother called, she could hear the words over there. Gu Siyi’s heart hangs for a moment.

Peng Ling asked: "How do you miss class? The teacher calls me here."

Xia Zhijun simply said things over and explained: "I just express my attitude in my own way. Lan Xiaoqiu fell into Gu Siyi, and brought her parents to the school to make trouble. If it wasn’t for me, they would not Good.\"

\"Essence and thoughts are with you?\"

\"Well, Su Hanjia and Zhou Wei are all there. After leaving the school, they took them to the cafe to study.\"

Peng Ling is still calm, Wen Yan advised, "The sky is already late, you bring everyone back to school. This matter is handed over to our parents to solve."

Although he told the teacher to leave the school without permission, it is nothing compared to the last violent fight in the basketball court and the violent behavior of bringing people to hospital. Adolescent children, who did not have a temper, Peng Ling knows his son, the casual place is very casual, more real than the real time.

Zheng Peipei grew up with him in a large courtyard. Gu Siyi was the one who asked her to take care of him. Now the two little girls are wronged, one is beaten, and one is stolen and asked to sin. As a brother, protecting my sisters, Yu Li said that the expression is too radical and can be understood in love.

\"Mom, we have clues now, we have to go to school to watch the surveillance. Can you say hello to the school side, please cooperate?\"

\"Okay, I greet the school.\" Peng Ling promised to come down.

Gu Siyi probably heard their conversation. Seeing Xia Zhizhen’s criticism, I was relieved.

When I got off the bus, I didn't enter the school gate. Gu Siyi received a call from her dad.

Gu Zhiyuan opened an afternoon meeting until the class teacher contacted him at this time. After learning the situation, he immediately took the assistant and the driver and prepared to come to the city of C. Call Gu Siyi while sitting in the car.

\"Little ancestor, why are you still skipping classes? Do you want to study there?"

Gu Siyi went to the side and whispered: ""... Don't you want me to study with Xia Zhizhen? He wants to help me skip classes, can't I be alone?"

Gu Zhiyuan asked: "What is going on?"

After Gu Siyi said the matter again, he learned the words of Xia Zhixuan, "This is to express your attitude in your own way."

After Gu Zhiyuan pondered for a moment, after clearing this matter, he would not worry about it in an instant.

There is a summer sorrow, no matter his grades or the layout of his family, the school can not deal with him. If you don't deal with him, you won't find trouble.

However, Xia Zhizhen made him very surprised. Even so, protecting his daughter, it seems that this relationship is really mixed.

Gu Zhiyuan asked: "Where are you now? Are you back to school?"

\"I am back, I am going to watch the surveillance and check the person who stole my bracelet.\"

\"Well, you pay attention to yourself, don't overdo it, you should recognize the mistake with the teacher when you admit your mistake."

\"Ok, I know.\"

After a phone call ended, Xu Jiahui and Gu Zhiyuan met and got on the bus.

Gu Zhiyuan told the story again, saying: "Nothing big, and there is a summer home to take care of it, don't worry."

Xu Jiahui said: "So, is it because Xia Zhizhen is angry with his thoughts, and he has been with the teacher?"

Gu Zhiyuan nodded, "The daughter of our family, reading is not good, but there is a big advantage that the popularity is good and flattering."

Xu Jiahui also agrees that she has many friends in junior high school. This is the high school that is not familiar with life, and there is another friend. She immediately said proudly: "Isn't it better for me? I have inherited my dimples. It looks so sweet and sweet, and I like it more."

\"Yes, yes, that's how well I am." Gu Zhiyuan groaned at his wife.

\"This time I watched the summer secretary, did they have time to have a meal together, and if they didn't have time, let Si Yi bring Xia Zhijun to eat together.\"

\"Well, I have to let him stare at it. Don't let Siyi have a love relationship with boys. When a girl is in love, it will be easy to learn."

Their parents are far away from the field, and the whip is beyond their reach. There is a student who is watching Xia Gongzi, and he is relieved.

