MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 4

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Gu Siyi went to Xia Zhizhen to stand in front of him, with doubts about the unknown.

Xia Zhijun handed out two soft candy from the bag and handed it to her.

"..." She didn't want to eat sugar.

But gave it to everyone, Gu Siyi generously collected it and smiled at him. "Thank you."

She just looked at him, just thought that he was leaning back on the table, and it looked very good. Can't help but look a little more.

Su Han came to see him, smiled with a hint of narrowness, and handed Gu Siyi a mint-flavored chewing gum. "Su brother can't fall behind, give."

"Thank you." Gu Siyi picked up and laughed.

"Zhou brother, my sister is waiting for you to give me a sugar." Su Han hooked on Zhou Wei's shoulder and took him to Gu Siyi.

Zhou Wei: What the hell?

He looked at Xia Zhixuan and looked at the gums and chewing gum in Gu Siyi's hand...

The expression of Xia Zhijun has solidified at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zhou Wei is a relatively honest person. Xia Zikai’s sister is everyone’s sister. Since my sister wants sugar, there is no reason for not giving it. But he touched his pocket, nothing but the phone...

Gu Siyi hurriedly said: "No, no, I don't want to."

When I said this, I was so skinny, Zhou Wei immediately said: "Yes, wait."

Gu Siyi saw that he quickly turned around and entered the crowd next to him, talking to a boy.

Lu Jialu, who played billiards, scored two goals in a row. He was about to pull the wind and look up. He found that those people did not look at him.


Why do I have no audience when I am the protagonist!

Lu Jialu casually fell into a scorpion and quickly came to Gu Siyi's side. "What are you talking about?"

Xia Zhiyi leaned back at the table and had no expression on his face.

Su Han smiled and said: "Give sugar to your sister, what about your sugar?"

The words just fell, Zhou Wei came over and handed Gu Siyi a hazelnut chocolate candy wrapped in golden foil paper, "Chou Ge."

"..." Gu Siyi can only pick it up.

Lu Jiayu knows, "wait for me."

After a while, he didn't know where to get a piece of sandwich candy, and when he handed it to Gu Siyi, he did not forget to add a line. "Mallow candy is soft and sweet, and it is most suitable for a girl whose sister is so cute."

Inexplicably, there are four kinds of candy in my hand. Gu Siyi thinks that if she wants to finish it one by one, it will be sweet to toothache. But she is very grateful for their wishes.

She put the candy into the bag and said, "I bring it back and eat it slowly."

After playing a few, Gu Siyi said goodbye to them and went back to the bedroom.

When she came early in the morning, when she made the bed to organize things, the roommates did not come. When I returned to the bedroom again, there were already two girls.

Gu Siyi took the initiative to greet them and introduced themselves: "My name is Gu Siyi, and I have a class of six."

"My name is Xu Lin, and the middle school is up. It used to be eight shifts." The shoulder-shoulder girl smiled and said, "We are all six classes."

Another short-haired girl is sorting out the books and said: "My name is Lan Xiaoqiu, I used to be in the same class." The voice is as light as people.

Everyone self-reported their home, Gu Siyi said, "I am from the B city and I am not familiar with the school."

She saw Xu Lin preparing to make a bed and going forward to help.

The two worked while chatting, and they got it in a while.

Gu Siyi went to help Lan Xiaoqiu, she did not refuse, faintly said "thank you", polite and alienated.

When I got to dinner, another classmate hadn't come yet.

Xu Lin said: "Let's go eat first, maybe she will arrive tomorrow."

So the three went to the cafeteria together.

Along the way, Xu Lin is very excited to follow the famous people of Gu Siyi Science School.

She said in a particularly mysterious expression and tone: "Do you know what is the treasure of the school in our school?"

Gu Siyi thought for a moment and said, "beyourself?"

This is the lesson of Longxing Middle School, which is engraved on the stone monument next to the school gate.

Because of this school motto, her resistance to the school has been greatly reduced, giving birth to a lot of good feelings.

"..." Xu Lin is full of black lines.

Xu Lin went to the forefront and went straight to the theme: "The treasure of the town school is the summer of the summer! You see the Hall of Fame? You are the first in the world, the **** of the day, the first year of the year, not the whole school, the whole city! He Not only learn a good, but also tall and handsome, every time the school grass selection is elected with the highest vote."

