MTL - Little Sweetheart-Chapter 119 119

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"Let's talk in bed and talk to nature and fall asleep..."

"...噢." Zheng Peipei should have this sentence without credibility.

There is already a slap in the face, she wants to see, he can bear when he is.

Lu Jialu’s brain was a paste, and he still chatted with his work.

Chatting and talking, doing what I am doing... I’m doing something unfair, I’m still talking about investment plans and talking about the return on investment...

Zheng Pei-pei bite his lower lip and his body squats.

She is more and more sensational. When she wants to immerse herself, the man’s boring work report is really awkward.

She couldn't stand it, panting: "Shut up, OK?"

"..." Lu Jialu closed his mouth.

Thankfully, I don’t have to dig my head and say something that I don’t know is a ghost.

The atmosphere has already been baked here, and nothing to say next, just do it.

The two are extremely fit and sweaty.

Work together and climb the peak.


People are not wanting to treat their own creatures.

With the first drunkenness, the second job excuses, the third time...

Lu Jialu was directly blocked when Zheng Peipei was washing.

Zheng Pei-pei still can't accept such excitement, but he is faintly expecting and enjoying.

To refuse to greet, the blood of Lu Jiaxie was boiling.

The two enjoy the joy of the fish...

People all over the company have discovered that Lu Boss has been very upbeat, full of smiles, full of hormones, and is like a young boy.

During this time, he is also the best time to talk, to talk to him about salary increases and promotion, the basics are not rejected.

After a happy day, Lu Jialu felt uncomfortable.

Why, there is no news of him and his company in the media? !

In the past, he had to be a hot search for a meal with a girl. Why did he go out with the company often, and he was openly hand-in-hand, and there was no water?

Are the gossip bloggers, the paparazzi reporters, abandoning him?

Lu Jialu, who refused to accept the loss, took the initiative to send a hand photo on Weibo, with the text: my family leader @MISS ear

Soon, fans came in.

"Is it still Zheng Peipei?"

"Wow, is the national husband turning? It’s been a few months, but I haven’t changed my girlfriend yet?”

"Jia, this is not your style? Speed ​​next one."

"I can't wait to see who the next lady is."

"Isn't this time serious?"

"Do not believe, the old land of the iron, the girl who runs the water."

"I bet a box of spicy strips for up to three months."

"Is it too small to see the old land upstairs? I press a cucumber, up to another month!"


The fan discussion is getting more and more intense, and Lu Jialu not only failed to achieve the effect of the imaginary show.

A title that he did not expect was fired on the hot search - #陆嘉烨 When to change his girlfriend#

Lu Jialu is about to vomit blood by these people.

"I am like a fake, passionate and passionate beauty man, so I was smeared by the smashing mouth into a playboy!" Lu Jialu said in an annoyance when Zheng Peipei brushed Weibo, taking the lead to wash the ground.

Zheng Pei-pei looked away from the mobile phone and looked at Lu Jialu, who was filled with indignation and laughed. "I have a question, very curious."

"Ask, even if you ask. There is a question and answer. There is nothing to say, and there is nothing in it." Lu Jia squatted and looked upright.

"Would you like to change the time for a girl?"

Lu Jiaxuan stunned, and after reacting, she rushed forward and pressed her leg, slamming her neck. "Little cute, you are so speechless, you have to eat it!"

"Afraid of you..." Zheng Peipei resisted.

However, when Lu Jialu wanted to suppress her, she realized that the strength of the two sides was very different.

After several struggles, there is no improvement. Zheng Peipei is desperate inside. "Okay, well, don't play, you get up..."

"You don't play if you don't play? Then I don't have much face!" Lu Jialu lowered his head and rubbed her ears and neck. "I have to give you a lesson..."

Zheng Peipei was itched and SU numb, and he couldn’t stand it.

The two played with each other and changed into a hearty battle.

As for those who eat salty melons and eat radishes, Lu Jiaxuan decided to refute with practical actions.

He sent another photo, Zheng Peipei sitting in front of the dressing table with a side face makeup, with the text: Today is still beautiful @MISS Zheng

Zheng Peipei is about to start working. As soon as he opens Weibo, he sees countless messages.

Look again, this guy is still in turmoil.

I obviously felt that the taste of the earth was stupid, but when she saw it, she couldn’t help but laugh.

Here are tens of thousands of comments, Zheng Peipei casually looked at it, whether it is blessing or singing, she smiled.

Even if someone is still changing a Lu girl, she is very happy.

Probably this is the first time she has enjoyed the treatment of her true girlfriend.

A bright love that can be known to everyone.

Say good or not, at least, the whole world knows that she is Lu Jialu’s girlfriend.

Zheng Peipei did not respond, and he continued to work after the fun.

Lu Jialu persistently showed his love on Weibo. Because Zheng Peipei did not respond, he was awarded the title of "the coolest girl in history".

After all, those women in the past, but with the relationship with Lu Jialu, can't wait to interact with him.

Once again, Lu Jialu will make a fine meal with his own hand.

Take a photo and send a microblog: "There is a romantic [heart] of candlelight dinner at home"

He sent the stripped lobster to Zheng Peipei's mouth, Zheng Peipei was about to bite down, and Lu Jialu held the phone in the other hand and pressed the shot.

Zheng Pei-pei’s disliked face, “Are you inspirational to do net red? Play Weibo and get addicted.”

"Wrong." Lu Jiaxuan seriously denied her, and then smiled and smiled. "Dad is a show of love and show."

