MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 32

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Gu Siyi gave a low cough and said: "I didn't sleep well last night."

After passing the phrase, I quickly turned to the topic. "Then you say where to go to play eleven? Is there a fun destination?"

So everyone began to express their opinions.

Gu Siyi seems to be actively and enthusiastically speaking, and his heart is in turmoil.

Is the question really a dream? If so, what did she say?

I don’t remember anything after that sentence. Is it really a dream?

After a meal, Lu Jialu took everyone to the beverage store and bought a cup of milk tea for each person.

Xia Zhizhen stood next to Gu Siyi, Gu Siyi sneaked at him and found that he was as usual and there was no abnormality.

In the afternoon, Gu Siyi recalled the spirit and did not sleep, but her attention was turned from time to time and she could not concentrate on it.

When I was about to leave school, Zheng Peipei went to Gu Siyi’s ear and said: "I found that you have a lot of times to see the summer saga today..."

Gu Siyi’s ear is red, “Is there?”

Is it so obvious?

"Do you say it yourself?"

"..." Gu Siyi has nothing to say.

"Thinking, you can't do this. You don't want to be angry and testify to the famous school to get rid of the school. How can you fall into the summer?"

Gu Siyi's face is red: "Who is falling, don't talk about it."

"I am afraid that you have this sign, first remind you. Nothing to read a book, look at the handsome guy. His value, it is easy to hold people."


That night, everyone was communicating with the family and talking about the National Day holiday.

Gu Siyi called his father while smoking yogurt.

"Several good things to say about the National Day to travel together, I really want to go..."

"Several people? Are you students out of the house together, will it be unsafe?"

"It’s not a small child going out. It’s 16 or 17 years old. What kind of danger can we have? We have a total of eight people, right, Xia Zhizhi is also there.”

When Gu Siyi said that during the summer, he sat at the desk and asked Lan Xiaoqiu to make a question and looked back at her.

"In addition to him, there are a few good friends, a few boys are tall, very secure, and there are a few good friends of mine..."

"The female university is not staying, but now I have to leave my parents in the holidays. Where is my intimate little cotton jacket?"

"Oh, I am letting you both get along with each other for honeymoon, don't always dislike me as a light bulb."

"Don't be serious, just now your mother is here, do it... then you are happy, wait for you to pay 5,000 yuan for travel expenses, eat more fun, buy more, and have more fun with your classmates, money. Not enough to return to rely on □ reimbursement."

"...the world is hot."

"Don't want money? Don't reimburse?"

"The world is hot, but fortunately there are fathers. Only the father is good in the world, no father's children are like grass."

"Right, which boy dare to take advantage of you, go find your summer brother to support."


After Gu Siyi hung up the phone, Lan Xiaoqiu took the initiative to talk to her. "Do you organize your national day to play together?"


"My parents have to work overtime on National Day. I am also a person who stays at home. It is quite boring. Can I go play with you?" Lan Xiaoqiu’s longing eyes looked at Gu Siyi.

Gu Siyi is a little bit guilty. "I have to talk to them first..."

On the other side, Xu Lin interjected. "Add me, add me, is it good? I want to go out with you!"

Gu Siyi still said: "I am not the event sponsor, wait for me to ask them."

Xu Lin suddenly sighed and said: "Si Yi, are you always thinking about me because of the days of school?"

Not waiting for Gu Siyi’s answer, she added, “I was wrong at the time. I should not talk to you because I was afraid of Xu Na. Sorry, I hope that you can forgive me.”

Gu Siyi honey sauce, she has not been in the mind for those things.

However, if you are in a relationship with this thing, you are not saying that it is good. If you say it is not good, then it is not good. If you say good and good, you will be free and easy, and that is a false feeling. Because of the unexpected storm, they alienated her, and she naturally stayed away.

Now Xu Lin is so apologetic, but she seems to be careful in her vengeance.

Gu Siyi has a kind of uncomfortable feeling in his heart. He said: "The matter has already passed, don't mention it."

"Are we still good friends?" Xu Lin asked with great hope.

"……"good friend? Are these three words of good friends so casual?

Gu Siyi smiled and said nothing. She was not good at perfunctory, and she was not good at saying something that was against her heart.

Because of the travel, Lu Jiayu built a WeChat group.

Gu Siyi sent a message in the group: "Squad leader Lan Xiaoqiu and Xu Lin both said they would participate in the event."

Lu Jialu: "[得意] [得意] must want to spend five days and four nights romantic journey with Lu Ye. As long as it is a girl, we open the door to welcome."

Zheng Peipei is making nails to their bedroom in the pears, and has not paid attention to the mobile phone.

Instead, I said to the pear that I saw the news in the group, and said that they spit both of them.

Zheng Peipei did not participate in military training, did not know the previous things, this time was recognized by science.

After she finished, she took out her mobile phone and entered: "Lu Jialu, you are a pig! The number of people can't be more, more kicked you out, you take those two people to travel alone!

Lu Jialu: "[呲牙] [呲牙] The wild cat is so excited and dry? Isn’t it jealous?"

Zheng Pei-pei: "I eat your sister's vinegar and roll the scorpion!"