"Oh..." Gu Siyi nodded slowly.

"Tell you a good news!" Xu Lin said with a slap in the face, "Xia Zhizhi has a class with us, a class of six or six! You don't know my old classmates, how envious of me. I will turn around every day. You can see the beauty of the summer."

Gu Siyi followed the smile and could not help but relax.

It’s not the same as the atmosphere in which she imagined that the two ears didn’t know what’s going on in the window, and the people in the key middle school would also be guilty of gossip and gossip. It’s good.

When the two men chatted, Lan Xiaoqiu did not talk on the side.

Into the cafeteria, Lan Xiaoqiu went to the bathroom, Xu Lin whispered to Gu Siyi: "The junior high school is scheduled according to the grades. She used to be in the same class, and Xia Zhijun is a classmate. The top ten characters in the grade can be proud, not loving people. ""

Gu Siyi said with a smile: "It should be introverted, not talking."

When Lan Xiaoqiu came out of the bathroom, the three went together to get the plate.

The school cafeteria is very large and is divided into three floors, each with different characteristics. Gu Siyi browsed the circle on the first floor. Although the variety is varied, there is no such thing as a spicy taste. The broth is so sloppy... she looks at her.

She wants to go to the second floor to see, Lan Xiaoqiu and Xu Lin have already played dishes and went to play rice and soup.

In line with the purpose of the group, Gu Siyi just ordered a few dishes and kept up.

When Gu Siyi was cooking, a girl suddenly slammed into it and the plate in her hand poured out –

Although Gu Siyi quickly retired, the soup in the small bowl was poured onto the body. She wore jeans and a white hooded short-sleeved shirt, and the red tomato egg soup slid down the white clothes and slid down, staining a large piece.

The two girls were playing, and one was pushed and slammed into it.

The man swept his eyes and looked at it, his expression was cold and faint with a hint of scorn, and he said he would leave without saying anything.

Gu Siyi said: "I don't apologize when I hit someone?"

The two girls who wanted to stop stopped, and then they looked back and looked at her seriously. One of them was wearing high heels, long shawl hair, and a white dress, just like the gentle and pleasant goddess of the boys.

But when she spoke, she was very arrogant, and she said: "Who told you not to stand in the eyes to stop our way? You still apologize on your nose? Who gave you such a big face?"

Xu Lin took a look at the corner of her mind and told her to forget it. She also apologized to her: "Sister, sorry, we didn't pay attention."

"???" Gu Siyi suddenly looked at Xu Lin who apologized.

"Let's go." Xu Lin took her away and used her eyes to signal her more than one thing.

Waiting to sit down, far enough away from those few people, Xu Lin said to Gu Siyi whispered: "That is the second year of high school Xu Na, the school's famous Na sister, is a person, Zhang Zhang, the background of the family is very deep. The school has a face and face characters are basically her friends Still don't offend her."

"Can she still eat me?" Gu Siyi took the chopsticks and poked the rice in the bowl, and he was not in the mood to eat.

Xu Lin advised, "I haven't figured it out, don't think so much, let's just go to high school and keep myself safe."

"What must be done in the end, where is the energy to learn?" Lan Xiaoqiu suddenly said.

Gu Siyi tried to accept the opinions of two roommates.

After all, it is a new school in a different place, just entering the school and doing things with the seniors is not good.

Buddhism, Buddhism.

After the three people finished eating, they went to buy milk tea and went to the dormitory. In order to let Gu Siyi distracted, Xu Lin suggested: "I heard that the rooftop of the top floor of our bedroom building can see the most beautiful sunset and overlook the whole school. Let's see how?"

"Okay." Gu Siyi promised. Standing tall, watching far, and feeling comfortable.

Lan Xiaoqiu said: "I don't have time, I have to learn."

So, after Gu Siyi returned to the bedroom to change his clothes, he and Xu Lin went to the rooftop of the building.


Female dormitory building roof.

Xu Na held a beautiful letter in her hand, and weirdly confessed: "Summer, you are good. You don't know me, I am Jiang Xiao in the third and fifth classes. Since that time, we used to wipe the shoulders. And I will never forget you again..."

