MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 39

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After a few minutes of deep understanding, Lu Jiaxuan stared at their game progress and waited until they finished playing in one game. So, it became a matching office for five people.

All five of them have voices for easy communication.

Zheng Pei-Pei also remembered the hatred that had just been vomited, and replied: "Which food is this mixed in?"

Lu Jialu, "I have a dish for you, and I have a negative burden. Isn't it just right?"


When choosing a hero, Zheng Pei-Pei chose an assassin aunt, Lu Jialu chose a soldier Guan Yu, Gu Siyi chose the descendant of the shooter, Xia Zhijun chose to assist Ming Shiyin, and Su Han chose Master Zhuge Liang.

After the opening, Lu Jialu found Zheng Peipei as a whiteboard hero. He had never played before and couldn’t help but vomit: "Are you here to practice heroes?"

Zheng Pei-pei is a little embarrassed: "In any case, I have always wanted to practice assassin."

Lu Jialu: "There are many people, and there are many waves in my heart."

Su Han smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I can do anything with my company. We take her one completely."

Zheng Peipei screamed twice. "I don't need Lu Jialu. I have a brother, a god, and a small Susu."

Lu Jialu: "..." Is he being squeezed out?

After the opening, Lu Jialu, who was unwilling to be ignored, followed Zheng Peipei with a full face and she played wild monsters. He played next to him.

Zhang Peipei yelled: "You go away! Don't divide my experience!"

Lu Jialu: "Stupid you, I am looking at you, what if the other party comes to the wild?"

Gu Siyi saw no one on the road, could not help but said: "Lu Jialu, the road soldiers have come over, can't you go over the line?"

Lu Jialu: "No panic, no panic. I will accompany the play and play a few wild monsters, and I will pass."

"Who wants you to bring it! I am an assassin! Don't follow me!" Zheng Peipei is crazy.

"Assassin is very fragile, little baby." Lu Jiaxuan's martyrdom.

Zheng Pei-pei had no way to play half of the wild area and quickly rushed to the tower. Lu Jiayu keeps up with the fart.

There are two people on the other side who attacked the tower here. When the two men guarded the tower, Su Han of the middle road appeared unexpectedly and confessed to the enemy. Three dozen two, successfully removed two heads.

Lu Jialu proudly said: "How, follow me, mix well?"

Zheng Pei-pei called: "Small Susu is great, you are coming too timely!"

Su Han smiled: "Sweet sweets are also great, perfect."

Lu Jialu: "The two stinking faces! I don't have Guan Yu sitting here, I will give you a wall, can you take the head?"

Zheng Peipei: "..."

Su Han: "..."

The two chose to ignore him and return to each other.

Someone attacked the middle road, Zheng Peipei immediately ran to the middle road to support Su Han, Lu Jialu on the heel.

The other side slipped when they saw the situation.

The road ahead is in full swing. Gu Siyi and Xia Zhijun developed together in the road. The other party came to attack the tower with three people. The two roads came to support and wanted to form an overwhelming victory of five dozen.

When you know that they are coming, the three people are all bloody. Gu Siyi cooperated with Xia Zhiyu to quickly harvest the head.

Gu Siyi talked while talking: "I still want to yin, I am stupid?... It is time to perform real technology, let you see your father's power! Ah, ah, I am recruited, my brother is milking me... I want Shoot them into a sieve!"

Xia Zhijun: "Call a good brother."

Gu Siyi wretched around in the grass, "Good brother, good brother, hurry up~"

Xia Zhizhen gave Gu Siyi's milk back to the blood, and the two men joined forces to bring the other person to support.

Gu Siyi killed people and still did not forget to ridicule: "A thousand miles to send people, very good!"

Gu Siyi stood in a row, killing a five-year peerless, cool to burst.

Xia Zhijun followed Gu Siyi, doing a due diligence and pulling her back from the edge of death several times. The finger operated the screen of the mobile phone, and the corner of her mouth was smiling, and her voice was arrogant and sweet. When she first played games with her, she was noisy, and now she is happy.

The three men wanted to come to support the group battle. As a result, they were still on the road, and they saw Gu Siyi and Xia Zhijun playing a second kill five.

Lu Jialu: "The little dimple sister is amazing."

Su Han: "Society I remember my brother, and there are many people who talk."

Zheng Peipei screamed: "Remember the brother is great! For the memory of the brother crazy to play CALL~"

This game was quickly won by them. Zheng Peipei was still unfinished. Gu Siyi also played very well, so he opened several games in succession.

At the end of the day, Xia Zhiyi saw the time, eleven o'clock, and said: "If you don't play, you should sleep."

Zheng Pei-Pei softly shouted: "Hey, come one last, the last one."

