MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 34

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Gu Siyi finished eating the wafer of biscuits in his mouth. At the end, he was afraid of residual chocolate stains in his mouth. He stuck his tongue and swept it over his lips.

Xia Zhishao's gaze fell on the rosy lips, and he saw the pink tongue sticking out of the tongue, slamming his throat, his eyes thick and the ink could not be opened. He didn't look over his face and looked at the advertisements posted behind the front seat, looking at each word by word.

Gu Siyi swallowed something in his mouth and said: "Nothing is bad. Just now I felt that it was inconvenient to change it."

She didn't look at herself when she saw Xia Zhi's face, thinking that he had emotions, and said: "But, even if it is inconvenient, you let me come over, I will come right away." "The meaning of the words: You are big Hey, you are the most important.

Xia Zhixuan turned his head and happened to bump into the scorpion that smiled at her. The eyes were still a little bit pleased, like a little milk cat who was fond of the owner.

Indeed... very flattering.

The chocolate wafer wrapper in his hand was pulled down again and sent to her mouth, saying: "When you change, don't you need to call again?"

Gu Siyi bite down and listened to the sentence, feeling that he had bitten a sugar-coated shell.

Eat a short mouth, can only nod, \"Hmm.\"

Xia Zhizhen completely tore apart the rest of the wafer biscuits, Gu Siyi thought he had to feed himself again, and reached out and said, "I myself..." "I haven’t finished yet, I saw him put the rest directly. Send him his own mouth.

After the summer, I’m eating it, and glance at her, “What’s wrong?”

\"Nothing.\" She twitched her mouth and smiled.

On the other side, Lu Jialu, they are playing a group game, he glanced at the second person, next door, and then...

Lu Jialu looked blank: "Is my eyes? Is it not a small star, how did it become a small dimple?"

When he stretched his head, he wanted to see it clearly, and then saw the picture of two people feeding...

\"The trough, not a good collective tour, how did they both play the honeymoon tour?\"

Zhou Hao raised his hand and pressed his shoulder back. "Don't watch, who told you that you don't have a sister."

Su Han couldn't help but turned around and looked at it. After watching it for a few seconds, he silently turned back. "I don't want to eat dog food."

Xia Zhizhen took out a bottle of yogurt, inserted a straw, handed it to Gu Siyi, Gu Siyi said the voice ""Thank you\", opened the phone music, handed an earplug to him, \"Do you listen?\"

Xia Zhijun took the earplugs.

Gu Siyi opened the song list of Mayday. The first song he gave her to play that night was "If we didn't meet", then she included the song to the first one of the song list.

The prelude sounded, Gu Siyi listened to the song, sucked the yogurt, and looked at the window.

The lush vegetation stands proudly in the autumn sun, and the vast fields of Pingchuan are visible, and the distant mountains are looming. A large expanse of green is spread out in the field of vision and whizzing away, each frame is a landscape blockbuster.

In the ear is the warm voice of Mayday: \"Sunburned peeling, unexpected snow scene, the seasons that are with you, the dog and the white clouds, you are next to you, and there is fear in the hurry... The scene at that moment You appear in my life... every minute and every expression, every story is full of surprises...\"

Gu Siyi looked back at Xia Zhixuan, the other end of the earplugs was in his ear, and he was looking out the window. Confirmed that he was sharing this beautiful music with her, she had double happiness in her heart, and her lips could not help but rise.

I have to arrive at Chengdu Station, the boys get up and take the suitcase, and the girls are on the sidelines.

I sighed to the pear, "I'm fine to come out with them, or else the big box will be too hard to move."

Lu Jialu stood straight, looked back and looked at them sadly: "Does the existence value of our four male gods lies in moving things?"

Zheng Peipei smiled slightly, "Of course not. Xia Zhizhi has ornamental value. Su Han and Zhou Wei have companion value. It is you, only when you move things, it is worth a little."

\"...\" Lu Jialu, who wanted to sell a sly, was almost unable to come by Zheng Peipei’s breath, and he was glaring.

Zheng Peipei proudly made a face, \"Slightly ~~"

Lu Jialu pushed the suitcase on his hand to Zheng Peipei. "The other party doesn't want to talk to you and throws a suitcase to you!"

\"Oh..." The suitcase hit the leg of Gu Siyi, and she screamed and held the box. I quickly took the box to the pear. "This is my suitcase. Let me mention it myself."