A skinny girl wants to take back the letter paper, blushing, crying, "This is my... give it to me!"

She is Jiang Xiao of the third and fifth classes, the person who wrote this letter.

Xu Na’s friend pulled her, Xu Na continued to read, “You are the school’s eye-catching school. I don’t dare to confess to you. I can only secretly like you in my heart. Every time you pass outside our class, my heart beats. explosion……"

"Mom! I can't read it!" Xu Na opened the letter paper and walked up to the girl's stomach. "The ugly people are blaming, and they dare to write a love letter to Xia Zhijun! Why don't you scatter your urine?" How do you look?"

The girl was smashed and fell to the ground, with tears arguing: "I didn't... I didn't give it to him... I wrote it to myself..."

She clipped the letter paper in the book and suddenly lost it one day. I don’t know who was taken away...

Then she was brought to the rooftop by several school sisters.

"You still have reason, right? Stand up!" Xu Na scolded.

The girl trembled and stood up, and Xu Na smirked up. "Do you say that you are not disgusting? Is he the person you like?"

"So many people like him... I like what's wrong..." She shivered with fear, but reluctantly defended.

"You still pout! Hey!"

Gu Siyi and Xu Lin have not yet arrived. At the last staircase, they heard the noise from the above.

Xu Lin ran forward in two steps, squatting carefully at the doorway.

She took Gu Siyi, who was going up, and whispered: "Let's go. Xu Na is packing people again."

"What?" Gu Siyi probe looked out.

Several girls slammed a **** the floor and slap their hair.

Gu Siyi’s expression changed and Xu Lin said: “You should go ahead.”

Gu Siyi still had a cup of milk tea in her hand. She went to the rooftop and threw milk tea and slammed it into Xu Na’s face.

Xu Na did not avoid it, and a muffled sound, people around her were splashed with milk tea juice.

"Who?...Cao Nima is you again! Do you want to die?" Xu Na raised her face and angered.

A girl walked closer to Gu Siyi, wanted to catch her, was restrained by her backhand, kicked her knees on the knees, kicked to the ground, and was agile and neat.

There are five girls on the other side. Gu Siyi picked up a brick from the corner of the wall and looked at it with a look of disappointment. He blinked and said coldly: "Try it, who is going to die?"

Just now she singled out a girl, and now she has a brick in her hand. For a time, those people are afraid to act rashly.

Gu Siyi stepped forward and helped the bullied girl.

The girl looked at her with gratitude and embarrassment, and she couldn’t speak.

Gu Siyi’s eyes swept over the girls, without the slightest fear, and said: “It looks like five or six people, wearing famous brands to read famous schools, the result is that the jade is ruined by the jade! Parents spend so much money to send you to study. The books are all in the pig's head!"

"WCNMB..." Xu Na's face became more and more ugly, and she yelled at the people around her. "What are you doing, give me a hand! Can a brick kill you? Kill me!"

One of them pulled La Xuna’s clothes and smacked into her ear: “Xia Zhizhen is watching us from the opposite side...”

Xu Na looked up, but the distance was a bit far, but I could see the long shape of the boy.

As the sun sets, the sky is burning, and he stands against the roof of the men’s bedroom next door, and can’t see his face.

Xu Na’s heartbeat glimpsed, and the previous swearing and swearing disappeared, leaving only the restlessness.

She glanced at Gu Siyi. "I remember you, you give me waiting!"

Finished, with those companions to quickly leave.

The fierce and wicked person left, Jiang Xiao’s tight nerves finally came down, and while sobbing, he said to Gu Siyi: “Thank you... thank you...”

"Nothing, just see it." Gu Siyi said.

"You have a wound on your face. I will take you to the school doctor's office. Right, why are they hitting you?"

"..." The girl's face turned red, and she didn't know what to say. She looked like something, looked around, saw the letter paper floating in the corner, ran forward, crouched down, picked it up, folded it carefully, tears fell on the letter paper, she shook hands and wet The paper is folded and loaded into the pocket.

She knew she couldn't match the man, it was just a little secret in her heart.

I didn’t expect to be exposed, but I went to Xu Na and suffered this kind of humiliation...

Read The Duke's Passion