Gu Siyi hung up the phone and went to the monitoring room of the security office with Xia Zhijun.

The vice principal and the grade director accompanied them. Fortunately, there is an angle to see the trash can. The staff transferred the monitoring records of the day, and Xia Zhijun used fast forward search.

Everyone waited in the surveillance room, and even the class teacher came over.

The students of the fierce children made her a headache, and Lan Xiaoqiu also made her a headache. If Lan Xiaoqiu’s father is an old classmate with her, and she has been a friend for many years, she will not be so frustrated.

She is based on the trust of Lan Xiaoqiu's tutor and feels that she can't steal. But the matter is over, and she has cried her parents to the school to find things and add to the twists and turns. These students are all sons and daughters, and they are mad at them.

Nowadays, she only hopes that Lan Xiaoqiu should not be in a relationship with the lost bracelet. In this case, there is room for manoeuvre.

However, unfortunately, at the moment when Xia Zhijun stopped the screen, everyone could clearly see that Lan Xiaoqiu stood by the trash can and threw something in it.

She probably didn't expect it, it was covered by the camera angle...

Zheng Peipei picked up his sleeves and rushed: "I said she had a problem. The last time I asked Si Yi to help her problems, I didn't want to make a dispute. So I don't know what to do. I don't think it's what she did in the bedroom. It’s a ghost! I don’t doubt her for no reason!\"

Class teacher: ... So tell her that Gu Siyi and Xia Zhixuan’s early love are also deliberately made?

Xia Zhizhen straightened up and looked at the class teacher and said: "Lan Xiaoqiu steals other people's articles, and it is a large amount of more than 3,000. Strictly speaking, it constitutes theft, and can report the case and pursue criminal responsibility."

\"...\" The class teacher slowed down and said: "Do not rush to report the case, I will call her parents."

Not long after, Lan Xiaoqiu’s father came alone, and when he saw the surveillance, his face was green.

When the class teacher informed him that he had already reminded him, the key to the matter was the attitude of the owner.

Lan Xiaoqiu’s father went to Gu Siyi’s front and bowed deeply to her. “I apologize to you for my daughter.”

He looked at Xia Zhizhen and Zheng Peipei who were next to her. "Xiao Qiu, she studied very hard, she was very self-disciplined since she was a child. I don't know why she made such a mistake, it was too confused... she was wrong, it is indeed Wrong, but I begged my classmates, forgive her this time, don’t care about her...\"

Lan Xiaoqiu’s father once again yelled at them, \"She is only sixteen years old, and her life is still very long. Dear students, please raise your hands...\"

This middle-aged man, outside, is also a person with a head and face. For the future of his daughter, he whispers and whispers a few times.

Gu Siyi thought of her father, her grades are not good, in order not to let her be ignored by the teacher, every time the holidays will be entertained teachers. Every time she was in trouble, Dad came out to help her solve the problem...

Gu Siyi’s nose was sour, she took a deep breath and pulled the sleeves of Laxia’s squatting and said: “Forget it, there is no need to report it.”

Xia Zhijun understood her meaning and said to the class teacher: "Since the law enforcement agencies are not involved in this matter, I hope the school can handle it well."

head teacher:\"……\"

This is how much pressure is full, and I will grow up later.

The next day, the school exchanged opinions with several parents. These parents are decent people. They also know that they have to be spared and forgiving. It is too embarrassing to want to make trouble. The stain has a great impact on the future of a top student. The incident of stealing said that going out of school is not glorious. The final treatment is Lan Xiaoqiu.

The class teacher appointed the former deputy squad leader as the squad leader. Everything in the class is still the same, and it is not different because of the departure of Lan Xiaoqiu.

Instead, Gu Siyi recalled their bedroom. After Lan Xiaoqiu left, a position was vacated. Xu Lin adjusted her bed and changed to Pear and Zhang Xinyu.

In the past few days, the midterm exam came as scheduled.

After Xiazhi’s infernal tempering, Gu Siyi was ready to work hard.