He sent the photo to Weibo again, with the text: "How do you let the cold leader interact with me on Weibo?"

All of a sudden, the fans were ignited, and they came to Zheng Peipei’s Weibo to speak for Lu Jialu.

Zheng Peipei opened Weibo and stuck to collapse...

After seeing Lu Jialu’s question, he smiled and gave him a blank eye. “Can you not do this for a day?”

"Twenty-seven years of maternal singles, I finally have a girlfriend, why not let me make it!" Lu Jialu stepped on the stool, impassioned, and dare to call the sun and the moon for the momentum of the sky.

Zheng Peipei: "Are you funny? Didn't you have a girlfriend? Are you all the girls in the air?"

"Who are those who are with whom, I don't remember. You actually use the air to describe?" Lu Jia sneered, "You are my air? I am suffocating without you!"

Zheng Pei-pei was speechless for a time, and she was always ridiculed by the idiots who were illiterate. She actually showed her face.

She can only refuse to accept the words that are hard to say, "Oh."

That night, when two people climbed the peak together, Zheng Peipei asked in the sweat: "Why haven't you been looking for a girlfriend?"

Lu Jialu took a bite on her neck and muttered: "Dad is so rare, where other people can see it."

Zheng Peipei snorted, soft and delicate, "pain..."

"The pain is right. When Dad is left out by you, my heart hurts..." He said as he worked hard.

"...Do you want to settle accounts after the fall?" Zheng Peipei asked with a shudder.

"As long as you don't run, Dad hurts you too late!"


"Dad is amazing?"

"...childish ghost!"

"Do it again? Dad didn't understand."

Zheng Peipei was tossed by the seven halo, and finally compromised. "...very powerful...awesome..."


Lu Jialu’s unremitting efforts in Weibo’s show have finally yielded results.

The style of the people who eat melons has changed.

"I am watching Lu Gongzi Weibo now, actually to chase his love everyday?"

"What is going on like a sweet story?"

"The prodigal son turned back and turned on the dazzling wife and demon mode."

"Without a trace of defense, I feel the sweet smell of love in Jiayu Weibo."

"Stand you this pair of CP! Have a skill show, you must have the ability to break up!"

"emmmmmmm... I am still waiting for Lu Jialu to face it?"

Lu Jialu not only shows her daughter-in-law on Weibo every day, but also lives in her life. She often takes Zheng Peipei to attend the event.

In public, holding hands and covering his shoulders, he did not avoid the lens of the media.

The intimate photos of the two men flowed out in two days, and even watching a show, they could be photographed by others and unscrewed the lid to hand water to the girlfriend. They watched the girlfriend drink water and their eyes were soft.

Carefully support the girlfriend's hand when going up and down the stairs, kneel down to the girlfriend to arrange the skirt and so on...

In various public performances, everyone has completely changed Lu Jialu.

"This must be true love, and that can't be seen."

"Why did you think Lu Gongzi spent his heart? Now look at him, clearly showing the loyalty of the dog in the whole body?"

"Whatever you think, I have started to lick this sugar for CP."

"Help, I also become their CP powder!"

"Lu Jialu is a good friend of the Yiyi couple. The couple have been through for ten years. People are divided into groups, and we must be long-lived people!"

"There was a short video that really poked me. Zheng Peipei turned his head and looked at him. His eyes were all small stars. It was too love!"

"Yeah, when the Lu girls were by his side, he was very perfunctory and had no physical contact. It’s like now, all day, greasy, laughing like a fool... I don’t know why Use the word [manually goodbye])"

"The man who is addicted to love, all of them are carrying pink bubbles [dog head]"

"I like them both, I hope I will be good!"

After Lu Jialu completely reversed the trend of public opinion, he was proud of himself.

This is like a rubbery day, he is too happy to live.

One day, Su Han called.

Su Han: "Are you with the company?"

Lu Jialu: "Brother, you can make a bow around the earth three times."

"Oh." Su Han smiled politely, and then said: "You are not letting me take it slowly, how can I get it first?"

"The ancients said it well, and the water tower first got the moon." Lu Jiaxiao laughed. "I don't have a chance, I am stupid?"

"..." Su Han is silent.

"I can't say anything because I'm so angry? Is it that I can't sleep at night?" Lu Jialu asked.

Su Han was laughed at by him.

"I deeply sympathize with you and can accompany you to drink without getting drunk, but the company is already my family, don't think about it."

Su Han smiled bitterly: "I can’t think of it, she has definitely rejected me."

"Oh, I will order the wax for you. Although I am very happy."

"Do you want to have a shelf with me?"

"Come on, if you can make you feel comfortable. There is no room for me to discuss with me. I can sell my own body. I will give you a helmet and armor, I will not bring it out."

"..." Su Han was once again angry.

After a while, he paused and sighed. "It’s good to be with you. I am not at ease with other people. It’s just fine."

"You don't lie, the sky is wide, look at other sister papers."

"Of course, do you think that I will be a monk when I am a monk?"

"You are a monk? The nun opposite is stunned."


"Okay, I know that you are here to bless me, I have received it, thank you. Drinking or appointment, I can accompany you."


The two hang up the phone, Su Han leans on the sofa, and remembers the scene once in his mind.

He also saw the news, the photos, and he became more and more aware of how much he owed to her in the past...

Although he wants to make up, everything is too late. No one will stand in the same place, and he has no right to let her wait.

Very good, Lu Jialu took care of her in the future. What he did not do, Lu Jialu can do it.

The author has something to say: It should be the end of the next chapter.

Thank you for feeding the baby~

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