It is a pity that her spoiledness has no effect on Xia Zhixuan. His heart is like water, and his voice is always indifferent: "Sleep. There are schedules for tomorrow." After that, he did not hesitate to retreat the game.

The gold medal was gone, and Gu Siyi was not interested. He quit the game and said, "Sleep."

Lu Jialu said: "They both retired, we can continue to wave, Lu Ye takes you off..."

The words just fell, Xia Zhijun intercepted Lu Jialu’s mobile phone, “sleeping.”

Lu Jialu was deceiving to grab the mobile phone. "I still want to play with her, and then play with her a few thiophenes... I have to go outside to play, don't bother you to rest?"

After a hard time, Lu Jialu finally grabbed the mobile phone from Xia Zhijun, left the room and came to the corridor.

The people in the game have retired. He went to WeChat and knocked on Zheng Peipei. "Play and don't play, come to thiophene."

When Zheng Peipei did not reply, he went to the game to equip himself with an auxiliary inscription. Zheng Pei-Pei sent a message when he took a large number of tickets to arm the support and was satisfied.

"I remember that my brother was asleep, I also slept, not playing."

...? ? ? ! ! ! He had spent a lot of money after a lot of hardships, and the guns were all polished, waiting for the sister to fly.

Unwilling Lu Jialu replied: "Come on, come and play two more thiophenes, I promise to fly you."

"Fart, you don't want to drag your hind legs, it's not bad, but also with the fly. Really sleep, bye bye..."

Lu Jialu almost vomited a bit of old blood.

When he got back to the room, Xia Zhizhen just lie down and didn't sleep. He asked, "Is it so fast?"

"..." Lu Jialu rushed to the bed, suffocating in the quilt and screaming, "I don't believe women anymore! Liars! They are all liar!!"

Xia Zhi’s glance at him, waiting for him to make a dead body in the bed, pick up the phone, press the voice button, and say to the person: “Early rest, good night.” The voice is soft and soft, and it is cold and cold. The faint tone is very different.

Lu Jialu, a squid, sat up from the bed and looked at him with Xia Zhixuan. I thought about hitting him, forget it, lie down again, and pull the quilt to sleep.

The next day, as planned, I strolled around the IFS IFC and Taikoo.

When I had breakfast, Zheng Peipei said with a sour expression: "The sequelae of climbing the mountain came out. Every step of the foot hurts. Shopping is not moving. I want to eat and drink in the hotel today."

Lu Jialu has the same feeling: "Today, this back and legs are still sore than yesterday, or you can play in the hotel today."

Gu Siyi said: "Then we will move in groups, it is rare to have a holiday, I want to go out and walk."

Three people who did not climb the mountain, such as Xiangli, Zhang Xinyu and Su Han, are in good shape and naturally are willing to go out and walk. As a steel straight man, Zhou Wei has no interest in shopping. The first two days of climbing is also a little tired, choose to rest in the hotel.

So, the three of them stayed in the hotel to stay in the body, Xia Zhijun accompanied Gu Siyi to go out shopping.

During the National Day, people came and went on the streets, and they were very lively.

Girls like to go shopping, Gu Siyi is no exception. She and the pear Zhang Xinyi walked around and looked at it, and it was a pleasure to visit.

The giant panda art installation that climbed on the outer wall of Guojin, amused Gu Siyi. "Is this too cute?"

When Gu Siyi and Xiang Li lined up to buy milk tea, Xia Zhijun saw someone shooting in the street, and the camera was aimed at Gu Siyi. He stepped forward and stopped shooting.

A few people walked in Taikoo, Xia Zhijun saw a Pandora store, took Gu Siyi's shoulder and said: "I will take Gu Siyi to buy something, and then meet at the tea shop just now."

Su Han is very interesting, smiles and worships them, and leads two girls away.

Gu Siyi looked at Xia Zhiyu with amazement. "What do you want to bring me to buy?"

Xia Zhijun took her into the Pandora monopoly and said, "Come and see."

Xia Zhiyi looked at the counter and picked out the cute string ornaments of the travel theme. He helped Gu Siyi put this string on her wristband and said: "unforgettablemoment, commemorate our first trip together, climb the eyebrows and watch the sunrise together. ""

Gu Siyi blinked, gift...

The surprise was too late to prevent, and I didn’t know what to say.

“Do you like it?” he asked, looking at her, whispering.

Gu Siyi nodded, looked up, and then doubled his head, and smiled when he spoke. "Like! I like it very much!"

Xia Zhijun looked at her smile and was satisfied.

"I want to give you a gift." Gu Siyi hurried.

"Oh? What do you want to give me?" Xia Zhiqi raised his eyebrows. "The hot sauce is not finished yet."