Lu Jialu: \"...??\"

Xia Zhixuan turned back and just saw this scene. A pack of paper towels in his hand was thrown at Lu Jialu, and the low voice was with anger, "What are you doing!"

Lu Jiayu seconds, innocent eyes blinked, \"I am not careful...\"

Gu Siyi said: "I'm fine." "When I touched my knee, I felt a bit of pain in the moment, and it's okay now."

Lu Jialu was sideways, his arms were on the back of the chair, his hands were together, and he apologized to Gu Siyi. "Sister is sorry, I didn't mean it..."

\"Nothing is ok.\" Gu Siyi smiled.

Zheng Pei-Pei looked at Lu Jialu with a sly look, and his mouth was awkward. "Silly, forced."

His gaze turned to her, and suddenly he became fierce, and he made a mouthful of words, "You, give me, wait, wait!"

\"Slightly slightly ~\" She looked disdainful.

The other people in the carriage looked at the farce of these boys and girls, and they couldn’t help but laugh and sigh that young is good.

The compartment door opened and everyone got off the train. The flow of people in the station is still very large. Zheng Peipei has been pulling Gu Siyi since he got off the bus. He smiled and said: "We don't want to go away with our girls." "Xia Zhi glanced at him, didn't say anything, led the way ahead, other The man followed him blindly. Learn to lead the way, 10,000 reassuring. Transfer the elevator up and down along the way and arrive at the waiting point.

There are no extra locations in the waiting room, and a few people can only stand and wait. The girls went to the bathroom together.

Lu Jiayu looked around, "I heard that there are many beautiful women in Chengdu. I don't know if I can find beauty in the train station?"

Su Han said: "Auntie has been to Chengdu before, right? The young lady on the street is not beautiful?"

Xia Zhijun is looking at the high-rated travel guide on the mobile phone, and does not lift his head. It is a light road: \"Not as good as someone."

\"...\" Several boys were stunned first, and waited for a response, one after another.

Su Han: "We know that you have a fairy sister, and you have to restrain yourself."

Zhou Wei repeated: \"We know that you have a fairy sister, trouble you to restrain points.\"

Lu Jialu: "Let's isolate him, don't talk to him."

Several girls talked and laughed out from the bathroom, and Su Han looked to Zheng Peipei: "I think the company is also very good."

Lu Jialu cut out, "You should go to an ophthalmology brother."

When I got on the bus again, Gu Siyi remembered the hustle and bustle of Xia Zhi, and I didn’t know what to expect. But this time, the boy sitting in the single seat is Su Han and the girl is Zheng Peipei. Zheng Peipei waved his hand at them and was happy to be seated.

So, Gu Siyi and the two girls in a row, Xia Zhijun with the two boys in a row.

The journey was only over an hour and soon arrived.

After leaving the station, I took a car and went straight to the scheduled hot spring hotel.

At the time of check-in, the front desk specially gave them a hot spring experience voucher reminding them to open before 10 o'clock in the evening.

When I went back to the room to put things, Lu Jialu smiled and said: "At night, the hot springs, the girls are not going to wear swimwear?" "He fell to the bed, and he said, "I look forward to the swimwear show of the young dimple sister... ...think something a little embarrassed.\"

Zhou Wei of the same room said: \"Auntie came over.\"

Lu Jialu, a squid, stood up from the bed.

Zhou Wei sneered, \"As you are, do you dare to look at Gu Siyi?"

Lu Jia screamed, and he danced his claws; "You see, I dare not!"

After the baggage was released, everyone accompanied the hotel for food.

As soon as I arrived at the lobby, several original boys saw all the girls who had a new look.

Xia Zhixuan’s eyes fell on Gu Siyi’s body. She changed a red long-sleeved dress, a cotton-yellow dress, and a waist-shouldered design that shook the slender waist and stretched it. The long skirt made people unconsciously imagine how many legs were hidden inside. Slender.

When Gu Siyi put on this dress, Zheng Peipei praised, "" long hair shawl, long skirt, scented literary art is small and fresh."

Zhang Xinyu said: "The long legs of the envious thoughts, like my little dwarf, the style is very limited."