Su Han: "Eight people are enough. It is really troublesome. The two students will be fine."

After Zheng Peipei returned to the dormitory, he said loudly: "Is it, I saw you in the tourist group. You said that the squad leader and Xu Lin also want to go?"

"Well, yeah." Gu Siyi responded.

The two men turned their heads at the same time.

Zheng Pei-pei smiled and said: "Unfortunately, our tickets and hotels have been booked, and we can't add them temporarily. Go and find other students to organize together."

Such a direct rejection, the two can only reluctantly smile and nod, said that they know.

After Lan Xiaoqiu turned back, his face was pale and his pen was drawn in a messy white paper.

She used to disdain to talk to people and didn't want to waste time. Unexpectedly, when she offered to make a partnership, she would be rejected.

How do you say that she is also a squad leader, so look down on her?

Gu Siyi did not care about what they thought. Since Zheng Peipei said it, she was happy.

Climbing into the bed at night, the problem that plagued her day appeared in her mind.

There is no abnormality in the summer of this day, just as usual, she can not directly ask him what is going on. Too bad.

And if asked, he did say, then how should she answer?

Promise to be his girlfriend? Mom and Dad are afraid to kill her.

Don't promise to be his girlfriend? Is the ship of friendship a shipwreck?

When Gu Siyi was trying to break his head for Xia Zhizhen, he sent her a WeChat.

X: "Is there sleeping?"

As the name suggests: "Not yet."

X: "Hurry up and sleep."

As the name suggests: "Hey..."

X: A voice message was sent.

Gu Siyi squatted, why did you suddenly make a voice?

She touched the headset and put on the voice. The voice of the boy was soft and magnetic, and he said: "Good night, small dimple."

Gu Siyi: "........."

Gu Siyi: "!!!!!!"

God, the ear is going to be pregnant.

She blushing, she couldn’t help but roll back and forth on the bed.

After rolling a few times, I buried the burning cheek in the pillow, and once again opened the voice and listened again.

Usually, only Lu Jialu’s grandmother gave her a nickname called her small dimple. This is the first time she listened to Xia Zhizhen’s call to her. She is so gentle and so nice... she is not voice-activated, she feels the lethality of the sound.

Gu Siyi listened again.

I don't know the first few times. When I open the voice, there will be a squeaky current in my heart.

She tried to press her lips and replied, "Good night."

X: "An.".

After a few days of negotiations, the destination was finally identified as an attraction along Mount Emei.

On the first night of the holiday, the girls squad is responsible for purchasing snacks, and the boys squad is responsible for coordinating routes and accommodation.

Gu Siyi and Zheng Peipei took a taxi to a big supermarket not far from the school.

Several girls picked and chose, and soon filled a car with snacks.

Gu Siyi still has a touch of reason: "So many things, can we move?"

Zheng Pei-pei said: "The four strong men are there, are you still afraid of not moving things?"

Zhang Xinyu snickered. "It is good to have boys go out to play together."

Said to the pear: "The roommate knows that we have to go out with the summer sorrowful Lu Jialu, and they are envious."

When the four people lined up for checkout, Gu Siyi’s phone rang and was called by her mother.

The sound in the supermarket was noisy, Gu Siyi said to them: "You are first lined up, I will go out and pick up a phone."

Gu Siyi went to the door of the supermarket and talked to her mother.

Not far from a black car passing by, floating between the light, sitting in the back seat of Lu Ming raised his hand and said: "Stop."

The car stopped, Lu Ming looked back, it was her, yes.

"Go back some more."

As the car receded, he saw more and more clearly.

The body is no longer a loose school uniform, a pair of jeans outlines slender legs, and a white T-shirt adorns the waist.

Other girls may be ordinary casual wear on their body, but there is a **** and feminine taste on her body.

Lu Ming stared at Gu Siyi, he was the first time that he felt that a girl was so appetizing, and the more she looked at it, the more she wanted to do it.

But she doesn't call him, she even has a name.

He had a rest in the hospital for a week, and he knew what happened during this period.

If you change to someone else to make him like this, don't say his father, the father does not agree, do not take off a layer of skin is not finished. But this time I met the summer family. Their Lujia industry involves a gray area and is most afraid of officials. Xia Zhijun, his father’s official hat is not big, there are a bunch of real power cadres at home, Lu Jia can not afford to sin, not only did not find something, but took the initiative to thank you. Even Lu Ming was trained by Grandpa and said that he had no eyesight.

During Lu Ming’s hospitalization, I remembered the summer’s shackles.

I hate tooth itching. However, thinking of Gu Siyi, but can not afford a little bit of resentment, full of brains are her figure running on the field, she laughed with her classmates, walked from the door of the eight classes...

I really like it, I like to go to my heart, I am refused to be humiliated and I can’t hate it.

Lu Ming thought for a moment, and the two people in the front seat told one thing.

Gu Siyi is talking to her mother, because tomorrow she will start a long-distance trip with her classmates, and she will not worry about all kinds of mothers, and all kinds of details, Gu Siyi patiently coped.

Just after the phone call, the men in two suits came to the front.

Gu Siyi looked at them with vigilance and turned to the supermarket.