"No..." Gu Siyi was a little embarrassed. Strictly speaking, hot sauce is not her gift, it is the heart of her family.

Gu Siyi brought Xia Zhijun into a brand store, carefully selected and selected an embroidered baseball uniform and handed it to him. "Do you try it?"

Xia Zhiyi took off her coat and handed it to Gu Siyi, putting on her new clothes.

This brand is focused on baseball uniforms, and the models are very good. They are worn on the tall and beautiful summer top, and the youthful fashion is full of excitement. Compared with the models on the wall posters, the models are not too much. The clerk was full of praise.

Gu Siyi gave him another baseball cap. "Come, wear it."

When Xia Zhizhen is dressed, hands stand in front of her eyes and give her a tasting. Gu Siyi looks straight.

He usually wears a school uniform, and occasionally the private service is biased towards the sporty style. The person who was out of the box, and then put on this kind of outfit, was simply unstoppable and handsome, and even the suffocation that he had hidden was leaked a little.

"How are you?" asked Xia Zhiwei.

Gu Siyi gathers and converges on the gods, and presses on the heartbeat of 噗通噗通, and nods like a garlic. "Good."

Xia Zhijun chose a female coat of similar color in the store and handed it to her. "You also try."

Not only the jacket, he also chose a hat for her.

He raised his hand to take off her hair band, grabbed her long hair, and smoothed out her, then put the baseball cap on her.

The clerk looked at the side of the eyes and took the red heart. This pair of high-value couples are too sweet, right? With such a match, they were wearing a fan of lovers, full of relatives.

Xia Zhijun said: "Buy this set together."

Gu Siyi readily accepted, "Okay."

She took a small ticket to pay the bill, and when she brushed out a few thousand, she thought quietly, can I reimburse it when I get there? Is it ok?

Gu Siyi returned to the store, the clerk was ready to give them a bag, Xia Zhijun said: "Do not install, cut the tag."

"Okay." The clerk knows in seconds, and laughs and cuts the tag for them. I bought such a showy couple, and I can’t wait to wear it with my little girlfriend.

Xia Zhijun handed Gu Siyi on to her. "When you buy new clothes, you will wear new clothes."

Gu Siyi has no objections and has changed.

The original coat was put up, and Xia Zhizhi carried the bag, and took the shoulders of Gu Siyi, leaving the store together.

He coveted the girl next to him, and his lips showed a smile with possessiveness.

A couple passed by them, and the girls frequently looked back, revealing the stunning colors. They took the boyfriend’s hand and said, “The clothes they wear look good, let’s buy them too!”

When Xia Zhizhen took Gu Siyi around, Gu Siyi said: "Would we like to meet with Su Han?"

Xia Zhijun said: "No hurry, they will arrange time."

It was rare to take time out of the team trip and he was not in a hurry to return.

Gu Siyi: "In case they are waiting for us?"

Xia Zhijun said: "If they are waiting for us, they will send a message in the group."

"Also..." Gu Siyi nodded.

Xia Zhizhen is very pleased, Su Han is such a reliable good buddy, the key moments never give people a block.

Xia Zhizhen took Gu Siyi into a boutique, Gu Siyi asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Mobile phone case, let's choose one person." Although the two mobile phones are not the same, it does not affect the way he chooses the same theme.

After buying a mobile phone case, he took her to buy a cup to buy slippers. Gu Siyi marveled, "You also like to buy and buy so much."

Xia Zhixuan looks very good and laughs low. "Yes."

Do not buy and buy, how to replace both of them with the same paragraph.

Gu Siyi rushed to checkout every time, and Xia Zhijun did not stop it.

Whether he sent her or she sent him the same, anyway, the money he earned later will give her flowers.

The thought flashed, and he saw her eyes become more and more gentle, just like watching a little daughter after ten years.

When the two of them were full, when they met Su Han, the three were directly shocked.

Su Han, sitting in a chair, watching while drinking milk tea, watching them go far, they are about to be bright.

To the pear exclaimed: "They wear a couple's clothes? Good match!"

Zhang Xinyi followed and exclaimed, "It’s so good! People look good and look good!"

Su Han and two screams, "It’s really high-profile. It’s not the learning **** that Long Xing is the leader."

I whispered to Pear, "Is the two of them... together?"

Su Han said: "You are sisters of small dimples. I want to ask you this question. I can't hear the answer from Aunt's mouth."

Zhang Xinyu said: "... I think that they are very good relations, and the relationship between parents is good."

Su Hanhehe: "The relationship between the brothers and sisters is clear, just listen."

When the two men sat down and rested, while everyone was chatting and playing mobile phones, Su Han discovered that the two men even had the same phone case...