Gu Siyi looked at the white short suit on her body, Yan Yan said: \"I envy you, so cute and so cute! I am so tall is my fault, selling a cute must be said by the mother is not harmful, others Girls are learning ballet to learn piano, my parents let me learn basketball to learn Taekwondo. Go out and say that I am not satisfied with 18, there are still people who don't believe it? I am not tall, it looks so mature?\"

A few girls were laughed at by her. Zheng Peipei was not willing to lag behind. Tucao said: "Is it a mistake to develop well? I hate being stared at by the boys. When I was in junior high school, there were people who said that I was sensual, my mother, and mad. Old lady!\"

\"Haha, who is next to, let's say something unhappy, let us be happy~\"

The laughter in the room is one after another.

Among the four girls, Gu Siyi is the tallest, one meter sixty-nine, and in line with the golden rule law. At first glance, it is tall and slender, and it is extremely bright in the crowd. Zheng Peipei is one meter sixty-four, but the chest is the best. When everyone is a little girl, she is already a big girl. To the pear one meter six, in the high school girls are not high or short. Zhang Xinyi is one meter five five, a cute little girl.

The four people's private clothes are also tailored according to their respective styles.

The well-dressed girls stand together like a bunch of colorful flower butterflies.

Lu Jialu looked at the girls and smiled and said: "Let's show us the beautiful, it's worth it for you."

When his gaze lingered back and forth on Gu Siyi, Xia Zhijun pressed his head and said: "Go away."

Xia Zhijun chose a food city and walked for dozens of minutes.

A group of people shuttled among them, this buy and buy that to eat, all the way to laugh and laugh.

When the girls were busy taking pictures of each other, Xia Zhijun used the mobile phone to capture a lot of photos of Gu Siyi.

Since they had to go hiking early the next day, these people did not stay too long, and they wanted to sing songs when they were eating.

Leaving the food city, the girls are still taking pictures with great interest. Xia Zhijun said: "We will go buy mountaineering tools first."

After several boys and girls greeted the girls, they left the girls to take pictures in the same place and went to the nearby stores to buy tools.

In this tourist season, people on the roadside come and go, tourists are woven.

These four girls have become a beautiful landscape.

Not far away, a young man with a dirty body and a few of his friends looked at the young and beautiful girls, glaring at them and coming towards them.

\"Hey, are you also coming to travel?\"

Several girls looked at them and they were a bit repulsive to this socially afflicted adult male.

One of them handed the camera to Gu Siyi, \"Please take us for a photo?\"

Gu Siyi took the camera and took a few shots for them.

Handing back to the camera, a few girls are going to go, and the men are picking up.

\"You are going to climb Mount Emei?\"\" I have been to Mount Emei several times. If we want to form a group, we will lead the way to several sisters.\"\" There is a delicious local speciality nearby. We are going to go, seeing that the sisters are very close, we are going to go, we treat..."

Several men followed the enthusiasm of their side, they thought it was just four girls traveling together. Little girl, just sticking on the road together.

On the other side, Xia Zhijun Lu Jialu bought the hiking sticks and disposable raincoats, shoe covers, hats and other items. When Xia Zhijun checked out, Lu Jialu went to the door of the store and saw three men with the girls.

Lu Jialu: "Where are the flies, so stare at our flower bones so soon?"

Su Han followed it and worried: "Let's hurry up, don't let people talk to them."

\"Hey, why don’t the little girls talk, we are not bad people, don’t you trust me to see the ID card?\"

At first they still had to deal with two sentences in the face, seeing that the more they tightened, the more impatient they were, and they simply said nothing.

One of them stopped in front of Gu Siyi and smiled. "I can see that you are a kind and kind girl. I just helped us to take pictures. Let's get acquainted with each other. It's a fate. It's a good friend, a man and a woman. It's not too tired to climb a mountain. How good? \"

The man's hand is going to support Gu Siyi's shoulder, Gu Siyi is about to avoid, one arm is in front of him, grabbing the man's hand and slamming him away.

Xia Zhizhen stood in front of Gu Siyi, and the delicate eyebrows were as sharp as a blade, staring coldly at the man. Although he was younger than these men at the first sight, he was tall and strong, and his body was full of a sigh of relief.

Followed by Lu Jialu behind him, handing each girl a mountaineering stick. Lu Jialu sneered: "The gangs, take the dog stick, it can climb the mountain, and can also play dogs, especially for the fur dogs that are entangled with girls."

In a twinkling of an eye, four men and four women, holding a bamboo stick in their hands. Zheng Peipei was teased by this shape, "Do you want to help the assembly?"