"Little sister, don't go!" One of the men's eyes caught her wrist.

"What to do! Let me go!" Gu Siyi struggled.

"Sister, you look so beautiful, can you drink two glasses with us?"

The two men pulled together Gu Siyi and pulled her into the shade. Gu Siyi screamed, "Helping lives - saving lives -"

Even if she punches and kicks, it is still very difficult to deal with two adult men. When the clothes were torn, Gu Siyi screamed insanely and waved his fists. The two men spoke eloquently, but they didn’t actually take advantage of it.

"What are you doing?" an angry scream.

The two acted and replied: "Bad boy, don't worry about anything."

"This is my classmate, I have decided!" Lu Ming stepped forward and pulled one of them. Gu Siyi took the opportunity to kick another one.

Lu Ming wrestled with them and said to Gu Siyi while he was playing: "I am here, you are going."

Gu Siyi found a brick on the ground, stepped forward, and squatted down in the head of a man. "Don't go! Kill these two next three abuses!"

Lu Ming: "..."

He sympathetically glanced at the head of his own security bleed.

The security guard is in a state of collapse.

Lu Xiaoye, why are you so embarrassed to see the woman? !

Gu Siyi seized the opportunity, after the two men were down, they would call 110 when they took out their mobile phones. Lu Ming said: "Don't call the police, otherwise we will have to go to the bureau to queue up for a confession, and then ask questions one night. It’s gone."

Gu Siyi thought about it and went to play tomorrow. I really want to go to the Public Security Bureau to toss a night, sleep well, and let everyone worry, then said: "That's right."

Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Siyi kicked a man who fell to the ground: "The human model is not a good thing, and the next time you dare to be indecent, you must be killed!"

"Wrong is wrong... We are fascinated and want to pull beautiful women to drink together..."

Lu Ming yelled: "Go, let's roll."

Only when they are left, Gu Siyi said: "This time thank you."

Lu Ming smiled, smiled a bit bitter, and brought a bit of chic, "I can see that my school girl is being bullied. How can I be indifferent? I don't care if I like you."

"..." Gu Siyi said, "I will leave first, and my classmates are waiting for me in the supermarket."

"Gu Siyi, I want to say sorry to you." Lu Ming stopped in front of her and looked at her.

Gu Siyi squatted.

"Before I shouldn't make such a big move, it will bring you troubles. It's me wrong. When there are physical education classes, I shouldn't be provocative. I lost my eyes and lost my mind. I hope you forgive me." I looked at her very sincerely.

Gu Siyi is a bit aggressive. How do you say this kind of mood, who is defined as a villain by yourself, suddenly repenting of books?

"I have reflected on myself during this period of hospitalization. In fact, I am a simple affection for you, because you played well in badminton. We could have been friends, and now the situation is so embarrassing, really..." He smiled Her, "I don't want this."

Gu Siyi was apologized by a boy and only felt scalp numb.

She is not a difficult character, but she is even more uncomfortable. She said: "The previous things are not mentioned. In short, thank you tonight."

When the two men spoke, Zheng Peipei, who had settled there, came out.

“Thinking, thinking?” They looked around and looked for Gu Siyi’s figure.

Gu Siyi heard the cry and waved, "Here."

She turned to look at Lu Ming, "I am leaving." After that, the trotting did not return to the few friends.

Lu Ming stood in the shade of the trees, in the darkness, the confession and sincerity in those eyes quickly vanished, filled with surging desires.

Gu Siyi did not want to worry about the roommate. Didn't mention the episode, several people took a car back to school.

Before going to bed that night, Gu Siyi received a voice WeChat from Xia Zhijun. There was a surge of joy in my heart, I wanted to find a headset to listen to, but I couldn’t find it for a long time.

In the past, things disappeared, Gu Siyi went with it. Her theory is that the more I find it, the more I don’t see it. When I don’t find it, I will come out. But tonight, she was looking for the old half-day earplugs.

Can't find it, she took her cell phone and left the bedroom.

I wanted to listen on the corridor, but on the night of the holiday, the girls in the corridor came and went.

All the way to the corner of the first floor, no one to listen.

X: "Goodnightandsweetdreams!"

Tonight is English, Gu Siyi laughs, smiles silly and sweet.

She crouched down and listened to it several times, saying that English is also good to hear the explosion. Until the footsteps sounded, she stood up and reluctantly went upstairs, bending her lips and replied: "Good night, good dreams."

The next day, eight people met under the dormitory, and the boys had only two suitcases.

The girls each push a large suitcase with a large bag of food on hand.

Lu Jialu saw their battles and their heads were big. "Sisters, we are traveling, not going to the wilderness camping. Is there a shortage of money to buy on this road, is it necessary to bring your own property?"

To weak pears: "No way, we have a lot of girls, five days of travel, light clothes have to fill the box."

Zheng Pei-pei said, "Our girls go out to travel, and every day they have to take pictures of the United States and the United States. Can they not be prepared? If you eat these, you won’t necessarily buy them on the road. There is definitely no mountain!"

When these people spoke, Xia Zhijun had already walked to Gu Siyi, took her suitcase and took off the plastic bag on her hand.

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