Auntie was not so greasy before, and she ignored the girls. The love letters were too lazy to throw the trash can. Sometimes they talked about the students who were in the object. He was disdainful and indifferent.

... It seems that men are also fickle animals.

In the evening, Zheng Peipei and Lu Jiayu came together to meet these five people and eat outside to go to the night market.

When Zheng Peipei met, they noticed the clothes of both of them. "Hey...hey..."

Gu Siyi smiled and asked, "Is it good?"

"Good-looking, good-looking." Zheng Pei-Pei is sincere. It’s just a good show.

"The baseball uniforms in that store are very good. How about I take you to buy one?" Gu Siyi enthusiastically proposed.

Zheng Pei-pei glanced at the indifferent face of Xia Zhizhen, and said very well: "Forget it, I am not suitable for this style."

How can she dare to join in such a harmonious relationship with the two of them to join in the fun, and then a few more people wear is not a fan of the couple, but the team is served ... It is estimated that Xia Zhi will be angry.

Although Zheng Peipei sometimes wants to add to Xia Zhiyu, it is still a bit imaginary to be brazen.

Lu Jialu took Zheng Peipei in the hotel today and played N games. He was called a countless good brother. This time it was a little floating. Even the Tucao Xiazhi and the small dimples could not be taken care of, and the lips were fascinated with a smile.

The next afternoon, the trip to Chengdu was over, and the holiday was only the last day.

Due to the crowded and crowded traffic on the way to the station, in order to save time and save time, return to the plane.

Everyone was reluctant to sit on the plane of the return journey.

Zheng Pei-pei said: "The next long vacation is a winter vacation. Let's agree in advance to take time to travel together?"

Lu Jialu responded, "Really!"

Gu Siyi said: "Second!"

Xiang Li and Zhang Xinyi are all happy to agree, but everyone is discussing the best time to travel, don't climb any more.

Lu Jialu said: "The next time I plan my trip, I will give you a relaxing and romantic surprise."

Zheng Pei-Pei has always sang the opposite: "Please don't be scared!"

Lu Jia’s voice: “Wait for you”

Back to C City, there is still a day off, and people who are not far from C City in C City go home, Gu Siyi intends to go back to school.

Xia Zhijun said: "My mom told you to go back to dinner with me."

Gu Siyi refused, "Next time, I want to go back to the bedroom to rest."

Xia Zhizhen thinks that she may be tired of playing. She needs to be alone to relax. She does not force her to go to his home to face the elders and send her directly back to school.

When Gu Siyi returned to the dormitory, he found that Lan Xiaoqiu also came back in advance.

After greeting, the two are busy.

This seven-day holiday is not a purely fun trip, there are a lot of homework.

In fact, when I started, Gu Siyi pretended to have a few papers and several materials in the suitcase.

However, until she came back, she did not move these things...

On the last day, she worked hard in the bedroom and tried hard to brush up the questions. There are a few papers that I will pay for tomorrow.

I am afraid that Zheng Pei-Pei has forgotten to do her homework. She specifically reminded her in WeChat that "Tomorrow has two mathematics volumes, one English volume, one physical volume, one chemical volume to be paid!"

Zheng Peipei: "...mother, scare my legs."

Zheng Peipei: "Refueling, remembering my brother, I will go back to bed tonight to copy you!"

Gu Siyi: "I don't remember my brother at this moment. I am a scum girl..."

Zheng Peipei: "...not afraid, you still have to learn the **** brother."

Zheng Pei-pei: "If you can't finish it, take him to copy it."

Copy the test paper of Xia Zhizhi? This thought flashed in Gu Siyi's mind and was immediately shot dead by her.

How can she be so good! Even his homework is copied! This is too shameful!

Would rather hand in the white roll, and don't copy him!

On the first day of the holiday, Zheng Peipei saw Xia Zhizhen walk into the classroom and immediately slammed into Gu Siyi’s arm and said, “Looking at God, I’m going to have a paper... I don’t have time to read it, no time.”

Gu Siyi: "..." I want a face.

"Do you want to be punished, want to be criticized by name? Pharaoh is very ferocious!" Zheng Peipei scared Gu Siyi.

"He went out to play with us, he didn't necessarily do it..."

"Try it, people are learning God after all."

Gu Siyi looked at the summer of the seat, but he didn't open his mouth. The bottom of his breath was gone, and his cheeks were faintly red.

"What's wrong?" Xia Zhizhen found her words and stops.

Gu Siyi whispered, "Is your homework done?"

"It's done." He replied indifferently.

"Are all the papers finished?" She took a breath.

Xia Zhihao was not shocked: "On the first day of the holiday, it will be finished before departure."