The position of the mid-term exam was disrupted. Zheng Peipei and Lu Jialu and Xia Zhiyi had a test session. Su Han and Zhou Wei had an examination room. Zhang Xinyi gave a pear to the examination room. Gu Siyi had a separate examination room.

After the examination room was announced, Zheng Peipei was as happy as a chicken. "I am studying with the gods. I am studying with the gods, yeah~"

Remind her to pear, \"Study God will care for you?\"

\"This is not what it should be! Although I am a fake person with him, but I am a true friend with me, isn’t it necessary for him to take care of his wife’s friends?\"

Gu Siyi glared at her, "You don't have to hide."

\"Well, I correct, isn’t it necessary for him to take care of his sister’s friends?\"

Gu Siyi was helpless by her skin.

\"I really can't rely on you, remember brother, you go to help me convince him."

Gu Siyi said very really: "The personal will of learning God is very strong, I can't convince."

If she can convince him, she won’t be in **** this week...

Zheng Pei-pei didn't want to take the exam too ugly, and then he had to be recited forever. She decided to take the lead and go to Xia Zhizhen to test it.

After school, Zheng Peipei screamed: "Tomorrow test, go out tonight to spend a night to test the power, accompany the sister to treat."

Lu Jialu responded positively: "" Applause, we need Zheng to accompany such students who actively organize activities and generously purse the wallet."

In order to go back to bed early, the place to eat is chosen at a hot pot restaurant near the school.

Gu Siyi was still thinking about the chemical reaction in his mind when he was licking the meat. The seats were quiet.

Zheng Peipei took Gu Siyi’s shoulder and said: "Look at this calm and calm face. If you look at it, you will wait for tomorrow to show your strength."

Gu Siyi was teased by her and almost got it.

Lu Jialu said: "There is no way for Xue Shen to make up for him for so long. Come, everyone toast, I wish the second dimple is second."

Su Han asked: "Why is the second place?"

Lu Jialu: \"The first place is to learn to sit in the town, can't always love the position of the master?"

\"Who can't say?\" Zheng Peipei took Gu Siyi's shoulder and encouraged him. "Come on, rush to the first, break the legend of learning God!"

\"Open a universe joke...\" Gu Siyi just wants to throw a series of expressions.

After dinner, everyone walked back to school.

Zheng Peipei walked to the side of Xia Zhishou, his hands folded together, whispered: \"Tomorrow we have a test room, learn the gods and take care of you?"

Lu Jialu sneered at the side: ""hypocrisy, learn from me, how much is the test."

Zheng Peipei was too lazy to care for him and continued to laugh at Xia Zhi. "Please, please, I don't want to test well. Don't go to the bottom."

Xia Zhijun said, "The middle school exam is not necessary to copy."

\"...\" Zheng Peipei's eyes for help look at Gu Siyi.

I know that Gu Siyi is still awkward than her.

Before going to bed, Gu Siyi received the news of Xia Zhijun.

X:\"Are you sleeping?\"

As the name suggests: \"Not yet."

X:\"Early rest, don't be nervous about the exam tomorrow, test it, it doesn't matter if you take the exam."

As the name suggests: \"Hmm!"

X:\"Good night.\"

As the name suggests: \"Good night~\"


Gu Siyi hides his lips and snickers.

The next day, Gu Siyi entered the examination room 15 minutes in advance.

Just sitting down, someone called her behind.


\"Long-legged sister~ You have a test room with our Liuye~~"

\"You have a fate~"

Gu Siyi looked back and saw a few boys ridiculing him with a hippie smile.

She turned her back and ignored them.

The test bell rang, the teacher sent a test paper, Lu Ming finally lazily swayed into the examination room.

The classmates looked at him and looked at Gu Siyi’s direction. Lu Ming was blindly distracted and fixed his eyes.

\"A late classmate, hurry to take a seat.\" The teacher urged.

Lu Ming’s position just happened to be behind Gu Siyi, who sat down with a smile.

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