Lu Jialu provoked his chin, cold eyes on the men, the cane knocked on the ground, \"dogs, do you want to try the old man's dog stick method?\"

Those few men are not mad, but they dare not act rashly. They can only swear, "You guys are stupid, the hair is not long, and they dare to swear..."

Gu Siyi saw that their guilty guilt, pulled the arm of Laxia, "Go, ignore them."

Traveling out of the country, unfamiliar with life, more than one thing is less.

Zheng Peipei shared the same feeling, pulling Lu Jialu, laughing: "Go and go."

She is usually murdered, she will also judge the situation, can not afford unnecessary conflict.

Xia Zhizhen took Gu Siyi's hand and held it in his palm. When passing by the side of the people, the cold eyes swept over, with warnings.

A few men came from Chengdu to travel, I wanted to hook up the little beauty to swim with the mountains, I did not expect them to have a male partner, touched a nose gray. However, taking advantage of the few boys, each tall and strong, at first glance, it is not a good provoke of the Lord, but it is not necessarily done, it can only be beaten.

After walking away, Lu Jia said: "They are all dressed up in a flower, and they are guilty of crimes. If you don't look at them, you will be out of moths."

Zheng Pei-Pei swears: "As you say, is it beautiful or our fault? You are the same as the strong-rape conspirators who blame the girls in short skirt vests, **** logic."

Lu Jialu was a little embarrassed to be embarrassed, "I don't mean that, it is to praise you too beautiful."

Xia Zhijun said to Gu Siyi: "It doesn't matter, you are beautiful."

\"??\" Gu Siyi turned to look at him and blinked.

Xia Zhixuan looked at the front, seemingly careless, and said: "I have you guarding you anyway."

Gu Siyi stunned, bowed his head and smiled at his lips.

The boys who walked in front, accidentally heard the words of the gods.

Su Han said to Lu Jialu: "Teach the truth, the aunt's sister skills, open a galaxy."

Lu Jialu: \"...\" felt a 10,000 crit.

Back at the hotel, everyone went back to the room to take a bathing suit and prepare to take a hot spring.

Girls' swimsuits are vest shorts, although they are much more conservative than bikinis, they are a little embarrassed.

However, when they arrived at the hot spring area, they found that there are mixed areas and separate areas for men and women, going to the two ends at a fork.

A few boys and girls are a little embarrassed, adolescents are the most sensitive and ignorant moments, curious and timid about the opposite sex.

Gu Siyi licked his nose and said: "Then we went to different partitions."

Lu Jialu did not say anything, and his heart shouted 10,000 times and snorted.

Xia Zhijun said: "Well, let's go."

In the hot spring pool, the water temperature is slightly hot, soaking the pores of the whole body, and the body is comfortable.

Su Han has no regrets: "I still want to see the company wearing a swimsuit."

Lu Jialu threw a splash of water and shouted unwillingly, "I have a swimsuit show in my dimples, ah, my heart hurts..."

Xia Zhi’s eyes glanced, \"What do you want?\"

Lu Jia’s voice, \"What do you want me to think? Are you thinking too?"

\"Not allowed to think!\" Xia Zhi's face is reddish, bullying, hooping his neck. Two big boys clashed in the hot springs.

Lu Jia squatted, "You have to say that the dimple is your girlfriend, I promise not to. You are not right, I prefer to think..."

Xia Zhijun: \"...Understanding!\"

Su Han: "I don't think Jiayu said it makes sense."

Zhou Wei: \"Forget it, people are hard to tear down.\"

The two rely on the wall of the pool, and Lu Jialu, who is lazy and observant to death, adds to the summer of the sultry, and disturbs a pool of hot spring water.

Before going to bed at night, Gu Siyi habitually opened WeChat, and did not see the information of Xia Zhijun.

Zheng Peipei, who was in the same room, rolled over the bed and yawned: "I still play with a mobile phone, go to sleep, and get up early in the morning to climb the mountain."

\"Well, I am going to sleep.\" Gu Siyi put the phone under the pillow.

Stupid, the phone rang, she woke up completely in a flash.

Pulling up the quilt, covering his head, and sliding it in the bed, is the voice message of Xia Zhixuan.

I suddenly opened my heart!

She covered her snickering mouth, turned down the volume, and turned on the voice. "Temporarily received the task, busy for a while. Good night."

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